############################################################################### # # The MIT License (MIT) # # Copyright (c) Crossbar.io Technologies GmbH # # Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy # of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal # in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights # to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell # copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is # furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: # # The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in # all copies or substantial portions of the Software. # # THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR # IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, # FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER # LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, # OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN # THE SOFTWARE. # ############################################################################### from __future__ import absolute_import import traceback from autobahn.websocket import protocol from autobahn.websocket.types import ConnectionDeny from autobahn.wamp.interfaces import ITransport from autobahn.wamp.exception import ProtocolError, SerializationError, TransportLost __all__ = ('WampWebSocketServerProtocol', 'WampWebSocketClientProtocol', 'WampWebSocketServerFactory', 'WampWebSocketClientFactory') class WampWebSocketProtocol(object): """ Base class for WAMP-over-WebSocket transport mixins. """ _session = None # default; self.session is set in onOpen def _bailout(self, code, reason=None): self.log.debug('Failing WAMP-over-WebSocket transport: code={code}, reason="{reason}"', code=code, reason=reason) self._fail_connection(code, reason) def onOpen(self): """ Callback from :func:`autobahn.websocket.interfaces.IWebSocketChannel.onOpen` """ # WebSocket connection established. Now let the user WAMP session factory # create a new WAMP session and fire off session open callback. try: self._session = self.factory._factory() self._session.onOpen(self) except Exception as e: self.log.critical("{tb}", tb=traceback.format_exc()) reason = u'WAMP Internal Error ({0})'.format(e) self._bailout(protocol.WebSocketProtocol.CLOSE_STATUS_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, reason=reason) def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason): """ Callback from :func:`autobahn.websocket.interfaces.IWebSocketChannel.onClose` """ # WAMP session might never have been established in the first place .. guard this! if self._session is not None: # WebSocket connection lost - fire off the WAMP # session close callback # noinspection PyBroadException try: self.log.debug('WAMP-over-WebSocket transport lost: wasClean={wasClean}, code={code}, reason="{reason}"', wasClean=wasClean, code=code, reason=reason) self._session.onClose(wasClean) except Exception: self.log.critical("{tb}", tb=traceback.format_exc()) self._session = None def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary): """ Callback from :func:`autobahn.websocket.interfaces.IWebSocketChannel.onMessage` """ try: for msg in self._serializer.unserialize(payload, isBinary): self.log.trace( "WAMP RECV: message={message}, session={session}, authid={authid}", authid=self._session._authid, session=self._session._session_id, message=msg, ) self._session.onMessage(msg) except ProtocolError as e: self.log.critical("{tb}", tb=traceback.format_exc()) reason = u'WAMP Protocol Error ({0})'.format(e) self._bailout(protocol.WebSocketProtocol.CLOSE_STATUS_CODE_PROTOCOL_ERROR, reason=reason) except Exception as e: self.log.critical("{tb}", tb=traceback.format_exc()) reason = u'WAMP Internal Error ({0})'.format(e) self._bailout(protocol.WebSocketProtocol.CLOSE_STATUS_CODE_INTERNAL_ERROR, reason=reason) def send(self, msg): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransport.send` """ if self.isOpen(): try: self.log.trace( "WAMP SEND: message={message}, session={session}, authid={authid}", authid=self._session._authid, session=self._session._session_id, message=msg, ) payload, isBinary = self._serializer.serialize(msg) except Exception as e: self.log.error("WAMP message serialization error: {}".format(e)) # all exceptions raised from above should be serialization errors .. raise SerializationError(u"WAMP message serialization error: {0}".format(e)) else: self.sendMessage(payload, isBinary) else: raise TransportLost() def isOpen(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransport.isOpen` """ return self._session is not None def close(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransport.close` """ if self.isOpen(): self.sendClose(protocol.WebSocketProtocol.CLOSE_STATUS_CODE_NORMAL) else: raise TransportLost() def abort(self): """ Implements :func:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransport.abort` """ if self.isOpen(): self._bailout(protocol.WebSocketProtocol.CLOSE_STATUS_CODE_GOING_AWAY) else: raise TransportLost() ITransport.register(WampWebSocketProtocol) def parseSubprotocolIdentifier(subprotocol): try: s = subprotocol.split(u'.') if s[0] != u'wamp': raise Exception(u'WAMP WebSocket subprotocol identifier must start with "wamp", not "{}"'.format(s[0])) version = int(s[1]) serializerId = u'.'.join(s[2:]) return version, serializerId except: return None, None class WampWebSocketServerProtocol(WampWebSocketProtocol): """ Mixin for WAMP-over-WebSocket server transports. """ STRICT_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION = True def onConnect(self, request): """ Callback from :func:`autobahn.websocket.interfaces.IWebSocketChannel.onConnect` """ headers = {} for subprotocol in request.protocols: version, serializerId = parseSubprotocolIdentifier(subprotocol) if version == 2 and serializerId in self.factory._serializers.keys(): self._serializer = self.factory._serializers[serializerId] return subprotocol, headers if self.STRICT_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION: raise ConnectionDeny(ConnectionDeny.BAD_REQUEST, u'This server only speaks WebSocket subprotocols {}'.format(u', '.join(self.factory.protocols))) else: # assume wamp.2.json self._serializer = self.factory._serializers[u'json'] return None, headers class WampWebSocketClientProtocol(WampWebSocketProtocol): """ Mixin for WAMP-over-WebSocket client transports. """ STRICT_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION = True def onConnect(self, response): """ Callback from :func:`autobahn.websocket.interfaces.IWebSocketChannel.onConnect` """ if response.protocol not in self.factory.protocols: if self.STRICT_PROTOCOL_NEGOTIATION: raise Exception(u'The server does not speak any of the WebSocket subprotocols {} we requested.'.format(u', '.join(self.factory.protocols))) else: # assume wamp.2.json serializerId = u'json' else: version, serializerId = parseSubprotocolIdentifier(response.protocol) self._serializer = self.factory._serializers[serializerId] class WampWebSocketFactory(object): """ Base class for WAMP-over-WebSocket transport factory mixins. """ def __init__(self, factory, serializers=None): """ Ctor. :param factory: A callable that produces instances that implement :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ITransportHandler` :type factory: callable :param serializers: A list of WAMP serializers to use (or None for default serializers). Serializers must implement :class:`autobahn.wamp.interfaces.ISerializer`. :type serializers: list """ if callable(factory): self._factory = factory else: self._factory = lambda: factory if serializers is None: serializers = [] # try CBOR WAMP serializer try: from autobahn.wamp.serializer import CBORSerializer serializers.append(CBORSerializer(batched=True)) serializers.append(CBORSerializer()) except ImportError: pass # try MsgPack WAMP serializer try: from autobahn.wamp.serializer import MsgPackSerializer serializers.append(MsgPackSerializer(batched=True)) serializers.append(MsgPackSerializer()) except ImportError: pass # try UBJSON WAMP serializer try: from autobahn.wamp.serializer import UBJSONSerializer serializers.append(UBJSONSerializer(batched=True)) serializers.append(UBJSONSerializer()) except ImportError: pass # try JSON WAMP serializer try: from autobahn.wamp.serializer import JsonSerializer serializers.append(JsonSerializer(batched=True)) serializers.append(JsonSerializer()) except ImportError: pass if not serializers: raise Exception(u'Could not import any WAMP serializer') self._serializers = {} for ser in serializers: self._serializers[ser.SERIALIZER_ID] = ser self._protocols = [u'wamp.2.{}'.format(ser.SERIALIZER_ID) for ser in serializers] class WampWebSocketServerFactory(WampWebSocketFactory): """ Mixin for WAMP-over-WebSocket server transport factories. """ class WampWebSocketClientFactory(WampWebSocketFactory): """ Mixin for WAMP-over-WebSocket client transport factories. """