#!/usr/bin/env python from __future__ import print_function # this is mostly for testing that the examples run without errors # # To use this script: # # 0. change to this directory # 1. be in an activated Python2 virtual-env with crossbar installed # 2. pip install colorama # 3. have a virtualenv called ./venv-py3 using a Python3 # interpreter with crossbar (or just Autobahn) installed. # # ...then just run this script; it colors the output and runs each # frontend/backend pair for a few seconds. import sys from os import environ from os.path import join, exists import colorama from colorama import Fore from twisted.internet.protocol import ProcessProtocol from twisted.internet.defer import inlineCallbacks, Deferred, returnValue from twisted.internet.error import ProcessExitedAlready from twisted.python.failure import Failure from twisted.internet import reactor from twisted.internet.task import react from autobahn.twisted.util import sleep class CrossbarProcessProtocol(ProcessProtocol): """ A helper to talk to a crossbar instance we've launched. """ def __init__(self, all_done, launched, color=None, prefix=''): """ :param all_done: Deferred that gets callback() when our process exits (.errback if it exits non-zero) :param launched: Deferred that gets callback() when our process starts. """ self.all_done = all_done self.launched = launched self.color = color or '' self.prefix = prefix self._out = '' self._err = '' def connectionMade(self): """ProcessProtocol override""" if not self.launched.called: self.launched.callback(self) def outReceived(self, data): """ProcessProtocol override""" self._out += data.decode('utf8') while '\n' in self._out: idx = self._out.find('\n') line = self._out[:idx] self._out = self._out[idx + 1:] sys.stdout.write(self.prefix + self.color + line + Fore.RESET + '\n') def errReceived(self, data): """ProcessProtocol override""" self._err += data.decode('utf8') while '\n' in self._err: idx = self._err.find('\n') line = self._err[:idx] self._err = self._err[idx + 1:] sys.stderr.write(self.prefix + self.color + line + Fore.RESET + '\n') def processEnded(self, reason): """IProcessProtocol API""" # reason.value should always be a ProcessTerminated instance fail = reason.value # print('processEnded', fail) if fail.exitCode != 0 and fail.exitCode is not None: msg = 'Process exited with code "{}".'.format(fail.exitCode) err = RuntimeError(msg) self.all_done.errback(err) if not self.launched.called: self.launched.errback(err) else: self.all_done.callback(fail) if not self.launched.called: print("FIXME: _launched should have been callbacked by now.") self.launched.callback(self) @inlineCallbacks def start_crossbar(): finished = Deferred() launched = Deferred() protocol = CrossbarProcessProtocol(finished, launched, Fore.RED) exe = 'crossbar' args = [exe, 'start', '--cbdir', './router/.crossbar'] env = environ.copy() env["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "1" transport = reactor.spawnProcess( protocol, exe, args, path='.', env=env) yield launched returnValue(protocol) @inlineCallbacks def start_example(py_fname, color, prefix='', exe=sys.executable): finished = Deferred() launched = Deferred() protocol = CrossbarProcessProtocol(finished, launched, color, prefix) args = [exe, py_fname] env = environ.copy() env["PYTHONUNBUFFERED"] = "1" transport = reactor.spawnProcess(protocol, exe, args, path='.', env=env) yield launched returnValue(protocol) def print_banner(title): print('-' * 80) print(title) print('-' * 80) print() @inlineCallbacks def main(reactor): colorama.init() examples = [ './twisted/wamp/overview', './twisted/wamp/pubsub/basic/', './twisted/wamp/pubsub/complex/', './twisted/wamp/pubsub/decorators/', './twisted/wamp/pubsub/options/', './twisted/wamp/pubsub/tls/', './twisted/wamp/pubsub/unsubscribe/', './twisted/wamp/rpc/timeservice/', './twisted/wamp/rpc/slowsquare/', './twisted/wamp/rpc/progress/', './twisted/wamp/rpc/options/', './twisted/wamp/rpc/errors/', './twisted/wamp/rpc/decorators/', './twisted/wamp/rpc/complex/', './twisted/wamp/rpc/arguments/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/overview', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/pubsub/unsubscribe/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/pubsub/tls/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/pubsub/options/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/pubsub/decorators/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/pubsub/complex/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/pubsub/basic/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/rpc/timeservice/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/rpc/slowsquare/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/rpc/progress/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/rpc/options/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/rpc/errors/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/rpc/decorators/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/rpc/complex/', 'py3 ./asyncio/wamp/rpc/arguments/', ] print_banner("Running crossbar.io instance") cb_proto = yield start_crossbar() yield sleep(2) # wait for sockets to be listening if cb_proto.all_done.called: raise RuntimeError("crossbar exited already") success = True for exdir in examples: py = sys.executable if exdir.startswith('py3 '): exdir = exdir[4:] if sys.version_info.major < 3: print("don't have python3, skipping:", exdir) continue frontend = join(exdir, 'frontend.py') backend = join(exdir, 'backend.py') if not exists(frontend) or not exists(backend): print("skipping:", exdir, exists(frontend), exists(backend)) continue print_banner("Running example: " + exdir) print(" starting backend") back_proto = yield start_example(backend, Fore.BLUE, ' backend: ', exe=py) yield sleep(1) print(" starting frontend") front_proto = yield start_example(frontend, Fore.YELLOW, 'frontend: ', exe=py) yield sleep(3) for p in [back_proto, front_proto]: try: if p.all_done.called: yield p.all_done except Exception as e: print("FAILED:", e) success = False for p in [front_proto, back_proto]: try: p.transport.signalProcess('KILL') except ProcessExitedAlready: pass if not success: break yield sleep(1) print("Killing crossbar") try: cb_proto.transport.signalProcess('KILL') yield cb_proto.all_done except: pass if success: print() print("Success!") print(" ...all the examples neither crashed nor burned...") returnValue(0) returnValue(5) if __name__ == '__main__': sys.exit(react(main))