|AbL| ===== *Open-source (MIT) real-time framework for Web, Mobile & Internet of Things.* Latest release: v\ |version| (:ref:`Changelog`) .. ifconfig:: not no_network .. raw:: html

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----- |AbL| is part of the `Autobahn`_ project and provides open-source implementations of * `The WebSocket Protocol `_ * `The Web Application Messaging Protocol (WAMP) `_ in Python 2 and 3, running on `Twisted`_ **or** `asyncio`_. Documentation Overview ---------------------- See :ref:`site_contents` for a full site-map. Top-level pages available: .. toctree:: :maxdepth: 1 installation asynchronous-programming wamp/programming wamp/examples websocket/programming websocket/examples reference/autobahn contribute changelog ----- Autobahn Features ----------------- WebSocket allows `bidirectional real-time messaging `_ on the Web while `WAMP `_ provides applications with `high-level communication abstractions `_ (remote procedure calling and publish/subscribe) in an open standard WebSocket-based protocol. |AbL| features: * framework for `WebSocket`_ and `WAMP`_ clients * compatible with Python 2.6, 2.7, 3.3 and 3.4 * runs on `CPython`_, `PyPy`_ and `Jython`_ * runs under `Twisted`_ and `asyncio`_ * implements WebSocket `RFC6455`_ (and older versions like Hybi-10+ and Hixie-76) * implements `WebSocket compression `_ * implements `WAMP`_, the Web Application Messaging Protocol * supports TLS (secure WebSocket) and proxies * Open-source (`MIT license `_) ...and much more. Further, |AbL| is written with these goals: 1. high-performance, fully asynchronous and scalable code 2. best-in-class standards conformance and security We do take those design and implementation goals quite serious. For example, |AbL| has 100% strict passes with `AutobahnTestsuite`_, the quasi industry standard of WebSocket protocol test suites we originally created only to test |AbL| ;) .. note:: In the following, we will just refer to |Ab| instead of the more precise term |AbL| and there is no ambiguity. What can I do with Autobahn? ---------------------------- WebSocket is great for apps like **chat**, **trading**, **multi-player games** or **real-time charts**. It allows you to **actively push information** to clients as it happens. (See also :ref:`run_all_examples`) .. image:: _static/wamp-demos.png :alt: ascii-cast of all WAMP demos running :height: 443 :width: 768 :target: wamp/examples.html#run-all-examples :scale: 40% :align: right Further, WebSocket allows you to real-time enable your Web user interfaces: **always current information** without reloads or polling. UIs no longer need to be a boring, static thing. Looking for the right communication technology for your next-generation Web apps? Enter WebSocket. And WebSocket works great not only on the Web, but also as a protocol for wiring up the **Internet-of-Things (IoT)**. Connecting a sensor or actor to other application components in real-time over an efficient protocol. Plus: you are using the *same* protocol to connect frontends like Web browsers. While WebSocket already is quite awesome, it is still low-level. Which is why we have WAMP. WAMP allows you to **compose your application from loosely coupled components** that talk in real-time with each other - using nice high-level communication patterns ("Remote Procedure Calls" and "Publish & Subscribe"). WAMP enables application architectures with application code **distributed freely across processes and devices** according to functional aspects. Since WAMP implementations exist for **multiple languages**, WAMP applications can be **polyglot**. Application components can be implemented in a language and run on a device which best fit the particular use case. WAMP is a routed protocol, so you need a WAMP router. We suggest using `Crossbar.io `_, but there are also `other implementations `_ available. More: * `WebSocket - Why, what, and - can I use it? `_ * `Why WAMP? `_ Show me some code! ------------------ A sample **WebSocket server**: .. code-block:: python from autobahn.twisted.websocket import WebSocketServerProtocol # or: from autobahn.asyncio.websocket import WebSocketServerProtocol class MyServerProtocol(WebSocketServerProtocol): def onConnect(self, request): print("Client connecting: {}".format(request.peer)) def onOpen(self): print("WebSocket connection open.") def onMessage(self, payload, isBinary): if isBinary: print("Binary message received: {} bytes".format(len(payload))) else: print("Text message received: {}".format(payload.decode('utf8'))) ## echo back message verbatim self.sendMessage(payload, isBinary) def onClose(self, wasClean, code, reason): print("WebSocket connection closed: {}".format(reason)) Complete example code: * `WebSocket Echo (Twisted-based) `_ * `WebSocket Echo (Asyncio-based) `_ Introduction to WebSocket Programming with |ab|: * :doc:`websocket/programming` --------- A sample **WAMP application component** implementing all client roles: .. code-block:: python from autobahn.twisted.wamp import ApplicationSession # or: from autobahn.asyncio.wamp import ApplicationSession class MyComponent(ApplicationSession): @inlineCallbacks def onJoin(self, details): # 1) subscribe to a topic def onevent(msg): print("Got event: {}".format(msg)) yield self.subscribe(onevent, 'com.myapp.hello') # 2) publish an event self.publish('com.myapp.hello', 'Hello, world!') # 3) register a procedure for remoting def add2(x, y): return x + y self.register(add2, 'com.myapp.add2'); # 4) call a remote procedure res = yield self.call('com.myapp.add2', 2, 3) print("Got result: {}".format(res)) Complete example code: * `Twisted Example `__ * `asyncio Example `__ Introduction to WAMP Programming with |ab|: * :doc:`wamp/programming` ---------- Where to start -------------- To get started, jump to :doc:`installation`. For developers new to asynchronous programming, Twisted or asyncio, we've collected some useful pointers and information in :doc:`asynchronous-programming`. For **WebSocket developers**, :doc:`websocket/programming` explains all you need to know about using |ab| as a WebSocket library, and includes a full reference for the relevant parts of the API. :doc:`websocket/examples` lists WebSocket code examples covering a broader range of uses cases and advanced WebSocket features. For **WAMP developers**, :doc:`wamp/programming` gives an introduction for programming with WAMP in Python using |ab|. :doc:`wamp/examples` lists WAMP code examples covering all features of WAMP. Community --------- Development of |ab| takes place on the GitHub `source repository `_. .. note:: We are open for contributions, whether that's code or documentation! Preferably via pull requests. We also take **bug reports** at the `issue tracker `_. The best place to **ask questions** is on the `mailing list `_. We'd also love to hear about your project and what you are using |ab| for! Another option is `StackOverflow `_ where `questions `__ related to |ab| are tagged `"autobahn" `__ (or `"autobahnws" `__). The best way to **Search the Web** for related material is by using these (base) search terms: * `"autobahnpython" `__ * `"autobahnws" `__ You can also reach users and developers on **IRC** channel ``#autobahn`` at `freenode.net `__. Finally, we are on `Twitter `_. .. toctree:: :hidden: installation asynchronous-programming websocket/programming wamp/programming websocket/examples wamp/examples reference/autobahn contribute changelog