############################################################################### # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) Crossbar.io Technologies GmbH # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ############################################################################### from __future__ import absolute_import, print_function import os import unittest2 as unittest from txaio.testutil import replace_loop if os.environ.get('USE_TWISTED', False): from mock import patch from zope.interface import implementer from twisted.internet.interfaces import IReactorTime @implementer(IReactorTime) class FakeReactor(object): ''' This just fakes out enough reactor methods so .run() can work. ''' stop_called = False def __init__(self, to_raise): self.stop_called = False self.to_raise = to_raise self.delayed = [] def run(self, *args, **kw): raise self.to_raise def stop(self): self.stop_called = True def callLater(self, delay, func, *args, **kwargs): self.delayed.append((delay, func, args, kwargs)) def connectTCP(self, *args, **kw): raise RuntimeError("ConnectTCP shouldn't get called") class TestWampTwistedRunner(unittest.TestCase): # XXX should figure out *why* but the test_protocol timeout # tests fail if we *don't* patch out this txaio stuff. So, # presumably it's messing up some global state that both tests # implicitly depend on ... @patch('txaio.use_twisted') @patch('txaio.start_logging') @patch('txaio.config') def test_connect_error(self, *args): ''' Ensure the runner doesn't swallow errors and that it exits the reactor properly if there is one. ''' try: from autobahn.twisted.wamp import ApplicationRunner from twisted.internet.error import ConnectionRefusedError # the 'reactor' member doesn't exist until we import it from twisted.internet import reactor # noqa: F401 except ImportError: raise unittest.SkipTest('No twisted') runner = ApplicationRunner(u'ws://localhost:1', u'realm') exception = ConnectionRefusedError("It's a trap!") with patch('twisted.internet.reactor', FakeReactor(exception)) as mockreactor: self.assertRaises( ConnectionRefusedError, # pass a no-op session-creation method runner.run, lambda _: None, start_reactor=True ) self.assertTrue(mockreactor.stop_called) else: # Asyncio tests. try: import asyncio from unittest.mock import patch, Mock except ImportError: # Trollius >= 0.3 was renamed to asyncio # noinspection PyUnresolvedReferences import trollius as asyncio from mock import patch, Mock from autobahn.asyncio.wamp import ApplicationRunner class TestApplicationRunner(unittest.TestCase): ''' Test the autobahn.asyncio.wamp.ApplicationRunner class. ''' def _assertRaisesRegex(self, exception, error, *args, **kw): try: self.assertRaisesRegex except AttributeError: f = self.assertRaisesRegexp else: f = self.assertRaisesRegex f(exception, error, *args, **kw) def test_explicit_SSLContext(self): ''' Ensure that loop.create_connection is called with the exact SSL context object that is passed (as ssl) to the __init__ method of ApplicationRunner. ''' with replace_loop(Mock()) as loop: with patch.object(asyncio, 'get_event_loop', return_value=loop): loop.run_until_complete = Mock(return_value=(Mock(), Mock())) ssl = {} runner = ApplicationRunner(u'ws://', u'realm', ssl=ssl) runner.run('_unused_') self.assertIs(ssl, loop.create_connection.call_args[1]['ssl']) def test_omitted_SSLContext_insecure(self): ''' Ensure that loop.create_connection is called with ssl=False if no ssl argument is passed to the __init__ method of ApplicationRunner and the websocket URL starts with "ws:". ''' with replace_loop(Mock()) as loop: with patch.object(asyncio, 'get_event_loop', return_value=loop): loop.run_until_complete = Mock(return_value=(Mock(), Mock())) runner = ApplicationRunner(u'ws://', u'realm') runner.run('_unused_') self.assertIs(False, loop.create_connection.call_args[1]['ssl']) def test_omitted_SSLContext_secure(self): ''' Ensure that loop.create_connection is called with ssl=True if no ssl argument is passed to the __init__ method of ApplicationRunner and the websocket URL starts with "wss:". ''' with replace_loop(Mock()) as loop: with patch.object(asyncio, 'get_event_loop', return_value=loop): loop.run_until_complete = Mock(return_value=(Mock(), Mock())) runner = ApplicationRunner(u'wss://', u'realm') runner.run(self.fail) self.assertIs(True, loop.create_connection.call_args[1]['ssl']) def test_conflict_SSL_True_with_ws_url(self): ''' ApplicationRunner must raise an exception if given an ssl value of True but only a "ws:" URL. ''' with replace_loop(Mock()) as loop: loop.run_until_complete = Mock(return_value=(Mock(), Mock())) runner = ApplicationRunner(u'ws://', u'realm', ssl=True) error = ('^ssl argument value passed to ApplicationRunner ' 'conflicts with the "ws:" prefix of the url ' 'argument\. Did you mean to use "wss:"\?$') self._assertRaisesRegex(Exception, error, runner.run, '_unused_') def test_conflict_SSLContext_with_ws_url(self): ''' ApplicationRunner must raise an exception if given an ssl value that is an instance of SSLContext, but only a "ws:" URL. ''' import ssl try: # Try to create an SSLContext, to be as rigorous as we can be # by avoiding making assumptions about the ApplicationRunner # implementation. If we happen to be on a Python that has no # SSLContext, we pass ssl=True, which will simply cause this # test to degenerate to the behavior of # test_conflict_SSL_True_with_ws_url (above). In fact, at the # moment (2015-05-10), none of this matters because the # ApplicationRunner implementation does not check to require # that its ssl argument is either a bool or an SSLContext. But # that may change, so we should be careful. ssl.create_default_context except AttributeError: context = True else: context = ssl.create_default_context() with replace_loop(Mock()) as loop: loop.run_until_complete = Mock(return_value=(Mock(), Mock())) runner = ApplicationRunner(u'ws://', u'realm', ssl=context) error = ('^ssl argument value passed to ApplicationRunner ' 'conflicts with the "ws:" prefix of the url ' 'argument\. Did you mean to use "wss:"\?$') self._assertRaisesRegex(Exception, error, runner.run, '_unused_')