Merge remote-tracking branch 'cqlengine/master' into cqlengine-integration

This commit is contained in:
Adam Holmberg 2015-02-03 14:38:01 -06:00
commit 778ef61c52
93 changed files with 13185 additions and 11 deletions

.gitignore vendored
View File

@ -1,11 +1,10 @@
@ -20,3 +19,19 @@ setuptools*.egg
# Unit test / coverage reports

View File

@ -17,3 +17,35 @@ install:
- tox -e $TOX_ENV
# TODO: merge cqlengine tests
# - "2.7"
# - "3.4"
# - sudo echo "deb ${CASSANDRA_VERSION}x main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
# - sudo echo "deb-src ${CASSANDRA_VERSION}x main" | sudo tee -a /etc/apt/sources.list
# - sudo rm -rf ~/.gnupg
# - sudo gpg --keyserver --recv-keys F758CE318D77295D
# - sudo gpg --export --armor F758CE318D77295D | sudo apt-key add -
# - sudo gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 2B5C1B00
# - sudo gpg --export --armor 2B5C1B00 | sudo apt-key add -
# - sudo gpg --keyserver --recv-keys 0353B12C
# - sudo gpg --export --armor 0353B12C | sudo apt-key add -
# - sudo apt-get update
# - sudo apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" install -y cassandra
# - sudo rm -rf /var/lib/cassandra/*
# - sudo sh -c "echo 'JVM_OPTS=\"\${JVM_OPTS}\"' >> /etc/cassandra/"
# - sudo service cassandra start
# - "pip install -r requirements.txt --use-mirrors"
# - "nosetests cqlengine/tests --no-skip"

AUTHORS Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Blake Eggleston <>
Jon Haddad <>
CONTRIBUTORS (let us know if we missed you)
Eric Scrivner - test environment, connection pooling
Kevin Deldycke
Roey Berman
Danny Cosson
Michael Hall
Netanel Cohen-Tzemach
Mariusz Kryński
Greg Doermann
Amy Hanlon

12 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
### Contributing code to cqlengine
Before submitting a pull request, please make sure that it follows these guidelines:
* Limit yourself to one feature or bug fix per pull request.
* Include unittests that thoroughly test the feature/bug fix
* Write clear, descriptive commit messages.
* Many granular commits are preferred over large monolithic commits
* If you're adding or modifying features, please update the documentation
If you're working on a big ticket item, please check in on [cqlengine-users](!forum/cqlengine-users).
We'd hate to have to steer you in a different direction after you've already put in a lot of hard work.

Makefile Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
find . -name *.pyc -delete
rm -rf cqlengine/__pycache__
build: clean
python build
release: clean
python sdist upload
.PHONY: build

96 Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,96 @@
![cqlengine build status](
![cqlengine pypi version](
![cqlengine monthly downloads](
cqlengine is a Cassandra CQL 3 Object Mapper for Python
**Users of versions < 0.16, the default keyspace 'cqlengine' has been removed. Please read this before upgrading:** [Breaking Changes](
[Report a Bug](
[Users Mailing List](!forum/cqlengine-users)
## Installation
pip install cqlengine
## Getting Started on your local machine
#first, define a model
import uuid
from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine.models import Model
class ExampleModel(Model):
read_repair_chance = 0.05 # optional - defaults to 0.1
example_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
example_type = columns.Integer(index=True)
created_at = columns.DateTime()
description = columns.Text(required=False)
#next, setup the connection to your cassandra server(s) and the default keyspace...
>>> from cqlengine import connection
>>> connection.setup([''], "cqlengine")
# or if you're still on cassandra 1.2
>>> connection.setup([''], "cqlengine", protocol_version=1)
# create your keyspace. This is, in general, not what you want in production
# see for options
>>> create_keyspace("cqlengine", "SimpleStrategy", 1)
#...and create your CQL table
>>> from import sync_table
>>> sync_table(ExampleModel)
#now we can create some rows:
>>> em1 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=0, description="example1",
>>> em2 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=0, description="example2",
>>> em3 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=0, description="example3",
>>> em4 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=0, description="example4",
>>> em5 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=1, description="example5",
>>> em6 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=1, description="example6",
>>> em7 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=1, description="example7",
>>> em8 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=1, description="example8",
#and now we can run some queries against our table
>>> ExampleModel.objects.count()
>>> q = ExampleModel.objects(example_type=1)
>>> q.count()
>>> for instance in q:
>>> print instance.description
#here we are applying additional filtering to an existing query
#query objects are immutable, so calling filter returns a new
#query object
>>> q2 = q.filter(example_id=em5.example_id)
>>> q2.count()
>>> for instance in q2:
>>> print instance.description
## Contributing
If you'd like to contribute to cqlengine, please read the [contributor guidelines](
## Authors
cqlengine was developed primarily by (Blake Eggleston)[blakeeggleston]( and [Jon Haddad](, with contributions from several others in the community.

RELEASE.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
Check changelog
Ensure docs are updated
Tests pass
Push tag to github
Push release to pypi

Vagrantfile vendored Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,46 @@
# -*- mode: ruby -*-
# vi: set ft=ruby : do |config|
# All Vagrant configuration is done here. The most common configuration
# options are documented and commented below. For a complete reference,
# please see the online documentation at
# Every Vagrant virtual environment requires a box to build off of. = "precise"
# The url from where the '' box will be fetched if it
# doesn't already exist on the user's system.
config.vm.box_url = ""
# Boot with a GUI so you can see the screen. (Default is headless)
# config.vm.boot_mode = :gui
# Assign this VM to a host-only network IP, allowing you to access it
# via the IP. Host-only networks can talk to the host machine as well as
# any other machines on the same network, but cannot be accessed (through this
# network interface) by any external networks. :hostonly, ""
config.vm.customize ["modifyvm", :id, "--memory", "2048"]
# Forward a port from the guest to the host, which allows for outside
# computers to access the VM, whereas host only networking does not.
config.vm.forward_port 80, 8080
# Share an additional folder to the guest VM. The first argument is
# an identifier, the second is the path on the guest to mount the
# folder, and the third is the path on the host to the actual folder.
# config.vm.share_folder "v-data", "/vagrant_data", "../data"
#config.vm.share_folder "v-root" "/vagrant", ".", :nfs => true
# Provision with puppet
config.vm.provision :shell, :inline => "apt-get update"
config.vm.provision :puppet, :options => ['--verbose', '--debug'] do |puppet|
puppet.facter = {'hostname' => 'cassandraengine'}
# puppet.manifests_path = "puppet/manifests"
# puppet.manifest_file = "site.pp"
puppet.module_path = "modules"

bin/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
from github import Github
import sys, os
g = Github(os.environ["GITHUB_TOKEN"])
milestone = sys.argv[1]
print "Fetching all issues for milestone %s" % milestone
repo = g.get_repo("cqlengine/cqlengine")
milestones = repo.get_milestones()
milestone = [x for x in milestones if x.title == milestone][0]
issues = repo.get_issues(milestone=milestone, state="closed")
for issue in issues:
print "[%d] %s" % (issue.number, issue.title)

bin/ Executable file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,6 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
import nose

changelog Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,279 @@
removed references to create_missing_keyspace
Create keyspace no longer defaults to SimpleStrategy with 3 replicas. It must be manually specified.
sync_table() no longer has an option to create keyspaces automatically.
cqlengine_test is now the default keyspace used for tests and is explicitly created
all references hardcoded to the "test" keyspace have been removed and use the default instead
instead of testing with bin/nose, use setup_package
improved validation error messages to include column name
fixed updating empty sets
improvements to puppet download script
per query timeouts now supported, see
Fixed tests with Cassandra version 1.2 and 2.1
Fixed broken static columns
support for IF NOT EXISTS via Model.if_not_exists().create()
[264] fixed support for bytearrays in blob columns
[260] support for static columns
[259] docs update - examples for the queryset method references
[258] improve docs around blind updates
[256] write docs about developing cqlengine itself
[254] use CASSANDRA_VERSION in tests
[252] memtable_flush_period_in_ms not in C 1.2 - guard against test failure
[251] test fails occasionally despite lists looking the same
[246] document Batches default behaviour
[239] add sphinx contrib module to docs
[237] update to cassandra-driver 2.1
[232] update docs w/ links to external tutorials
[229] get travis to test different cassandra versions
[211] inet datatype support
[209] Python 3 support
* retry_connect on setup()
* optional default TTL on model
* fixed caching documentation
225: No handling of PagedResult from execute
222: figure out how to make travis not totally fail when a test is skipped
220: delayed connect. use setup(delayed_connect=True)
218: throw exception on create_table and delete_table
212: Unchanged primary key trigger error on update
206: FAQ - why we dont' do #189
191: Add support for simple table properties.
172: raise exception when None is passed in as query param
170: trying to perform queries before connection is established should raise useful exception
162: Not Possible to Make Non-Equality Filtering Queries
161: Filtering on DateTime column
154: Blob(bytes) column type issue
128: remove default read_repair_chance & ensure changes are saved when using sync_table
106: specify caching on model
99: specify caching options table management
94: type checking on sync_table (currently allows anything then fails miserably)
73: remove default 'cqlengine' keyspace table management
71: add named table and query expression usage to docs
* native driver integration
* fix for setting map to empty (Lifto)
* report when creating models with attributes that conflict with cqlengine (maedhroz)
* use stable version of sure package (maedhroz)
* performance improvements
* adding support for post batch callbacks (thanks Daniel Dotsenko
* fixing sync table for tables with multiple keys (thanks Daniel Dotsenko
* fixing bug in Bytes column (thanks Netanel Cohen-Tzemach
* fixing bug with timestamps and DST (thanks Netanel Cohen-Tzemach
* Normalize and unquote boolean values. (Thanks Kevin Deldycke
* Fix race condition in connection manager (Thanks Roey Berman
* allow access to instance columns as if it is a dict (Thanks Kevin Deldycke
* Added support for blind partial updates to queryset (Thanks Danny Cosson
* Model instance equality check bugfix (Thanks to Michael Hall,
* Fixed bug syncing tables with camel cased names (Thanks to Netanel Cohen-Tzemach,
* Fixed bug dealing with eggs (Thanks Kevin Deldycke
* support for USING TIMESTAMP <microseconds from epoch> via a .timestamp(timedelta(seconds=30)) syntax
- allows for long, timedelta, and datetime
* fixed use of USING TIMESTAMP in batches
* clear TTL and timestamp off models after persisting to DB
* allows UUID without dashes - (Thanks to Michael Hall,
* fixes regarding syncing schema settings (thanks Kai Lautaportti
* support for execute_on_exception within batches
* fixing create keyspace with network topology strategy
* fixing regression with query expressions
* adding update method
* adding support for ttls
* adding support for per-query consistency
* adding BigInt column (thanks @Lifto)
* adding support for timezone aware time uuid functions (thanks @dokai)
* only saving collection fields on insert if they've been modified
* adding model method that returns a list of modified columns
* adding support for timeouts
* changing value manager previous value copying to deepcopy
* better logging for operational errors
* fix for connection failover
* fix for models not exactly matching schema
* support for table polymorphism
* var int type
* refactoring query class to make defining custom model instantiation logic easier
* added counter columns
* added support for compaction settings at the model level
* deprecated delete_table in favor of drop_table
* deprecated create_table in favor of sync_table
* added support for custom QuerySets
* added table sync
* adding hex conversion to Bytes column
* improving connection pooling
* fixing bug with clustering order columns not being quoted
* eagerly loading results into the query result cache, the cql driver does this anyway,
and pulling them from the cursor was causing some problems with gevented queries,
this will cause some breaking changes for users calling execute directly
* changing query parameter placeholders from uuid1 to uuid4
* adding support for passing None into query batch methods to clear any batch objects
* fixing the way models are compared
* fixed bug where container columns would not call their child to_python method, this only really affected columns with special to_python logic
* adding query logging back
* fixed bug updating an empty list column
* fixed bug with Text column validation
* added support for instantiating container columns with column instances
* fixed bug in TimeUUID from datetime method
* removed default values from all column types
* explicit primary key is required (automatic id removed)
* added validation on keyname types on .create()
* changed table_name to __table_name__, read_repair_chance to __read_repair_chance__, keyspace to __keyspace__
* modified table name auto generator to ignore module name
* changed internal implementation of model value get/set
* added TimeUUID.from_datetime(), used for generating UUID1's for a specific
* added abstract base class models
* comprehesive rewrite of connection management (thanks @rustyrazorblade)
* added support for Token function (thanks @mrk-its)
* added support for compound partition key (thanks @mrk-its)s
* added support for defining clustering key ordering (thanks @mrk-its)
* added values_list to Query class, bypassing object creation if desired (thanks @mrk-its)
* fixed bug with Model.objects caching values (thanks @mrk-its)
* fixed Cassandra 1.2.5 compatibility bug
* updated model exception inheritance
* adding support for datetimes with tzinfo (thanks @gdoermann)
* fixing bug in saving map updates (thanks @pandu-rao)
* expanding internal save function to use update where appropriate
* adding set, list, and map collection types
* adding support for allow filtering flag
* updating management functions to work with cassandra 1.2
* fixed a bug querying datetimes
* modifying datetime serialization to preserve millisecond accuracy
* adding cql function call generators MaxTimeUUID and MinTimeUUID
* fixed a bug occurring when creating tables from the REPL
* added min_length and max_length validators to the Text column
* added == and != equality operators to model class
* fixed bug with default values that would evaluate to False (ie: 0, '')
* fixed column inheritance bug
* manually defined table names are no longer inherited by subclasses
* added configurable read repair chance to model definitions
* added configurable keyspace strategy class and replication factor to keyspace creator
* fixed manual table name bug
* changed model level db_name field to table_name
* added TimeUUID column
* added connection pooling
* adding a few convenience query classmethods to the model class
* added Sphinx docs
* changing create_column_family management function to create_table
* changing delete_column_family management function to delete_table
* added partition key validation to QuerySet delete method
* added .get() method to QuerySet
* added create method shortcut to the model class
* added queryset result caching
* added queryset array index access and slicing
* updating table name generation (more readable)

cqlengine/VERSION Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1 @@

cqlengine/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
import pkg_resources
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel
from cqlengine.columns import *
from cqlengine.functions import *
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine.query import BatchQuery
__cqlengine_version_path__ = pkg_resources.resource_filename('cqlengine',
__version__ = open(__cqlengine_version_path__, 'r').readline().strip()
# compaction
SizeTieredCompactionStrategy = "SizeTieredCompactionStrategy"
LeveledCompactionStrategy = "LeveledCompactionStrategy"
# Caching constants.
ANY = ConsistencyLevel.ANY
ONE = ConsistencyLevel.ONE
TWO = ConsistencyLevel.TWO
THREE = ConsistencyLevel.THREE
QUORUM = ConsistencyLevel.QUORUM
LOCAL_ONE = ConsistencyLevel.LOCAL_ONE
ALL = ConsistencyLevel.ALL

cqlengine/ Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,754 @@
#column field types
from copy import deepcopy, copy
from datetime import datetime
from datetime import date
import re
from cassandra.cqltypes import DateType
from cqlengine.exceptions import ValidationError
from cassandra.encoder import cql_quote
import six
import sys
# move to central spot
class UnicodeMixin(object):
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
__str__ = lambda x: x.__unicode__()
__str__ = lambda x: six.text_type(x).encode('utf-8')
class BaseValueManager(object):
def __init__(self, instance, column, value):
self.instance = instance
self.column = column
self.previous_value = deepcopy(value)
self.value = value
self.explicit = False
def deleted(self):
return self.value is None and self.previous_value is not None
def changed(self):
Indicates whether or not this value has changed.
:rtype: boolean
return self.value != self.previous_value
def reset_previous_value(self):
self.previous_value = copy(self.value)
def getval(self):
return self.value
def setval(self, val):
self.value = val
def delval(self):
self.value = None
def get_property(self):
_get = lambda slf: self.getval()
_set = lambda slf, val: self.setval(val)
_del = lambda slf: self.delval()
if self.column.can_delete:
return property(_get, _set, _del)
return property(_get, _set)
class ValueQuoter(object):
contains a single value, which will quote itself for CQL insertion statements
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self):
return self.__str__()
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self.value == other.value
return False
class Column(object):
#the cassandra type this column maps to
db_type = None
value_manager = BaseValueManager
instance_counter = 0
def __init__(self,
:param primary_key: bool flag, indicates this column is a primary key. The first primary key defined
on a model is the partition key (unless partition keys are set), all others are cluster keys
:param partition_key: indicates that this column should be the partition key, defining
more than one partition key column creates a compound partition key
:param index: bool flag, indicates an index should be created for this column
:param db_field: the fieldname this field will map to in the database
:param default: the default value, can be a value or a callable (no args)
:param required: boolean, is the field required? Model validation will raise and
exception if required is set to True and there is a None value assigned
:param clustering_order: only applicable on clustering keys (primary keys that are not partition keys)
determines the order that the clustering keys are sorted on disk
:param polymorphic_key: boolean, if set to True, this column will be used for saving and loading instances
of polymorphic tables
self.partition_key = partition_key
self.primary_key = partition_key or primary_key
self.index = index
self.db_field = db_field
self.default = default
self.required = required
self.clustering_order = clustering_order
self.polymorphic_key = polymorphic_key
#the column name in the model definition
self.column_name = None
self.static = static
self.value = None
#keep track of instantiation order
self.position = Column.instance_counter
Column.instance_counter += 1
def validate(self, value):
Returns a cleaned and validated value. Raises a ValidationError
if there's a problem
if value is None:
if self.required:
raise ValidationError('{} - None values are not allowed'.format(self.column_name or self.db_field))
return value
def to_python(self, value):
Converts data from the database into python values
raises a ValidationError if the value can't be converted
return value
def to_database(self, value):
Converts python value into database value
if value is None and self.has_default:
return self.get_default()
return value
def has_default(self):
return self.default is not None
def is_primary_key(self):
return self.primary_key
def can_delete(self):
return not self.primary_key
def get_default(self):
if self.has_default:
if callable(self.default):
return self.default()
return self.default
def get_column_def(self):
Returns a column definition for CQL table definition
static = "static" if self.static else ""
return '{} {} {}'.format(self.cql, self.db_type, static)
def set_column_name(self, name):
Sets the column name during document class construction
This value will be ignored if db_field is set in __init__
self.column_name = name
def db_field_name(self):
""" Returns the name of the cql name of this column """
return self.db_field or self.column_name
def db_index_name(self):
""" Returns the name of the cql index """
return 'index_{}'.format(self.db_field_name)
def cql(self):
return self.get_cql()
def get_cql(self):
return '"{}"'.format(self.db_field_name)
def _val_is_null(self, val):
""" determines if the given value equates to a null value for the given column type """
return val is None
class Blob(Column):
db_type = 'blob'
def to_database(self, value):
if not isinstance(value, (six.binary_type, bytearray)):
raise Exception("expecting a binary, got a %s" % type(value))
val = super(Bytes, self).to_database(value)
return bytearray(val)
def to_python(self, value):
#return value[2:].decode('hex')
return value
Bytes = Blob
class Ascii(Column):
db_type = 'ascii'
class Inet(Column):
db_type = 'inet'
class Text(Column):
db_type = 'text'
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.min_length = kwargs.pop('min_length', 1 if kwargs.get('required', False) else None)
self.max_length = kwargs.pop('max_length', None)
super(Text, self).__init__(*args, **kwargs)
def validate(self, value):
value = super(Text, self).validate(value)
if value is None: return
if not isinstance(value, (six.string_types, bytearray)) and value is not None:
raise ValidationError('{} {} is not a string'.format(self.column_name, type(value)))
if self.max_length:
if len(value) > self.max_length:
raise ValidationError('{} is longer than {} characters'.format(self.column_name, self.max_length))
if self.min_length:
if len(value) < self.min_length:
raise ValidationError('{} is shorter than {} characters'.format(self.column_name, self.min_length))
return value
class Integer(Column):
db_type = 'int'
def validate(self, value):
val = super(Integer, self).validate(value)
if val is None: return
return int(val)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValidationError("{} {} can't be converted to integral value".format(self.column_name, value))
def to_python(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
def to_database(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
class BigInt(Integer):
db_type = 'bigint'
class VarInt(Column):
db_type = 'varint'
def validate(self, value):
val = super(VarInt, self).validate(value)
if val is None:
return int(val)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValidationError(
"{} {} can't be converted to integral value".format(self.column_name, value))
def to_python(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
def to_database(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
class CounterValueManager(BaseValueManager):
def __init__(self, instance, column, value):
super(CounterValueManager, self).__init__(instance, column, value)
self.value = self.value or 0
self.previous_value = self.previous_value or 0
class Counter(Integer):
db_type = 'counter'
value_manager = CounterValueManager
def __init__(self,
super(Counter, self).__init__(
class DateTime(Column):
db_type = 'timestamp'
def to_python(self, value):
if value is None: return
if isinstance(value, datetime):
return value
elif isinstance(value, date):
return datetime(*(value.timetuple()[:6]))
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value)
except TypeError:
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(DateType.deserialize(value))
def to_database(self, value):
value = super(DateTime, self).to_database(value)
if value is None: return
if not isinstance(value, datetime):
if isinstance(value, date):
value = datetime(value.year, value.month,
raise ValidationError("{} '{}' is not a datetime object".format(self.column_name, value))
epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=value.tzinfo)
offset = epoch.tzinfo.utcoffset(epoch).total_seconds() if epoch.tzinfo else 0
return int(((value - epoch).total_seconds() - offset) * 1000)
class Date(Column):
db_type = 'timestamp'
def to_python(self, value):
if value is None: return
if isinstance(value, datetime):
elif isinstance(value, date):
return value
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(value).date()
except TypeError:
return datetime.utcfromtimestamp(DateType.deserialize(value)).date()
def to_database(self, value):
value = super(Date, self).to_database(value)
if value is None: return
if isinstance(value, datetime):
value =
if not isinstance(value, date):
raise ValidationError("{} '{}' is not a date object".format(self.column_name, repr(value)))
return int((value - date(1970, 1, 1)).total_seconds() * 1000)
class UUID(Column):
Type 1 or 4 UUID
db_type = 'uuid'
re_uuid = re.compile(r'[0-9a-f]{8}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{4}-?[0-9a-f]{12}')
def validate(self, value):
val = super(UUID, self).validate(value)
if val is None: return
from uuid import UUID as _UUID
if isinstance(val, _UUID): return val
if isinstance(val, six.string_types) and self.re_uuid.match(val):
return _UUID(val)
raise ValidationError("{} {} is not a valid uuid".format(self.column_name, value))
def to_python(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
def to_database(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
from uuid import UUID as pyUUID, getnode
class TimeUUID(UUID):
UUID containing timestamp
db_type = 'timeuuid'
def from_datetime(self, dt):
generates a UUID for a given datetime
:param dt: datetime
:type dt: datetime
global _last_timestamp
epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=dt.tzinfo)
offset = epoch.tzinfo.utcoffset(epoch).total_seconds() if epoch.tzinfo else 0
timestamp = (dt - epoch).total_seconds() - offset
node = None
clock_seq = None
nanoseconds = int(timestamp * 1e9)
timestamp = int(nanoseconds // 100) + 0x01b21dd213814000
if clock_seq is None:
import random
clock_seq = random.randrange(1 << 14) # instead of stable storage
time_low = timestamp & 0xffffffff
time_mid = (timestamp >> 32) & 0xffff
time_hi_version = (timestamp >> 48) & 0x0fff
clock_seq_low = clock_seq & 0xff
clock_seq_hi_variant = (clock_seq >> 8) & 0x3f
if node is None:
node = getnode()
return pyUUID(fields=(time_low, time_mid, time_hi_version,
clock_seq_hi_variant, clock_seq_low, node), version=1)
class Boolean(Column):
db_type = 'boolean'
def validate(self, value):
""" Always returns a Python boolean. """
value = super(Boolean, self).validate(value)
if value is not None:
value = bool(value)
return value
def to_python(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
class Float(Column):
db_type = 'double'
def __init__(self, double_precision=True, **kwargs):
self.db_type = 'double' if double_precision else 'float'
super(Float, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def validate(self, value):
value = super(Float, self).validate(value)
if value is None: return
return float(value)
except (TypeError, ValueError):
raise ValidationError("{} {} is not a valid float".format(self.column_name, value))
def to_python(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
def to_database(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
class Decimal(Column):
db_type = 'decimal'
def validate(self, value):
from decimal import Decimal as _Decimal
from decimal import InvalidOperation
val = super(Decimal, self).validate(value)
if val is None: return
return _Decimal(val)
except InvalidOperation:
raise ValidationError("{} '{}' can't be coerced to decimal".format(self.column_name, val))
def to_python(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
def to_database(self, value):
return self.validate(value)
class BaseContainerColumn(Column):
Base Container type for collection-like columns.
def __init__(self, value_type, **kwargs):
:param value_type: a column class indicating the types of the value
inheritance_comparator = issubclass if isinstance(value_type, type) else isinstance
if not inheritance_comparator(value_type, Column):
raise ValidationError('value_type must be a column class')
if inheritance_comparator(value_type, BaseContainerColumn):
raise ValidationError('container types cannot be nested')
if value_type.db_type is None:
raise ValidationError('value_type cannot be an abstract column type')
if isinstance(value_type, type):
self.value_type = value_type
self.value_col = self.value_type()
self.value_col = value_type
self.value_type = self.value_col.__class__
super(BaseContainerColumn, self).__init__(**kwargs)
def validate(self, value):
value = super(BaseContainerColumn, self).validate(value)
# It is dangerous to let collections have more than 65535.
# See:
if value is not None and len(value) > 65535:
raise ValidationError("{} Collection can't have more than 65535 elements.".format(self.column_name))
return value
def get_column_def(self):
Returns a column definition for CQL table definition
static = "static" if self.static else ""
db_type = self.db_type.format(self.value_type.db_type)
return '{} {} {}'.format(self.cql, db_type, static)
def _val_is_null(self, val):
return not val
class BaseContainerQuoter(ValueQuoter):
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.value)
class Set(BaseContainerColumn):
Stores a set of unordered, unique values
db_type = 'set<{}>'
class Quoter(BaseContainerQuoter):
def __str__(self):
cq = cql_quote
return '{' + ', '.join([cq(v) for v in self.value]) + '}'
def __init__(self, value_type, strict=True, default=set, **kwargs):
:param value_type: a column class indicating the types of the value
:param strict: sets whether non set values will be coerced to set
type on validation, or raise a validation error, defaults to True
self.strict = strict
super(Set, self).__init__(value_type, default=default, **kwargs)
def validate(self, value):
val = super(Set, self).validate(value)
if val is None: return
types = (set,) if self.strict else (set, list, tuple)
if not isinstance(val, types):
if self.strict:
raise ValidationError('{} {} is not a set object'.format(self.column_name, val))
raise ValidationError('{} {} cannot be coerced to a set object'.format(self.column_name, val))
if None in val:
raise ValidationError("{} None not allowed in a set".format(self.column_name))
return {self.value_col.validate(v) for v in val}
def to_python(self, value):
if value is None: return set()
return {self.value_col.to_python(v) for v in value}
def to_database(self, value):
if value is None: return None
if isinstance(value, self.Quoter): return value
return self.Quoter({self.value_col.to_database(v) for v in value})
class List(BaseContainerColumn):
Stores a list of ordered values
db_type = 'list<{}>'
class Quoter(BaseContainerQuoter):
def __str__(self):
cq = cql_quote
return '[' + ', '.join([cq(v) for v in self.value]) + ']'
def __nonzero__(self):
return bool(self.value)
def __init__(self, value_type, default=list, **kwargs):
return super(List, self).__init__(value_type=value_type, default=default, **kwargs)
def validate(self, value):
val = super(List, self).validate(value)
if val is None: return
if not isinstance(val, (set, list, tuple)):
raise ValidationError('{} {} is not a list object'.format(self.column_name, val))
if None in val:
raise ValidationError("{} None is not allowed in a list".format(self.column_name))
return [self.value_col.validate(v) for v in val]
def to_python(self, value):
if value is None: return []
return [self.value_col.to_python(v) for v in value]
def to_database(self, value):
if value is None: return None
if isinstance(value, self.Quoter): return value
return self.Quoter([self.value_col.to_database(v) for v in value])
class Map(BaseContainerColumn):
Stores a key -> value map (dictionary)
db_type = 'map<{}, {}>'
class Quoter(BaseContainerQuoter):
def __str__(self):
cq = cql_quote
return '{' + ', '.join([cq(k) + ':' + cq(v) for k,v in self.value.items()]) + '}'
def get(self, key):
return self.value.get(key)
def keys(self):
return self.value.keys()
def items(self):
return self.value.items()
def __init__(self, key_type, value_type, default=dict, **kwargs):
:param key_type: a column class indicating the types of the key
:param value_type: a column class indicating the types of the value
inheritance_comparator = issubclass if isinstance(key_type, type) else isinstance
if not inheritance_comparator(key_type, Column):
raise ValidationError('key_type must be a column class')
if inheritance_comparator(key_type, BaseContainerColumn):
raise ValidationError('container types cannot be nested')
if key_type.db_type is None:
raise ValidationError('key_type cannot be an abstract column type')
if isinstance(key_type, type):
self.key_type = key_type
self.key_col = self.key_type()
self.key_col = key_type
self.key_type = self.key_col.__class__
super(Map, self).__init__(value_type, default=default, **kwargs)
def get_column_def(self):
Returns a column definition for CQL table definition
db_type = self.db_type.format(
static = "static" if self.static else ""
return '{} {} {}'.format(self.cql, db_type, static)
def validate(self, value):
val = super(Map, self).validate(value)
if val is None: return
if not isinstance(val, dict):
raise ValidationError('{} {} is not a dict object'.format(self.column_name, val))
return {self.key_col.validate(k):self.value_col.validate(v) for k,v in val.items()}
def to_python(self, value):
if value is None:
return {}
if value is not None:
return {self.key_col.to_python(k): self.value_col.to_python(v) for k,v in value.items()}
def to_database(self, value):
if value is None: return None
if isinstance(value, self.Quoter): return value
return self.Quoter({self.key_col.to_database(k):self.value_col.to_database(v) for k,v in value.items()})
class _PartitionKeysToken(Column):
virtual column representing token of partition columns.
Used by filter(pk__token=Token(...)) filters
def __init__(self, model):
self.partition_columns = model._partition_keys.values()
super(_PartitionKeysToken, self).__init__(partition_key=True)
def db_field_name(self):
return 'token({})'.format(', '.join(['"{}"'.format(c.db_field_name) for c in self.partition_columns]))
def to_database(self, value):
from cqlengine.functions import Token
assert isinstance(value, Token)
return value
def get_cql(self):
return "token({})".format(", ".join(c.cql for c in self.partition_columns))

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@ -0,0 +1,125 @@
# /
from __future__ import absolute_import
from collections import namedtuple
from cassandra.cluster import Cluster, _NOT_SET, NoHostAvailable
from cassandra.query import SimpleStatement, Statement, dict_factory
from cqlengine.statements import BaseCQLStatement
from cqlengine.exceptions import CQLEngineException, UndefinedKeyspaceException
from cassandra import ConsistencyLevel
import six
import logging
LOG = logging.getLogger('cqlengine.cql')
NOT_SET = _NOT_SET # required for passing timeout to Session.execute
class CQLConnectionError(CQLEngineException): pass
Host = namedtuple('Host', ['name', 'port'])
cluster = None
session = None
lazy_connect_args = None
default_consistency_level = None
def setup(
Records the hosts and connects to one of them
:param hosts: list of hosts, see
:type hosts: list
:param default_keyspace: The default keyspace to use
:type default_keyspace: str
:param consistency: The global consistency level
:type consistency: int
:param lazy_connect: True if should not connect until first use
:type lazy_connect: bool
:param retry_connect: bool
:param retry_connect: True if we should retry to connect even if there was a connection failure initially
global cluster, session, default_consistency_level, lazy_connect_args
if 'username' in kwargs or 'password' in kwargs:
raise CQLEngineException("Username & Password are now handled by using the native driver's auth_provider")
if not default_keyspace:
raise UndefinedKeyspaceException()
from cqlengine import models
models.DEFAULT_KEYSPACE = default_keyspace
default_consistency_level = consistency
if lazy_connect:
kwargs['default_keyspace'] = default_keyspace
kwargs['consistency'] = consistency
kwargs['lazy_connect'] = False
kwargs['retry_connect'] = retry_connect
lazy_connect_args = (hosts, kwargs)
cluster = Cluster(hosts, **kwargs)
session = cluster.connect()
except NoHostAvailable:
if retry_connect:
kwargs['default_keyspace'] = default_keyspace
kwargs['consistency'] = consistency
kwargs['lazy_connect'] = False
kwargs['retry_connect'] = retry_connect
lazy_connect_args = (hosts, kwargs)
session.row_factory = dict_factory
def execute(query, params=None, consistency_level=None, timeout=NOT_SET):
if not session:
raise CQLEngineException("It is required to setup() cqlengine before executing queries")
if consistency_level is None:
consistency_level = default_consistency_level
if isinstance(query, Statement):
elif isinstance(query, BaseCQLStatement):
params = query.get_context()
query = str(query)
query = SimpleStatement(query, consistency_level=consistency_level)
elif isinstance(query, six.string_types):
query = SimpleStatement(query, consistency_level=consistency_level)
params = params or {}
result = session.execute(query, params, timeout=timeout)
return result
def get_session():
return session
def get_cluster():
return cluster
def handle_lazy_connect():
global lazy_connect_args
if lazy_connect_args:
hosts, kwargs = lazy_connect_args
lazy_connect_args = None
setup(hosts, **kwargs)

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#cqlengine exceptions
class CQLEngineException(Exception): pass
class ModelException(CQLEngineException): pass
class ValidationError(CQLEngineException): pass
class UndefinedKeyspaceException(CQLEngineException): pass
class LWTException(CQLEngineException): pass
class IfNotExistsWithCounterColumn(CQLEngineException): pass

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@ -0,0 +1,126 @@
from datetime import datetime
from uuid import uuid1
import sys
import six
from cqlengine.exceptions import ValidationError
# move to central spot
class UnicodeMixin(object):
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
__str__ = lambda x: x.__unicode__()
__str__ = lambda x: six.text_type(x).encode('utf-8')
class QueryValue(UnicodeMixin):
Base class for query filter values. Subclasses of these classes can
be passed into .filter() keyword args
format_string = '%({})s'
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
self.context_id = None
def __unicode__(self):
return self.format_string.format(self.context_id)
def set_context_id(self, ctx_id):
self.context_id = ctx_id
def get_context_size(self):
return 1
def update_context(self, ctx):
ctx[str(self.context_id)] = self.value
class BaseQueryFunction(QueryValue):
Base class for filtering functions. Subclasses of these classes can
be passed into .filter() and will be translated into CQL functions in
the resulting query
class MinTimeUUID(BaseQueryFunction):
return a fake timeuuid corresponding to the smallest possible timeuuid for the given timestamp
format_string = 'MinTimeUUID(%({})s)'
def __init__(self, value):
:param value: the time to create a maximum time uuid from
:type value: datetime
if not isinstance(value, datetime):
raise ValidationError('datetime instance is required')
super(MinTimeUUID, self).__init__(value)
def to_database(self, val):
epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=val.tzinfo)
offset = epoch.tzinfo.utcoffset(epoch).total_seconds() if epoch.tzinfo else 0
return int(((val - epoch).total_seconds() - offset) * 1000)
def update_context(self, ctx):
ctx[str(self.context_id)] = self.to_database(self.value)
class MaxTimeUUID(BaseQueryFunction):
return a fake timeuuid corresponding to the largest possible timeuuid for the given timestamp
format_string = 'MaxTimeUUID(%({})s)'
def __init__(self, value):
:param value: the time to create a minimum time uuid from
:type value: datetime
if not isinstance(value, datetime):
raise ValidationError('datetime instance is required')
super(MaxTimeUUID, self).__init__(value)
def to_database(self, val):
epoch = datetime(1970, 1, 1, tzinfo=val.tzinfo)
offset = epoch.tzinfo.utcoffset(epoch).total_seconds() if epoch.tzinfo else 0
return int(((val - epoch).total_seconds() - offset) * 1000)
def update_context(self, ctx):
ctx[str(self.context_id)] = self.to_database(self.value)
class Token(BaseQueryFunction):
compute the token for a given partition key
def __init__(self, *values):
if len(values) == 1 and isinstance(values[0], (list, tuple)):
values = values[0]
super(Token, self).__init__(values)
self._columns = None
def set_columns(self, columns):
self._columns = columns
def get_context_size(self):
return len(self.value)
def __unicode__(self):
token_args = ', '.join('%({})s'.format(self.context_id + i) for i in range(self.get_context_size()))
return "token({})".format(token_args)
def update_context(self, ctx):
for i, (col, val) in enumerate(zip(self._columns, self.value)):
ctx[str(self.context_id + i)] = col.to_database(val)

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@ -0,0 +1,321 @@
import json
import warnings
import six
from cqlengine import SizeTieredCompactionStrategy, LeveledCompactionStrategy
from cqlengine import ONE
from cqlengine.named import NamedTable
from cqlengine.connection import execute, get_cluster
from cqlengine.exceptions import CQLEngineException
import logging
from collections import namedtuple
Field = namedtuple('Field', ['name', 'type'])
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
from cqlengine.models import Model
# system keyspaces
schema_columnfamilies = NamedTable('system', 'schema_columnfamilies')
def create_keyspace(name, strategy_class, replication_factor, durable_writes=True, **replication_values):
creates a keyspace
:param name: name of keyspace to create
:param strategy_class: keyspace replication strategy class
:param replication_factor: keyspace replication factor
:param durable_writes: 1.2 only, write log is bypassed if set to False
:param **replication_values: 1.2 only, additional values to ad to the replication data map
cluster = get_cluster()
if name not in cluster.metadata.keyspaces:
#try the 1.2 method
replication_map = {
'class': strategy_class,
if strategy_class.lower() != 'simplestrategy':
# Although the Cassandra documentation states for `replication_factor`
# that it is "Required if class is SimpleStrategy; otherwise,
# not used." we get an error if it is present.
replication_map.pop('replication_factor', None)
query = """
""".format(name, json.dumps(replication_map).replace('"', "'"))
if strategy_class != 'SimpleStrategy':
query += " AND DURABLE_WRITES = {}".format('true' if durable_writes else 'false')
def delete_keyspace(name):
cluster = get_cluster()
if name in cluster.metadata.keyspaces:
execute("DROP KEYSPACE {}".format(name))
def create_table(model):
raise CQLEngineException("create_table is deprecated, please use sync_table")
def sync_table(model):
Inspects the model and creates / updates the corresponding table and columns.
Note that the attributes removed from the model are not deleted on the database.
They become effectively ignored by (will not show up on) the model.
if not issubclass(model, Model):
raise CQLEngineException("Models must be derived from base Model.")
if model.__abstract__:
raise CQLEngineException("cannot create table from abstract model")
#construct query string
cf_name = model.column_family_name()
raw_cf_name = model.column_family_name(include_keyspace=False)
ks_name = model._get_keyspace()
cluster = get_cluster()
keyspace = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name]
tables = keyspace.tables
#check for an existing column family
if raw_cf_name not in tables:
qs = get_create_table(model)
except CQLEngineException as ex:
# 1.2 doesn't return cf names, so we have to examine the exception
# and ignore if it says the column family already exists
if "Cannot add already existing column family" not in unicode(ex):
# see if we're missing any columns
fields = get_fields(model)
field_names = [ for x in fields]
for name, col in model._columns.items():
if col.primary_key or col.partition_key: continue # we can't mess with the PK
if col.db_field_name in field_names: continue # skip columns already defined
# add missing column using the column def
query = "ALTER TABLE {} add {}".format(cf_name, col.get_column_def())
table = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks_name].tables[raw_cf_name]
indexes = [c for n,c in model._columns.items() if c.index]
for column in indexes:
if table.columns[column.db_field_name].index:
qs = ['CREATE INDEX index_{}_{}'.format(raw_cf_name, column.db_field_name)]
qs += ['ON {}'.format(cf_name)]
qs += ['("{}")'.format(column.db_field_name)]
qs = ' '.join(qs)
def get_create_table(model):
cf_name = model.column_family_name()
qs = ['CREATE TABLE {}'.format(cf_name)]
#add column types
pkeys = [] # primary keys
ckeys = [] # clustering keys
qtypes = [] # field types
def add_column(col):
s = col.get_column_def()
if col.primary_key:
keys = (pkeys if col.partition_key else ckeys)
for name, col in model._columns.items():
qtypes.append('PRIMARY KEY (({}){})'.format(', '.join(pkeys), ckeys and ', ' + ', '.join(ckeys) or ''))
qs += ['({})'.format(', '.join(qtypes))]
with_qs = []
table_properties = ['bloom_filter_fp_chance', 'caching', 'comment',
'dclocal_read_repair_chance', 'default_time_to_live', 'gc_grace_seconds',
'index_interval', 'memtable_flush_period_in_ms', 'populate_io_cache_on_flush',
'read_repair_chance', 'replicate_on_write']
for prop_name in table_properties:
prop_value = getattr(model, '__{}__'.format(prop_name), None)
if prop_value is not None:
# Strings needs to be single quoted
if isinstance(prop_value, six.string_types):
prop_value = "'{}'".format(prop_value)
with_qs.append("{} = {}".format(prop_name, prop_value))
_order = ['"{}" {}'.format(c.db_field_name, c.clustering_order or 'ASC') for c in model._clustering_keys.values()]
if _order:
with_qs.append('clustering order by ({})'.format(', '.join(_order)))
compaction_options = get_compaction_options(model)
if compaction_options:
compaction_options = json.dumps(compaction_options).replace('"', "'")
with_qs.append("compaction = {}".format(compaction_options))
# Add table properties.
if with_qs:
qs += ['WITH {}'.format(' AND '.join(with_qs))]
qs = ' '.join(qs)
return qs
def get_compaction_options(model):
Generates dictionary (later converted to a string) for creating and altering
tables with compaction strategy
:param model:
if not model.__compaction__:
return {}
result = {'class':model.__compaction__}
def setter(key, limited_to_strategy = None):
sets key in result, checking if the key is limited to either SizeTiered or Leveled
:param key: one of the compaction options, like "bucket_high"
:param limited_to_strategy: SizeTieredCompactionStrategy, LeveledCompactionStrategy
mkey = "__compaction_{}__".format(key)
tmp = getattr(model, mkey)
if tmp and limited_to_strategy and limited_to_strategy != model.__compaction__:
raise CQLEngineException("{} is limited to {}".format(key, limited_to_strategy))
if tmp:
# Explicitly cast the values to strings to be able to compare the
# values against introspected values from Cassandra.
result[key] = str(tmp)
setter('bucket_high', SizeTieredCompactionStrategy)
setter('bucket_low', SizeTieredCompactionStrategy)
setter('max_threshold', SizeTieredCompactionStrategy)
setter('min_threshold', SizeTieredCompactionStrategy)
setter('min_sstable_size', SizeTieredCompactionStrategy)
setter('sstable_size_in_mb', LeveledCompactionStrategy)
return result
def get_fields(model):
# returns all fields that aren't part of the PK
ks_name = model._get_keyspace()
col_family = model.column_family_name(include_keyspace=False)
field_types = ['regular', 'static']
query = "select * from system.schema_columns where keyspace_name = %s and columnfamily_name = %s"
tmp = execute(query, [ks_name, col_family])
# Tables containing only primary keys do not appear to create
# any entries in system.schema_columns, as only non-primary-key attributes
# appear to be inserted into the schema_columns table
return [Field(x['column_name'], x['validator']) for x in tmp if x['type'] in field_types]
except KeyError:
return [Field(x['column_name'], x['validator']) for x in tmp]
# convert to Field named tuples
def get_table_settings(model):
# returns the table as provided by the native driver for a given model
cluster = get_cluster()
ks = model._get_keyspace()
table = model.column_family_name(include_keyspace=False)
table = cluster.metadata.keyspaces[ks].tables[table]
return table
def update_compaction(model):
"""Updates the compaction options for the given model if necessary.
:param model: The model to update.
:return: `True`, if the compaction options were modified in Cassandra,
`False` otherwise.
:rtype: bool
logger.debug("Checking %s for compaction differences", model)
table = get_table_settings(model)
existing_options = table.options.copy()
existing_compaction_strategy = existing_options['compaction_strategy_class']
existing_options = json.loads(existing_options['compaction_strategy_options'])
desired_options = get_compaction_options(model)
desired_compact_strategy = desired_options.get('class', SizeTieredCompactionStrategy)
desired_options.pop('class', None)
do_update = False
if desired_compact_strategy not in existing_compaction_strategy:
do_update = True
for k, v in desired_options.items():
val = existing_options.pop(k, None)
if val != v:
do_update = True
# check compaction_strategy_options
if do_update:
options = get_compaction_options(model)
# jsonify
options = json.dumps(options).replace('"', "'")
cf_name = model.column_family_name()
query = "ALTER TABLE {} with compaction = {}".format(cf_name, options)
return True
return False
def delete_table(model):
raise CQLEngineException("delete_table has been deprecated in favor of drop_table()")
def drop_table(model):
# don't try to delete non existant tables
meta = get_cluster().metadata
ks_name = model._get_keyspace()
raw_cf_name = model.column_family_name(include_keyspace=False)
table = meta.keyspaces[ks_name].tables[raw_cf_name]
execute('drop table {};'.format(model.column_family_name(include_keyspace=True)))
except KeyError:

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@ -0,0 +1,850 @@
from collections import OrderedDict
import re
import warnings
from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine.exceptions import ModelException, CQLEngineException, ValidationError
from cqlengine.query import ModelQuerySet, DMLQuery, AbstractQueryableColumn, NOT_SET
from cqlengine.query import DoesNotExist as _DoesNotExist
from cqlengine.query import MultipleObjectsReturned as _MultipleObjectsReturned
class ModelDefinitionException(ModelException): pass
class PolyMorphicModelException(ModelException): pass
class UndefinedKeyspaceWarning(Warning):
class hybrid_classmethod(object):
Allows a method to behave as both a class method and
normal instance method depending on how it's called
def __init__(self, clsmethod, instmethod):
self.clsmethod = clsmethod
self.instmethod = instmethod
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
if instance is None:
return self.clsmethod.__get__(owner, owner)
return self.instmethod.__get__(instance, owner)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Just a hint to IDEs that it's ok to call this
raise NotImplementedError
class QuerySetDescriptor(object):
returns a fresh queryset for the given model
it's declared on everytime it's accessed
def __get__(self, obj, model):
""" :rtype: ModelQuerySet """
if model.__abstract__:
raise CQLEngineException('cannot execute queries against abstract models')
queryset = model.__queryset__(model)
# if this is a concrete polymorphic model, and the polymorphic
# key is an indexed column, add a filter clause to only return
# logical rows of the proper type
if model._is_polymorphic and not model._is_polymorphic_base:
name, column = model._polymorphic_column_name, model._polymorphic_column
if column.partition_key or column.index:
# look for existing poly types
return queryset.filter(**{name: model.__polymorphic_key__})
return queryset
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Just a hint to IDEs that it's ok to call this
:rtype: ModelQuerySet
raise NotImplementedError
class TransactionDescriptor(object):
returns a query set descriptor
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
def transaction_setter(*prepared_transaction, **unprepared_transactions):
if len(prepared_transaction) > 0:
transactions = prepared_transaction[0]
transactions = instance.objects.iff(**unprepared_transactions)._transaction
instance._transaction = transactions
return instance
return transaction_setter
qs = model.__queryset__(model)
def transaction_setter(**unprepared_transactions):
transactions = model.objects.iff(**unprepared_transactions)._transaction
qs._transaction = transactions
return qs
return transaction_setter
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class TTLDescriptor(object):
returns a query set descriptor
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
#instance = copy.deepcopy(instance)
# instance method
def ttl_setter(ts):
instance._ttl = ts
return instance
return ttl_setter
qs = model.__queryset__(model)
def ttl_setter(ts):
qs._ttl = ts
return qs
return ttl_setter
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class TimestampDescriptor(object):
returns a query set descriptor with a timestamp specified
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
# instance method
def timestamp_setter(ts):
instance._timestamp = ts
return instance
return timestamp_setter
return model.objects.timestamp
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class IfNotExistsDescriptor(object):
return a query set descriptor with a if_not_exists flag specified
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
# instance method
def ifnotexists_setter(ife):
instance._if_not_exists = ife
return instance
return ifnotexists_setter
return model.objects.if_not_exists
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class ConsistencyDescriptor(object):
returns a query set descriptor if called on Class, instance if it was an instance call
def __get__(self, instance, model):
if instance:
#instance = copy.deepcopy(instance)
def consistency_setter(consistency):
instance.__consistency__ = consistency
return instance
return consistency_setter
qs = model.__queryset__(model)
def consistency_setter(consistency):
qs._consistency = consistency
return qs
return consistency_setter
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
raise NotImplementedError
class ColumnQueryEvaluator(AbstractQueryableColumn):
Wraps a column and allows it to be used in comparator
expressions, returning query operators
Model.column == 5
def __init__(self, column):
self.column = column
def __unicode__(self):
return self.column.db_field_name
def _get_column(self):
""" :rtype: ColumnQueryEvaluator """
return self.column
class ColumnDescriptor(object):
Handles the reading and writing of column values to and from
a model instance's value manager, as well as creating
comparator queries
def __init__(self, column):
:param column:
:type column: columns.Column
self.column = column
self.query_evaluator = ColumnQueryEvaluator(self.column)
def __get__(self, instance, owner):
Returns either the value or column, depending
on if an instance is provided or not
:param instance: the model instance
:type instance: Model
return instance._values[self.column.column_name].getval()
except AttributeError as e:
return self.query_evaluator
def __set__(self, instance, value):
Sets the value on an instance, raises an exception with classes
TODO: use None instance to create update statements
if instance:
return instance._values[self.column.column_name].setval(value)
raise AttributeError('cannot reassign column values')
def __delete__(self, instance):
Sets the column value to None, if possible
if instance:
if self.column.can_delete:
raise AttributeError('cannot delete {} columns'.format(self.column.column_name))
class BaseModel(object):
The base model class, don't inherit from this, inherit from Model, defined below
class DoesNotExist(_DoesNotExist): pass
class MultipleObjectsReturned(_MultipleObjectsReturned): pass
objects = QuerySetDescriptor()
ttl = TTLDescriptor()
consistency = ConsistencyDescriptor()
iff = TransactionDescriptor()
# custom timestamps, see USING TIMESTAMP X
timestamp = TimestampDescriptor()
if_not_exists = IfNotExistsDescriptor()
# _len is lazily created by __len__
# table names will be generated automatically from it's model
# however, you can also define them manually here
__table_name__ = None
# the keyspace for this model
__keyspace__ = None
# polymorphism options
__polymorphic_key__ = None
# compaction options
__compaction__ = None
__compaction_tombstone_compaction_interval__ = None
__compaction_tombstone_threshold__ = None
# compaction - size tiered options
__compaction_bucket_high__ = None
__compaction_bucket_low__ = None
__compaction_max_threshold__ = None
__compaction_min_threshold__ = None
__compaction_min_sstable_size__ = None
# compaction - leveled options
__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = None
# end compaction
# the queryset class used for this class
__queryset__ = ModelQuerySet
__dmlquery__ = DMLQuery
__default_ttl__ = None # default ttl value to use
__consistency__ = None # can be set per query
# Additional table properties
__bloom_filter_fp_chance__ = None
__caching__ = None
__comment__ = None
__dclocal_read_repair_chance__ = None
__default_time_to_live__ = None
__gc_grace_seconds__ = None
__index_interval__ = None
__memtable_flush_period_in_ms__ = None
__populate_io_cache_on_flush__ = None
__read_repair_chance__ = None
__replicate_on_write__ = None
_timestamp = None # optional timestamp to include with the operation (USING TIMESTAMP)
_if_not_exists = False # optional if_not_exists flag to check existence before insertion
def __init__(self, **values):
self._values = {}
self._ttl = self.__default_ttl__
self._timestamp = None
self._transaction = None
for name, column in self._columns.items():
value = values.get(name, None)
if value is not None or isinstance(column, columns.BaseContainerColumn):
value = column.to_python(value)
value_mngr = column.value_manager(self, column, value)
if name in values:
value_mngr.explicit = True
self._values[name] = value_mngr
# a flag set by the deserializer to indicate
# that update should be used when persisting changes
self._is_persisted = False
self._batch = None
self._timeout = NOT_SET
def __repr__(self):
Pretty printing of models by their primary key
return '{} <{}>'.format(self.__class__.__name__,
', '.join(('{}={}'.format(k, getattr(self, k)) for k,v in six.iteritems(self._primary_keys)))
def _discover_polymorphic_submodels(cls):
if not cls._is_polymorphic_base:
raise ModelException('_discover_polymorphic_submodels can only be called on polymorphic base classes')
def _discover(klass):
if not klass._is_polymorphic_base and klass.__polymorphic_key__ is not None:
cls._polymorphic_map[klass.__polymorphic_key__] = klass
for subklass in klass.__subclasses__():
def _get_model_by_polymorphic_key(cls, key):
if not cls._is_polymorphic_base:
raise ModelException('_get_model_by_polymorphic_key can only be called on polymorphic base classes')
return cls._polymorphic_map.get(key)
def _construct_instance(cls, values):
method used to construct instances from query results
this is where polymorphic deserialization occurs
# we're going to take the values, which is from the DB as a dict
# and translate that into our local fields
# the db_map is a db_field -> model field map
items = values.items()
field_dict = dict([(cls._db_map.get(k, k),v) for k,v in items])
if cls._is_polymorphic:
poly_key = field_dict.get(cls._polymorphic_column_name)
if poly_key is None:
raise PolyMorphicModelException('polymorphic key was not found in values')
poly_base = cls if cls._is_polymorphic_base else cls._polymorphic_base
klass = poly_base._get_model_by_polymorphic_key(poly_key)
if klass is None:
klass = poly_base._get_model_by_polymorphic_key(poly_key)
if klass is None:
raise PolyMorphicModelException(
'unrecognized polymorphic key {} for class {}'.format(poly_key, poly_base.__name__)
if not issubclass(klass, cls):
raise PolyMorphicModelException(
'{} is not a subclass of {}'.format(klass.__name__, cls.__name__)
field_dict = {k: v for k, v in field_dict.items() if k in klass._columns.keys()}
klass = cls
instance = klass(**field_dict)
instance._is_persisted = True
return instance
def _can_update(self):
Called by the save function to check if this should be
persisted with update or insert
if not self._is_persisted: return False
pks = self._primary_keys.keys()
return all([not self._values[k].changed for k in self._primary_keys])
def _get_keyspace(cls):
""" Returns the manual keyspace, if set, otherwise the default keyspace """
return cls.__keyspace__ or DEFAULT_KEYSPACE
def _get_column(cls, name):
Returns the column matching the given name, raising a key error if
it doesn't exist
:param name: the name of the column to return
:rtype: Column
return cls._columns[name]
def __eq__(self, other):
if self.__class__ != other.__class__:
return False
# check attribute keys
keys = set(self._columns.keys())
other_keys = set(other._columns.keys())
if keys != other_keys:
return False
# check that all of the attributes match
for key in other_keys:
if getattr(self, key, None) != getattr(other, key, None):
return False
return True
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def column_family_name(cls, include_keyspace=True):
Returns the column family name if it's been defined
otherwise, it creates it from the module and class name
cf_name = ''
if cls.__table_name__:
cf_name = cls.__table_name__.lower()
# get polymorphic base table names if model is polymorphic
if cls._is_polymorphic and not cls._is_polymorphic_base:
return cls._polymorphic_base.column_family_name(include_keyspace=include_keyspace)
camelcase = re.compile(r'([a-z])([A-Z])')
ccase = lambda s: camelcase.sub(lambda v: '{}_{}'.format(,, s)
cf_name += ccase(cls.__name__)
#trim to less than 48 characters or cassandra will complain
cf_name = cf_name[-48:]
cf_name = cf_name.lower()
cf_name = re.sub(r'^_+', '', cf_name)
if not include_keyspace: return cf_name
return '{}.{}'.format(cls._get_keyspace(), cf_name)
def validate(self):
""" Cleans and validates the field values """
for name, col in self._columns.items():
v = getattr(self, name)
if v is None and not self._values[name].explicit and col.has_default:
v = col.get_default()
val = col.validate(v)
setattr(self, name, val)
### Let an instance be used like a dict of its columns keys/values
def __iter__(self):
""" Iterate over column ids. """
for column_id in self._columns.keys():
yield column_id
def __getitem__(self, key):
""" Returns column's value. """
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise TypeError
if key not in self._columns.keys():
raise KeyError
return getattr(self, key)
def __setitem__(self, key, val):
""" Sets a column's value. """
if not isinstance(key, six.string_types):
raise TypeError
if key not in self._columns.keys():
raise KeyError
return setattr(self, key, val)
def __len__(self):
""" Returns the number of columns defined on that model. """
return self._len
self._len = len(self._columns.keys())
return self._len
def keys(self):
""" Returns list of column's IDs. """
return [k for k in self]
def values(self):
""" Returns list of column's values. """
return [self[k] for k in self]
def items(self):
""" Returns a list of columns's IDs/values. """
return [(k, self[k]) for k in self]
def _as_dict(self):
""" Returns a map of column names to cleaned values """
values = self._dynamic_columns or {}
for name, col in self._columns.items():
values[name] = col.to_database(getattr(self, name, None))
return values
def create(cls, **kwargs):
extra_columns = set(kwargs.keys()) - set(cls._columns.keys())
if extra_columns:
raise ValidationError("Incorrect columns passed: {}".format(extra_columns))
return cls.objects.create(**kwargs)
def all(cls):
return cls.objects.all()
def filter(cls, *args, **kwargs):
# if kwargs.values().count(None):
# raise CQLEngineException("Cannot pass None as a filter")
return cls.objects.filter(*args, **kwargs)
def get(cls, *args, **kwargs):
return cls.objects.get(*args, **kwargs)
def timeout(self, timeout):
assert self._batch is None, 'Setting both timeout and batch is not supported'
self._timeout = timeout
return self
def save(self):
# handle polymorphic models
if self._is_polymorphic:
if self._is_polymorphic_base:
raise PolyMorphicModelException('cannot save polymorphic base model')
setattr(self, self._polymorphic_column_name, self.__polymorphic_key__)
is_new = is None
self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self,
#reset the value managers
for v in self._values.values():
self._is_persisted = True
self._ttl = self.__default_ttl__
self._timestamp = None
return self
def update(self, **values):
for k, v in values.items():
col = self._columns.get(k)
# check for nonexistant columns
if col is None:
raise ValidationError("{}.{} has no column named: {}".format(self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__, k))
# check for primary key update attempts
if col.is_primary_key:
raise ValidationError("Cannot apply update to primary key '{}' for {}.{}".format(k, self.__module__, self.__class__.__name__))
setattr(self, k, v)
# handle polymorphic models
if self._is_polymorphic:
if self._is_polymorphic_base:
raise PolyMorphicModelException('cannot update polymorphic base model')
setattr(self, self._polymorphic_column_name, self.__polymorphic_key__)
self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self,
#reset the value managers
for v in self._values.values():
self._is_persisted = True
self._ttl = self.__default_ttl__
self._timestamp = None
return self
def delete(self):
""" Deletes this instance """
self.__dmlquery__(self.__class__, self,
def get_changed_columns(self):
""" returns a list of the columns that have been updated since instantiation or save """
return [k for k,v in self._values.items() if v.changed]
def _class_batch(cls, batch):
return cls.objects.batch(batch)
def _inst_batch(self, batch):
assert self._timeout is NOT_SET, 'Setting both timeout and batch is not supported'
self._batch = batch
return self
batch = hybrid_classmethod(_class_batch, _inst_batch)
class ModelMetaClass(type):
def __new__(cls, name, bases, attrs):
#move column definitions into columns dict
#and set default column names
column_dict = OrderedDict()
primary_keys = OrderedDict()
pk_name = None
#get inherited properties
inherited_columns = OrderedDict()
for base in bases:
for k,v in getattr(base, '_defined_columns', {}).items():
#short circuit __abstract__ inheritance
is_abstract = attrs['__abstract__'] = attrs.get('__abstract__', False)
#short circuit __polymorphic_key__ inheritance
attrs['__polymorphic_key__'] = attrs.get('__polymorphic_key__', None)
def _transform_column(col_name, col_obj):
column_dict[col_name] = col_obj
if col_obj.primary_key:
primary_keys[col_name] = col_obj
#set properties
attrs[col_name] = ColumnDescriptor(col_obj)
column_definitions = [(k,v) for k,v in attrs.items() if isinstance(v, columns.Column)]
#column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, lambda x,y: cmp(x[1].position, y[1].position))
column_definitions = sorted(column_definitions, key=lambda x: x[1].position)
is_polymorphic_base = any([c[1].polymorphic_key for c in column_definitions])
column_definitions = [x for x in inherited_columns.items()] + column_definitions
polymorphic_columns = [c for c in column_definitions if c[1].polymorphic_key]
is_polymorphic = len(polymorphic_columns) > 0
if len(polymorphic_columns) > 1:
raise ModelDefinitionException('only one polymorphic_key can be defined in a model, {} found'.format(len(polymorphic_columns)))
polymorphic_column_name, polymorphic_column = polymorphic_columns[0] if polymorphic_columns else (None, None)
if isinstance(polymorphic_column, (columns.BaseContainerColumn, columns.Counter)):
raise ModelDefinitionException('counter and container columns cannot be used for polymorphic keys')
# find polymorphic base class
polymorphic_base = None
if is_polymorphic and not is_polymorphic_base:
def _get_polymorphic_base(bases):
for base in bases:
if getattr(base, '_is_polymorphic_base', False):
return base
klass = _get_polymorphic_base(base.__bases__)
if klass:
return klass
polymorphic_base = _get_polymorphic_base(bases)
defined_columns = OrderedDict(column_definitions)
# check for primary key
if not is_abstract and not any([v.primary_key for k,v in column_definitions]):
raise ModelDefinitionException("At least 1 primary key is required.")
counter_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
data_columns = [c for c in defined_columns.values() if not c.primary_key and not isinstance(c, columns.Counter)]
if counter_columns and data_columns:
raise ModelDefinitionException('counter models may not have data columns')
has_partition_keys = any(v.partition_key for (k, v) in column_definitions)
#transform column definitions
for k, v in column_definitions:
# don't allow a column with the same name as a built-in attribute or method
if k in BaseModel.__dict__:
raise ModelDefinitionException("column '{}' conflicts with built-in attribute/method".format(k))
# counter column primary keys are not allowed
if (v.primary_key or v.partition_key) and isinstance(v, (columns.Counter, columns.BaseContainerColumn)):
raise ModelDefinitionException('counter columns and container columns cannot be used as primary keys')
# this will mark the first primary key column as a partition
# key, if one hasn't been set already
if not has_partition_keys and v.primary_key:
v.partition_key = True
has_partition_keys = True
_transform_column(k, v)
partition_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if k[1].partition_key)
clustering_keys = OrderedDict(k for k in primary_keys.items() if not k[1].partition_key)
#setup partition key shortcut
if len(partition_keys) == 0:
if not is_abstract:
raise ModelException("at least one partition key must be defined")
if len(partition_keys) == 1:
pk_name = [x for x in partition_keys.keys()][0]
attrs['pk'] = attrs[pk_name]
# composite partition key case, get/set a tuple of values
_get = lambda self: tuple(self._values[c].getval() for c in partition_keys.keys())
_set = lambda self, val: tuple(self._values[c].setval(v) for (c, v) in zip(partition_keys.keys(), val))
attrs['pk'] = property(_get, _set)
# some validation
col_names = set()
for v in column_dict.values():
# check for duplicate column names
if v.db_field_name in col_names:
raise ModelException("{} defines the column {} more than once".format(name, v.db_field_name))
if v.clustering_order and not (v.primary_key and not v.partition_key):
raise ModelException("clustering_order may be specified only for clustering primary keys")
if v.clustering_order and v.clustering_order.lower() not in ('asc', 'desc'):
raise ModelException("invalid clustering order {} for column {}".format(repr(v.clustering_order), v.db_field_name))
#create db_name -> model name map for loading
db_map = {}
for field_name, col in column_dict.items():
db_map[col.db_field_name] = field_name
#add management members to the class
attrs['_columns'] = column_dict
attrs['_primary_keys'] = primary_keys
attrs['_defined_columns'] = defined_columns
# maps the database field to the models key
attrs['_db_map'] = db_map
attrs['_pk_name'] = pk_name
attrs['_dynamic_columns'] = {}
attrs['_partition_keys'] = partition_keys
attrs['_clustering_keys'] = clustering_keys
attrs['_has_counter'] = len(counter_columns) > 0
# add polymorphic management attributes
attrs['_is_polymorphic_base'] = is_polymorphic_base
attrs['_is_polymorphic'] = is_polymorphic
attrs['_polymorphic_base'] = polymorphic_base
attrs['_polymorphic_column'] = polymorphic_column
attrs['_polymorphic_column_name'] = polymorphic_column_name
attrs['_polymorphic_map'] = {} if is_polymorphic_base else None
#setup class exceptions
DoesNotExistBase = None
for base in bases:
DoesNotExistBase = getattr(base, 'DoesNotExist', None)
if DoesNotExistBase is not None: break
DoesNotExistBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('DoesNotExist', BaseModel.DoesNotExist)
attrs['DoesNotExist'] = type('DoesNotExist', (DoesNotExistBase,), {})
MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = None
for base in bases:
MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = getattr(base, 'MultipleObjectsReturned', None)
if MultipleObjectsReturnedBase is not None: break
MultipleObjectsReturnedBase = DoesNotExistBase or attrs.pop('MultipleObjectsReturned', BaseModel.MultipleObjectsReturned)
attrs['MultipleObjectsReturned'] = type('MultipleObjectsReturned', (MultipleObjectsReturnedBase,), {})
#create the class and add a QuerySet to it
klass = super(ModelMetaClass, cls).__new__(cls, name, bases, attrs)
return klass
import six
class Model(BaseModel):
the db name for the column family can be set as the attribute db_name, or
it will be generated from the class name
__abstract__ = True
# __metaclass__ = ModelMetaClass

cqlengine/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,122 @@
from cqlengine.exceptions import CQLEngineException
from cqlengine.query import AbstractQueryableColumn, SimpleQuerySet
from cqlengine.query import DoesNotExist as _DoesNotExist
from cqlengine.query import MultipleObjectsReturned as _MultipleObjectsReturned
class QuerySetDescriptor(object):
returns a fresh queryset for the given model
it's declared on everytime it's accessed
def __get__(self, obj, model):
""" :rtype: ModelQuerySet """
if model.__abstract__:
raise CQLEngineException('cannot execute queries against abstract models')
return SimpleQuerySet(obj)
def __call__(self, *args, **kwargs):
Just a hint to IDEs that it's ok to call this
:rtype: ModelQuerySet
raise NotImplementedError
class NamedColumn(AbstractQueryableColumn):
A column that is not coupled to a model class, or type
def __init__(self, name): = name
def __unicode__(self):
def _get_column(self):
""" :rtype: NamedColumn """
return self
def db_field_name(self):
def cql(self):
return self.get_cql()
def get_cql(self):
return '"{}"'.format(
def to_database(self, val):
return val
class NamedTable(object):
A Table that is not coupled to a model class
__abstract__ = False
objects = QuerySetDescriptor()
class DoesNotExist(_DoesNotExist): pass
class MultipleObjectsReturned(_MultipleObjectsReturned): pass
def __init__(self, keyspace, name):
self.keyspace = keyspace = name
def column(self, name):
return NamedColumn(name)
def column_family_name(self, include_keyspace=True):
Returns the column family name if it's been defined
otherwise, it creates it from the module and class name
if include_keyspace:
return '{}.{}'.format(self.keyspace,
def _get_column(self, name):
Returns the column matching the given name
:rtype: Column
return self.column(name)
# def create(self, **kwargs):
# return self.objects.create(**kwargs)
def all(self):
return self.objects.all()
def filter(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.objects.filter(*args, **kwargs)
def get(self, *args, **kwargs):
return self.objects.get(*args, **kwargs)
class NamedKeyspace(object):
A keyspace
def __init__(self, name): = name
def table(self, name):
returns a table descriptor with the given
name that belongs to this keyspace
return NamedTable(, name)

cqlengine/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
import six
class QueryOperatorException(Exception): pass
import sys
# move to central spot
class UnicodeMixin(object):
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
__str__ = lambda x: x.__unicode__()
__str__ = lambda x: six.text_type(x).encode('utf-8')
class BaseQueryOperator(UnicodeMixin):
# The symbol that identifies this operator in kwargs
# ie: colname__<symbol>
symbol = None
# The comparator symbol this operator uses in cql
cql_symbol = None
def __unicode__(self):
if self.cql_symbol is None:
raise QueryOperatorException("cql symbol is None")
return self.cql_symbol
def get_operator(cls, symbol):
if cls == BaseQueryOperator:
raise QueryOperatorException("get_operator can only be called from a BaseQueryOperator subclass")
if not hasattr(cls, 'opmap'):
cls.opmap = {}
def _recurse(klass):
if klass.symbol:
cls.opmap[klass.symbol.upper()] = klass
for subklass in klass.__subclasses__():
return cls.opmap[symbol.upper()]
except KeyError:
raise QueryOperatorException("{} doesn't map to a QueryOperator".format(symbol))
class BaseWhereOperator(BaseQueryOperator):
""" base operator used for where clauses """
class EqualsOperator(BaseWhereOperator):
symbol = 'EQ'
cql_symbol = '='
class InOperator(EqualsOperator):
symbol = 'IN'
cql_symbol = 'IN'
class GreaterThanOperator(BaseWhereOperator):
symbol = "GT"
cql_symbol = '>'
class GreaterThanOrEqualOperator(BaseWhereOperator):
symbol = "GTE"
cql_symbol = '>='
class LessThanOperator(BaseWhereOperator):
symbol = "LT"
cql_symbol = '<'
class LessThanOrEqualOperator(BaseWhereOperator):
symbol = "LTE"
cql_symbol = '<='
class BaseAssignmentOperator(BaseQueryOperator):
""" base operator used for insert and delete statements """
class AssignmentOperator(BaseAssignmentOperator):
cql_symbol = "="
class AddSymbol(BaseAssignmentOperator):
cql_symbol = "+"

cqlengine/ Normal file

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

cqlengine/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,817 @@
import time
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import six
from cqlengine.functions import QueryValue
from cqlengine.operators import BaseWhereOperator, InOperator
class StatementException(Exception): pass
import sys
class UnicodeMixin(object):
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
__str__ = lambda x: x.__unicode__()
__str__ = lambda x: six.text_type(x).encode('utf-8')
class ValueQuoter(UnicodeMixin):
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __unicode__(self):
from cassandra.encoder import cql_quote
if isinstance(self.value, bool):
return 'true' if self.value else 'false'
elif isinstance(self.value, (list, tuple)):
return '[' + ', '.join([cql_quote(v) for v in self.value]) + ']'
elif isinstance(self.value, dict):
return '{' + ', '.join([cql_quote(k) + ':' + cql_quote(v) for k,v in self.value.items()]) + '}'
elif isinstance(self.value, set):
return '{' + ', '.join([cql_quote(v) for v in self.value]) + '}'
return cql_quote(self.value)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self.value == other.value
return False
class InQuoter(ValueQuoter):
def __unicode__(self):
from cassandra.encoder import cql_quote
return '(' + ', '.join([cql_quote(v) for v in self.value]) + ')'
class BaseClause(UnicodeMixin):
def __init__(self, field, value):
self.field = field
self.value = value
self.context_id = None
def __unicode__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def __hash__(self):
return hash(self.field) ^ hash(self.value)
def __eq__(self, other):
if isinstance(other, self.__class__):
return self.field == other.field and self.value == other.value
return False
def __ne__(self, other):
return not self.__eq__(other)
def get_context_size(self):
""" returns the number of entries this clause will add to the query context """
return 1
def set_context_id(self, i):
""" sets the value placeholder that will be used in the query """
self.context_id = i
def update_context(self, ctx):
""" updates the query context with this clauses values """
assert isinstance(ctx, dict)
ctx[str(self.context_id)] = self.value
class WhereClause(BaseClause):
""" a single where statement used in queries """
def __init__(self, field, operator, value, quote_field=True):
:param field:
:param operator:
:param value:
:param quote_field: hack to get the token function rendering properly
if not isinstance(operator, BaseWhereOperator):
raise StatementException(
"operator must be of type {}, got {}".format(BaseWhereOperator, type(operator))
super(WhereClause, self).__init__(field, value)
self.operator = operator
self.query_value = self.value if isinstance(self.value, QueryValue) else QueryValue(self.value)
self.quote_field = quote_field
def __unicode__(self):
field = ('"{}"' if self.quote_field else '{}').format(self.field)
return u'{} {} {}'.format(field, self.operator, six.text_type(self.query_value))
def __hash__(self):
return super(WhereClause, self).__hash__() ^ hash(self.operator)
def __eq__(self, other):
if super(WhereClause, self).__eq__(other):
return self.operator.__class__ == other.operator.__class__
return False
def get_context_size(self):
return self.query_value.get_context_size()
def set_context_id(self, i):
super(WhereClause, self).set_context_id(i)
def update_context(self, ctx):
if isinstance(self.operator, InOperator):
ctx[str(self.context_id)] = InQuoter(self.value)
class AssignmentClause(BaseClause):
""" a single variable st statement """
def __unicode__(self):
return u'"{}" = %({})s'.format(self.field, self.context_id)
def insert_tuple(self):
return self.field, self.context_id
class TransactionClause(BaseClause):
""" A single variable iff statement """
def __unicode__(self):
return u'"{}" = %({})s'.format(self.field, self.context_id)
def insert_tuple(self):
return self.field, self.context_id
class ContainerUpdateClause(AssignmentClause):
def __init__(self, field, value, operation=None, previous=None, column=None):
super(ContainerUpdateClause, self).__init__(field, value)
self.previous = previous
self._assignments = None
self._operation = operation
self._analyzed = False
self._column = column
def _to_database(self, val):
return self._column.to_database(val) if self._column else val
def _analyze(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def get_context_size(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def update_context(self, ctx):
raise NotImplementedError
class SetUpdateClause(ContainerUpdateClause):
""" updates a set collection """
def __init__(self, field, value, operation=None, previous=None, column=None):
super(SetUpdateClause, self).__init__(field, value, operation, previous, column=column)
self._additions = None
self._removals = None
def __unicode__(self):
qs = []
ctx_id = self.context_id
if (self.previous is None and
self._assignments is None and
self._additions is None and
self._removals is None):
qs += ['"{}" = %({})s'.format(self.field, ctx_id)]
if self._assignments is not None:
qs += ['"{}" = %({})s'.format(self.field, ctx_id)]
ctx_id += 1
if self._additions is not None:
qs += ['"{0}" = "{0}" + %({1})s'.format(self.field, ctx_id)]
ctx_id += 1
if self._removals is not None:
qs += ['"{0}" = "{0}" - %({1})s'.format(self.field, ctx_id)]
return ', '.join(qs)
def _analyze(self):
""" works out the updates to be performed """
if self.value is None or self.value == self.previous:
elif self._operation == "add":
self._additions = self.value
elif self._operation == "remove":
self._removals = self.value
elif self.previous is None:
self._assignments = self.value
# partial update time
self._additions = (self.value - self.previous) or None
self._removals = (self.previous - self.value) or None
self._analyzed = True
def get_context_size(self):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
if (self.previous is None and
not self._assignments and
self._additions is None and
self._removals is None):
return 1
return int(bool(self._assignments)) + int(bool(self._additions)) + int(bool(self._removals))
def update_context(self, ctx):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
ctx_id = self.context_id
if (self.previous is None and
self._assignments is None and
self._additions is None and
self._removals is None):
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = self._to_database({})
if self._assignments is not None:
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = self._to_database(self._assignments)
ctx_id += 1
if self._additions is not None:
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = self._to_database(self._additions)
ctx_id += 1
if self._removals is not None:
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = self._to_database(self._removals)
class ListUpdateClause(ContainerUpdateClause):
""" updates a list collection """
def __init__(self, field, value, operation=None, previous=None, column=None):
super(ListUpdateClause, self).__init__(field, value, operation, previous, column=column)
self._append = None
self._prepend = None
def __unicode__(self):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
qs = []
ctx_id = self.context_id
if self._assignments is not None:
qs += ['"{}" = %({})s'.format(self.field, ctx_id)]
ctx_id += 1
if self._prepend is not None:
qs += ['"{0}" = %({1})s + "{0}"'.format(self.field, ctx_id)]
ctx_id += 1
if self._append is not None:
qs += ['"{0}" = "{0}" + %({1})s'.format(self.field, ctx_id)]
return ', '.join(qs)
def get_context_size(self):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
return int(self._assignments is not None) + int(bool(self._append)) + int(bool(self._prepend))
def update_context(self, ctx):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
ctx_id = self.context_id
if self._assignments is not None:
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = self._to_database(self._assignments)
ctx_id += 1
if self._prepend is not None:
# CQL seems to prepend element at a time, starting
# with the element at idx 0, we can either reverse
# it here, or have it inserted in reverse
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = self._to_database(list(reversed(self._prepend)))
ctx_id += 1
if self._append is not None:
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = self._to_database(self._append)
def _analyze(self):
""" works out the updates to be performed """
if self.value is None or self.value == self.previous:
elif self._operation == "append":
self._append = self.value
elif self._operation == "prepend":
# self.value is a Quoter but we reverse self._prepend later as if
# it's a list, so we have to set it to the underlying list
self._prepend = self.value.value
elif self.previous is None:
self._assignments = self.value
elif len(self.value) < len(self.previous):
# if elements have been removed,
# rewrite the whole list
self._assignments = self.value
elif len(self.previous) == 0:
# if we're updating from an empty
# list, do a complete insert
self._assignments = self.value
# the max start idx we want to compare
search_space = len(self.value) - max(0, len(self.previous)-1)
# the size of the sub lists we want to look at
search_size = len(self.previous)
for i in range(search_space):
#slice boundary
j = i + search_size
sub = self.value[i:j]
idx_cmp = lambda idx: self.previous[idx] == sub[idx]
if idx_cmp(0) and idx_cmp(-1) and self.previous == sub:
self._prepend = self.value[:i] or None
self._append = self.value[j:] or None
# if both append and prepend are still None after looking
# at both lists, an insert statement will be created
if self._prepend is self._append is None:
self._assignments = self.value
self._analyzed = True
class MapUpdateClause(ContainerUpdateClause):
""" updates a map collection """
def __init__(self, field, value, operation=None, previous=None, column=None):
super(MapUpdateClause, self).__init__(field, value, operation, previous, column=column)
self._updates = None
def _analyze(self):
if self._operation == "update":
self._updates = self.value.keys()
if self.previous is None:
self._updates = sorted([k for k, v in self.value.items()])
self._updates = sorted([k for k, v in self.value.items() if v != self.previous.get(k)]) or None
self._analyzed = True
def get_context_size(self):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
if self.previous is None and not self._updates:
return 1
return len(self._updates or []) * 2
def update_context(self, ctx):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
ctx_id = self.context_id
if self.previous is None and not self._updates:
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = {}
for key in self._updates or []:
val = self.value.get(key)
ctx[str(ctx_id)] = self._column.key_col.to_database(key) if self._column else key
ctx[str(ctx_id + 1)] = self._column.value_col.to_database(val) if self._column else val
ctx_id += 2
def __unicode__(self):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
qs = []
ctx_id = self.context_id
if self.previous is None and not self._updates:
qs += ['"{}" = %({})s'.format(self.field, ctx_id)]
for _ in self._updates or []:
qs += ['"{}"[%({})s] = %({})s'.format(self.field, ctx_id, ctx_id + 1)]
ctx_id += 2
return ', '.join(qs)
class CounterUpdateClause(ContainerUpdateClause):
def __init__(self, field, value, previous=None, column=None):
super(CounterUpdateClause, self).__init__(field, value, previous=previous, column=column)
self.previous = self.previous or 0
def get_context_size(self):
return 1
def update_context(self, ctx):
ctx[str(self.context_id)] = self._to_database(abs(self.value - self.previous))
def __unicode__(self):
delta = self.value - self.previous
sign = '-' if delta < 0 else '+'
return '"{0}" = "{0}" {1} %({2})s'.format(self.field, sign, self.context_id)
class BaseDeleteClause(BaseClause):
class FieldDeleteClause(BaseDeleteClause):
""" deletes a field from a row """
def __init__(self, field):
super(FieldDeleteClause, self).__init__(field, None)
def __unicode__(self):
return '"{}"'.format(self.field)
def update_context(self, ctx):
def get_context_size(self):
return 0
class MapDeleteClause(BaseDeleteClause):
""" removes keys from a map """
def __init__(self, field, value, previous=None):
super(MapDeleteClause, self).__init__(field, value)
self.value = self.value or {}
self.previous = previous or {}
self._analyzed = False
self._removals = None
def _analyze(self):
self._removals = sorted([k for k in self.previous if k not in self.value])
self._analyzed = True
def update_context(self, ctx):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
for idx, key in enumerate(self._removals):
ctx[str(self.context_id + idx)] = key
def get_context_size(self):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
return len(self._removals)
def __unicode__(self):
if not self._analyzed: self._analyze()
return ', '.join(['"{}"[%({})s]'.format(self.field, self.context_id + i) for i in range(len(self._removals))])
class BaseCQLStatement(UnicodeMixin):
""" The base cql statement class """
def __init__(self, table, consistency=None, timestamp=None, where=None):
super(BaseCQLStatement, self).__init__()
self.table = table
self.consistency = consistency
self.context_id = 0
self.context_counter = self.context_id
self.timestamp = timestamp
self.where_clauses = []
for clause in where or []:
def add_where_clause(self, clause):
adds a where clause to this statement
:param clause: the clause to add
:type clause: WhereClause
if not isinstance(clause, WhereClause):
raise StatementException("only instances of WhereClause can be added to statements")
self.context_counter += clause.get_context_size()
def get_context(self):
returns the context dict for this statement
:rtype: dict
ctx = {}
for clause in self.where_clauses or []:
return ctx
def get_context_size(self):
return len(self.get_context())
def update_context_id(self, i):
self.context_id = i
self.context_counter = self.context_id
for clause in self.where_clauses:
self.context_counter += clause.get_context_size()
def timestamp_normalized(self):
we're expecting self.timestamp to be either a long, int, a datetime, or a timedelta
if not self.timestamp:
return None
if isinstance(self.timestamp, six.integer_types):
return self.timestamp
if isinstance(self.timestamp, timedelta):
tmp = + self.timestamp
tmp = self.timestamp
return int(time.mktime(tmp.timetuple()) * 1e+6 + tmp.microsecond)
def __unicode__(self):
raise NotImplementedError
def __repr__(self):
return self.__unicode__()
def _where(self):
return 'WHERE {}'.format(' AND '.join([six.text_type(c) for c in self.where_clauses]))
class SelectStatement(BaseCQLStatement):
""" a cql select statement """
def __init__(self,
:param where
:type where list of cqlengine.statements.WhereClause
super(SelectStatement, self).__init__(
self.fields = [fields] if isinstance(fields, six.string_types) else (fields or [])
self.count = count
self.order_by = [order_by] if isinstance(order_by, six.string_types) else order_by
self.limit = limit
self.allow_filtering = allow_filtering
def __unicode__(self):
qs = ['SELECT']
if self.count:
qs += ['COUNT(*)']
qs += [', '.join(['"{}"'.format(f) for f in self.fields]) if self.fields else '*']
qs += ['FROM', self.table]
if self.where_clauses:
qs += [self._where]
if self.order_by and not self.count:
qs += ['ORDER BY {}'.format(', '.join(six.text_type(o) for o in self.order_by))]
if self.limit:
qs += ['LIMIT {}'.format(self.limit)]
if self.allow_filtering:
return ' '.join(qs)
class AssignmentStatement(BaseCQLStatement):
""" value assignment statements """
def __init__(self,
super(AssignmentStatement, self).__init__(
self.ttl = ttl
self.timestamp = timestamp
# add assignments
self.assignments = []
for assignment in assignments or []:
def update_context_id(self, i):
super(AssignmentStatement, self).update_context_id(i)
for assignment in self.assignments:
self.context_counter += assignment.get_context_size()
def add_assignment_clause(self, clause):
adds an assignment clause to this statement
:param clause: the clause to add
:type clause: AssignmentClause
if not isinstance(clause, AssignmentClause):
raise StatementException("only instances of AssignmentClause can be added to statements")
self.context_counter += clause.get_context_size()
def is_empty(self):
return len(self.assignments) == 0
def get_context(self):
ctx = super(AssignmentStatement, self).get_context()
for clause in self.assignments:
return ctx
class InsertStatement(AssignmentStatement):
""" an cql insert select statement """
def __init__(self,
super(InsertStatement, self).__init__(
self.if_not_exists = if_not_exists
def add_where_clause(self, clause):
raise StatementException("Cannot add where clauses to insert statements")
def __unicode__(self):
qs = ['INSERT INTO {}'.format(self.table)]
# get column names and context placeholders
fields = [a.insert_tuple() for a in self.assignments]
columns, values = zip(*fields)
qs += ["({})".format(', '.join(['"{}"'.format(c) for c in columns]))]
qs += ['VALUES']
qs += ["({})".format(', '.join(['%({})s'.format(v) for v in values]))]
if self.if_not_exists:
qs += ["IF NOT EXISTS"]
if self.ttl:
qs += ["USING TTL {}".format(self.ttl)]
if self.timestamp:
qs += ["USING TIMESTAMP {}".format(self.timestamp_normalized)]
return ' '.join(qs)
class UpdateStatement(AssignmentStatement):
""" an cql update select statement """
def __init__(self,
super(UpdateStatement, self). __init__(table,
# Add iff statements
self.transactions = []
for transaction in transactions or []:
def __unicode__(self):
qs = ['UPDATE', self.table]
using_options = []
if self.ttl:
using_options += ["TTL {}".format(self.ttl)]
if self.timestamp:
using_options += ["TIMESTAMP {}".format(self.timestamp_normalized)]
if using_options:
qs += ["USING {}".format(" AND ".join(using_options))]
qs += ['SET']
qs += [', '.join([six.text_type(c) for c in self.assignments])]
if self.where_clauses:
qs += [self._where]
if len(self.transactions) > 0:
qs += [self._get_transactions()]
return ' '.join(qs)
def add_transaction_clause(self, clause):
Adds a iff clause to this statement
:param clause: The clause that will be added to the iff statement
:type clause: TransactionClause
if not isinstance(clause, TransactionClause):
raise StatementException('only instances of AssignmentClause can be added to statements')
self.context_counter += clause.get_context_size()
def get_context(self):
ctx = super(UpdateStatement, self).get_context()
for clause in self.transactions or []:
return ctx
def _get_transactions(self):
return 'IF {}'.format(' AND '.join([six.text_type(c) for c in self.transactions]))
def update_context_id(self, i):
super(UpdateStatement, self).update_context_id(i)
for transaction in self.transactions:
self.context_counter += transaction.get_context_size()
class DeleteStatement(BaseCQLStatement):
""" a cql delete statement """
def __init__(self, table, fields=None, consistency=None, where=None, timestamp=None):
super(DeleteStatement, self).__init__(
self.fields = []
if isinstance(fields, six.string_types):
fields = [fields]
for field in fields or []:
def update_context_id(self, i):
super(DeleteStatement, self).update_context_id(i)
for field in self.fields:
self.context_counter += field.get_context_size()
def get_context(self):
ctx = super(DeleteStatement, self).get_context()
for field in self.fields:
return ctx
def add_field(self, field):
if isinstance(field, six.string_types):
field = FieldDeleteClause(field)
if not isinstance(field, BaseClause):
raise StatementException("only instances of AssignmentClause can be added to statements")
self.context_counter += field.get_context_size()
def __unicode__(self):
qs = ['DELETE']
if self.fields:
qs += [', '.join(['{}'.format(f) for f in self.fields])]
qs += ['FROM', self.table]
delete_option = []
if self.timestamp:
delete_option += ["TIMESTAMP {}".format(self.timestamp_normalized)]
if delete_option:
qs += [" USING {} ".format(" AND ".join(delete_option))]
if self.where_clauses:
qs += [self._where]
return ' '.join(qs)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,30 @@
import os
from cqlengine import connection
from import create_keyspace
def setup_package():
print("CASSANDRA_VERSION must be set as an environment variable. "
"One of (12, 20, 21)")
if os.environ.get('CASSANDRA_TEST_HOST'):
protocol_version = 1
protocol_version = 2
create_keyspace("cqlengine_test", replication_factor=1, strategy_class="SimpleStrategy")

cqlengine/tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,33 @@
from unittest import TestCase
import os
import sys
import six
from cqlengine.connection import get_session
class BaseCassEngTestCase(TestCase):
# @classmethod
# def setUpClass(cls):
# super(BaseCassEngTestCase, cls).setUpClass()
session = None
def setUp(self):
self.session = get_session()
super(BaseCassEngTestCase, self).setUp()
def assertHasAttr(self, obj, attr):
self.assertTrue(hasattr(obj, attr),
"{} doesn't have attribute: {}".format(obj, attr))
def assertNotHasAttr(self, obj, attr):
self.assertFalse(hasattr(obj, attr),
"{} shouldn't have the attribute: {}".format(obj, attr))
if sys.version_info > (3, 0):
def assertItemsEqual(self, first, second, msg=None):
return self.assertCountEqual(first, second, msg)

View File

View File

@ -0,0 +1,532 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import json
from uuid import uuid4
import six
from cqlengine import Model, ValidationError
from cqlengine import columns
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
class TestSetModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
int_set = columns.Set(columns.Integer, required=False)
text_set = columns.Set(columns.Text, required=False)
class JsonTestColumn(columns.Column):
db_type = 'text'
def to_python(self, value):
if value is None: return
if isinstance(value, six.string_types):
return json.loads(value)
return value
def to_database(self, value):
if value is None: return
return json.dumps(value)
class TestSetColumn(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestSetColumn, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestSetColumn, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_add_none_fails(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
m = TestSetModel.create(int_set=set([None]))
def test_empty_set_initial(self):
tests that sets are set() by default, should never be none
m = TestSetModel.create()
def test_deleting_last_item_should_succeed(self):
m = TestSetModel.create()
m = TestSetModel.get(partition=m.partition)
self.assertNotIn(5, m.int_set)
def test_blind_deleting_last_item_should_succeed(self):
m = TestSetModel.create()
m = TestSetModel.get(partition=m.partition)
self.assertNotIn(5, m.int_set)
def test_empty_set_retrieval(self):
m = TestSetModel.create()
m2 = TestSetModel.get(partition=m.partition)
def test_io_success(self):
""" Tests that a basic usage works as expected """
m1 = TestSetModel.create(int_set={1, 2}, text_set={'kai', 'andreas'})
m2 = TestSetModel.get(partition=m1.partition)
assert isinstance(m2.int_set, set)
assert isinstance(m2.text_set, set)
assert 1 in m2.int_set
assert 2 in m2.int_set
assert 'kai' in m2.text_set
assert 'andreas' in m2.text_set
def test_type_validation(self):
Tests that attempting to use the wrong types will raise an exception
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestSetModel.create(int_set={'string', True}, text_set={1, 3.0})
def test_element_count_validation(self):
Tests that big collections are detected and raise an exception.
TestSetModel.create(text_set={str(uuid4()) for i in range(65535)})
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestSetModel.create(text_set={str(uuid4()) for i in range(65536)})
def test_partial_updates(self):
""" Tests that partial udpates work as expected """
m1 = TestSetModel.create(int_set={1, 2, 3, 4})
assert m1.int_set == {2, 3, 4, 5}
m2 = TestSetModel.get(partition=m1.partition)
assert m2.int_set == {2, 3, 4, 5}
def test_instantiation_with_column_class(self):
Tests that columns instantiated with a column class work properly
and that the class is instantiated in the constructor
column = columns.Set(columns.Text)
assert isinstance(column.value_col, columns.Text)
def test_instantiation_with_column_instance(self):
Tests that columns instantiated with a column instance work properly
column = columns.Set(columns.Text(min_length=100))
assert isinstance(column.value_col, columns.Text)
def test_to_python(self):
""" Tests that to_python of value column is called """
column = columns.Set(JsonTestColumn)
val = {1, 2, 3}
db_val = column.to_database(val)
assert db_val.value == {json.dumps(v) for v in val}
py_val = column.to_python(db_val.value)
assert py_val == val
def test_default_empty_container_saving(self):
""" tests that the default empty container is not saved if it hasn't been updated """
pkey = uuid4()
# create a row with set data
TestSetModel.create(partition=pkey, int_set={3, 4})
# create another with no set data
m = TestSetModel.get(partition=pkey)
self.assertEqual(m.int_set, {3, 4})
class TestListModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
int_list = columns.List(columns.Integer, required=False)
text_list = columns.List(columns.Text, required=False)
class TestListColumn(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestListColumn, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestListColumn, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_initial(self):
tmp = TestListModel.create()
def test_initial(self):
tmp = TestListModel.create()
tmp2 = TestListModel.get(partition=tmp.partition)
def test_io_success(self):
""" Tests that a basic usage works as expected """
m1 = TestListModel.create(int_list=[1, 2], text_list=['kai', 'andreas'])
m2 = TestListModel.get(partition=m1.partition)
assert isinstance(m2.int_list, list)
assert isinstance(m2.text_list, list)
assert len(m2.int_list) == 2
assert len(m2.text_list) == 2
assert m2.int_list[0] == 1
assert m2.int_list[1] == 2
assert m2.text_list[0] == 'kai'
assert m2.text_list[1] == 'andreas'
def test_type_validation(self):
Tests that attempting to use the wrong types will raise an exception
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestListModel.create(int_list=['string', True], text_list=[1, 3.0])
def test_element_count_validation(self):
Tests that big collections are detected and raise an exception.
TestListModel.create(text_list=[str(uuid4()) for i in range(65535)])
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestListModel.create(text_list=[str(uuid4()) for i in range(65536)])
def test_partial_updates(self):
""" Tests that partial udpates work as expected """
final = list(range(10))
initial = final[3:7]
m1 = TestListModel.create(int_list=initial)
m1.int_list = final
m2 = TestListModel.get(partition=m1.partition)
assert list(m2.int_list) == final
def test_instantiation_with_column_class(self):
Tests that columns instantiated with a column class work properly
and that the class is instantiated in the constructor
column = columns.List(columns.Text)
assert isinstance(column.value_col, columns.Text)
def test_instantiation_with_column_instance(self):
Tests that columns instantiated with a column instance work properly
column = columns.List(columns.Text(min_length=100))
assert isinstance(column.value_col, columns.Text)
def test_to_python(self):
""" Tests that to_python of value column is called """
column = columns.List(JsonTestColumn)
val = [1, 2, 3]
db_val = column.to_database(val)
assert db_val.value == [json.dumps(v) for v in val]
py_val = column.to_python(db_val.value)
assert py_val == val
def test_default_empty_container_saving(self):
""" tests that the default empty container is not saved if it hasn't been updated """
pkey = uuid4()
# create a row with list data
TestListModel.create(partition=pkey, int_list=[1,2,3,4])
# create another with no list data
m = TestListModel.get(partition=pkey)
self.assertEqual(m.int_list, [1,2,3,4])
def test_remove_entry_works(self):
pkey = uuid4()
tmp = TestListModel.create(partition=pkey, int_list=[1,2])
tmp = TestListModel.get(partition=pkey)
self.assertEqual(tmp.int_list, [1])
def test_update_from_non_empty_to_empty(self):
pkey = uuid4()
tmp = TestListModel.create(partition=pkey, int_list=[1,2])
tmp.int_list = []
tmp = TestListModel.get(partition=pkey)
self.assertEqual(tmp.int_list, [])
def test_insert_none(self):
pkey = uuid4()
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestListModel.create(partition=pkey, int_list=[None])
def test_blind_list_updates_from_none(self):
""" Tests that updates from None work as expected """
m = TestListModel.create(int_list=None)
expected = [1, 2]
m.int_list = expected
m2 = TestListModel.get(partition=m.partition)
assert m2.int_list == expected
m3 = TestListModel.get(partition=m.partition)
assert m3.int_list == []
class TestMapModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
int_map = columns.Map(columns.Integer, columns.UUID, required=False)
text_map = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.DateTime, required=False)
class TestMapColumn(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestMapColumn, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestMapColumn, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_empty_default(self):
tmp = TestMapModel.create()
tmp.int_map['blah'] = 1
def test_add_none_as_map_key(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_add_none_as_map_value(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_empty_retrieve(self):
tmp = TestMapModel.create()
tmp2 = TestMapModel.get(partition=tmp.partition)
tmp2.int_map['blah'] = 1
def test_remove_last_entry_works(self):
tmp = TestMapModel.create()
tmp.text_map["blah"] =
del tmp.text_map["blah"]
tmp = TestMapModel.get(partition=tmp.partition)
self.assertNotIn("blah", tmp.int_map)
def test_io_success(self):
""" Tests that a basic usage works as expected """
k1 = uuid4()
k2 = uuid4()
now =
then = now + timedelta(days=1)
m1 = TestMapModel.create(int_map={1: k1, 2: k2}, text_map={'now': now, 'then': then})
m2 = TestMapModel.get(partition=m1.partition)
assert isinstance(m2.int_map, dict)
assert isinstance(m2.text_map, dict)
assert 1 in m2.int_map
assert 2 in m2.int_map
assert m2.int_map[1] == k1
assert m2.int_map[2] == k2
assert 'now' in m2.text_map
assert 'then' in m2.text_map
assert (now - m2.text_map['now']).total_seconds() < 0.001
assert (then - m2.text_map['then']).total_seconds() < 0.001
def test_type_validation(self):
Tests that attempting to use the wrong types will raise an exception
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestMapModel.create(int_map={'key': 2, uuid4(): 'val'}, text_map={2: 5})
def test_element_count_validation(self):
Tests that big collections are detected and raise an exception.
TestMapModel.create(text_map={str(uuid4()): i for i in range(65535)})
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestMapModel.create(text_map={str(uuid4()): i for i in range(65536)})
def test_partial_updates(self):
""" Tests that partial udpates work as expected """
now =
#derez it a bit
now = datetime(*now.timetuple()[:-3])
early = now - timedelta(minutes=30)
earlier = early - timedelta(minutes=30)
later = now + timedelta(minutes=30)
initial = {'now': now, 'early': earlier}
final = {'later': later, 'early': early}
m1 = TestMapModel.create(text_map=initial)
m1.text_map = final
m2 = TestMapModel.get(partition=m1.partition)
assert m2.text_map == final
def test_updates_from_none(self):
""" Tests that updates from None work as expected """
m = TestMapModel.create(int_map=None)
expected = {1: uuid4()}
m.int_map = expected
m2 = TestMapModel.get(partition=m.partition)
assert m2.int_map == expected
m2.int_map = None
m3 = TestMapModel.get(partition=m.partition)
assert m3.int_map != expected
def test_blind_updates_from_none(self):
""" Tests that updates from None work as expected """
m = TestMapModel.create(int_map=None)
expected = {1: uuid4()}
m.int_map = expected
m2 = TestMapModel.get(partition=m.partition)
assert m2.int_map == expected
m3 = TestMapModel.get(partition=m.partition)
assert m3.int_map != expected
def test_updates_to_none(self):
""" Tests that setting the field to None works as expected """
m = TestMapModel.create(int_map={1: uuid4()})
m.int_map = None
m2 = TestMapModel.get(partition=m.partition)
assert m2.int_map == {}
def test_instantiation_with_column_class(self):
Tests that columns instantiated with a column class work properly
and that the class is instantiated in the constructor
column = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.Integer)
assert isinstance(column.key_col, columns.Text)
assert isinstance(column.value_col, columns.Integer)
def test_instantiation_with_column_instance(self):
Tests that columns instantiated with a column instance work properly
column = columns.Map(columns.Text(min_length=100), columns.Integer())
assert isinstance(column.key_col, columns.Text)
assert isinstance(column.value_col, columns.Integer)
def test_to_python(self):
""" Tests that to_python of value column is called """
column = columns.Map(JsonTestColumn, JsonTestColumn)
val = {1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 6}
db_val = column.to_database(val)
assert db_val.value == {json.dumps(k):json.dumps(v) for k,v in val.items()}
py_val = column.to_python(db_val.value)
assert py_val == val
def test_default_empty_container_saving(self):
""" tests that the default empty container is not saved if it hasn't been updated """
pkey = uuid4()
tmap = {1: uuid4(), 2: uuid4()}
# create a row with set data
TestMapModel.create(partition=pkey, int_map=tmap)
# create another with no set data
m = TestMapModel.get(partition=pkey)
self.assertEqual(m.int_map, tmap)
# def test_partial_update_creation(self):
# """
# Tests that proper update statements are created for a partial list update
# :return:
# """
# final = range(10)
# initial = final[3:7]
# ctx = {}
# col = columns.List(columns.Integer, db_field="TEST")
# statements = col.get_update_statement(final, initial, ctx)
# assert len([v for v in ctx.values() if [0,1,2] == v.value]) == 1
# assert len([v for v in ctx.values() if [7,8,9] == v.value]) == 1
# assert len([s for s in statements if '"TEST" = "TEST" +' in s]) == 1
# assert len([s for s in statements if '+ "TEST"' in s]) == 1
class TestCamelMapModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
camelMap = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.Integer, required=False)
class TestCamelMapColumn(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestCamelMapColumn, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestCamelMapColumn, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_camelcase_column(self):
TestCamelMapModel.create(camelMap={'blah': 1})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,94 @@
from uuid import uuid4
from cqlengine import Model
from cqlengine import columns
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.models import ModelDefinitionException
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
class TestCounterModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
cluster = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
counter = columns.Counter()
class TestClassConstruction(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_defining_a_non_counter_column_fails(self):
""" Tests that defining a non counter column field in a model with a counter column fails """
with self.assertRaises(ModelDefinitionException):
class model(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
counter = columns.Counter()
text = columns.Text()
def test_defining_a_primary_key_counter_column_fails(self):
""" Tests that defining primary keys on counter columns fails """
with self.assertRaises(TypeError):
class model(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
cluster = columns.Counter(primary_ley=True)
counter = columns.Counter()
# force it
with self.assertRaises(ModelDefinitionException):
class model(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
cluster = columns.Counter()
cluster.primary_key = True
counter = columns.Counter()
class TestCounterColumn(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestCounterColumn, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestCounterColumn, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_updates(self):
""" Tests that counter updates work as intended """
instance = TestCounterModel.create()
instance.counter += 5
actual = TestCounterModel.get(partition=instance.partition)
assert actual.counter == 5
def test_concurrent_updates(self):
""" Tests updates from multiple queries reaches the correct value """
instance = TestCounterModel.create()
new1 = TestCounterModel.get(partition=instance.partition)
new2 = TestCounterModel.get(partition=instance.partition)
new1.counter += 5
new2.counter += 5
actual = TestCounterModel.get(partition=instance.partition)
assert actual.counter == 10
def test_update_from_none(self):
""" Tests that updating from None uses a create statement """
instance = TestCounterModel()
instance.counter += 1
new = TestCounterModel.get(partition=instance.partition)
assert new.counter == 1
def test_new_instance_defaults_to_zero(self):
""" Tests that instantiating a new model instance will set the counter column to zero """
instance = TestCounterModel()
assert instance.counter == 0

View File

@ -0,0 +1,72 @@
from uuid import uuid4
from unittest import skipUnless
from cqlengine import Model
from cqlengine import columns
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.models import ModelDefinitionException
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.tests.base import CASSANDRA_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION
class TestStaticModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
cluster = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
static = columns.Text(static=True)
text = columns.Text()
class TestStaticColumn(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestStaticColumn, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestStaticColumn, cls).tearDownClass()
@skipUnless(PROTOCOL_VERSION >= 2, "only runs against the cql3 protocol v2.0")
def test_mixed_updates(self):
""" Tests that updates on both static and non-static columns work as intended """
instance = TestStaticModel.create()
instance.static = "it's shared"
instance.text = "some text"
u = TestStaticModel.get(partition=instance.partition)
u.static = "it's still shared"
u.text = "another text"
actual = TestStaticModel.get(partition=u.partition)
assert actual.static == "it's still shared"
@skipUnless(PROTOCOL_VERSION >= 2, "only runs against the cql3 protocol v2.0")
def test_static_only_updates(self):
""" Tests that updates on static only column work as intended """
instance = TestStaticModel.create()
instance.static = "it's shared"
instance.text = "some text"
u = TestStaticModel.get(partition=instance.partition)
u.static = "it's still shared"
actual = TestStaticModel.get(partition=u.partition)
assert actual.static == "it's still shared"
@skipUnless(PROTOCOL_VERSION >= 2, "only runs against the cql3 protocol v2.0")
def test_static_with_null_cluster_key(self):
""" Tests that save/update/delete works for static column works when clustering key is null"""
instance = TestStaticModel.create(cluster=None, static = "it's shared")
u = TestStaticModel.get(partition=instance.partition)
u.static = "it's still shared"
actual = TestStaticModel.get(partition=u.partition)
assert actual.static == "it's still shared"

View File

@ -0,0 +1,386 @@
#tests the behavior of the column classes
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from datetime import date
from datetime import tzinfo
from decimal import Decimal as D
from unittest import TestCase
from uuid import uuid4, uuid1
from cassandra import InvalidRequest
import six
from cqlengine import ValidationError
from cqlengine.connection import execute
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.columns import Column, TimeUUID
from cqlengine.columns import Bytes
from cqlengine.columns import Ascii
from cqlengine.columns import Text
from cqlengine.columns import Integer
from cqlengine.columns import BigInt
from cqlengine.columns import VarInt
from cqlengine.columns import DateTime
from cqlengine.columns import Date
from cqlengine.columns import UUID
from cqlengine.columns import Boolean
from cqlengine.columns import Float
from cqlengine.columns import Decimal
from cqlengine.columns import Inet
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.models import Model
class TestDatetime(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class DatetimeTest(Model):
test_id = Integer(primary_key=True)
created_at = DateTime()
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestDatetime, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestDatetime, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_datetime_io(self):
now =
dt = self.DatetimeTest.objects.create(test_id=0, created_at=now)
dt2 = self.DatetimeTest.objects(test_id=0).first()
assert dt2.created_at.timetuple()[:6] == now.timetuple()[:6]
def test_datetime_tzinfo_io(self):
class TZ(tzinfo):
def utcoffset(self, date_time):
return timedelta(hours=-1)
def dst(self, date_time):
return None
now = datetime(1982, 1, 1, tzinfo=TZ())
dt = self.DatetimeTest.objects.create(test_id=0, created_at=now)
dt2 = self.DatetimeTest.objects(test_id=0).first()
assert dt2.created_at.timetuple()[:6] == (now + timedelta(hours=1)).timetuple()[:6]
def test_datetime_date_support(self):
today =
self.DatetimeTest.objects.create(test_id=0, created_at=today)
dt2 = self.DatetimeTest.objects(test_id=0).first()
assert dt2.created_at.isoformat() == datetime(today.year, today.month,
def test_datetime_none(self):
dt = self.DatetimeTest.objects.create(test_id=1, created_at=None)
dt2 = self.DatetimeTest.objects(test_id=1).first()
assert dt2.created_at is None
dts = self.DatetimeTest.objects.filter(test_id=1).values_list('created_at')
assert dts[0][0] is None
class TestBoolDefault(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class BoolDefaultValueTest(Model):
test_id = Integer(primary_key=True)
stuff = Boolean(default=True)
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestBoolDefault, cls).setUpClass()
def test_default_is_set(self):
tmp = self.BoolDefaultValueTest.create(test_id=1)
self.assertEqual(True, tmp.stuff)
tmp2 = self.BoolDefaultValueTest.get(test_id=1)
self.assertEqual(True, tmp2.stuff)
class TestBoolValidation(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class BoolValidationTest(Model):
test_id = Integer(primary_key=True)
bool_column = Boolean()
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestBoolValidation, cls).setUpClass()
def test_validation_preserves_none(self):
test_obj = self.BoolValidationTest(test_id=1)
class TestVarInt(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class VarIntTest(Model):
test_id = Integer(primary_key=True)
bignum = VarInt(primary_key=True)
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestVarInt, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestVarInt, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_varint_io(self):
# TODO: this is a weird test. i changed the number from sys.maxint (which doesn't exist in python 3)
# to the giant number below and it broken between runs.
long_int = 92834902384092834092384028340283048239048203480234823048230482304820348239
int1 = self.VarIntTest.objects.create(test_id=0, bignum=long_int)
int2 = self.VarIntTest.objects(test_id=0).first()
self.assertEqual(int1.bignum, int2.bignum)
class TestDate(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class DateTest(Model):
test_id = Integer(primary_key=True)
created_at = Date()
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestDate, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestDate, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_date_io(self):
today =
self.DateTest.objects.create(test_id=0, created_at=today)
dt2 = self.DateTest.objects(test_id=0).first()
assert dt2.created_at.isoformat() == today.isoformat()
def test_date_io_using_datetime(self):
now = datetime.utcnow()
self.DateTest.objects.create(test_id=0, created_at=now)
dt2 = self.DateTest.objects(test_id=0).first()
assert not isinstance(dt2.created_at, datetime)
assert isinstance(dt2.created_at, date)
assert dt2.created_at.isoformat() ==
def test_date_none(self):
self.DateTest.objects.create(test_id=1, created_at=None)
dt2 = self.DateTest.objects(test_id=1).first()
assert dt2.created_at is None
dts = self.DateTest.objects(test_id=1).values_list('created_at')
assert dts[0][0] is None
class TestDecimal(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class DecimalTest(Model):
test_id = Integer(primary_key=True)
dec_val = Decimal()
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestDecimal, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestDecimal, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_decimal_io(self):
dt = self.DecimalTest.objects.create(test_id=0, dec_val=D('0.00'))
dt2 = self.DecimalTest.objects(test_id=0).first()
assert dt2.dec_val == dt.dec_val
dt = self.DecimalTest.objects.create(test_id=0, dec_val=5)
dt2 = self.DecimalTest.objects(test_id=0).first()
assert dt2.dec_val == D('5')
class TestUUID(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class UUIDTest(Model):
test_id = Integer(primary_key=True)
a_uuid = UUID(default=uuid4())
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestUUID, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestUUID, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_uuid_str_with_dashes(self):
a_uuid = uuid4()
t0 = self.UUIDTest.create(test_id=0, a_uuid=str(a_uuid))
t1 = self.UUIDTest.get(test_id=0)
assert a_uuid == t1.a_uuid
def test_uuid_str_no_dashes(self):
a_uuid = uuid4()
t0 = self.UUIDTest.create(test_id=1, a_uuid=a_uuid.hex)
t1 = self.UUIDTest.get(test_id=1)
assert a_uuid == t1.a_uuid
class TestTimeUUID(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class TimeUUIDTest(Model):
test_id = Integer(primary_key=True)
timeuuid = TimeUUID(default=uuid1())
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestTimeUUID, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestTimeUUID, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_timeuuid_io(self):
ensures that
t0 = self.TimeUUIDTest.create(test_id=0)
t1 = self.TimeUUIDTest.get(test_id=0)
assert t1.timeuuid.time == t1.timeuuid.time
class TestInteger(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class IntegerTest(Model):
test_id = UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
value = Integer(default=0, required=True)
def test_default_zero_fields_validate(self):
""" Tests that integer columns with a default value of 0 validate """
it = self.IntegerTest()
class TestBigInt(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class BigIntTest(Model):
test_id = UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
value = BigInt(default=0, required=True)
def test_default_zero_fields_validate(self):
""" Tests that bigint columns with a default value of 0 validate """
it = self.BigIntTest()
class TestText(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_min_length(self):
#min len defaults to 1
col = Text()
#test not required defaults to 0
#test arbitrary lengths
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_max_length(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_type_checking(self):
Text().validate(bytearray('bytearray', encoding='ascii'))
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_non_required_validation(self):
""" Tests that validation is ok on none and blank values if required is False """
class TestExtraFieldsRaiseException(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class TestModel(Model):
id = UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
def test_extra_field(self):
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
class TestPythonDoesntDieWhenExtraFieldIsInCassandra(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class TestModel(Model):
__table_name__ = 'alter_doesnt_break_running_app'
id = UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
def test_extra_field(self):
execute("ALTER TABLE {} add blah int".format(self.TestModel.column_family_name(include_keyspace=True)))
class TestTimeUUIDFromDatetime(TestCase):
def test_conversion_specific_date(self):
dt = datetime(1981, 7, 11, microsecond=555000)
uuid = TimeUUID.from_datetime(dt)
from uuid import UUID
assert isinstance(uuid, UUID)
ts = (uuid.time - 0x01b21dd213814000) / 1e7 # back to a timestamp
new_dt = datetime.utcfromtimestamp(ts)
# checks that we created a UUID1 with the proper timestamp
assert new_dt == dt
class TestInet(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class InetTestModel(Model):
id = UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
address = Inet()
def setUp(self):
def test_inet_saves(self):
tmp = self.InetTestModel.create(address="")
m = self.InetTestModel.get(
assert m.address == ""
def test_non_address_fails(self):
with self.assertRaises(InvalidRequest):
self.InetTestModel.create(address="ham sandwich")

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@ -0,0 +1,178 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from decimal import Decimal
from uuid import uuid1, uuid4, UUID
import six
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from import sync_table
from import drop_table
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine.columns import ValueQuoter
from cqlengine import columns
import unittest
class BaseColumnIOTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
Tests that values are come out of cassandra in the format we expect
To test a column type, subclass this test, define the column, and the primary key
and data values you want to test
# The generated test model is assigned here
_generated_model = None
# the column we want to test
column = None
# the values we want to test against, you can
# use a single value, or multiple comma separated values
pkey_val = None
data_val = None
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseColumnIOTest, cls).setUpClass()
#if the test column hasn't been defined, bail out
if not cls.column: return
# create a table with the given column
class IOTestModel(Model):
table_name = cls.column.db_type + "_io_test_model_{}".format(uuid4().hex[:8])
pkey = cls.column(primary_key=True)
data = cls.column()
cls._generated_model = IOTestModel
#tupleify the tested values
if not isinstance(cls.pkey_val, tuple):
cls.pkey_val = cls.pkey_val,
if not isinstance(cls.data_val, tuple):
cls.data_val = cls.data_val,
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BaseColumnIOTest, cls).tearDownClass()
if not cls.column: return
def comparator_converter(self, val):
""" If you want to convert the original value used to compare the model vales """
return val
def test_column_io(self):
""" Tests the given models class creates and retrieves values as expected """
if not self.column: return
for pkey, data in zip(self.pkey_val, self.data_val):
m1 = self._generated_model.create(pkey=pkey, data=data)
m2 = self._generated_model.get(pkey=pkey)
assert m1.pkey == m2.pkey == self.comparator_converter(pkey), self.column
assert == == self.comparator_converter(data), self.column
class TestBlobIO(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.Blob
pkey_val = six.b('blake'), uuid4().bytes
data_val = six.b('eggleston'), uuid4().bytes
class TestBlobIO2(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.Blob
pkey_val = bytearray(six.b('blake')), uuid4().bytes
data_val = bytearray(six.b('eggleston')), uuid4().bytes
class TestTextIO(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.Text
pkey_val = 'bacon'
data_val = 'monkey'
class TestNonBinaryTextIO(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.Text
pkey_val = 'bacon'
data_val = '0xmonkey'
class TestInteger(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.Integer
pkey_val = 5
data_val = 6
class TestBigInt(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.BigInt
pkey_val = 6
data_val = pow(2, 63) - 1
class TestDateTime(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.DateTime
now = datetime(*[:6])
pkey_val = now
data_val = now + timedelta(days=1)
class TestDate(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.Date
now =
pkey_val = now
data_val = now + timedelta(days=1)
class TestUUID(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.UUID
pkey_val = str(uuid4()), uuid4()
data_val = str(uuid4()), uuid4()
def comparator_converter(self, val):
return val if isinstance(val, UUID) else UUID(val)
class TestTimeUUID(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.TimeUUID
pkey_val = str(uuid1()), uuid1()
data_val = str(uuid1()), uuid1()
def comparator_converter(self, val):
return val if isinstance(val, UUID) else UUID(val)
class TestFloatIO(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.Float
pkey_val = 3.14
data_val = -1982.11
class TestDecimalIO(BaseColumnIOTest):
column = columns.Decimal
pkey_val = Decimal('1.35'), 5, '2.4'
data_val = Decimal('0.005'), 3.5, '8'
def comparator_converter(self, val):
return Decimal(val)
class TestQuoter(unittest.TestCase):
def test_equals(self):
assert ValueQuoter(False) == ValueQuoter(False)
assert ValueQuoter(1) == ValueQuoter(1)
assert ValueQuoter("foo") == ValueQuoter("foo")
assert ValueQuoter(1.55) == ValueQuoter(1.55)

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@ -0,0 +1,237 @@
import copy
import json
from time import sleep
from mock import patch, MagicMock
from cqlengine import Model, columns, SizeTieredCompactionStrategy, LeveledCompactionStrategy
from cqlengine.exceptions import CQLEngineException
from import get_compaction_options, drop_table, sync_table, get_table_settings
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
class CompactionModel(Model):
__compaction__ = None
cid = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
class BaseCompactionTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def assert_option_fails(self, key):
# key is a normal_key, converted to
# __compaction_key__
key = "__compaction_{}__".format(key)
with patch.object(self.model, key, 10), \
class SizeTieredCompactionTest(BaseCompactionTest):
def setUp(self):
self.model = copy.deepcopy(CompactionModel)
self.model.__compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
def test_size_tiered(self):
result = get_compaction_options(self.model)
assert result['class'] == SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
def test_min_threshold(self):
self.model.__compaction_min_threshold__ = 2
result = get_compaction_options(self.model)
assert result['min_threshold'] == '2'
class LeveledCompactionTest(BaseCompactionTest):
def setUp(self):
self.model = copy.deepcopy(CompactionLeveledStrategyModel)
def test_simple_leveled(self):
result = get_compaction_options(self.model)
assert result['class'] == LeveledCompactionStrategy
def test_bucket_high_fails(self):
def test_bucket_low_fails(self):
def test_max_threshold_fails(self):
def test_min_threshold_fails(self):
def test_min_sstable_size_fails(self):
def test_sstable_size_in_mb(self):
with patch.object(self.model, '__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__', 32):
result = get_compaction_options(self.model)
assert result['sstable_size_in_mb'] == '32'
class LeveledcompactionTestTable(Model):
__compaction__ = LeveledCompactionStrategy
__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = 64
user_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
from import schema_columnfamilies
class AlterTableTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_alter_is_called_table(self):
with patch('') as mock:
assert mock.called == 1
def test_compaction_not_altered_without_changes_leveled(self):
from import update_compaction
class LeveledCompactionChangesDetectionTest(Model):
__compaction__ = LeveledCompactionStrategy
__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = 160
__compaction_tombstone_threshold__ = 0.125
__compaction_tombstone_compaction_interval__ = 3600
pk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
assert not update_compaction(LeveledCompactionChangesDetectionTest)
def test_compaction_not_altered_without_changes_sizetiered(self):
from import update_compaction
class SizeTieredCompactionChangesDetectionTest(Model):
__compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
__compaction_bucket_high__ = 20
__compaction_bucket_low__ = 10
__compaction_max_threshold__ = 200
__compaction_min_threshold__ = 100
__compaction_min_sstable_size__ = 1000
__compaction_tombstone_threshold__ = 0.125
__compaction_tombstone_compaction_interval__ = 3600
pk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
assert not update_compaction(SizeTieredCompactionChangesDetectionTest)
def test_alter_actually_alters(self):
tmp = copy.deepcopy(LeveledcompactionTestTable)
tmp.__compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
tmp.__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = None
table_settings = get_table_settings(tmp)
self.assertRegexpMatches(table_settings.options['compaction_strategy_class'], '.*SizeTieredCompactionStrategy$')
def test_alter_options(self):
class AlterTable(Model):
__compaction__ = LeveledCompactionStrategy
__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = 64
user_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
AlterTable.__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = 128
class EmptyCompactionTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_empty_compaction(self):
class EmptyCompactionModel(Model):
__compaction__ = None
cid = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
result = get_compaction_options(EmptyCompactionModel)
self.assertEqual({}, result)
class CompactionLeveledStrategyModel(Model):
__compaction__ = LeveledCompactionStrategy
cid = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
class CompactionSizeTieredModel(Model):
__compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
cid = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
class OptionsTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_all_size_tiered_options(self):
class AllSizeTieredOptionsModel(Model):
__compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
__compaction_bucket_low__ = .3
__compaction_bucket_high__ = 2
__compaction_min_threshold__ = 2
__compaction_max_threshold__ = 64
__compaction_tombstone_compaction_interval__ = 86400
cid = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
options = get_table_settings(AllSizeTieredOptionsModel).options['compaction_strategy_options']
options = json.loads(options)
expected = {u'min_threshold': u'2',
u'bucket_low': u'0.3',
u'tombstone_compaction_interval': u'86400',
u'bucket_high': u'2',
u'max_threshold': u'64'}
self.assertDictEqual(options, expected)
def test_all_leveled_options(self):
class AllLeveledOptionsModel(Model):
__compaction__ = LeveledCompactionStrategy
__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = 64
cid = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
settings = get_table_settings(AllLeveledOptionsModel).options
options = json.loads(settings['compaction_strategy_options'])
self.assertDictEqual(options, {u'sstable_size_in_mb': u'64'})

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@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
import mock
from cqlengine import ALL, CACHING_ALL, CACHING_NONE
from cqlengine.connection import get_session
from cqlengine.exceptions import CQLEngineException
from import get_fields, sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.tests.base import CASSANDRA_VERSION, PROTOCOL_VERSION
from cqlengine import management
from cqlengine.tests.query.test_queryset import TestModel
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine import columns, SizeTieredCompactionStrategy, LeveledCompactionStrategy
from unittest import skipUnless
class CreateKeyspaceTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_create_succeeeds(self):
management.create_keyspace('test_keyspace', strategy_class="SimpleStrategy", replication_factor=1)
class DeleteTableTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_multiple_deletes_dont_fail(self):
class LowercaseKeyModel(Model):
first_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
second_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
some_data = columns.Text()
class CapitalizedKeyModel(Model):
firstKey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
secondKey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
someData = columns.Text()
class PrimaryKeysOnlyModel(Model):
__compaction__ = LeveledCompactionStrategy
first_ey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
second_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
class CapitalizedKeyTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_table_definition(self):
""" Tests that creating a table with capitalized column names succeedso """
class FirstModel(Model):
__table_name__ = 'first_model'
first_key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
second_key = columns.UUID()
third_key = columns.Text()
class SecondModel(Model):
__table_name__ = 'first_model'
first_key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
second_key = columns.UUID()
third_key = columns.Text()
fourth_key = columns.Text()
class ThirdModel(Model):
__table_name__ = 'first_model'
first_key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
second_key = columns.UUID()
third_key = columns.Text()
# removed fourth key, but it should stay in the DB
blah = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.Text)
class FourthModel(Model):
__table_name__ = 'first_model'
first_key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
second_key = columns.UUID()
third_key = columns.Text()
# removed fourth key, but it should stay in the DB
renamed = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.Text, db_field='blah')
class AddColumnTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_add_column(self):
fields = get_fields(FirstModel)
# this should contain the second key
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 2)
# get schema
fields = get_fields(FirstModel)
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 3)
fields = get_fields(FirstModel)
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 4)
fields = get_fields(FirstModel)
self.assertEqual(len(fields), 4)
class ModelWithTableProperties(Model):
# Set random table properties
__bloom_filter_fp_chance__ = 0.76328
__caching__ = CACHING_ALL
__comment__ = 'TxfguvBdzwROQALmQBOziRMbkqVGFjqcJfVhwGR'
__gc_grace_seconds__ = 2063
__populate_io_cache_on_flush__ = True
__read_repair_chance__ = 0.17985
__replicate_on_write__ = False
__dclocal_read_repair_chance__ = 0.50811
key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
# kind of a hack, but we only test this property on C >= 2.0
ModelWithTableProperties.__memtable_flush_period_in_ms__ = 43681
ModelWithTableProperties.__index_interval__ = 98706
ModelWithTableProperties.__default_time_to_live__ = 4756
class TablePropertiesTests(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_set_table_properties(self):
expected = {'bloom_filter_fp_chance': 0.76328,
'comment': 'TxfguvBdzwROQALmQBOziRMbkqVGFjqcJfVhwGR',
'gc_grace_seconds': 2063,
'read_repair_chance': 0.17985,
# For some reason 'dclocal_read_repair_chance' in CQL is called
# just 'local_read_repair_chance' in the schema table.
# Source:
# TODO: due to a bug in the native driver i'm not seeing the local read repair chance show up
# 'local_read_repair_chance': 0.50811,
expected['caching'] = CACHING_ALL
expected['replicate_on_write'] = False
expected['populate_io_cache_on_flush'] = True
expected['index_interval'] = 98706
expected['default_time_to_live'] = 4756
expected['memtable_flush_period_in_ms'] = 43681
self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, management.get_table_settings(ModelWithTableProperties).options)
def test_table_property_update(self):
ModelWithTableProperties.__bloom_filter_fp_chance__ = 0.66778
ModelWithTableProperties.__caching__ = CACHING_NONE
ModelWithTableProperties.__comment__ = 'xirAkRWZVVvsmzRvXamiEcQkshkUIDINVJZgLYSdnGHweiBrAiJdLJkVohdRy'
ModelWithTableProperties.__gc_grace_seconds__ = 96362
ModelWithTableProperties.__populate_io_cache_on_flush__ = False
ModelWithTableProperties.__read_repair_chance__ = 0.2989
ModelWithTableProperties.__replicate_on_write__ = True
ModelWithTableProperties.__dclocal_read_repair_chance__ = 0.12732
ModelWithTableProperties.__default_time_to_live__ = 65178
ModelWithTableProperties.__memtable_flush_period_in_ms__ = 60210
ModelWithTableProperties.__index_interval__ = 94207
table_settings = management.get_table_settings(ModelWithTableProperties).options
expected = {'bloom_filter_fp_chance': 0.66778,
'comment': 'xirAkRWZVVvsmzRvXamiEcQkshkUIDINVJZgLYSdnGHweiBrAiJdLJkVohdRy',
'gc_grace_seconds': 96362,
'read_repair_chance': 0.2989,
#'local_read_repair_chance': 0.12732,
expected['memtable_flush_period_in_ms'] = 60210
expected['default_time_to_live'] = 65178
expected['index_interval'] = 94207
# these featuers removed in cassandra 2.1
expected['caching'] = CACHING_NONE
expected['replicate_on_write'] = True
expected['populate_io_cache_on_flush'] = False
self.assertDictContainsSubset(expected, table_settings)
class SyncTableTests(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_sync_table_works_with_primary_keys_only_tables(self):
# This is "create table":
# let's make sure settings persisted correctly:
assert PrimaryKeysOnlyModel.__compaction__ == LeveledCompactionStrategy
# blows up with DoesNotExist if table does not exist
table_settings = management.get_table_settings(PrimaryKeysOnlyModel)
# let make sure the flag we care about
assert LeveledCompactionStrategy in table_settings.options['compaction_strategy_class']
# Now we are "updating" the table:
# setting up something to change
PrimaryKeysOnlyModel.__compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
# primary-keys-only tables do not create entries in system.schema_columns
# table. Only non-primary keys are added to that table.
# Our code must deal with that eventuality properly (not crash)
# on subsequent runs of sync_table (which runs get_fields internally)
table_settings = management.get_table_settings(PrimaryKeysOnlyModel)
assert SizeTieredCompactionStrategy in table_settings.options['compaction_strategy_class']
class NonModelFailureTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class FakeModel(object):
def test_failure(self):
with self.assertRaises(CQLEngineException):
@skipUnless(PROTOCOL_VERSION >= 2, "only runs against the cql3 protocol v2.0")
def test_static_columns():
class StaticModel(Model):
id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
c = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text(static=True)
from mock import patch
from cqlengine.connection import get_session
session = get_session()
with patch.object(session, "execute", wraps=session.execute) as m:
assert m.call_count > 0
statement = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
assert '"name" text static' in statement, statement
# if we sync again, we should not apply an alter w/ a static
with patch.object(session, "execute", wraps=session.execute) as m2:
assert len(m2.call_args_list) == 1
assert "ALTER" not in m2.call_args[0][0].query_string

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@ -0,0 +1,377 @@
from uuid import uuid4
import warnings
from cqlengine.query import QueryException, ModelQuerySet, DMLQuery
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.exceptions import ModelException, CQLEngineException
from cqlengine.models import Model, ModelDefinitionException, ColumnQueryEvaluator, UndefinedKeyspaceWarning
from cqlengine import columns
import cqlengine
class TestModelClassFunction(BaseCassEngTestCase):
Tests verifying the behavior of the Model metaclass
def test_column_attributes_handled_correctly(self):
Tests that column attributes are moved to a _columns dict
and replaced with simple value attributes
class TestModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
text = columns.Text()
#check class attibutes
self.assertHasAttr(TestModel, '_columns')
self.assertHasAttr(TestModel, 'id')
self.assertHasAttr(TestModel, 'text')
#check instance attributes
inst = TestModel()
self.assertHasAttr(inst, 'id')
self.assertHasAttr(inst, 'text')
def test_db_map(self):
Tests that the db_map is properly defined
-the db_map allows columns
class WildDBNames(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
content = columns.Text(db_field='words_and_whatnot')
numbers = columns.Integer(db_field='integers_etc')
db_map = WildDBNames._db_map
self.assertEquals(db_map['words_and_whatnot'], 'content')
self.assertEquals(db_map['integers_etc'], 'numbers')
def test_attempting_to_make_duplicate_column_names_fails(self):
Tests that trying to create conflicting db column names will fail
with self.assertRaises(ModelException):
class BadNames(Model):
words = columns.Text()
content = columns.Text(db_field='words')
def test_column_ordering_is_preserved(self):
Tests that the _columns dics retains the ordering of the class definition
class Stuff(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
words = columns.Text()
content = columns.Text()
numbers = columns.Integer()
self.assertEquals([x for x in Stuff._columns.keys()], ['id', 'words', 'content', 'numbers'])
def test_exception_raised_when_creating_class_without_pk(self):
with self.assertRaises(ModelDefinitionException):
class TestModel(Model):
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
def test_value_managers_are_keeping_model_instances_isolated(self):
Tests that instance value managers are isolated from other instances
class Stuff(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
num = columns.Integer()
inst1 = Stuff(num=5)
inst2 = Stuff(num=7)
self.assertNotEquals(inst1.num, inst2.num)
self.assertEquals(inst1.num, 5)
self.assertEquals(inst2.num, 7)
def test_superclass_fields_are_inherited(self):
Tests that fields defined on the super class are inherited properly
class TestModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
text = columns.Text()
class InheritedModel(TestModel):
numbers = columns.Integer()
assert 'text' in InheritedModel._columns
assert 'numbers' in InheritedModel._columns
def test_column_family_name_generation(self):
""" Tests that auto column family name generation works as expected """
class TestModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
text = columns.Text()
assert TestModel.column_family_name(include_keyspace=False) == 'test_model'
def test_normal_fields_can_be_defined_between_primary_keys(self):
Tests tha non primary key fields can be defined between primary key fields
def test_at_least_one_non_primary_key_column_is_required(self):
Tests that an error is raised if a model doesn't contain at least one primary key field
def test_model_keyspace_attribute_must_be_a_string(self):
Tests that users can't set the keyspace to None, or something else
def test_indexes_arent_allowed_on_models_with_multiple_primary_keys(self):
Tests that attempting to define an index on a model with multiple primary keys fails
def test_meta_data_is_not_inherited(self):
Test that metadata defined in one class, is not inherited by subclasses
def test_partition_keys(self):
Test compound partition key definition
class ModelWithPartitionKeys(cqlengine.Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
c1 = cqlengine.Text(primary_key=True)
p1 = cqlengine.Text(partition_key=True)
p2 = cqlengine.Text(partition_key=True)
cols = ModelWithPartitionKeys._columns
obj = ModelWithPartitionKeys(p1='a', p2='b')
self.assertEquals(, ('a', 'b'))
def test_del_attribute_is_assigned_properly(self):
""" Tests that columns that can be deleted have the del attribute """
class DelModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
data = columns.Integer(required=False)
model = DelModel(key=4, data=5)
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
del model.key
def test_does_not_exist_exceptions_are_not_shared_between_model(self):
""" Tests that DoesNotExist exceptions are not the same exception between models """
class Model1(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
class Model2(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
raise Model1.DoesNotExist
except Model2.DoesNotExist:
assert False, "Model1 exception should not be caught by Model2"
except Model1.DoesNotExist:
def test_does_not_exist_inherits_from_superclass(self):
""" Tests that a DoesNotExist exception can be caught by it's parent class DoesNotExist """
class Model1(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
class Model2(Model1):
raise Model2.DoesNotExist
except Model1.DoesNotExist:
except Exception:
assert False, "Model2 exception should not be caught by Model1"
def test_abstract_model_keyspace_warning_is_skipped(self):
with warnings.catch_warnings(record=True) as warn:
class NoKeyspace(Model):
__abstract__ = True
key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
self.assertEqual(len(warn), 0)
class TestManualTableNaming(BaseCassEngTestCase):
class RenamedTest(cqlengine.Model):
__keyspace__ = 'whatever'
__table_name__ = 'manual_name'
id = cqlengine.UUID(primary_key=True)
data = cqlengine.Text()
def test_proper_table_naming(self):
assert self.RenamedTest.column_family_name(include_keyspace=False) == 'manual_name'
assert self.RenamedTest.column_family_name(include_keyspace=True) == 'whatever.manual_name'
class AbstractModel(Model):
__abstract__ = True
class ConcreteModel(AbstractModel):
pkey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
data = columns.Integer()
class AbstractModelWithCol(Model):
__abstract__ = True
pkey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
class ConcreteModelWithCol(AbstractModelWithCol):
data = columns.Integer()
class AbstractModelWithFullCols(Model):
__abstract__ = True
pkey = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
data = columns.Integer()
class TestAbstractModelClasses(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_id_field_is_not_created(self):
""" Tests that an id field is not automatically generated on abstract classes """
assert not hasattr(AbstractModel, 'id')
assert not hasattr(AbstractModelWithCol, 'id')
def test_id_field_is_not_created_on_subclass(self):
assert not hasattr(ConcreteModel, 'id')
def test_abstract_attribute_is_not_inherited(self):
""" Tests that __abstract__ attribute is not inherited """
assert not ConcreteModel.__abstract__
assert not ConcreteModelWithCol.__abstract__
def test_attempting_to_save_abstract_model_fails(self):
""" Attempting to save a model from an abstract model should fail """
with self.assertRaises(CQLEngineException):
AbstractModelWithFullCols.create(pkey=1, data=2)
def test_attempting_to_create_abstract_table_fails(self):
""" Attempting to create a table from an abstract model should fail """
from import sync_table
with self.assertRaises(CQLEngineException):
def test_attempting_query_on_abstract_model_fails(self):
""" Tests attempting to execute query with an abstract model fails """
with self.assertRaises(CQLEngineException):
def test_abstract_columns_are_inherited(self):
""" Tests that columns defined in the abstract class are inherited into the concrete class """
assert hasattr(ConcreteModelWithCol, 'pkey')
assert isinstance(ConcreteModelWithCol.pkey, ColumnQueryEvaluator)
assert isinstance(ConcreteModelWithCol._columns['pkey'], columns.Column)
def test_concrete_class_table_creation_cycle(self):
""" Tests that models with inherited abstract classes can be created, and have io performed """
from import sync_table, drop_table
w1 = ConcreteModelWithCol.create(pkey=5, data=6)
w2 = ConcreteModelWithCol.create(pkey=6, data=7)
r1 = ConcreteModelWithCol.get(pkey=5)
r2 = ConcreteModelWithCol.get(pkey=6)
assert w1.pkey == r1.pkey
assert ==
assert w2.pkey == r2.pkey
assert ==
class TestCustomQuerySet(BaseCassEngTestCase):
""" Tests overriding the default queryset class """
class TestException(Exception): pass
def test_overriding_queryset(self):
class QSet(ModelQuerySet):
def create(iself, **kwargs):
raise self.TestException
class CQModel(Model):
__queryset__ = QSet
part = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
data = columns.Text()
with self.assertRaises(self.TestException):
CQModel.create(part=uuid4(), data='s')
def test_overriding_dmlqueryset(self):
class DMLQ(DMLQuery):
def save(iself):
raise self.TestException
class CDQModel(Model):
__dmlquery__ = DMLQ
part = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
data = columns.Text()
with self.assertRaises(self.TestException):
class TestCachedLengthIsNotCarriedToSubclasses(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_subclassing(self):
length = len(ConcreteModelWithCol())
class AlreadyLoadedTest(ConcreteModelWithCol):
new_field = columns.Integer()
self.assertGreater(len(AlreadyLoadedTest()), length)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,55 @@
from unittest import skip
from uuid import uuid4
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from import sync_table
from import drop_table
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine import columns
class TestModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
class TestEqualityOperators(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestEqualityOperators, cls).setUpClass()
def setUp(self):
super(TestEqualityOperators, self).setUp()
self.t0 = TestModel.create(count=5, text='words')
self.t1 = TestModel.create(count=5, text='words')
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestEqualityOperators, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_an_instance_evaluates_as_equal_to_itself(self):
assert self.t0 == self.t0
def test_two_instances_referencing_the_same_rows_and_different_values_evaluate_not_equal(self):
t0 = TestModel.get(
t0.text = 'bleh'
assert t0 != self.t0
def test_two_instances_referencing_the_same_rows_and_values_evaluate_equal(self):
t0 = TestModel.get(
assert t0 == self.t0
def test_two_instances_referencing_different_rows_evaluate_to_not_equal(self):
assert self.t0 != self.t1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.models import Model, ModelDefinitionException
from cqlengine import columns
class TestModel(TestCase):
""" Tests the non-io functionality of models """
def test_instance_equality(self):
""" tests the model equality functionality """
class EqualityModel(Model):
pk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
m0 = EqualityModel(pk=0)
m1 = EqualityModel(pk=1)
self.assertEqual(m0, m0)
self.assertNotEqual(m0, m1)
def test_model_equality(self):
""" tests the model equality functionality """
class EqualityModel0(Model):
pk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
class EqualityModel1(Model):
kk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
m0 = EqualityModel0(pk=0)
m1 = EqualityModel1(kk=1)
self.assertEqual(m0, m0)
self.assertNotEqual(m0, m1)
class BuiltInAttributeConflictTest(TestCase):
"""tests Model definitions that conflict with built-in attributes/methods"""
def test_model_with_attribute_name_conflict(self):
"""should raise exception when model defines column that conflicts with built-in attribute"""
with self.assertRaises(ModelDefinitionException):
class IllegalTimestampColumnModel(Model):
my_primary_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
timestamp = columns.BigInt()
def test_model_with_method_name_conflict(self):
"""should raise exception when model defines column that conflicts with built-in method"""
with self.assertRaises(ModelDefinitionException):
class IllegalFilterColumnModel(Model):
my_primary_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
filter = columns.Text()

View File

@ -0,0 +1,326 @@
from uuid import uuid4
import random
from datetime import date
from operator import itemgetter
from cqlengine.exceptions import CQLEngineException
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from import sync_table
from import drop_table
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine import columns
class TestModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
a_bool = columns.Boolean(default=False)
class TestModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
a_bool = columns.Boolean(default=False)
class TestModelIO(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestModelIO, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestModelIO, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_model_save_and_load(self):
Tests that models can be saved and retrieved
tm = TestModel.create(count=8, text='123456789')
self.assertIsInstance(tm, TestModel)
tm2 = TestModel.objects(
self.assertIsInstance(tm2, TestModel)
for cname in tm._columns.keys():
self.assertEquals(getattr(tm, cname), getattr(tm2, cname))
def test_model_read_as_dict(self):
Tests that columns of an instance can be read as a dict.
tm = TestModel.create(count=8, text='123456789', a_bool=True)
column_dict = {
'count': tm.count,
'text': tm.text,
'a_bool': tm.a_bool,
self.assertEquals(sorted(tm.keys()), sorted(column_dict.keys()))
self.assertItemsEqual(tm.values(), column_dict.values())
sorted(tm.items(), key=itemgetter(0)),
sorted(column_dict.items(), key=itemgetter(0)))
self.assertEquals(len(tm), len(column_dict))
for column_id in column_dict.keys():
self.assertEqual(tm[column_id], column_dict[column_id])
tm['count'] = 6
self.assertEqual(tm.count, 6)
def test_model_updating_works_properly(self):
Tests that subsequent saves after initial model creation work
tm = TestModel.objects.create(count=8, text='123456789')
tm.count = 100
tm.a_bool = True
tm2 = TestModel.objects(
self.assertEquals(tm.count, tm2.count)
self.assertEquals(tm.a_bool, tm2.a_bool)
def test_model_deleting_works_properly(self):
Tests that an instance's delete method deletes the instance
tm = TestModel.create(count=8, text='123456789')
tm2 = TestModel.objects(
def test_column_deleting_works_properly(self):
tm = TestModel.create(count=8, text='123456789')
tm.text = None
tm2 = TestModel.objects(
self.assertIsInstance(tm2, TestModel)
assert tm2.text is None
assert tm2._values['text'].previous_value is None
def test_a_sensical_error_is_raised_if_you_try_to_create_a_table_twice(self):
class TestMultiKeyModel(Model):
partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
cluster = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
count = columns.Integer(required=False)
text = columns.Text(required=False)
class TestDeleting(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestDeleting, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestDeleting, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_deleting_only_deletes_one_object(self):
partition = random.randint(0,1000)
for i in range(5):
TestMultiKeyModel.create(partition=partition, cluster=i, count=i, text=str(i))
assert TestMultiKeyModel.filter(partition=partition).count() == 5
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=partition, cluster=0).delete()
assert TestMultiKeyModel.filter(partition=partition).count() == 4
class TestUpdating(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestUpdating, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestUpdating, cls).tearDownClass()
def setUp(self):
super(TestUpdating, self).setUp()
self.instance = TestMultiKeyModel.create(
partition=random.randint(0, 1000),
cluster=random.randint(0, 1000),
def test_vanilla_update(self):
self.instance.count = 5
check = TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.instance.partition, cluster=self.instance.cluster)
assert check.count == 5
assert check.text == 'happy'
def test_deleting_only(self):
self.instance.count = None
self.instance.text = None
check = TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.instance.partition, cluster=self.instance.cluster)
assert check.count is None
assert check.text is None
def test_get_changed_columns(self):
assert self.instance.get_changed_columns() == []
self.instance.count = 1
changes = self.instance.get_changed_columns()
assert len(changes) == 1
assert changes == ['count']
assert self.instance.get_changed_columns() == []
class TestCanUpdate(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestCanUpdate, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestCanUpdate, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_success_case(self):
tm = TestModel(count=8, text='123456789')
# object hasn't been saved,
# shouldn't be able to update
assert not tm._is_persisted
assert not tm._can_update()
# object has been saved,
# should be able to update
assert tm._is_persisted
assert tm._can_update()
tm.count = 200
# primary keys haven't changed,
# should still be able to update
assert tm._can_update() = uuid4()
# primary keys have changed,
# should not be able to update
assert not tm._can_update()
class IndexDefinitionModel(Model):
key = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
val = columns.Text(index=True)
class TestIndexedColumnDefinition(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_exception_isnt_raised_if_an_index_is_defined_more_than_once(self):
class ReservedWordModel(Model):
token = columns.Text(primary_key=True)
insert = columns.Integer(index=True)
class TestQueryQuoting(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_reserved_cql_words_can_be_used_as_column_names(self):
model1 = ReservedWordModel.create(token='1', insert=5)
model2 = ReservedWordModel.filter(token='1')
assert len(model2) == 1
assert model1.token == model2[0].token
assert model1.insert == model2[0].insert
class TestQueryModel(Model):
test_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
date = columns.Date(primary_key=True)
description = columns.Text()
class TestQuerying(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestQuerying, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestQuerying, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_query_with_date(self):
uid = uuid4()
day = date(2013, 11, 26)
obj = TestQueryModel.create(test_id=uid, date=day, description=u'foo')
self.assertEqual(obj.description, u'foo')
inst = TestQueryModel.filter(
TestQueryModel.test_id == uid, == day).limit(1).first()
assert inst.test_id == uid
assert == day
def test_none_filter_fails():
class NoneFilterModel(Model):
pk = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
v = columns.Integer()
raise Exception("fail")
except CQLEngineException as e:

View File

@ -0,0 +1,241 @@
import uuid
import mock
from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine import models
from cqlengine.connection import get_session
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine import management
class TestPolymorphicClassConstruction(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_multiple_polymorphic_key_failure(self):
""" Tests that defining a model with more than one polymorphic key fails """
with self.assertRaises(models.ModelDefinitionException):
class M(models.Model):
partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
type1 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True)
type2 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True)
def test_polymorphic_key_inheritance(self):
""" Tests that polymorphic_key attribute is not inherited """
class Base(models.Model):
partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
type1 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True)
class M1(Base):
__polymorphic_key__ = 1
class M2(M1):
assert M2.__polymorphic_key__ is None
def test_polymorphic_metaclass(self):
""" Tests that the model meta class configures polymorphic models properly """
class Base(models.Model):
partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
type1 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True)
class M1(Base):
__polymorphic_key__ = 1
assert Base._is_polymorphic
assert M1._is_polymorphic
assert Base._is_polymorphic_base
assert not M1._is_polymorphic_base
assert Base._polymorphic_column is Base._columns['type1']
assert M1._polymorphic_column is M1._columns['type1']
assert Base._polymorphic_column_name == 'type1'
assert M1._polymorphic_column_name == 'type1'
def test_table_names_are_inherited_from_poly_base(self):
class Base(models.Model):
partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
type1 = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True)
class M1(Base):
__polymorphic_key__ = 1
assert Base.column_family_name() == M1.column_family_name()
def test_collection_columns_cant_be_polymorphic_keys(self):
with self.assertRaises(models.ModelDefinitionException):
class Base(models.Model):
partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
type1 = columns.Set(columns.Integer, polymorphic_key=True)
class PolyBase(models.Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
row_type = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True)
class Poly1(PolyBase):
__polymorphic_key__ = 1
data1 = columns.Text()
class Poly2(PolyBase):
__polymorphic_key__ = 2
data2 = columns.Text()
class TestPolymorphicModel(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestPolymorphicModel, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestPolymorphicModel, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_saving_base_model_fails(self):
with self.assertRaises(models.PolyMorphicModelException):
def test_saving_subclass_saves_poly_key(self):
p1 = Poly1.create(data1='pickle')
p2 = Poly2.create(data2='bacon')
assert p1.row_type == Poly1.__polymorphic_key__
assert p2.row_type == Poly2.__polymorphic_key__
def test_query_deserialization(self):
p1 = Poly1.create(data1='pickle')
p2 = Poly2.create(data2='bacon')
p1r = PolyBase.get(partition=p1.partition)
p2r = PolyBase.get(partition=p2.partition)
assert isinstance(p1r, Poly1)
assert isinstance(p2r, Poly2)
def test_delete_on_polymorphic_subclass_does_not_include_polymorphic_key(self):
p1 = Poly1.create()
session = get_session()
with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m:
# make sure our polymorphic key isn't in the CQL
# not sure how we would even get here if it was in there
# since the CQL would fail.
self.assertNotIn("row_type", m.call_args[0][0].query_string)
class UnindexedPolyBase(models.Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
cluster = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
row_type = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True)
class UnindexedPoly1(UnindexedPolyBase):
__polymorphic_key__ = 1
data1 = columns.Text()
class UnindexedPoly2(UnindexedPolyBase):
__polymorphic_key__ = 2
data2 = columns.Text()
class UnindexedPoly3(UnindexedPoly2):
__polymorphic_key__ = 3
data3 = columns.Text()
class TestUnindexedPolymorphicQuery(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestUnindexedPolymorphicQuery, cls).setUpClass()
cls.p1 = UnindexedPoly1.create(data1='pickle')
cls.p2 = UnindexedPoly2.create(partition=cls.p1.partition, data2='bacon')
cls.p3 = UnindexedPoly3.create(partition=cls.p1.partition, data3='turkey')
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestUnindexedPolymorphicQuery, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_non_conflicting_type_results_work(self):
p1, p2, p3 = self.p1, self.p2, self.p3
assert len(list(UnindexedPoly1.objects(partition=p1.partition, cluster=p1.cluster))) == 1
assert len(list(UnindexedPoly2.objects(partition=p1.partition, cluster=p2.cluster))) == 1
def test_subclassed_model_results_work_properly(self):
p1, p2, p3 = self.p1, self.p2, self.p3
assert len(list(UnindexedPoly2.objects(partition=p1.partition, cluster__in=[p2.cluster, p3.cluster]))) == 2
def test_conflicting_type_results(self):
with self.assertRaises(models.PolyMorphicModelException):
with self.assertRaises(models.PolyMorphicModelException):
class IndexedPolyBase(models.Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
cluster = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
row_type = columns.Integer(polymorphic_key=True, index=True)
class IndexedPoly1(IndexedPolyBase):
__polymorphic_key__ = 1
data1 = columns.Text()
class IndexedPoly2(IndexedPolyBase):
__polymorphic_key__ = 2
data2 = columns.Text()
class TestIndexedPolymorphicQuery(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestIndexedPolymorphicQuery, cls).setUpClass()
cls.p1 = IndexedPoly1.create(data1='pickle')
cls.p2 = IndexedPoly2.create(partition=cls.p1.partition, data2='bacon')
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestIndexedPolymorphicQuery, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_success_case(self):
assert len(list(IndexedPoly1.objects(partition=self.p1.partition))) == 1
assert len(list(IndexedPoly2.objects(partition=self.p1.partition))) == 1

View File

@ -0,0 +1,91 @@
from uuid import uuid4
from mock import patch
from cqlengine.exceptions import ValidationError
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine import columns
from import sync_table, drop_table
class TestUpdateModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
cluster = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
count = columns.Integer(required=False)
text = columns.Text(required=False, index=True)
class ModelUpdateTests(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(ModelUpdateTests, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(ModelUpdateTests, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_update_model(self):
""" tests calling udpate on models with no values passed in """
m0 = TestUpdateModel.create(count=5, text='monkey')
# independently save over a new count value, unknown to original instance
m1 = TestUpdateModel.get(partition=m0.partition, cluster=m0.cluster)
m1.count = 6
# update the text, and call update
m0.text = 'monkey land'
# database should reflect both updates
m2 = TestUpdateModel.get(partition=m0.partition, cluster=m0.cluster)
self.assertEqual(m2.count, m1.count)
self.assertEqual(m2.text, m0.text)
def test_update_values(self):
""" tests calling update on models with values passed in """
m0 = TestUpdateModel.create(count=5, text='monkey')
# independently save over a new count value, unknown to original instance
m1 = TestUpdateModel.get(partition=m0.partition, cluster=m0.cluster)
m1.count = 6
# update the text, and call update
m0.update(text='monkey land')
self.assertEqual(m0.text, 'monkey land')
# database should reflect both updates
m2 = TestUpdateModel.get(partition=m0.partition, cluster=m0.cluster)
self.assertEqual(m2.count, m1.count)
self.assertEqual(m2.text, m0.text)
def test_noop_model_update(self):
""" tests that calling update on a model with no changes will do nothing. """
m0 = TestUpdateModel.create(count=5, text='monkey')
with patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as execute:
assert execute.call_count == 0
with patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as execute:
assert execute.call_count == 0
def test_invalid_update_kwarg(self):
""" tests that passing in a kwarg to the update method that isn't a column will fail """
m0 = TestUpdateModel.create(count=5, text='monkey')
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
def test_primary_key_update_failure(self):
""" tests that attempting to update the value of a primary key will fail """
m0 = TestUpdateModel.create(count=5, text='monkey')
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@

View File

@ -0,0 +1,61 @@
import random
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from import sync_table
from import drop_table
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine import columns
class TestModel(Model):
id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
clustering_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True, clustering_order='desc')
class TestClusteringComplexModel(Model):
id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
clustering_key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True, clustering_order='desc')
some_value = columns.Integer()
class TestClusteringOrder(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestClusteringOrder, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestClusteringOrder, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_clustering_order(self):
Tests that models can be saved and retrieved
items = list(range(20))
for i in items:
TestModel.create(id=1, clustering_key=i)
values = list(TestModel.objects.values_list('clustering_key', flat=True))
# [19L, 18L, 17L, 16L, 15L, 14L, 13L, 12L, 11L, 10L, 9L, 8L, 7L, 6L, 5L, 4L, 3L, 2L, 1L, 0L]
self.assertEquals(values, sorted(items, reverse=True))
def test_clustering_order_more_complex(self):
Tests that models can be saved and retrieved
items = list(range(20))
for i in items:
TestClusteringComplexModel.create(id=1, clustering_key=i, some_value=2)
values = list(TestClusteringComplexModel.objects.values_list('some_value', flat=True))
self.assertEquals([2] * 20, values)

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
__author__ = 'bdeggleston'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,9 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.operators import BaseQueryOperator, QueryOperatorException
class BaseOperatorTest(TestCase):
def test_get_operator_cannot_be_called_from_base_class(self):
with self.assertRaises(QueryOperatorException):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.operators import *
import six
class TestWhereOperators(TestCase):
def test_symbol_lookup(self):
""" tests where symbols are looked up properly """
def check_lookup(symbol, expected):
op = BaseWhereOperator.get_operator(symbol)
self.assertEqual(op, expected)
check_lookup('EQ', EqualsOperator)
check_lookup('IN', InOperator)
check_lookup('GT', GreaterThanOperator)
check_lookup('GTE', GreaterThanOrEqualOperator)
check_lookup('LT', LessThanOperator)
check_lookup('LTE', LessThanOrEqualOperator)
def test_operator_rendering(self):
""" tests symbols are rendered properly """
self.assertEqual("=", six.text_type(EqualsOperator()))
self.assertEqual("IN", six.text_type(InOperator()))
self.assertEqual(">", six.text_type(GreaterThanOperator()))
self.assertEqual(">=", six.text_type(GreaterThanOrEqualOperator()))
self.assertEqual("<", six.text_type(LessThanOperator()))
self.assertEqual("<=", six.text_type(LessThanOrEqualOperator()))

View File

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@ -0,0 +1,187 @@
from datetime import datetime
from unittest import skip
from uuid import uuid4
import random
from cqlengine import Model, columns
from cqlengine.connection import NOT_SET
from import drop_table, sync_table
from cqlengine.query import BatchQuery, DMLQuery
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cassandra.cluster import Session
import mock
class TestMultiKeyModel(Model):
partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
cluster = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
count = columns.Integer(required=False)
text = columns.Text(required=False)
class BatchQueryLogModel(Model):
# simple k/v table
k = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
v = columns.Integer()
class BatchQueryTests(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BatchQueryTests, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BatchQueryTests, cls).tearDownClass()
def setUp(self):
super(BatchQueryTests, self).setUp()
self.pkey = 1
for obj in TestMultiKeyModel.filter(partition=self.pkey):
def test_insert_success_case(self):
b = BatchQuery()
inst = TestMultiKeyModel.batch(b).create(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2, count=3, text='4')
with self.assertRaises(TestMultiKeyModel.DoesNotExist):
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
def test_update_success_case(self):
inst = TestMultiKeyModel.create(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2, count=3, text='4')
b = BatchQuery()
inst.count = 4
inst2 = TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
assert inst2.count == 3
inst3 = TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
assert inst3.count == 4
def test_delete_success_case(self):
inst = TestMultiKeyModel.create(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2, count=3, text='4')
b = BatchQuery()
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
with self.assertRaises(TestMultiKeyModel.DoesNotExist):
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
def test_context_manager(self):
with BatchQuery() as b:
for i in range(5):
TestMultiKeyModel.batch(b).create(partition=self.pkey, cluster=i, count=3, text='4')
for i in range(5):
with self.assertRaises(TestMultiKeyModel.DoesNotExist):
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=i)
for i in range(5):
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=i)
def test_bulk_delete_success_case(self):
for i in range(1):
for j in range(5):
TestMultiKeyModel.create(partition=i, cluster=j, count=i*j, text='{}:{}'.format(i,j))
with BatchQuery() as b:
assert TestMultiKeyModel.filter(partition=0).count() == 5
assert TestMultiKeyModel.filter(partition=0).count() == 0
for m in TestMultiKeyModel.all():
def test_none_success_case(self):
""" Tests that passing None into the batch call clears any batch object """
b = BatchQuery()
q = TestMultiKeyModel.objects.batch(b)
assert q._batch == b
q = q.batch(None)
assert q._batch is None
def test_dml_none_success_case(self):
""" Tests that passing None into the batch call clears any batch object """
b = BatchQuery()
q = DMLQuery(TestMultiKeyModel, batch=b)
assert q._batch == b
assert q._batch is None
def test_batch_execute_on_exception_succeeds(self):
# makes sure if execute_on_exception == True we still apply the batch
obj = BatchQueryLogModel.objects(k=1)
self.assertEqual(0, len(obj))
with BatchQuery(execute_on_exception=True) as b:
BatchQueryLogModel.batch(b).create(k=1, v=1)
raise Exception("Blah")
obj = BatchQueryLogModel.objects(k=1)
# should be 1 because the batch should execute
self.assertEqual(1, len(obj))
def test_batch_execute_on_exception_skips_if_not_specified(self):
# makes sure if execute_on_exception == True we still apply the batch
obj = BatchQueryLogModel.objects(k=2)
self.assertEqual(0, len(obj))
with BatchQuery() as b:
BatchQueryLogModel.batch(b).create(k=2, v=2)
raise Exception("Blah")
obj = BatchQueryLogModel.objects(k=2)
# should be 0 because the batch should not execute
self.assertEqual(0, len(obj))
def test_batch_execute_timeout(self):
with mock.patch.object(Session, 'execute', autospec=True) as mock_execute:
with BatchQuery(timeout=1) as b:
BatchQueryLogModel.batch(b).create(k=2, v=2)
mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, timeout=1)
def test_batch_execute_no_timeout(self):
with mock.patch.object(Session, 'execute', autospec=True) as mock_execute:
with BatchQuery() as b:
BatchQueryLogModel.batch(b).create(k=2, v=2)
mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, timeout=NOT_SET)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,58 @@
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
from uuid import uuid4
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.exceptions import ModelException
from import sync_table
from import drop_table
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine import query
class DateTimeQueryTestModel(Model):
user = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
day = columns.DateTime(primary_key=True)
data = columns.Text()
class TestDateTimeQueries(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestDateTimeQueries, cls).setUpClass()
cls.base_date = - timedelta(days=10)
for x in range(7):
for y in range(10):
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestDateTimeQueries, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_range_query(self):
""" Tests that loading from a range of dates works properly """
start = datetime(*self.base_date.timetuple()[:3])
end = start + timedelta(days=3)
results = DateTimeQueryTestModel.filter(user=0, day__gte=start, day__lt=end)
assert len(results) == 3
def test_datetime_precision(self):
""" Tests that millisecond resolution is preserved when saving datetime objects """
now =
pk = 1000
obj = DateTimeQueryTestModel.create(user=pk, day=now, data='energy cheese')
load = DateTimeQueryTestModel.get(user=pk)
assert abs(now - < 0.001

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@ -0,0 +1,246 @@
from cqlengine import operators
from cqlengine.named import NamedKeyspace
from cqlengine.operators import EqualsOperator, GreaterThanOrEqualOperator
from cqlengine.query import ResultObject
from cqlengine.tests.query.test_queryset import BaseQuerySetUsage
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
class TestQuerySetOperation(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestQuerySetOperation, cls).setUpClass()
cls.keyspace = NamedKeyspace('cqlengine_test')
cls.table = cls.keyspace.table('test_model')
def test_query_filter_parsing(self):
Tests the queryset filter method parses it's kwargs properly
query1 = self.table.objects(test_id=5)
assert len(query1._where) == 1
op = query1._where[0]
assert isinstance(op.operator, operators.EqualsOperator)
assert op.value == 5
query2 = query1.filter(expected_result__gte=1)
assert len(query2._where) == 2
op = query2._where[1]
assert isinstance(op.operator, operators.GreaterThanOrEqualOperator)
assert op.value == 1
def test_query_expression_parsing(self):
""" Tests that query experessions are evaluated properly """
query1 = self.table.filter(self.table.column('test_id') == 5)
assert len(query1._where) == 1
op = query1._where[0]
assert isinstance(op.operator, operators.EqualsOperator)
assert op.value == 5
query2 = query1.filter(self.table.column('expected_result') >= 1)
assert len(query2._where) == 2
op = query2._where[1]
assert isinstance(op.operator, operators.GreaterThanOrEqualOperator)
assert op.value == 1
def test_filter_method_where_clause_generation(self):
Tests the where clause creation
query1 = self.table.objects(test_id=5)
self.assertEqual(len(query1._where), 1)
where = query1._where[0]
self.assertEqual(where.field, 'test_id')
self.assertEqual(where.value, 5)
query2 = query1.filter(expected_result__gte=1)
self.assertEqual(len(query2._where), 2)
where = query2._where[0]
self.assertEqual(where.field, 'test_id')
self.assertIsInstance(where.operator, EqualsOperator)
self.assertEqual(where.value, 5)
where = query2._where[1]
self.assertEqual(where.field, 'expected_result')
self.assertIsInstance(where.operator, GreaterThanOrEqualOperator)
self.assertEqual(where.value, 1)
def test_query_expression_where_clause_generation(self):
Tests the where clause creation
query1 = self.table.objects(self.table.column('test_id') == 5)
self.assertEqual(len(query1._where), 1)
where = query1._where[0]
self.assertEqual(where.field, 'test_id')
self.assertEqual(where.value, 5)
query2 = query1.filter(self.table.column('expected_result') >= 1)
self.assertEqual(len(query2._where), 2)
where = query2._where[0]
self.assertEqual(where.field, 'test_id')
self.assertIsInstance(where.operator, EqualsOperator)
self.assertEqual(where.value, 5)
where = query2._where[1]
self.assertEqual(where.field, 'expected_result')
self.assertIsInstance(where.operator, GreaterThanOrEqualOperator)
self.assertEqual(where.value, 1)
class TestQuerySetCountSelectionAndIteration(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestQuerySetCountSelectionAndIteration, cls).setUpClass()
from cqlengine.tests.query.test_queryset import TestModel
ks,tn = TestModel.column_family_name().split('.')
cls.keyspace = NamedKeyspace(ks)
cls.table = cls.keyspace.table(tn)
def test_count(self):
""" Tests that adding filtering statements affects the count query as expected """
assert self.table.objects.count() == 12
q = self.table.objects(test_id=0)
assert q.count() == 4
def test_query_expression_count(self):
""" Tests that adding query statements affects the count query as expected """
assert self.table.objects.count() == 12
q = self.table.objects(self.table.column('test_id') == 0)
assert q.count() == 4
def test_iteration(self):
""" Tests that iterating over a query set pulls back all of the expected results """
q = self.table.objects(test_id=0)
#tuple of expected attempt_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0,5), (1,10), (2,15), (3,20)])
for t in q:
val = t.attempt_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
# test with regular filtering
q = self.table.objects(attempt_id=3).allow_filtering()
assert len(q) == 3
#tuple of expected test_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0,20), (1,20), (2,75)])
for t in q:
val = t.test_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
# test with query method
q = self.table.objects(self.table.column('attempt_id') == 3).allow_filtering()
assert len(q) == 3
#tuple of expected test_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0,20), (1,20), (2,75)])
for t in q:
val = t.test_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
def test_multiple_iterations_work_properly(self):
""" Tests that iterating over a query set more than once works """
# test with both the filtering method and the query method
for q in (self.table.objects(test_id=0), self.table.objects(self.table.column('test_id') == 0)):
#tuple of expected attempt_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0,5), (1,10), (2,15), (3,20)])
for t in q:
val = t.attempt_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
#try it again
compare_set = set([(0,5), (1,10), (2,15), (3,20)])
for t in q:
val = t.attempt_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
def test_multiple_iterators_are_isolated(self):
tests that the use of one iterator does not affect the behavior of another
for q in (self.table.objects(test_id=0), self.table.objects(self.table.column('test_id') == 0)):
q = q.order_by('attempt_id')
expected_order = [0,1,2,3]
iter1 = iter(q)
iter2 = iter(q)
for attempt_id in expected_order:
assert next(iter1).attempt_id == attempt_id
assert next(iter2).attempt_id == attempt_id
def test_get_success_case(self):
Tests that the .get() method works on new and existing querysets
m = self.table.objects.get(test_id=0, attempt_id=0)
assert isinstance(m, ResultObject)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
q = self.table.objects(test_id=0, attempt_id=0)
m = q.get()
assert isinstance(m, ResultObject)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
q = self.table.objects(test_id=0)
m = q.get(attempt_id=0)
assert isinstance(m, ResultObject)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
def test_query_expression_get_success_case(self):
Tests that the .get() method works on new and existing querysets
m = self.table.get(self.table.column('test_id') == 0, self.table.column('attempt_id') == 0)
assert isinstance(m, ResultObject)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
q = self.table.objects(self.table.column('test_id') == 0, self.table.column('attempt_id') == 0)
m = q.get()
assert isinstance(m, ResultObject)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
q = self.table.objects(self.table.column('test_id') == 0)
m = q.get(self.table.column('attempt_id') == 0)
assert isinstance(m, ResultObject)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
def test_get_doesnotexist_exception(self):
Tests that get calls that don't return a result raises a DoesNotExist error
with self.assertRaises(self.table.DoesNotExist):
def test_get_multipleobjects_exception(self):
Tests that get calls that return multiple results raise a MultipleObjectsReturned error
with self.assertRaises(self.table.MultipleObjectsReturned):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,111 @@
from datetime import datetime
from cqlengine.columns import DateTime
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine import columns, Model
from cqlengine import functions
from cqlengine import query
from cqlengine.statements import WhereClause
from cqlengine.operators import EqualsOperator
from import sync_table, drop_table
class TestQuerySetOperation(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_maxtimeuuid_function(self):
Tests that queries with helper functions are generated properly
now =
where = WhereClause('time', EqualsOperator(), functions.MaxTimeUUID(now))
self.assertEqual(str(where), '"time" = MaxTimeUUID(%(5)s)')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'5': DateTime().to_database(now)})
def test_mintimeuuid_function(self):
Tests that queries with helper functions are generated properly
now =
where = WhereClause('time', EqualsOperator(), functions.MinTimeUUID(now))
self.assertEqual(str(where), '"time" = MinTimeUUID(%(5)s)')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'5': DateTime().to_database(now)})
class TokenTestModel(Model):
key = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
val = columns.Integer()
class TestTokenFunction(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUp(self):
super(TestTokenFunction, self).setUp()
def tearDown(self):
super(TestTokenFunction, self).tearDown()
def test_token_function(self):
""" Tests that token functions work properly """
assert TokenTestModel.objects().count() == 0
for i in range(10):
TokenTestModel.create(key=i, val=i)
assert TokenTestModel.objects().count() == 10
seen_keys = set()
last_token = None
for instance in TokenTestModel.objects().limit(5):
last_token = instance.key
assert len(seen_keys) == 5
for instance in TokenTestModel.objects(pk__token__gt=functions.Token(last_token)):
assert len(seen_keys) == 10
assert all([i in seen_keys for i in range(10)])
def test_compound_pk_token_function(self):
class TestModel(Model):
p1 = columns.Text(partition_key=True)
p2 = columns.Text(partition_key=True)
func = functions.Token('a', 'b')
q = TestModel.objects.filter(pk__token__gt=func)
where = q._where[0]
self.assertEquals(str(where), 'token("p1", "p2") > token(%({})s, %({})s)'.format(1, 2))
# Verify that a SELECT query can be successfully generated
# Token(tuple()) is also possible for convenience
# it (allows for Token( syntax)
func = functions.Token(('a', 'b'))
q = TestModel.objects.filter(pk__token__gt=func)
where = q._where[0]
self.assertEquals(str(where), 'token("p1", "p2") > token(%({})s, %({})s)'.format(1, 2))
# The 'pk__token' virtual column may only be compared to a Token
self.assertRaises(query.QueryException, TestModel.objects.filter, pk__token__gt=10)
# A Token may only be compared to the `pk__token' virtual column
func = functions.Token('a', 'b')
self.assertRaises(query.QueryException, TestModel.objects.filter, p1__gt=func)
# The # of arguments to Token must match the # of partition keys
func = functions.Token('a')
self.assertRaises(query.QueryException, TestModel.objects.filter, pk__token__gt=func)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,756 @@
from __future__ import absolute_import
from datetime import datetime
import time
from unittest import TestCase, skipUnless
from uuid import uuid1, uuid4
import uuid
from cassandra.cluster import Session
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.connection import NOT_SET
import mock
from cqlengine import functions
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine import query
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import tzinfo
from cqlengine import statements
from cqlengine import operators
from cqlengine.connection import get_session
from cqlengine.tests.base import PROTOCOL_VERSION
class TzOffset(tzinfo):
"""Minimal implementation of a timezone offset to help testing with timezone
aware datetimes.
def __init__(self, offset):
self._offset = timedelta(hours=offset)
def utcoffset(self, dt):
return self._offset
def tzname(self, dt):
return 'TzOffset: {}'.format(self._offset.hours)
def dst(self, dt):
return timedelta(0)
class TestModel(Model):
test_id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
attempt_id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
description = columns.Text()
expected_result = columns.Integer()
test_result = columns.Integer()
class IndexedTestModel(Model):
test_id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
attempt_id = columns.Integer(index=True)
description = columns.Text()
expected_result = columns.Integer()
test_result = columns.Integer(index=True)
class TestMultiClusteringModel(Model):
one = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
two = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
three = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
class TestQuerySetOperation(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_query_filter_parsing(self):
Tests the queryset filter method parses it's kwargs properly
query1 = TestModel.objects(test_id=5)
assert len(query1._where) == 1
op = query1._where[0]
assert isinstance(op, statements.WhereClause)
assert isinstance(op.operator, operators.EqualsOperator)
assert op.value == 5
query2 = query1.filter(expected_result__gte=1)
assert len(query2._where) == 2
op = query2._where[1]
self.assertIsInstance(op, statements.WhereClause)
self.assertIsInstance(op.operator, operators.GreaterThanOrEqualOperator)
assert op.value == 1
def test_query_expression_parsing(self):
""" Tests that query experessions are evaluated properly """
query1 = TestModel.filter(TestModel.test_id == 5)
assert len(query1._where) == 1
op = query1._where[0]
assert isinstance(op, statements.WhereClause)
assert isinstance(op.operator, operators.EqualsOperator)
assert op.value == 5
query2 = query1.filter(TestModel.expected_result >= 1)
assert len(query2._where) == 2
op = query2._where[1]
self.assertIsInstance(op, statements.WhereClause)
self.assertIsInstance(op.operator, operators.GreaterThanOrEqualOperator)
assert op.value == 1
def test_using_invalid_column_names_in_filter_kwargs_raises_error(self):
Tests that using invalid or nonexistant column names for filter args raises an error
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
def test_using_nonexistant_column_names_in_query_args_raises_error(self):
Tests that using invalid or nonexistant columns for query args raises an error
with self.assertRaises(AttributeError):
TestModel.objects(TestModel.nonsense == 5)
def test_using_non_query_operators_in_query_args_raises_error(self):
Tests that providing query args that are not query operator instances raises an error
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
def test_queryset_is_immutable(self):
Tests that calling a queryset function that changes it's state returns a new queryset
query1 = TestModel.objects(test_id=5)
assert len(query1._where) == 1
query2 = query1.filter(expected_result__gte=1)
assert len(query2._where) == 2
assert len(query1._where) == 1
def test_queryset_limit_immutability(self):
Tests that calling a queryset function that changes it's state returns a new queryset with same limit
query1 = TestModel.objects(test_id=5).limit(1)
assert query1._limit == 1
query2 = query1.filter(expected_result__gte=1)
assert query2._limit == 1
query3 = query1.filter(expected_result__gte=1).limit(2)
assert query1._limit == 1
assert query3._limit == 2
def test_the_all_method_duplicates_queryset(self):
Tests that calling all on a queryset with previously defined filters duplicates queryset
query1 = TestModel.objects(test_id=5)
assert len(query1._where) == 1
query2 = query1.filter(expected_result__gte=1)
assert len(query2._where) == 2
query3 = query2.all()
assert query3 == query2
def test_defining_only_and_defer_fails(self):
Tests that trying to add fields to either only or defer, or doing so more than once fails
def test_defining_only_or_defer_on_nonexistant_fields_fails(self):
Tests that setting only or defer fields that don't exist raises an exception
class BaseQuerySetUsage(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseQuerySetUsage, cls).setUpClass()
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=0, attempt_id=0, description='try1', expected_result=5, test_result=30)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=0, attempt_id=1, description='try2', expected_result=10, test_result=30)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=0, attempt_id=2, description='try3', expected_result=15, test_result=30)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=0, attempt_id=3, description='try4', expected_result=20, test_result=25)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=1, attempt_id=0, description='try5', expected_result=5, test_result=25)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=1, attempt_id=1, description='try6', expected_result=10, test_result=25)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=1, attempt_id=2, description='try7', expected_result=15, test_result=25)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=1, attempt_id=3, description='try8', expected_result=20, test_result=20)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=2, attempt_id=0, description='try9', expected_result=50, test_result=40)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=2, attempt_id=1, description='try10', expected_result=60, test_result=40)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=2, attempt_id=2, description='try11', expected_result=70, test_result=45)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=2, attempt_id=3, description='try12', expected_result=75, test_result=45)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=0, attempt_id=0, description='try1', expected_result=5, test_result=30)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=1, attempt_id=1, description='try2', expected_result=10, test_result=30)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=2, attempt_id=2, description='try3', expected_result=15, test_result=30)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=3, attempt_id=3, description='try4', expected_result=20, test_result=25)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=4, attempt_id=0, description='try5', expected_result=5, test_result=25)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=5, attempt_id=1, description='try6', expected_result=10, test_result=25)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=6, attempt_id=2, description='try7', expected_result=15, test_result=25)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=7, attempt_id=3, description='try8', expected_result=20, test_result=20)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=8, attempt_id=0, description='try9', expected_result=50, test_result=40)
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=9, attempt_id=1, description='try10', expected_result=60,
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=10, attempt_id=2, description='try11', expected_result=70,
IndexedTestModel.objects.create(test_id=11, attempt_id=3, description='try12', expected_result=75,
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BaseQuerySetUsage, cls).tearDownClass()
class TestQuerySetCountSelectionAndIteration(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_count(self):
""" Tests that adding filtering statements affects the count query as expected """
assert TestModel.objects.count() == 12
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0)
assert q.count() == 4
def test_query_expression_count(self):
""" Tests that adding query statements affects the count query as expected """
assert TestModel.objects.count() == 12
q = TestModel.objects(TestModel.test_id == 0)
assert q.count() == 4
def test_query_limit_count(self):
""" Tests that adding query with a limit affects the count as expected """
assert TestModel.objects.count() == 12
q = TestModel.objects(TestModel.test_id == 0).limit(2)
result = q.count()
self.assertEqual(2, result)
def test_iteration(self):
""" Tests that iterating over a query set pulls back all of the expected results """
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0)
#tuple of expected attempt_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0, 5), (1, 10), (2, 15), (3, 20)])
for t in q:
val = t.attempt_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
# test with regular filtering
q = TestModel.objects(attempt_id=3).allow_filtering()
assert len(q) == 3
#tuple of expected test_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0, 20), (1, 20), (2, 75)])
for t in q:
val = t.test_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
# test with query method
q = TestModel.objects(TestModel.attempt_id == 3).allow_filtering()
assert len(q) == 3
#tuple of expected test_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0, 20), (1, 20), (2, 75)])
for t in q:
val = t.test_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
def test_multiple_iterations_work_properly(self):
""" Tests that iterating over a query set more than once works """
# test with both the filtering method and the query method
for q in (TestModel.objects(test_id=0), TestModel.objects(TestModel.test_id == 0)):
#tuple of expected attempt_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0, 5), (1, 10), (2, 15), (3, 20)])
for t in q:
val = t.attempt_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
#try it again
compare_set = set([(0, 5), (1, 10), (2, 15), (3, 20)])
for t in q:
val = t.attempt_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert len(compare_set) == 0
def test_multiple_iterators_are_isolated(self):
tests that the use of one iterator does not affect the behavior of another
for q in (TestModel.objects(test_id=0), TestModel.objects(TestModel.test_id == 0)):
q = q.order_by('attempt_id')
expected_order = [0, 1, 2, 3]
iter1 = iter(q)
iter2 = iter(q)
for attempt_id in expected_order:
assert next(iter1).attempt_id == attempt_id
assert next(iter2).attempt_id == attempt_id
def test_get_success_case(self):
Tests that the .get() method works on new and existing querysets
m = TestModel.objects.get(test_id=0, attempt_id=0)
assert isinstance(m, TestModel)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0, attempt_id=0)
m = q.get()
assert isinstance(m, TestModel)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0)
m = q.get(attempt_id=0)
assert isinstance(m, TestModel)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
def test_query_expression_get_success_case(self):
Tests that the .get() method works on new and existing querysets
m = TestModel.get(TestModel.test_id == 0, TestModel.attempt_id == 0)
assert isinstance(m, TestModel)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
q = TestModel.objects(TestModel.test_id == 0, TestModel.attempt_id == 0)
m = q.get()
assert isinstance(m, TestModel)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
q = TestModel.objects(TestModel.test_id == 0)
m = q.get(TestModel.attempt_id == 0)
assert isinstance(m, TestModel)
assert m.test_id == 0
assert m.attempt_id == 0
def test_get_doesnotexist_exception(self):
Tests that get calls that don't return a result raises a DoesNotExist error
with self.assertRaises(TestModel.DoesNotExist):
def test_get_multipleobjects_exception(self):
Tests that get calls that return multiple results raise a MultipleObjectsReturned error
with self.assertRaises(TestModel.MultipleObjectsReturned):
def test_allow_filtering_flag(self):
def test_non_quality_filtering():
class NonEqualityFilteringModel(Model):
example_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
sequence_id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True) # sequence_id is a clustering key
example_type = columns.Integer(index=True)
created_at = columns.DateTime()
# setup table, etc.
NonEqualityFilteringModel.create(sequence_id=1, example_type=0,
NonEqualityFilteringModel.create(sequence_id=3, example_type=0,
NonEqualityFilteringModel.create(sequence_id=5, example_type=1,
qA = NonEqualityFilteringModel.objects(NonEqualityFilteringModel.sequence_id > 3).allow_filtering()
num = qA.count()
assert num == 1, num
class TestQuerySetOrdering(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_order_by_success_case(self):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('attempt_id')
expected_order = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for model, expect in zip(q, expected_order):
assert model.attempt_id == expect
q = q.order_by('-attempt_id')
for model, expect in zip(q, expected_order):
assert model.attempt_id == expect
def test_ordering_by_non_second_primary_keys_fail(self):
# kwarg filtering
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('test_id')
# kwarg filtering
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
q = TestModel.objects(TestModel.test_id == 0).order_by('test_id')
def test_ordering_by_non_primary_keys_fails(self):
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('description')
def test_ordering_on_indexed_columns_fails(self):
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
q = IndexedTestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('attempt_id')
def test_ordering_on_multiple_clustering_columns(self):
TestMultiClusteringModel.create(one=1, two=1, three=4)
TestMultiClusteringModel.create(one=1, two=1, three=2)
TestMultiClusteringModel.create(one=1, two=1, three=5)
TestMultiClusteringModel.create(one=1, two=1, three=1)
TestMultiClusteringModel.create(one=1, two=1, three=3)
results = TestMultiClusteringModel.objects.filter(one=1, two=1).order_by('-two', '-three')
assert [r.three for r in results] == [5, 4, 3, 2, 1]
results = TestMultiClusteringModel.objects.filter(one=1, two=1).order_by('two', 'three')
assert [r.three for r in results] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
results = TestMultiClusteringModel.objects.filter(one=1, two=1).order_by('two').order_by('three')
assert [r.three for r in results] == [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
class TestQuerySetSlicing(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_out_of_range_index_raises_error(self):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('attempt_id')
with self.assertRaises(IndexError):
def test_array_indexing_works_properly(self):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('attempt_id')
expected_order = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for i in range(len(q)):
assert q[i].attempt_id == expected_order[i]
def test_negative_indexing_works_properly(self):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('attempt_id')
expected_order = [0, 1, 2, 3]
assert q[-1].attempt_id == expected_order[-1]
assert q[-2].attempt_id == expected_order[-2]
def test_slicing_works_properly(self):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('attempt_id')
expected_order = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for model, expect in zip(q[1:3], expected_order[1:3]):
assert model.attempt_id == expect
def test_negative_slicing(self):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0).order_by('attempt_id')
expected_order = [0, 1, 2, 3]
for model, expect in zip(q[-3:], expected_order[-3:]):
assert model.attempt_id == expect
for model, expect in zip(q[:-1], expected_order[:-1]):
assert model.attempt_id == expect
class TestQuerySetValidation(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_primary_key_or_index_must_be_specified(self):
Tests that queries that don't have an equals relation to a primary key or indexed field fail
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
q = TestModel.objects(test_result=25)
list([i for i in q])
def test_primary_key_or_index_must_have_equal_relation_filter(self):
Tests that queries that don't have non equal (>,<, etc) relation to a primary key or indexed field fail
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
q = TestModel.objects(test_id__gt=0)
list([i for i in q])
def test_indexed_field_can_be_queried(self):
Tests that queries on an indexed field will work without any primary key relations specified
q = IndexedTestModel.objects(test_result=25)
assert q.count() == 4
class TestQuerySetDelete(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_delete(self):
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=3, attempt_id=0, description='try9', expected_result=50, test_result=40)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=3, attempt_id=1, description='try10', expected_result=60, test_result=40)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=3, attempt_id=2, description='try11', expected_result=70, test_result=45)
TestModel.objects.create(test_id=3, attempt_id=3, description='try12', expected_result=75, test_result=45)
assert TestModel.objects.count() == 16
assert TestModel.objects(test_id=3).count() == 4
assert TestModel.objects.count() == 12
assert TestModel.objects(test_id=3).count() == 0
def test_delete_without_partition_key(self):
""" Tests that attempting to delete a model without defining a partition key fails """
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
def test_delete_without_any_where_args(self):
""" Tests that attempting to delete a whole table without any arguments will fail """
with self.assertRaises(query.QueryException):
class TestQuerySetConnectionHandling(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_conn_is_returned_after_filling_cache(self):
Tests that the queryset returns it's connection after it's fetched all of it's results
q = TestModel.objects(test_id=0)
#tuple of expected attempt_id, expected_result values
compare_set = set([(0, 5), (1, 10), (2, 15), (3, 20)])
for t in q:
val = t.attempt_id, t.expected_result
assert val in compare_set
assert q._con is None
assert q._cur is None
class TimeUUIDQueryModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
time = columns.TimeUUID(primary_key=True)
data = columns.Text(required=False)
class TestMinMaxTimeUUIDFunctions(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestMinMaxTimeUUIDFunctions, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestMinMaxTimeUUIDFunctions, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_tzaware_datetime_support(self):
"""Test that using timezone aware datetime instances works with the
MinTimeUUID/MaxTimeUUID functions.
pk = uuid4()
midpoint_utc = datetime.utcnow().replace(tzinfo=TzOffset(0))
midpoint_helsinki = midpoint_utc.astimezone(TzOffset(3))
# Assert pre-condition that we have the same logical point in time
assert midpoint_utc.utctimetuple() == midpoint_helsinki.utctimetuple()
assert midpoint_utc.timetuple() != midpoint_helsinki.timetuple()
time=columns.TimeUUID.from_datetime(midpoint_utc - timedelta(minutes=1)),
time=columns.TimeUUID.from_datetime(midpoint_utc + timedelta(minutes=1)),
assert ['1', '2'] == [ for o in TimeUUIDQueryModel.filter(
TimeUUIDQueryModel.partition == pk,
TimeUUIDQueryModel.time <= functions.MaxTimeUUID(midpoint_utc))]
assert ['1', '2'] == [ for o in TimeUUIDQueryModel.filter(
TimeUUIDQueryModel.partition == pk,
TimeUUIDQueryModel.time <= functions.MaxTimeUUID(midpoint_helsinki))]
assert ['2', '3'] == [ for o in TimeUUIDQueryModel.filter(
TimeUUIDQueryModel.partition == pk,
TimeUUIDQueryModel.time >= functions.MinTimeUUID(midpoint_utc))]
assert ['2', '3'] == [ for o in TimeUUIDQueryModel.filter(
TimeUUIDQueryModel.partition == pk,
TimeUUIDQueryModel.time >= functions.MinTimeUUID(midpoint_helsinki))]
def test_success_case(self):
""" Test that the min and max time uuid functions work as expected """
pk = uuid4()
TimeUUIDQueryModel.create(partition=pk, time=uuid1(), data='1')
TimeUUIDQueryModel.create(partition=pk, time=uuid1(), data='2')
midpoint = datetime.utcnow()
TimeUUIDQueryModel.create(partition=pk, time=uuid1(), data='3')
TimeUUIDQueryModel.create(partition=pk, time=uuid1(), data='4')
# test kwarg filtering
q = TimeUUIDQueryModel.filter(partition=pk, time__lte=functions.MaxTimeUUID(midpoint))
q = [d for d in q]
assert len(q) == 2
datas = [ for d in q]
assert '1' in datas
assert '2' in datas
q = TimeUUIDQueryModel.filter(partition=pk, time__gte=functions.MinTimeUUID(midpoint))
assert len(q) == 2
datas = [ for d in q]
assert '3' in datas
assert '4' in datas
# test query expression filtering
q = TimeUUIDQueryModel.filter(
TimeUUIDQueryModel.partition == pk,
TimeUUIDQueryModel.time <= functions.MaxTimeUUID(midpoint)
q = [d for d in q]
assert len(q) == 2
datas = [ for d in q]
assert '1' in datas
assert '2' in datas
q = TimeUUIDQueryModel.filter(
TimeUUIDQueryModel.partition == pk,
TimeUUIDQueryModel.time >= functions.MinTimeUUID(midpoint)
assert len(q) == 2
datas = [ for d in q]
assert '3' in datas
assert '4' in datas
class TestInOperator(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_kwarg_success_case(self):
""" Tests the in operator works with the kwarg query method """
q = TestModel.filter(test_id__in=[0, 1])
assert q.count() == 8
def test_query_expression_success_case(self):
""" Tests the in operator works with the query expression query method """
q = TestModel.filter(TestModel.test_id.in_([0, 1]))
assert q.count() == 8
class TestValuesList(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_values_list(self):
q = TestModel.objects.filter(test_id=0, attempt_id=1)
item = q.values_list('test_id', 'attempt_id', 'description', 'expected_result', 'test_result').first()
assert item == [0, 1, 'try2', 10, 30]
item = q.values_list('expected_result', flat=True).first()
assert item == 10
class TestObjectsProperty(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_objects_property_returns_fresh_queryset(self):
assert TestModel.objects._result_cache is None
len(TestModel.objects) # evaluate queryset
assert TestModel.objects._result_cache is None
@skipUnless(PROTOCOL_VERSION >= 2, "only runs against the cql3 protocol v2.0")
def test_paged_result_handling():
# addresses #225
class PagingTest(Model):
id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
val = columns.Integer()
PagingTest.create(id=1, val=1)
PagingTest.create(id=2, val=2)
session = get_session()
with mock.patch.object(session, 'default_fetch_size', 1):
results = PagingTest.objects()[:]
assert len(results) == 2
class ModelQuerySetTimeoutTestCase(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def test_default_timeout(self):
with mock.patch.object(Session, 'execute', autospec=True) as mock_execute:
mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, timeout=NOT_SET)
def test_float_timeout(self):
with mock.patch.object(Session, 'execute', autospec=True) as mock_execute:
mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, timeout=0.5)
def test_none_timeout(self):
with mock.patch.object(Session, 'execute', autospec=True) as mock_execute:
mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, timeout=None)
class DMLQueryTimeoutTestCase(BaseQuerySetUsage):
def setUp(self):
self.model = TestModel(test_id=1, attempt_id=1, description='timeout test')
super(DMLQueryTimeoutTestCase, self).setUp()
def test_default_timeout(self):
with mock.patch.object(Session, 'execute', autospec=True) as mock_execute:
mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, timeout=NOT_SET)
def test_float_timeout(self):
with mock.patch.object(Session, 'execute', autospec=True) as mock_execute:
mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, timeout=0.5)
def test_none_timeout(self):
with mock.patch.object(Session, 'execute', autospec=True) as mock_execute:
mock_execute.assert_called_once_with(mock.ANY, mock.ANY, mock.ANY, timeout=None)
def test_timeout_then_batch(self):
b = query.BatchQuery()
m = self.model.timeout(None)
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):
def test_batch_then_timeout(self):
b = query.BatchQuery()
m = self.model.batch(b)
with self.assertRaises(AssertionError):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
from uuid import uuid4
from cqlengine.exceptions import ValidationError
from cqlengine.query import QueryException
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.models import Model
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine import columns
class TestQueryUpdateModel(Model):
partition = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid4)
cluster = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
count = columns.Integer(required=False)
text = columns.Text(required=False, index=True)
text_set = columns.Set(columns.Text, required=False)
text_list = columns.List(columns.Text, required=False)
text_map = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.Text, required=False)
class QueryUpdateTests(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(QueryUpdateTests, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(QueryUpdateTests, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_update_values(self):
""" tests calling udpate on a queryset """
partition = uuid4()
for i in range(5):
TestQueryUpdateModel.create(partition=partition, cluster=i, count=i, text=str(i))
# sanity check
for i, row in enumerate(TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition)):
assert row.cluster == i
assert row.count == i
assert row.text == str(i)
# perform update
TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition, cluster=3).update(count=6)
for i, row in enumerate(TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition)):
assert row.cluster == i
assert row.count == (6 if i == 3 else i)
assert row.text == str(i)
def test_update_values_validation(self):
""" tests calling udpate on models with values passed in """
partition = uuid4()
for i in range(5):
TestQueryUpdateModel.create(partition=partition, cluster=i, count=i, text=str(i))
# sanity check
for i, row in enumerate(TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition)):
assert row.cluster == i
assert row.count == i
assert row.text == str(i)
# perform update
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition, cluster=3).update(count='asdf')
def test_invalid_update_kwarg(self):
""" tests that passing in a kwarg to the update method that isn't a column will fail """
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=uuid4(), cluster=3).update(bacon=5000)
def test_primary_key_update_failure(self):
""" tests that attempting to update the value of a primary key will fail """
with self.assertRaises(ValidationError):
TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=uuid4(), cluster=3).update(cluster=5000)
def test_null_update_deletes_column(self):
""" setting a field to null in the update should issue a delete statement """
partition = uuid4()
for i in range(5):
TestQueryUpdateModel.create(partition=partition, cluster=i, count=i, text=str(i))
# sanity check
for i, row in enumerate(TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition)):
assert row.cluster == i
assert row.count == i
assert row.text == str(i)
# perform update
TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition, cluster=3).update(text=None)
for i, row in enumerate(TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition)):
assert row.cluster == i
assert row.count == i
assert row.text == (None if i == 3 else str(i))
def test_mixed_value_and_null_update(self):
""" tests that updating a columns value, and removing another works properly """
partition = uuid4()
for i in range(5):
TestQueryUpdateModel.create(partition=partition, cluster=i, count=i, text=str(i))
# sanity check
for i, row in enumerate(TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition)):
assert row.cluster == i
assert row.count == i
assert row.text == str(i)
# perform update
TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition, cluster=3).update(count=6, text=None)
for i, row in enumerate(TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(partition=partition)):
assert row.cluster == i
assert row.count == (6 if i == 3 else i)
assert row.text == (None if i == 3 else str(i))
def test_counter_updates(self):
def test_set_add_updates(self):
partition = uuid4()
cluster = 1
partition=partition, cluster=cluster, text_set={"foo"})
partition=partition, cluster=cluster).update(text_set__add={'bar'})
obj = TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.get(partition=partition, cluster=cluster)
self.assertEqual(obj.text_set, {"foo", "bar"})
def test_set_add_updates_new_record(self):
""" If the key doesn't exist yet, an update creates the record
partition = uuid4()
cluster = 1
partition=partition, cluster=cluster).update(text_set__add={'bar'})
obj = TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.get(partition=partition, cluster=cluster)
self.assertEqual(obj.text_set, {"bar"})
def test_set_remove_updates(self):
partition = uuid4()
cluster = 1
partition=partition, cluster=cluster, text_set={"foo", "baz"})
partition=partition, cluster=cluster).update(
obj = TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.get(partition=partition, cluster=cluster)
self.assertEqual(obj.text_set, {"baz"})
def test_set_remove_new_record(self):
""" Removing something not in the set should silently do nothing
partition = uuid4()
cluster = 1
partition=partition, cluster=cluster, text_set={"foo"})
partition=partition, cluster=cluster).update(
obj = TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.get(partition=partition, cluster=cluster)
self.assertEqual(obj.text_set, {"foo"})
def test_list_append_updates(self):
partition = uuid4()
cluster = 1
partition=partition, cluster=cluster, text_list=["foo"])
partition=partition, cluster=cluster).update(
obj = TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.get(partition=partition, cluster=cluster)
self.assertEqual(obj.text_list, ["foo", "bar"])
def test_list_prepend_updates(self):
""" Prepend two things since order is reversed by default by CQL """
partition = uuid4()
cluster = 1
partition=partition, cluster=cluster, text_list=["foo"])
partition=partition, cluster=cluster).update(
text_list__prepend=['bar', 'baz'])
obj = TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.get(partition=partition, cluster=cluster)
self.assertEqual(obj.text_list, ["bar", "baz", "foo"])
def test_map_update_updates(self):
""" Merge a dictionary into existing value """
partition = uuid4()
cluster = 1
partition=partition, cluster=cluster,
text_map={"foo": '1', "bar": '2'})
partition=partition, cluster=cluster).update(
text_map__update={"bar": '3', "baz": '4'})
obj = TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.get(partition=partition, cluster=cluster)
self.assertEqual(obj.text_map, {"foo": '1', "bar": '3', "baz": '4'})
def test_map_update_none_deletes_key(self):
""" The CQL behavior is if you set a key in a map to null it deletes
that key from the map. Test that this works with __update.
This test fails because of a bug in the cql python library not
converting None to null (and the cql library is no longer in active
# partition = uuid4()
# cluster = 1
# TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.create(
# partition=partition, cluster=cluster,
# text_map={"foo": '1', "bar": '2'})
# TestQueryUpdateModel.objects(
# partition=partition, cluster=cluster).update(
# text_map__update={"bar": None})
# obj = TestQueryUpdateModel.objects.get(partition=partition, cluster=cluster)
# self.assertEqual(obj.text_map, {"foo": '1'})

View File

@ -0,0 +1 @@
__author__ = 'bdeggleston'

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@ -0,0 +1,345 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.statements import AssignmentClause, SetUpdateClause, ListUpdateClause, MapUpdateClause, MapDeleteClause, FieldDeleteClause, CounterUpdateClause
class AssignmentClauseTests(TestCase):
def test_rendering(self):
def test_insert_tuple(self):
ac = AssignmentClause('a', 'b')
self.assertEqual(ac.insert_tuple(), ('a', 10))
class SetUpdateClauseTests(TestCase):
def test_update_from_none(self):
c = SetUpdateClause('s', {1, 2}, previous=None)
self.assertEqual(c._assignments, {1, 2})
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': {1, 2}})
def test_null_update(self):
""" tests setting a set to None creates an empty update statement """
c = SetUpdateClause('s', None, previous={1, 2})
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 0)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {})
def test_no_update(self):
""" tests an unchanged value creates an empty update statement """
c = SetUpdateClause('s', {1, 2}, previous={1, 2})
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 0)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {})
def test_update_empty_set(self):
"""tests assigning a set to an empty set creates a nonempty
update statement and nonzero context size."""
c = SetUpdateClause(field='s', value=set())
self.assertEqual(c._assignments, set())
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0' : set()})
def test_additions(self):
c = SetUpdateClause('s', {1, 2, 3}, previous={1, 2})
self.assertEqual(c._additions, {3})
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = "s" + %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': {3}})
def test_removals(self):
c = SetUpdateClause('s', {1, 2}, previous={1, 2, 3})
self.assertEqual(c._removals, {3})
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = "s" - %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': {3}})
def test_additions_and_removals(self):
c = SetUpdateClause('s', {2, 3}, previous={1, 2})
self.assertEqual(c._additions, {3})
self.assertEqual(c._removals, {1})
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 2)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = "s" + %(0)s, "s" = "s" - %(1)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': {3}, '1': {1}})
class ListUpdateClauseTests(TestCase):
def test_update_from_none(self):
c = ListUpdateClause('s', [1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(c._assignments, [1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': [1, 2, 3]})
def test_update_from_empty(self):
c = ListUpdateClause('s', [1, 2, 3], previous=[])
self.assertEqual(c._assignments, [1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': [1, 2, 3]})
def test_update_from_different_list(self):
c = ListUpdateClause('s', [1, 2, 3], previous=[3, 2, 1])
self.assertEqual(c._assignments, [1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': [1, 2, 3]})
def test_append(self):
c = ListUpdateClause('s', [1, 2, 3, 4], previous=[1, 2])
self.assertEqual(c._append, [3, 4])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = "s" + %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': [3, 4]})
def test_prepend(self):
c = ListUpdateClause('s', [1, 2, 3, 4], previous=[3, 4])
self.assertEqual(c._prepend, [1, 2])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = %(0)s + "s"')
ctx = {}
# test context list reversal
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': [2, 1]})
def test_append_and_prepend(self):
c = ListUpdateClause('s', [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6], previous=[3, 4])
self.assertEqual(c._append, [5, 6])
self.assertEqual(c._prepend, [1, 2])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 2)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = %(0)s + "s", "s" = "s" + %(1)s')
ctx = {}
# test context list reversal
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': [2, 1], '1': [5, 6]})
def test_shrinking_list_update(self):
""" tests that updating to a smaller list results in an insert statement """
c = ListUpdateClause('s', [1, 2, 3], previous=[1, 2, 3, 4])
self.assertEqual(c._assignments, [1, 2, 3])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s" = %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': [1, 2, 3]})
class MapUpdateTests(TestCase):
def test_update(self):
c = MapUpdateClause('s', {3: 0, 5: 6}, previous={5: 0, 3: 4})
self.assertEqual(c._updates, [3, 5])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 4)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s"[%(0)s] = %(1)s, "s"[%(2)s] = %(3)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': 3, "1": 0, '2': 5, '3': 6})
def test_update_from_null(self):
c = MapUpdateClause('s', {3: 0, 5: 6})
self.assertEqual(c._updates, [3, 5])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 4)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s"[%(0)s] = %(1)s, "s"[%(2)s] = %(3)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': 3, "1": 0, '2': 5, '3': 6})
def test_nulled_columns_arent_included(self):
c = MapUpdateClause('s', {3: 0}, {1: 2, 3: 4})
self.assertNotIn(1, c._updates)
class CounterUpdateTests(TestCase):
def test_positive_update(self):
c = CounterUpdateClause('a', 5, 3)
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"a" = "a" + %(5)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'5': 2})
def test_negative_update(self):
c = CounterUpdateClause('a', 4, 7)
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"a" = "a" - %(3)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'3': 3})
def noop_update(self):
c = CounterUpdateClause('a', 5, 5)
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 1)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"a" = "a" + %(0)s')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'5': 0})
class MapDeleteTests(TestCase):
def test_update(self):
c = MapDeleteClause('s', {3: 0}, {1: 2, 3: 4, 5: 6})
self.assertEqual(c._removals, [1, 5])
self.assertEqual(c.get_context_size(), 2)
self.assertEqual(str(c), '"s"[%(0)s], "s"[%(1)s]')
ctx = {}
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'0': 1, '1': 5})
class FieldDeleteTests(TestCase):
def test_str(self):
f = FieldDeleteClause("blake")
assert str(f) == '"blake"'

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.statements import AssignmentStatement, StatementException
class AssignmentStatementTest(TestCase):
def test_add_assignment_type_checking(self):
""" tests that only assignment clauses can be added to queries """
stmt = AssignmentStatement('table', [])
with self.assertRaises(StatementException):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,16 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.statements import BaseClause
class BaseClauseTests(TestCase):
def test_context_updating(self):
ss = BaseClause('a', 'b')
assert ss.get_context_size() == 1
ctx = {}
assert ctx == {'10': 'b'}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,11 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.statements import BaseCQLStatement, StatementException
class BaseStatementTest(TestCase):
def test_where_clause_type_checking(self):
""" tests that only assignment clauses can be added to queries """
stmt = BaseCQLStatement('table', [])
with self.assertRaises(StatementException):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.statements import DeleteStatement, WhereClause, MapDeleteClause
from cqlengine.operators import *
import six
class DeleteStatementTests(TestCase):
def test_single_field_is_listified(self):
""" tests that passing a string field into the constructor puts it into a list """
ds = DeleteStatement('table', 'field')
self.assertEqual(len(ds.fields), 1)
self.assertEqual(ds.fields[0].field, 'field')
def test_field_rendering(self):
""" tests that fields are properly added to the select statement """
ds = DeleteStatement('table', ['f1', 'f2'])
self.assertTrue(six.text_type(ds).startswith('DELETE "f1", "f2"'), six.text_type(ds))
self.assertTrue(str(ds).startswith('DELETE "f1", "f2"'), str(ds))
def test_none_fields_rendering(self):
""" tests that a '*' is added if no fields are passed in """
ds = DeleteStatement('table', None)
self.assertTrue(six.text_type(ds).startswith('DELETE FROM'), six.text_type(ds))
self.assertTrue(str(ds).startswith('DELETE FROM'), str(ds))
def test_table_rendering(self):
ds = DeleteStatement('table', None)
self.assertTrue(six.text_type(ds).startswith('DELETE FROM table'), six.text_type(ds))
self.assertTrue(str(ds).startswith('DELETE FROM table'), str(ds))
def test_where_clause_rendering(self):
ds = DeleteStatement('table', None)
ds.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'b'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(ds), 'DELETE FROM table WHERE "a" = %(0)s', six.text_type(ds))
def test_context_update(self):
ds = DeleteStatement('table', None)
ds.add_field(MapDeleteClause('d', {1: 2}, {1:2, 3: 4}))
ds.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'b'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(ds), 'DELETE "d"[%(8)s] FROM table WHERE "a" = %(7)s')
self.assertEqual(ds.get_context(), {'7': 'b', '8': 3})
def test_context(self):
ds = DeleteStatement('table', None)
ds.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'b'))
self.assertEqual(ds.get_context(), {'0': 'b'})

View File

@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.statements import InsertStatement, StatementException, AssignmentClause
import six
class InsertStatementTests(TestCase):
def test_where_clause_failure(self):
""" tests that where clauses cannot be added to Insert statements """
ist = InsertStatement('table', None)
with self.assertRaises(StatementException):
def test_statement(self):
ist = InsertStatement('table', None)
ist.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('a', 'b'))
ist.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('c', 'd'))
'INSERT INTO table ("a", "c") VALUES (%(0)s, %(1)s)'
def test_context_update(self):
ist = InsertStatement('table', None)
ist.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('a', 'b'))
ist.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('c', 'd'))
'INSERT INTO table ("a", "c") VALUES (%(4)s, %(5)s)'
ctx = ist.get_context()
self.assertEqual(ctx, {'4': 'b', '5': 'd'})
def test_additional_rendering(self):
ist = InsertStatement('table', ttl=60)
ist.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('a', 'b'))
ist.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('c', 'd'))
self.assertIn('USING TTL 60', six.text_type(ist))

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.statements import SelectStatement, WhereClause
from cqlengine.operators import *
import six
class SelectStatementTests(TestCase):
def test_single_field_is_listified(self):
""" tests that passing a string field into the constructor puts it into a list """
ss = SelectStatement('table', 'field')
self.assertEqual(ss.fields, ['field'])
def test_field_rendering(self):
""" tests that fields are properly added to the select statement """
ss = SelectStatement('table', ['f1', 'f2'])
self.assertTrue(six.text_type(ss).startswith('SELECT "f1", "f2"'), six.text_type(ss))
self.assertTrue(str(ss).startswith('SELECT "f1", "f2"'), str(ss))
def test_none_fields_rendering(self):
""" tests that a '*' is added if no fields are passed in """
ss = SelectStatement('table')
self.assertTrue(six.text_type(ss).startswith('SELECT *'), six.text_type(ss))
self.assertTrue(str(ss).startswith('SELECT *'), str(ss))
def test_table_rendering(self):
ss = SelectStatement('table')
self.assertTrue(six.text_type(ss).startswith('SELECT * FROM table'), six.text_type(ss))
self.assertTrue(str(ss).startswith('SELECT * FROM table'), str(ss))
def test_where_clause_rendering(self):
ss = SelectStatement('table')
ss.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'b'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(ss), 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE "a" = %(0)s', six.text_type(ss))
def test_count(self):
ss = SelectStatement('table', count=True, limit=10, order_by='d')
ss.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'b'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(ss), 'SELECT COUNT(*) FROM table WHERE "a" = %(0)s LIMIT 10', six.text_type(ss))
self.assertIn('LIMIT', six.text_type(ss))
self.assertNotIn('ORDER', six.text_type(ss))
def test_context(self):
ss = SelectStatement('table')
ss.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'b'))
self.assertEqual(ss.get_context(), {'0': 'b'})
def test_context_id_update(self):
""" tests that the right things happen the the context id """
ss = SelectStatement('table')
ss.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'b'))
self.assertEqual(ss.get_context(), {'0': 'b'})
self.assertEqual(str(ss), 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE "a" = %(0)s')
self.assertEqual(ss.get_context(), {'5': 'b'})
self.assertEqual(str(ss), 'SELECT * FROM table WHERE "a" = %(5)s')
def test_additional_rendering(self):
ss = SelectStatement(
order_by=['x', 'y'],
qstr = six.text_type(ss)
self.assertIn('LIMIT 15', qstr)
self.assertIn('ORDER BY x, y', qstr)
self.assertIn('ALLOW FILTERING', qstr)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
from unittest import TestCase
from cqlengine.columns import Set, List
from cqlengine.operators import *
from cqlengine.statements import (UpdateStatement, WhereClause,
AssignmentClause, SetUpdateClause,
import six
class UpdateStatementTests(TestCase):
def test_table_rendering(self):
""" tests that fields are properly added to the select statement """
us = UpdateStatement('table')
self.assertTrue(six.text_type(us).startswith('UPDATE table SET'), six.text_type(us))
self.assertTrue(str(us).startswith('UPDATE table SET'), str(us))
def test_rendering(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table')
us.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('a', 'b'))
us.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('c', 'd'))
us.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'x'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(us), 'UPDATE table SET "a" = %(0)s, "c" = %(1)s WHERE "a" = %(2)s', six.text_type(us))
def test_context(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table')
us.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('a', 'b'))
us.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('c', 'd'))
us.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'x'))
self.assertEqual(us.get_context(), {'0': 'b', '1': 'd', '2': 'x'})
def test_context_update(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table')
us.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('a', 'b'))
us.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('c', 'd'))
us.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'x'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(us), 'UPDATE table SET "a" = %(4)s, "c" = %(5)s WHERE "a" = %(3)s')
self.assertEqual(us.get_context(), {'4': 'b', '5': 'd', '3': 'x'})
def test_additional_rendering(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table', ttl=60)
us.add_assignment_clause(AssignmentClause('a', 'b'))
us.add_where_clause(WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'x'))
self.assertIn('USING TTL 60', six.text_type(us))
def test_update_set_add(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table')
us.add_assignment_clause(SetUpdateClause('a', Set.Quoter({1}), operation='add'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(us), 'UPDATE table SET "a" = "a" + %(0)s')
def test_update_empty_set_add_does_not_assign(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table')
us.add_assignment_clause(SetUpdateClause('a', Set.Quoter(set()), operation='add'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(us), 'UPDATE table SET "a" = "a" + %(0)s')
def test_update_empty_set_removal_does_not_assign(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table')
us.add_assignment_clause(SetUpdateClause('a', Set.Quoter(set()), operation='remove'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(us), 'UPDATE table SET "a" = "a" - %(0)s')
def test_update_list_prepend_with_empty_list(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table')
us.add_assignment_clause(ListUpdateClause('a', List.Quoter([]), operation='prepend'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(us), 'UPDATE table SET "a" = %(0)s + "a"')
def test_update_list_append_with_empty_list(self):
us = UpdateStatement('table')
us.add_assignment_clause(ListUpdateClause('a', List.Quoter([]), operation='append'))
self.assertEqual(six.text_type(us), 'UPDATE table SET "a" = "a" + %(0)s')

View File

@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
from unittest import TestCase
import six
from cqlengine.operators import EqualsOperator
from cqlengine.statements import StatementException, WhereClause
class TestWhereClause(TestCase):
def test_operator_check(self):
""" tests that creating a where statement with a non BaseWhereOperator object fails """
with self.assertRaises(StatementException):
WhereClause('a', 'b', 'c')
def test_where_clause_rendering(self):
""" tests that where clauses are rendered properly """
wc = WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'c')
self.assertEqual('"a" = %(5)s', six.text_type(wc), six.text_type(wc))
self.assertEqual('"a" = %(5)s', str(wc), type(wc))
def test_equality_method(self):
""" tests that 2 identical where clauses evaluate as == """
wc1 = WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'c')
wc2 = WhereClause('a', EqualsOperator(), 'c')
assert wc1 == wc2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,194 @@
from unittest import skip
from uuid import uuid4
import random
import mock
import sure
from cqlengine import Model, columns
from import drop_table, sync_table
from cqlengine.query import BatchQuery
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
class TestMultiKeyModel(Model):
partition = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
cluster = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
count = columns.Integer(required=False)
text = columns.Text(required=False)
class BatchQueryTests(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BatchQueryTests, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BatchQueryTests, cls).tearDownClass()
def setUp(self):
super(BatchQueryTests, self).setUp()
self.pkey = 1
for obj in TestMultiKeyModel.filter(partition=self.pkey):
def test_insert_success_case(self):
b = BatchQuery()
inst = TestMultiKeyModel.batch(b).create(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2, count=3, text='4')
with self.assertRaises(TestMultiKeyModel.DoesNotExist):
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
def test_update_success_case(self):
inst = TestMultiKeyModel.create(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2, count=3, text='4')
b = BatchQuery()
inst.count = 4
inst2 = TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
assert inst2.count == 3
inst3 = TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
assert inst3.count == 4
def test_delete_success_case(self):
inst = TestMultiKeyModel.create(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2, count=3, text='4')
b = BatchQuery()
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
with self.assertRaises(TestMultiKeyModel.DoesNotExist):
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=2)
def test_context_manager(self):
with BatchQuery() as b:
for i in range(5):
TestMultiKeyModel.batch(b).create(partition=self.pkey, cluster=i, count=3, text='4')
for i in range(5):
with self.assertRaises(TestMultiKeyModel.DoesNotExist):
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=i)
for i in range(5):
TestMultiKeyModel.get(partition=self.pkey, cluster=i)
def test_bulk_delete_success_case(self):
for i in range(1):
for j in range(5):
TestMultiKeyModel.create(partition=i, cluster=j, count=i*j, text='{}:{}'.format(i,j))
with BatchQuery() as b:
assert TestMultiKeyModel.filter(partition=0).count() == 5
assert TestMultiKeyModel.filter(partition=0).count() == 0
for m in TestMultiKeyModel.all():
def test_empty_batch(self):
b = BatchQuery()
with BatchQuery() as b:
class BatchQueryCallbacksTests(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def test_API_managing_callbacks(self):
# Callbacks can be added at init and after
def my_callback(*args, **kwargs):
# adding on init:
batch = BatchQuery()
batch.add_callback(my_callback, 2, named_arg='value')
batch.add_callback(my_callback, 1, 3)
assert batch._callbacks == [
(my_callback, (), {}),
(my_callback, (2,), {'named_arg':'value'}),
(my_callback, (1, 3), {})
def test_callbacks_properly_execute_callables_and_tuples(self):
call_history = []
def my_callback(*args, **kwargs):
# adding on init:
batch = BatchQuery()
batch.add_callback(my_callback, 'more', 'args')
assert len(call_history) == 2
assert [(), ('more', 'args')] == call_history
def test_callbacks_tied_to_execute(self):
"""Batch callbacks should NOT fire if batch is not executed in context manager mode"""
call_history = []
def my_callback(*args, **kwargs):
with BatchQuery() as batch:
assert len(call_history) == 1
class SomeError(Exception):
with self.assertRaises(SomeError):
with BatchQuery() as batch:
# this error bubbling up through context manager
# should prevent callback runs (along with b.execute())
raise SomeError
# still same call history. Nothing added
assert len(call_history) == 1
# but if execute ran, even with an error bubbling through
# the callbacks also would have fired
with self.assertRaises(SomeError):
with BatchQuery(execute_on_exception=True) as batch:
# this error bubbling up through context manager
# should prevent callback runs (along with b.execute())
raise SomeError
# still same call history
assert len(call_history) == 2

View File

@ -0,0 +1,95 @@
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.models import Model
from uuid import uuid4
from cqlengine import columns
import mock
from cqlengine import ALL, BatchQuery
class TestConsistencyModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
class BaseConsistencyTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseConsistencyTest, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BaseConsistencyTest, cls).tearDownClass()
class TestConsistency(BaseConsistencyTest):
def test_create_uses_consistency(self):
qs = TestConsistencyModel.consistency(ALL)
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
qs.create(text="i am not fault tolerant this way")
args = m.call_args
self.assertEqual(ALL, args[0][0].consistency_level)
def test_queryset_is_returned_on_create(self):
qs = TestConsistencyModel.consistency(ALL)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(qs, TestConsistencyModel.__queryset__), type(qs))
def test_update_uses_consistency(self):
t = TestConsistencyModel.create(text="bacon and eggs")
t.text = "ham sandwich"
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
args = m.call_args
self.assertEqual(ALL, args[0][0].consistency_level)
def test_batch_consistency(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
with BatchQuery(consistency=ALL) as b:
args = m.call_args
self.assertEqual(ALL, args[0][0].consistency_level)
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
with BatchQuery() as b:
args = m.call_args
self.assertNotEqual(ALL, args[0][0].consistency_level)
def test_blind_update(self):
t = TestConsistencyModel.create(text="bacon and eggs")
t.text = "ham sandwich"
uid =
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
TestConsistencyModel.objects(id=uid).consistency(ALL).update(text="grilled cheese")
args = m.call_args
self.assertEqual(ALL, args[0][0].consistency_level)
def test_delete(self):
# ensures we always carry consistency through on delete statements
t = TestConsistencyModel.create(text="bacon and eggs")
t.text = "ham and cheese sandwich"
uid =
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
args = m.call_args
self.assertEqual(ALL, args[0][0].consistency_level)

View File

@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
from unittest import skipUnless
from import sync_table, drop_table, create_keyspace, delete_keyspace
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.tests.base import PROTOCOL_VERSION
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine.exceptions import LWTException, IfNotExistsWithCounterColumn
from cqlengine import columns, BatchQuery
from uuid import uuid4
import mock
class TestIfNotExistsModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
class TestIfNotExistsWithCounterModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
likes = columns.Counter()
class BaseIfNotExistsTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseIfNotExistsTest, cls).setUpClass()
when receiving an insert statement with 'if not exist', cassandra would
perform a read with QUORUM level. Unittest would be failed if replica_factor
is 3 and one node only. Therefore I have create a new keyspace with
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BaseIfNotExistsTest, cls).tearDownClass()
class BaseIfNotExistsWithCounterTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseIfNotExistsWithCounterTest, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BaseIfNotExistsWithCounterTest, cls).tearDownClass()
class IfNotExistsInsertTests(BaseIfNotExistsTest):
@skipUnless(PROTOCOL_VERSION >= 2, "only runs against the cql3 protocol v2.0")
def test_insert_if_not_exists_success(self):
""" tests that insertion with if_not_exists work as expected """
id = uuid4()
TestIfNotExistsModel.create(id=id, count=8, text='123456789')
with self.assertRaises(LWTException):
TestIfNotExistsModel.if_not_exists().create(id=id, count=9, text='111111111111')
q = TestIfNotExistsModel.objects(id=id)
self.assertEqual(len(q), 1)
tm = q.first()
self.assertEquals(tm.count, 8)
self.assertEquals(tm.text, '123456789')
def test_insert_if_not_exists_failure(self):
""" tests that insertion with if_not_exists failure """
id = uuid4()
TestIfNotExistsModel.create(id=id, count=8, text='123456789')
TestIfNotExistsModel.create(id=id, count=9, text='111111111111')
q = TestIfNotExistsModel.objects(id=id)
self.assertEquals(len(q), 1)
tm = q.first()
self.assertEquals(tm.count, 9)
self.assertEquals(tm.text, '111111111111')
@skipUnless(PROTOCOL_VERSION >= 2, "only runs against the cql3 protocol v2.0")
def test_batch_insert_if_not_exists_success(self):
""" tests that batch insertion with if_not_exists work as expected """
id = uuid4()
with BatchQuery() as b:
TestIfNotExistsModel.batch(b).if_not_exists().create(id=id, count=8, text='123456789')
b = BatchQuery()
TestIfNotExistsModel.batch(b).if_not_exists().create(id=id, count=9, text='111111111111')
with self.assertRaises(LWTException):
q = TestIfNotExistsModel.objects(id=id)
self.assertEqual(len(q), 1)
tm = q.first()
self.assertEquals(tm.count, 8)
self.assertEquals(tm.text, '123456789')
def test_batch_insert_if_not_exists_failure(self):
""" tests that batch insertion with if_not_exists failure """
id = uuid4()
with BatchQuery() as b:
TestIfNotExistsModel.batch(b).create(id=id, count=8, text='123456789')
with BatchQuery() as b:
TestIfNotExistsModel.batch(b).create(id=id, count=9, text='111111111111')
q = TestIfNotExistsModel.objects(id=id)
self.assertEquals(len(q), 1)
tm = q.first()
self.assertEquals(tm.count, 9)
self.assertEquals(tm.text, '111111111111')
class IfNotExistsModelTest(BaseIfNotExistsTest):
def test_if_not_exists_included_on_create(self):
""" tests that if_not_exists on models works as expected """
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertIn("IF NOT EXISTS", query)
def test_if_not_exists_included_on_save(self):
""" tests if we correctly put 'IF NOT EXISTS' for insert statement """
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
tm = TestIfNotExistsModel(count=8)
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertIn("IF NOT EXISTS", query)
def test_queryset_is_returned_on_class(self):
""" ensure we get a queryset description back """
qs = TestIfNotExistsModel.if_not_exists()
self.assertTrue(isinstance(qs, TestIfNotExistsModel.__queryset__), type(qs))
def test_batch_if_not_exists(self):
""" ensure 'IF NOT EXISTS' exists in statement when in batch """
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
with BatchQuery() as b:
self.assertIn("IF NOT EXISTS", m.call_args[0][0].query_string)
class IfNotExistsInstanceTest(BaseIfNotExistsTest):
def test_instance_is_returned(self):
ensures that we properly handle the instance.if_not_exists(True).save()
o = TestIfNotExistsModel.create(text="whatever")
o.text = "new stuff"
o = o.if_not_exists(True)
self.assertEqual(True, o._if_not_exists)
def test_if_not_exists_is_not_include_with_query_on_update(self):
make sure we don't put 'IF NOT EXIST' in update statements
o = TestIfNotExistsModel.create(text="whatever")
o.text = "new stuff"
o = o.if_not_exists(True)
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertNotIn("IF NOT EXIST", query)
class IfNotExistWithCounterTest(BaseIfNotExistsWithCounterTest):
def test_instance_raise_exception(self):
""" make sure exception is raised when calling
if_not_exists on table with counter column
id = uuid4()
with self.assertRaises(IfNotExistsWithCounterColumn):

View File

@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
import os
from unittest import TestCase, skipUnless
from cqlengine import Model, Integer
from import sync_table
from cqlengine.tests import base
import resource
import gc
class LoadTest(Model):
k = Integer(primary_key=True)
v = Integer()
@skipUnless("LOADTEST" in os.environ, "LOADTEST not on")
def test_lots_of_queries():
import objgraph
for i in range(1000000):
if i % 25000 == 0:
# print memory statistic
print("Memory usage: %s" % (resource.getrusage(resource.RUSAGE_SELF).ru_maxrss))
LoadTest.create(k=i, v=i)
raise Exception("you shouldn't be here")

View File

@ -0,0 +1,177 @@
Tests surrounding the blah.timestamp( timedelta(seconds=30) ) format.
from datetime import timedelta, datetime
from uuid import uuid4
import mock
import sure
from cqlengine import Model, columns, BatchQuery
from import sync_table
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
class TestTimestampModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
class BaseTimestampTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseTimestampTest, cls).setUpClass()
class BatchTest(BaseTimestampTest):
def test_batch_is_included(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.session, "execute") as m, BatchQuery(timestamp=timedelta(seconds=30)) as b:
"USING TIMESTAMP"[0][0].query_string)
class CreateWithTimestampTest(BaseTimestampTest):
def test_batch(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.session, "execute") as m, BatchQuery() as b:
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
query.should.match(r"INSERT.*USING TIMESTAMP")
def test_timestamp_not_included_on_normal_create(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.session, "execute") as m:
"USING TIMESTAMP"[0][0].query_string)
def test_timestamp_is_set_on_model_queryset(self):
delta = timedelta(seconds=30)
tmp = TestTimestampModel.timestamp(delta)
def test_non_batch_syntax_integration(self):
tmp = TestTimestampModel.timestamp(timedelta(seconds=30)).create(count=1)
def test_non_batch_syntax_unit(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.session, "execute") as m:
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
class UpdateWithTimestampTest(BaseTimestampTest):
def setUp(self):
self.instance = TestTimestampModel.create(count=1)
super(UpdateWithTimestampTest, self).setUp()
def test_instance_update_includes_timestamp_in_query(self):
# not a batch
with mock.patch.object(self.session, "execute") as m:
"USING TIMESTAMP"[0][0].query_string)
def test_instance_update_in_batch(self):
with mock.patch.object(self.session, "execute") as m, BatchQuery() as b:
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
class DeleteWithTimestampTest(BaseTimestampTest):
def test_non_batch(self):
we don't expect the model to come back at the end because the deletion timestamp should be in the future
uid = uuid4()
tmp = TestTimestampModel.create(id=uid, count=1)
with self.assertRaises(TestTimestampModel.DoesNotExist):
tmp = TestTimestampModel.create(id=uid, count=1)
with self.assertRaises(TestTimestampModel.DoesNotExist):
# calling .timestamp sets the TS on the model
# calling save clears the set timestamp
def test_blind_delete(self):
we don't expect the model to come back at the end because the deletion timestamp should be in the future
uid = uuid4()
tmp = TestTimestampModel.create(id=uid, count=1)
with self.assertRaises(TestTimestampModel.DoesNotExist):
tmp = TestTimestampModel.create(id=uid, count=1)
with self.assertRaises(TestTimestampModel.DoesNotExist):
def test_blind_delete_with_datetime(self):
we don't expect the model to come back at the end because the deletion timestamp should be in the future
uid = uuid4()
tmp = TestTimestampModel.create(id=uid, count=1)
plus_five_seconds = + timedelta(seconds=5)
with self.assertRaises(TestTimestampModel.DoesNotExist):
tmp = TestTimestampModel.create(id=uid, count=1)
with self.assertRaises(TestTimestampModel.DoesNotExist):
def test_delete_in_the_past(self):
uid = uuid4()
tmp = TestTimestampModel.create(id=uid, count=1)
# delete the in past, should not affect the object created above

View File

@ -0,0 +1,100 @@
__author__ = 'Tim Martin'
from unittest import skipUnless
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.tests.base import CASSANDRA_VERSION
from cqlengine.models import Model
from cqlengine.exceptions import LWTException
from uuid import uuid4
from cqlengine import columns, BatchQuery
import mock
from cqlengine import ALL, BatchQuery
from cqlengine.statements import TransactionClause
import six
class TestTransactionModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
@skipUnless(CASSANDRA_VERSION >= 20, "transactions only supported on cassandra 2.0 or higher")
class TestTransaction(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(TestTransaction, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(TestTransaction, cls).tearDownClass()
def test_update_using_transaction(self):
t = TestTransactionModel.create(text='blah blah')
t.text = 'new blah'
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
t.iff(text='blah blah').save()
args = m.call_args
self.assertIn('IF "text" = %(0)s', args[0][0].query_string)
def test_update_transaction_success(self):
t = TestTransactionModel.create(text='blah blah', count=5)
id =
t.text = 'new blah'
t.iff(text='blah blah').save()
updated = TestTransactionModel.objects(id=id).first()
self.assertEqual(updated.count, 5)
self.assertEqual(updated.text, 'new blah')
def test_update_failure(self):
t = TestTransactionModel.create(text='blah blah')
t.text = 'new blah'
t = t.iff(text='something wrong')
def test_blind_update(self):
t = TestTransactionModel.create(text='blah blah')
t.text = 'something else'
uid =
with mock.patch.object(self.session, 'execute') as m:
TestTransactionModel.objects(id=uid).iff(text='blah blah').update(text='oh hey der')
args = m.call_args
self.assertIn('IF "text" = %(1)s', args[0][0].query_string)
def test_blind_update_fail(self):
t = TestTransactionModel.create(text='blah blah')
t.text = 'something else'
uid =
qs = TestTransactionModel.objects(id=uid).iff(text='Not dis!')
self.assertRaises(LWTException, qs.update, text='this will never work')
def test_transaction_clause(self):
tc = TransactionClause('some_value', 23)
self.assertEqual('"some_value" = %(3)s', six.text_type(tc))
self.assertEqual('"some_value" = %(3)s', str(tc))
def test_batch_update_transaction(self):
t = TestTransactionModel.create(text='something', count=5)
id =
with BatchQuery() as b:
t.batch(b).iff(count=5).update(text='something else')
updated = TestTransactionModel.objects(id=id).first()
self.assertEqual(updated.text, 'something else')
b = BatchQuery()
updated.batch(b).iff(count=6).update(text='and another thing')
self.assertRaises(LWTException, b.execute)
updated = TestTransactionModel.objects(id=id).first()
self.assertEqual(updated.text, 'something else')

cqlengine/tests/ Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,181 @@
from import sync_table, drop_table
from cqlengine.tests.base import BaseCassEngTestCase
from cqlengine.models import Model
from uuid import uuid4
from cqlengine import columns
import mock
from cqlengine.connection import get_session
class TestTTLModel(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
class BaseTTLTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseTTLTest, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BaseTTLTest, cls).tearDownClass()
class TestDefaultTTLModel(Model):
__default_ttl__ = 20
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=lambda:uuid4())
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text(required=False)
class BaseDefaultTTLTest(BaseCassEngTestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
super(BaseDefaultTTLTest, cls).setUpClass()
def tearDownClass(cls):
super(BaseDefaultTTLTest, cls).tearDownClass()
class TTLQueryTests(BaseTTLTest):
def test_update_queryset_ttl_success_case(self):
""" tests that ttls on querysets work as expected """
def test_select_ttl_failure(self):
""" tests that ttls on select queries raise an exception """
class TTLModelTests(BaseTTLTest):
def test_ttl_included_on_create(self):
""" tests that ttls on models work as expected """
session = get_session()
with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m:
TestTTLModel.ttl(60).create(text="hello blake")
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertIn("USING TTL", query)
def test_queryset_is_returned_on_class(self):
ensures we get a queryset descriptor back
qs = TestTTLModel.ttl(60)
self.assertTrue(isinstance(qs, TestTTLModel.__queryset__), type(qs))
class TTLInstanceUpdateTest(BaseTTLTest):
def test_update_includes_ttl(self):
session = get_session()
model = TestTTLModel.create(text="goodbye blake")
with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m:
model.ttl(60).update(text="goodbye forever")
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertIn("USING TTL", query)
def test_update_syntax_valid(self):
# sanity test that ensures the TTL syntax is accepted by cassandra
model = TestTTLModel.create(text="goodbye blake")
model.ttl(60).update(text="goodbye forever")
class TTLInstanceTest(BaseTTLTest):
def test_instance_is_returned(self):
ensures that we properly handle the instance.ttl(60).save() scenario
o = TestTTLModel.create(text="whatever")
o.text = "new stuff"
o = o.ttl(60)
self.assertEqual(60, o._ttl)
def test_ttl_is_include_with_query_on_update(self):
session = get_session()
o = TestTTLModel.create(text="whatever")
o.text = "new stuff"
o = o.ttl(60)
with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m:
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertIn("USING TTL", query)
class TTLBlindUpdateTest(BaseTTLTest):
def test_ttl_included_with_blind_update(self):
session = get_session()
o = TestTTLModel.create(text="whatever")
tid =
with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m:
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertIn("USING TTL", query)
class TTLDefaultTest(BaseDefaultTTLTest):
def test_default_ttl_not_set(self):
session = get_session()
o = TestTTLModel.create(text="some text")
tid =
with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m:
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertNotIn("USING TTL", query)
def test_default_ttl_set(self):
session = get_session()
o = TestDefaultTTLModel.create(text="some text on ttl")
tid =
self.assertEqual(o._ttl, TestDefaultTTLModel.__default_ttl__)
with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m:
TestDefaultTTLModel.objects(id=tid).update(text="aligators expired")
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertIn("USING TTL", query)
def test_override_default_ttl(self):
session = get_session()
o = TestDefaultTTLModel.create(text="some text on ttl")
tid =
self.assertEqual(o._ttl, TestDefaultTTLModel.__default_ttl__)
self.assertEqual(o._ttl, 3600)
with mock.patch.object(session, 'execute') as m:
TestDefaultTTLModel.objects(id=tid).ttl(None).update(text="aligators expired")
query = m.call_args[0][0].query_string
self.assertNotIn("USING TTL", query)

View File

@ -72,17 +72,17 @@ qthelp:
@echo "Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the" \
".qhcp project file in $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp, like this:"
@echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/CassandraDriver.qhcp"
@echo "# qcollectiongenerator $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/cassandra-driver.qhcp"
@echo "To view the help file:"
@echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/CassandraDriver.qhc"
@echo "# assistant -collectionFile $(BUILDDIR)/qthelp/cassandra-driver.qhc"
@echo "Build finished."
@echo "To view the help file:"
@echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/CassandraDriver"
@echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/CassandraDriver"
@echo "# mkdir -p $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/cassandra-driver"
@echo "# ln -s $(BUILDDIR)/devhelp $$HOME/.local/share/devhelp/cassandra-driver"
@echo "# devhelp"
@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ latex:
@echo "Running LaTeX files through pdflatex..."
make -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
$(MAKE) -C $(BUILDDIR)/latex all-pdf
@echo "pdflatex finished; the PDF files are in $(BUILDDIR)/latex."

View File

@ -183,8 +183,7 @@ htmlhelp_basename = 'CassandraDriverdoc'
# Grouping the document tree into LaTeX files. List of tuples
# (source start file, target name, title, author, documentclass [howto/manual]).
latex_documents = [
('index', 'CassandraDriver.tex', u'Cassandra Driver Documentation',
u'DataStax', 'manual'),
('index', 'cassandra-driver.tex', u'Cassandra Driver Documentation', u'DataStax', 'manual'),
# The name of an image file (relative to this directory) to place at the top of
@ -216,6 +215,6 @@ latex_documents = [
# One entry per manual page. List of tuples
# (source start file, name, description, authors, manual section).
man_pages = [
('index', 'cassandradriver', u'Cassandra Driver Documentation',
('index', 'cassandra-driver', u'Cassandra Driver Documentation',
[u'Tyler Hobbs'], 1)

View File

@ -70,3 +70,115 @@ Indices and Tables
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`
cqlengine documentation
**Users of versions < 0.16, the default keyspace 'cqlengine' has been removed. Please read this before upgrading:** :ref:`Breaking Changes <keyspace-change>`
cqlengine is a Cassandra CQL 3 Object Mapper for Python
`Github <>`_
`PyPi <>`_
.. toctree::
:maxdepth: 2
.. _getting-started:
Getting Started
.. code-block:: python
#first, define a model
from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine import Model
class ExampleModel(Model):
example_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
example_type = columns.Integer(index=True)
created_at = columns.DateTime()
description = columns.Text(required=False)
#next, setup the connection to your cassandra server(s)...
>>> from cqlengine import connection
# see for options
# the list of hosts will be passed to create a Cluster() instance
>>> connection.setup([''], "cqlengine")
# if you're connecting to a 1.2 cluster
>>> connection.setup([''], "cqlengine", protocol_version=1)
#...and create your CQL table
>>> from import sync_table
>>> sync_table(ExampleModel)
#now we can create some rows:
>>> em1 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=0, description="example1",
>>> em2 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=0, description="example2",
>>> em3 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=0, description="example3",
>>> em4 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=0, description="example4",
>>> em5 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=1, description="example5",
>>> em6 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=1, description="example6",
>>> em7 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=1, description="example7",
>>> em8 = ExampleModel.create(example_type=1, description="example8",
#and now we can run some queries against our table
>>> ExampleModel.objects.count()
>>> q = ExampleModel.objects(example_type=1)
>>> q.count()
>>> for instance in q:
>>> print instance.description
#here we are applying additional filtering to an existing query
#query objects are immutable, so calling filter returns a new
#query object
>>> q2 = q.filter(example_id=em5.example_id)
>>> q2.count()
>>> for instance in q2:
>>> print instance.description
`Report a Bug <>`_
`Users Mailing List <!forum/cqlengine-users>`_
Indices and tables
>>>>>>> cqlengine/master
* :ref:`genindex`
* :ref:`modindex`
* :ref:`search`

docs/make.bat Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,190 @@
REM Command file for Sphinx documentation
if "%SPHINXBUILD%" == "" (
set SPHINXBUILD=sphinx-build
set BUILDDIR=_build
if NOT "%PAPER%" == "" (
set I18NSPHINXOPTS=-D latex_paper_size=%PAPER% %I18NSPHINXOPTS%
if "%1" == "" goto help
if "%1" == "help" (
echo.Please use `make ^<target^>` where ^<target^> is one of
echo. html to make standalone HTML files
echo. dirhtml to make HTML files named index.html in directories
echo. singlehtml to make a single large HTML file
echo. pickle to make pickle files
echo. json to make JSON files
echo. htmlhelp to make HTML files and a HTML help project
echo. qthelp to make HTML files and a qthelp project
echo. devhelp to make HTML files and a Devhelp project
echo. epub to make an epub
echo. latex to make LaTeX files, you can set PAPER=a4 or PAPER=letter
echo. text to make text files
echo. man to make manual pages
echo. texinfo to make Texinfo files
echo. gettext to make PO message catalogs
echo. changes to make an overview over all changed/added/deprecated items
echo. linkcheck to check all external links for integrity
echo. doctest to run all doctests embedded in the documentation if enabled
goto end
if "%1" == "clean" (
for /d %%i in (%BUILDDIR%\*) do rmdir /q /s %%i
del /q /s %BUILDDIR%\*
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%SPHINXBUILD% -b singlehtml %ALLSPHINXOPTS% %BUILDDIR%/singlehtml
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if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
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if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
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goto end
if "%1" == "htmlhelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can run HTML Help Workshop with the ^
.hhp project file in %BUILDDIR%/htmlhelp.
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if "%1" == "qthelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished; now you can run "qcollectiongenerator" with the ^
.qhcp project file in %BUILDDIR%/qthelp, like this:
echo.^> qcollectiongenerator %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\cqlengine.qhcp
echo.To view the help file:
echo.^> assistant -collectionFile %BUILDDIR%\qthelp\cqlengine.ghc
goto end
if "%1" == "devhelp" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished.
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if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
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if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
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if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Build finished. The message catalogs are in %BUILDDIR%/locale.
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if "%1" == "changes" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.The overview file is in %BUILDDIR%/changes.
goto end
if "%1" == "linkcheck" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Link check complete; look for any errors in the above output ^
or in %BUILDDIR%/linkcheck/output.txt.
goto end
if "%1" == "doctest" (
if errorlevel 1 exit /b 1
echo.Testing of doctests in the sources finished, look at the ^
results in %BUILDDIR%/doctest/output.txt.
goto end

docs/topics/columns.rst Normal file
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**Users of versions < 0.4, please read this post before upgrading:** `Breaking Changes`_
.. _Breaking Changes:!topic/cqlengine-users/erkSNe1JwuU
.. module:: cqlengine.columns
.. class:: Bytes()
Stores arbitrary bytes (no validation), expressed as hexadecimal ::
.. class:: Ascii()
Stores a US-ASCII character string ::
.. class:: Text()
Stores a UTF-8 encoded string ::
Sets the minimum length of this string. If this field is not set , and the column is not a required field, it defaults to 0, otherwise 1.
Sets the maximum length of this string. Defaults to None
.. class:: Integer()
Stores a 32-bit signed integer value ::
.. class:: BigInt()
Stores a 64-bit signed long value ::
.. class:: VarInt()
Stores an arbitrary-precision integer ::
.. class:: DateTime()
Stores a datetime value.
.. class:: UUID()
Stores a type 1 or type 4 UUID.
.. class:: TimeUUID()
Stores a UUID value as the cql type 'timeuuid' ::
.. classmethod:: from_datetime(dt)
generates a TimeUUID for the given datetime
:param dt: the datetime to create a time uuid from
:type dt: datetime.datetime
:returns: a time uuid created from the given datetime
:rtype: uuid1
.. class:: Boolean()
Stores a boolean True or False value ::
.. class:: Float()
Stores a floating point value ::
If True, stores a double precision float value, otherwise single precision. Defaults to True.
.. class:: Decimal()
Stores a variable precision decimal value ::
.. class:: Counter()
Counters can be incremented and decremented ::
Collection Type Columns
CQLEngine also supports container column types. Each container column requires a column class argument to specify what type of objects it will hold. The Map column requires 2, one for the key, and the other for the value
.. code-block:: python
class Person(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid.uuid4)
first_name = columns.Text()
last_name = columns.Text()
friends = columns.Set(columns.Text)
enemies = columns.Set(columns.Text)
todo_list = columns.List(columns.Text)
birthdays = columns.Map(columns.Text, columns.DateTime)
.. class:: Set()
Stores a set of unordered, unique values. Available only with Cassandra 1.2 and above ::
The type of objects the set will contain
If True, adding this column will raise an exception during save if the value is not a python `set` instance. If False, it will attempt to coerce the value to a set. Defaults to True.
.. class:: List()
Stores a list of ordered values. Available only with Cassandra 1.2 and above ::
The type of objects the set will contain
.. class:: Map()
Stores a map (dictionary) collection, available only with Cassandra 1.2 and above ::
columns.Map(key_type, value_type)
The type of the map keys
The type of the map values
Column Options
Each column can be defined with optional arguments to modify the way they behave. While some column types may define additional column options, these are the options that are available on all columns:
.. attribute:: BaseColumn.primary_key
If True, this column is created as a primary key field. A model can have multiple primary keys. Defaults to False.
*In CQL, there are 2 types of primary keys: partition keys and clustering keys. As with CQL, the first primary key is the partition key, and all others are clustering keys, unless partition keys are specified manually using* :attr:`BaseColumn.partition_key`
.. attribute:: BaseColumn.partition_key
If True, this column is created as partition primary key. There may be many partition keys defined, forming a *composite partition key*
.. attribute:: BaseColumn.index
If True, an index will be created for this column. Defaults to False.
*Note: Indexes can only be created on models with one primary key*
.. attribute:: BaseColumn.db_field
Explicitly sets the name of the column in the database table. If this is left blank, the column name will be the same as the name of the column attribute. Defaults to None.
.. attribute:: BaseColumn.default
The default value for this column. If a model instance is saved without a value for this column having been defined, the default value will be used. This can be either a value or a callable object (ie: is a valid default argument).
.. attribute:: BaseColumn.required
If True, this model cannot be saved without a value defined for this column. Defaults to False. Primary key fields cannot have their required fields set to False.
.. attribute:: BaseColumn.clustering_order
Defines CLUSTERING ORDER for this column (valid choices are "asc" (default) or "desc"). It may be specified only for clustering primary keys - more:

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@ -0,0 +1,31 @@
**Users of versions < 0.4, please read this post before upgrading:** `Breaking Changes`_
.. _Breaking Changes:!topic/cqlengine-users/erkSNe1JwuU
.. module:: cqlengine.connection
The setup function in `cqlengine.connection` records the Cassandra servers to connect to.
If there is a problem with one of the servers, cqlengine will try to connect to each of the other connections before failing.
.. function:: setup(hosts)
:param hosts: list of hosts, strings in the <hostname>:<port>, or just <hostname>
:type hosts: list
:param default_keyspace: keyspace to default to
:type default_keyspace: str
:param consistency: the consistency level of the connection, defaults to 'ONE'
:type consistency: int
# see
Records the hosts and connects to one of them
See the example at :ref:`getting-started`

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@ -0,0 +1,47 @@
Travis CI
Tests are run using Travis CI using a Matrix to test different Cassandra and Python versions. It is located here:
Python versions:
- 2.7
- 3.4
Cassandra vesions:
- 1.2 (protocol_version 1)
- 2.0 (protocol_version 2)
- 2.1 (upcoming, protocol_version 3)
Pull Requests
Only Pull Requests that have passed the entire matrix will be considered for merge into the main codebase.
Please see the contributing guidelines:
Testing Locally
Before testing, you'll need to set an environment variable to the version of Cassandra that's being tested. The version cooresponds to the <Major><Minor> release, so for example if you're testing against Cassandra 2.1, you'd set the following:
.. code-block:: bash
At the command line, execute:
.. code-block:: bash
This is a wrapper for nose that also sets up the database connection.

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@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
External Resources
Video Tutorials
Introduction to CQLEngine:
TimeUUID and Table Polymorphism:
Blog Posts
Blake Eggleston on Table Polymorphism in the .8 release:

docs/topics/faq.rst Normal file
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Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Why don't updates work correctly on models instantiated as Model(field=blah, field2=blah2)?
A: The recommended way to create new rows is with the models .create method. The values passed into a model's init method are interpreted by the model as the values as they were read from a row. This allows the model to "know" which rows have changed since the row was read out of cassandra, and create suitable update statements.
Q: How to preserve ordering in batch query?
A: Statement Ordering is not supported by CQL3 batches. Therefore,
once cassandra needs resolving conflict(Updating the same column in one batch),
The algorithm below would be used.
* If timestamps are different, pick the column with the largest timestamp (the value being a regular column or a tombstone)
* If timestamps are the same, and one of the columns in a tombstone ('null') - pick the tombstone
* If timestamps are the same, and none of the columns are tombstones, pick the column with the largest value
Below is an example to show this scenario.
.. code-block:: python
class MyMode(Model):
id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
count = columns.Integer()
text = columns.Text()
with BatchQuery() as b:
MyModel.batch(b).create(id=1, count=2, text='123')
MyModel.batch(b).create(id=1, count=3, text='111')
assert MyModel.objects(id=1).first().count == 3
assert MyModel.objects(id=1).first().text == '123'
The largest value of count is 3, and the largest value of text would be '123'.
The workaround is applying timestamp to each statement, then Cassandra would
resolve to the statement with the lastest timestamp.
.. code-block:: python
with BatchQuery() as b:
MyModel.timestamp(, count=2, text='123')
MyModel.timestamp(, count=3, text='111')
assert MyModel.objects(id=1).first().count == 3
assert MyModel.objects(id=1).first().text == '111'

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Managing Schemas
**Users of versions < 0.4, please read this post before upgrading:** `Breaking Changes`_
.. _Breaking Changes:!topic/cqlengine-users/erkSNe1JwuU
.. module:: cqlengine.connection
.. module::
Once a connection has been made to Cassandra, you can use the functions in ```` to create and delete keyspaces, as well as create and delete tables for defined models
.. function:: create_keyspace(name)
:param name: the keyspace name to create
:type name: string
creates a keyspace with the given name
.. function:: delete_keyspace(name)
:param name: the keyspace name to delete
:type name: string
deletes the keyspace with the given name
.. function:: sync_table(model)
:param model: the :class:`~cqlengine.model.Model` class to make a table with
:type model: :class:`~cqlengine.model.Model`
syncs a python model to cassandra (creates & alters)
.. function:: drop_table(model)
:param model: the :class:`~cqlengine.model.Model` class to delete a column family for
:type model: :class:`~cqlengine.model.Model`
deletes the CQL table for the given model
See the example at :ref:`getting-started`

docs/topics/models.rst Normal file
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@ -0,0 +1,477 @@
**Users of versions < 0.4, please read this post before upgrading:** `Breaking Changes`_
.. _Breaking Changes:!topic/cqlengine-users/erkSNe1JwuU
.. module:: cqlengine.connection
.. module:: cqlengine.models
A model is a python class representing a CQL table.
This example defines a Person table, with the columns ``first_name`` and ``last_name``
.. code-block:: python
from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine.models import Model
class Person(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
first_name = columns.Text()
last_name = columns.Text()
The Person model would create this CQL table:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE TABLE cqlengine.person (
id uuid,
first_name text,
last_name text,
Here's an example of a comment table created with clustering keys, in descending order:
.. code-block:: python
from cqlengine import columns
from cqlengine.models import Model
class Comment(Model):
photo_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
comment_id = columns.TimeUUID(primary_key=True, clustering_order="DESC")
comment = columns.Text()
The Comment model's ``create table`` would look like the following:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE TABLE comment (
photo_id uuid,
comment_id timeuuid,
comment text,
PRIMARY KEY (photo_id, comment_id)
To sync the models to the database, you may do the following:
.. code-block:: python
from import sync_table
Columns in your models map to columns in your CQL table. You define CQL columns by defining column attributes on your model classes. For a model to be valid it needs at least one primary key column and one non-primary key column.
Just as in CQL, the order you define your columns in is important, and is the same order they are defined in on a model's corresponding table.
Column Types
Each column on your model definitions needs to an instance of a Column class. The column types that are included with cqlengine as of this writing are:
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Bytes`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Ascii`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Text`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Integer`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.BigInt`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.DateTime`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.UUID`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.TimeUUID`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Boolean`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Float`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Decimal`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Set`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.List`
* :class:`~cqlengine.columns.Map`
Column Options
Each column can be defined with optional arguments to modify the way they behave. While some column types may
define additional column options, these are the options that are available on all columns:
If True, this column is created as a primary key field. A model can have multiple primary keys. Defaults to False.
*In CQL, there are 2 types of primary keys: partition keys and clustering keys. As with CQL, the first
primary key is the partition key, and all others are clustering keys, unless partition keys are specified
manually using* :attr:`~cqlengine.columns.BaseColumn.partition_key`
If True, this column is created as partition primary key. There may be many partition keys defined,
forming a *composite partition key*
``ASC`` or ``DESC``, determines the clustering order of a clustering key.
If True, an index will be created for this column. Defaults to False.
Explicitly sets the name of the column in the database table. If this is left blank, the column name will be
the same as the name of the column attribute. Defaults to None.
The default value for this column. If a model instance is saved without a value for this column having been
defined, the default value will be used. This can be either a value or a callable object (ie: is a valid default argument).
Callable defaults will be called each time a default is assigned to a None value
If True, this model cannot be saved without a value defined for this column. Defaults to False. Primary key fields always require values.
Defined a column as static. Static columns are shared by all rows in a partition.
Model Methods
Below are the methods that can be called on model instances.
.. class:: Model(\*\*values)
Creates an instance of the model. Pass in keyword arguments for columns you've defined on the model.
.. code-block:: python
#using the person model from earlier:
class Person(Model):
id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
first_name = columns.Text()
last_name = columns.Text()
person = Person(first_name='Blake', last_name='Eggleston')
person.first_name #returns 'Blake'
person.last_name #returns 'Eggleston'
.. method:: save()
Saves an object to the database
.. code-block:: python
#create a person instance
person = Person(first_name='Kimberly', last_name='Eggleston')
#saves it to Cassandra
.. method:: delete()
Deletes the object from the database.
.. method:: batch(batch_object)
Sets the batch object to run instance updates and inserts queries with.
.. method:: timestamp(timedelta_or_datetime)
Sets the timestamp for the query
.. method:: ttl(ttl_in_sec)
Sets the ttl values to run instance updates and inserts queries with.
.. method:: if_not_exists()
Check the existence of an object before insertion. The existence of an
object is determined by its primary key(s). And please note using this flag
would incur performance cost.
if the insertion didn't applied, a LWTException exception would be raised.
.. code-block:: python
TestIfNotExistsModel.if_not_exists().create(id=id, count=9, text='111111111111')
except LWTException as e:
# handle failure case
print e.existing # existing object
This method is supported on Cassandra 2.0 or later.
.. method:: iff(**values)
Checks to ensure that the values specified are correct on the Cassandra cluster.
Simply specify the column(s) and the expected value(s). As with if_not_exists,
this incurs a performance cost.
If the insertion isn't applied, a LWTException is raised
.. code-block::
t = TestTransactionModel(text='some text', count=5)
t.iff(count=5).update('other text')
except LWTException as e:
# handle failure
.. method:: update(**values)
Performs an update on the model instance. You can pass in values to set on the model
for updating, or you can call without values to execute an update against any modified
fields. If no fields on the model have been modified since loading, no query will be
performed. Model validation is performed normally.
It is possible to do a blind update, that is, to update a field without having first selected the object out of the database. See :ref:`Blind Updates <blind_updates>`
.. method:: get_changed_columns()
Returns a list of column names that have changed since the model was instantiated or saved
Model Attributes
.. attribute:: Model.__abstract__
*Optional.* Indicates that this model is only intended to be used as a base class for other models. You can't create tables for abstract models, but checks around schema validity are skipped during class construction.
.. attribute:: Model.__table_name__
*Optional.* Sets the name of the CQL table for this model. If left blank, the table name will be the name of the model, with it's module name as it's prefix. Manually defined table names are not inherited.
.. _keyspace-change:
.. attribute:: Model.__keyspace__
Sets the name of the keyspace used by this model.
**Prior to cqlengine 0.16, this setting defaulted
to 'cqlengine'. As of 0.16, this field needs to be set on all non-abstract models, or their base classes.**
.. _ttl-change:
.. attribute:: Model.__default_ttl__
Sets the default ttl used by this model. This can be overridden by using the ``ttl(ttl_in_sec)`` method.
Table Polymorphism
As of cqlengine 0.8, it is possible to save and load different model classes using a single CQL table.
This is useful in situations where you have different object types that you want to store in a single cassandra row.
For instance, suppose you want a table that stores rows of pets owned by an owner:
.. code-block:: python
class Pet(Model):
__table_name__ = 'pet'
owner_id = UUID(primary_key=True)
pet_id = UUID(primary_key=True)
pet_type = Text(polymorphic_key=True)
name = Text()
def eat(self, food):
def sleep(self, time):
class Cat(Pet):
__polymorphic_key__ = 'cat'
cuteness = Float()
def tear_up_couch(self):
class Dog(Pet):
__polymorphic_key__ = 'dog'
fierceness = Float()
def bark_all_night(self):
After calling ``sync_table`` on each of these tables, the columns defined in each model will be added to the
``pet`` table. Additionally, saving ``Cat`` and ``Dog`` models will save the meta data needed to identify each row
as either a cat or dog.
To setup a polymorphic model structure, follow these steps
1. Create a base model with a column set as the polymorphic_key (set ``polymorphic_key=True`` in the column definition)
2. Create subclass models, and define a unique ``__polymorphic_key__`` value on each
3. Run ``sync_table`` on each of the sub tables
**About the polymorphic key**
The polymorphic key is what cqlengine uses under the covers to map logical cql rows to the appropriate model type. The
base model maintains a map of polymorphic keys to subclasses. When a polymorphic model is saved, this value is automatically
saved into the polymorphic key column. You can set the polymorphic key column to any column type that you like, with
the exception of container and counter columns, although ``Integer`` columns make the most sense. Additionally, if you
set ``index=True`` on your polymorphic key column, you can execute queries against polymorphic subclasses, and a
``WHERE`` clause will be automatically added to your query, returning only rows of that type. Note that you must
define a unique ``__polymorphic_key__`` value to each subclass, and that you can only assign a single polymorphic
key column per model
Extending Model Validation
Each time you save a model instance in cqlengine, the data in the model is validated against the schema you've defined
for your model. Most of the validation is fairly straightforward, it basically checks that you're not trying to do
something like save text into an integer column, and it enforces the ``required`` flag set on column definitions.
It also performs any transformations needed to save the data properly.
However, there are often additional constraints or transformations you want to impose on your data, beyond simply
making sure that Cassandra won't complain when you try to insert it. To define additional validation on a model,
extend the model's validation method:
.. code-block:: python
class Member(Model):
person_id = UUID(primary_key=True)
name = Text(required=True)
def validate(self):
super(Member, self).validate()
if == 'jon':
raise ValidationError('no jon\'s allowed')
*Note*: while not required, the convention is to raise a ``ValidationError`` (``from cqlengine import ValidationError``)
if validation fails
Table Properties
Each table can have its own set of configuration options.
These can be specified on a model with the following attributes:
.. attribute:: Model.__bloom_filter_fp_chance
.. attribute:: Model.__caching__
.. attribute:: Model.__comment__
.. attribute:: Model.__dclocal_read_repair_chance__
.. attribute:: Model.__default_time_to_live__
.. attribute:: Model.__gc_grace_seconds__
.. attribute:: Model.__index_interval__
.. attribute:: Model.__memtable_flush_period_in_ms__
.. attribute:: Model.__populate_io_cache_on_flush__
.. attribute:: Model.__read_repair_chance__
.. attribute:: Model.__replicate_on_write__
.. code-block:: python
from cqlengine import CACHING_ROWS_ONLY, columns
from cqlengine.models import Model
class User(Model):
__caching__ = CACHING_ROWS_ONLY # cache only rows instead of keys only by default
__gc_grace_seconds__ = 86400 # 1 day instead of the default 10 days
user_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
Will produce the following CQL statement:
.. code-block:: sql
CREATE TABLE cqlengine.user (
user_id uuid,
name text,
PRIMARY KEY (user_id)
) WITH caching = 'rows_only'
AND gc_grace_seconds = 86400;
See the `list of supported table properties for more information
Compaction Options
As of cqlengine 0.7 we've added support for specifying compaction options. cqlengine will only use your compaction options if you have a strategy set. When a table is synced, it will be altered to match the compaction options set on your table. This means that if you are changing settings manually they will be changed back on resync. Do not use the compaction settings of cqlengine if you want to manage your compaction settings manually.
cqlengine supports all compaction options as of Cassandra 1.2.8.
Available Options:
.. attribute:: Model.__compaction_bucket_high__
.. attribute:: Model.__compaction_bucket_low__
.. attribute:: Model.__compaction_max_compaction_threshold__
.. attribute:: Model.__compaction_min_compaction_threshold__
.. attribute:: Model.__compaction_min_sstable_size__
.. attribute:: Model.__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__
.. attribute:: Model.__compaction_tombstone_compaction_interval__
.. attribute:: Model.__compaction_tombstone_threshold__
For example:
.. code-block:: python
class User(Model):
__compaction__ = cqlengine.LeveledCompactionStrategy
__compaction_sstable_size_in_mb__ = 64
__compaction_tombstone_threshold__ = .2
user_id = columns.UUID(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
or for SizeTieredCompaction:
.. code-block:: python
class TimeData(Model):
__compaction__ = SizeTieredCompactionStrategy
__compaction_bucket_low__ = .3
__compaction_bucket_high__ = 2
__compaction_min_threshold__ = 2
__compaction_max_threshold__ = 64
__compaction_tombstone_compaction_interval__ = 86400
Tables may use `LeveledCompactionStrategy` or `SizeTieredCompactionStrategy`. Both options are available in the top level cqlengine module. To reiterate, you will need to set your `__compaction__` option explicitly in order for cqlengine to handle any of your settings.
Manipulating model instances as dictionaries
As of cqlengine 0.12, we've added support for treating model instances like dictionaries. See below for examples.
.. code-block:: python
class Person(Model):
first_name = columns.Text()
last_name = columns.Text()
kevin = Person.create(first_name="Kevin", last_name="Deldycke")
dict(kevin) # returns {'first_name': 'Kevin', 'last_name': 'Deldycke'}
kevin['first_name'] # returns 'Kevin'
kevin.keys() # returns ['first_name', 'last_name']
kevin.values() # returns ['Kevin', 'Deldycke']
kevin.items() # returns [('first_name', 'Kevin'), ('last_name', 'Deldycke')]
kevin['first_name'] = 'KEVIN5000' # changes the models first name

docs/topics/queryset.rst Normal file
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Making Queries
**Users of versions < 0.4, please read this post before upgrading:** `Breaking Changes`_
.. _Breaking Changes:!topic/cqlengine-users/erkSNe1JwuU
.. module:: cqlengine.connection
.. module:: cqlengine.query
Retrieving objects
Once you've populated Cassandra with data, you'll probably want to retrieve some of it. This is accomplished with QuerySet objects. This section will describe how to use QuerySet objects to retrieve the data you're looking for.
Retrieving all objects
The simplest query you can make is to return all objects from a table.
This is accomplished with the ``.all()`` method, which returns a QuerySet of all objects in a table
Using the Person example model, we would get all Person objects like this:
.. code-block:: python
all_objects = Person.objects.all()
.. _retrieving-objects-with-filters:
Retrieving objects with filters
Typically, you'll want to query only a subset of the records in your database.
That can be accomplished with the QuerySet's ``.filter(\*\*)`` method.
For example, given the model definition:
.. code-block:: python
class Automobile(Model):
manufacturer = columns.Text(primary_key=True)
year = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
model = columns.Text()
price = columns.Decimal()
...and assuming the Automobile table contains a record of every car model manufactured in the last 20 years or so, we can retrieve only the cars made by a single manufacturer like this:
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
You can also use the more convenient syntax:
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects(Automobile.manufacturer == 'Tesla')
We can then further filter our query with another call to **.filter**
.. code-block:: python
q = q.filter(year=2012)
*Note: all queries involving any filtering MUST define either an '=' or an 'in' relation to either a primary key column, or an indexed column.*
Accessing objects in a QuerySet
There are several methods for getting objects out of a queryset
* iterating over the queryset
.. code-block:: python
for car in Automobile.objects.all(): something to the car instance
* list index
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.all()
q[0] #returns the first result
q[1] #returns the second result
* list slicing
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.all()
q[1:] #returns all results except the first
q[1:9] #returns a slice of the results
*Note: CQL does not support specifying a start position in it's queries. Therefore, accessing elements using array indexing / slicing will load every result up to the index value requested*
* calling :attr:`get() <query.QuerySet.get>` on the queryset
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
q = q.filter(year=2012)
car = q.get()
this returns the object matching the queryset
* calling :attr:`first() <query.QuerySet.first>` on the queryset
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
q = q.filter(year=2012)
car = q.first()
this returns the first value in the queryset
.. _query-filtering-operators:
Filtering Operators
:attr:`Equal To <query.QueryOperator.EqualsOperator>`
The default filtering operator.
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
q = q.filter(year=2012) #year == 2012
In addition to simple equal to queries, cqlengine also supports querying with other operators by appending a ``__<op>`` to the field name on the filtering call
:attr:`in (__in) <query.QueryOperator.InOperator>`
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
q = q.filter(year__in=[2011, 2012])
:attr:`> (__gt) <query.QueryOperator.GreaterThanOperator>`
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
q = q.filter(year__gt=2010) # year > 2010
# or the nicer syntax
q.filter(Automobile.year > 2010)
:attr:`>= (__gte) <query.QueryOperator.GreaterThanOrEqualOperator>`
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
q = q.filter(year__gte=2010) # year >= 2010
# or the nicer syntax
q.filter(Automobile.year >= 2010)
:attr:`< (__lt) <query.QueryOperator.LessThanOperator>`
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
q = q.filter(year__lt=2012) # year < 2012
# or...
q.filter(Automobile.year < 2012)
:attr:`<= (__lte) <query.QueryOperator.LessThanOrEqualOperator>`
.. code-block:: python
q = Automobile.objects.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
q = q.filter(year__lte=2012) # year <= 2012
q.filter(Automobile.year <= 2012)
TimeUUID Functions
In addition to querying using regular values, there are two functions you can pass in when querying TimeUUID columns to help make filtering by them easier. Note that these functions don't actually return a value, but instruct the cql interpreter to use the functions in it's query.
.. class:: MinTimeUUID(datetime)
returns the minimum time uuid value possible for the given datetime
.. class:: MaxTimeUUID(datetime)
returns the maximum time uuid value possible for the given datetime
.. code-block:: python
class DataStream(Model):
time = cqlengine.TimeUUID(primary_key=True)
data = cqlengine.Bytes()
min_time = datetime(1982, 1, 1)
max_time = datetime(1982, 3, 9)
DataStream.filter(time__gt=cqlengine.MinTimeUUID(min_time), time__lt=cqlengine.MaxTimeUUID(max_time))
Token Function
Token functon may be used only on special, virtual column pk__token, representing token of partition key (it also works for composite partition keys).
Cassandra orders returned items by value of partition key token, so using cqlengine.Token we can easy paginate through all table rows.
.. code-block:: python
class Items(Model):
id = cqlengine.Text(primary_key=True)
data = cqlengine.Bytes()
query = Items.objects.all().limit(10)
first_page = list(query);
last = first_page[-1]
next_page = list(query.filter(pk__token__gt=cqlengine.Token(
QuerySets are immutable
When calling any method that changes a queryset, the method does not actually change the queryset object it's called on, but returns a new queryset object with the attributes of the original queryset, plus the attributes added in the method call.
.. code-block:: python
#this produces 3 different querysets
#q does not change after it's initial definition
q = Automobiles.objects.filter(year=2012)
tesla2012 = q.filter(manufacturer='Tesla')
honda2012 = q.filter(manufacturer='Honda')
Ordering QuerySets
Since Cassandra is essentially a distributed hash table on steroids, the order you get records back in will not be particularly predictable.
However, you can set a column to order on with the ``.order_by(column_name)`` method.
.. code-block:: python
#sort ascending
q = Automobiles.objects.all().order_by('year')
#sort descending
q = Automobiles.objects.all().order_by('-year')
*Note: Cassandra only supports ordering on a clustering key. In other words, to support ordering results, your model must have more than one primary key, and you must order on a primary key, excluding the first one.*
*For instance, given our Automobile model, year is the only column we can order on.*
Values Lists
There is a special QuerySet's method ``.values_list()`` - when called, QuerySet returns lists of values instead of model instances. It may significantly speedup things with lower memory footprint for large responses.
Each tuple contains the value from the respective field passed into the ``values_list()`` call — so the first item is the first field, etc. For example:
.. code-block:: python
items = list(range(20))
for i in items:
TestModel.create(id=1, clustering_key=i)
values = list(TestModel.objects.values_list('clustering_key', flat=True))
# [19L, 18L, 17L, 16L, 15L, 14L, 13L, 12L, 11L, 10L, 9L, 8L, 7L, 6L, 5L, 4L, 3L, 2L, 1L, 0L]
Batch Queries
cqlengine now supports batch queries using the BatchQuery class. Batch queries can be started and stopped manually, or within a context manager. To add queries to the batch object, you just need to precede the create/save/delete call with a call to batch, and pass in the batch object.
Batch Query General Use Pattern
You can only create, update, and delete rows with a batch query, attempting to read rows out of the database with a batch query will fail.
.. code-block:: python
from cqlengine import BatchQuery
#using a context manager
with BatchQuery() as b:
now =
em1 = ExampleModel.batch(b).create(example_type=0, description="1", created_at=now)
em2 = ExampleModel.batch(b).create(example_type=0, description="2", created_at=now)
em3 = ExampleModel.batch(b).create(example_type=0, description="3", created_at=now)
# -- or --
b = BatchQuery()
now =
em1 = ExampleModel.batch(b).create(example_type=0, description="1", created_at=now)
em2 = ExampleModel.batch(b).create(example_type=0, description="2", created_at=now)
em3 = ExampleModel.batch(b).create(example_type=0, description="3", created_at=now)
# updating in a batch
b = BatchQuery()
em1.description = "new description"
em2.description = "another new description"
# deleting in a batch
b = BatchQuery()
Typically you will not want the block to execute if an exception occurs inside the `with` block. However, in the case that this is desirable, it's achievable by using the following syntax:
.. code-block:: python
with BatchQuery(execute_on_exception=True) as b:
LogEntry.batch(b).create(k=1, v=1)
mystery_function() # exception thrown in here
LogEntry.batch(b).create(k=1, v=2) # this code is never reached due to the exception, but anything leading up to here will execute in the batch.
If an exception is thrown somewhere in the block, any statements that have been added to the batch will still be executed. This is useful for some logging situations.
Batch Query Execution Callbacks
In order to allow secondary tasks to be chained to the end of batch, BatchQuery instances allow callbacks to be
registered with the batch, to be executed immediately after the batch executes.
Multiple callbacks can be attached to same BatchQuery instance, they are executed in the same order that they
are added to the batch.
The callbacks attached to a given batch instance are executed only if the batch executes. If the batch is used as a
context manager and an exception is raised, the queued up callbacks will not be run.
.. code-block:: python
def my_callback(*args, **kwargs):
batch = BatchQuery()
batch.add_callback(my_callback, 'positional arg', named_arg='named arg value')
# if you need reference to the batch within the callback,
# just trap it in the arguments to be passed to the callback:
batch.add_callback(my_callback, cqlengine_batch=batch)
# once the batch executes...
# the effect of the above scheduled callbacks will be similar to
my_callback('positional arg', named_arg='named arg value')
Failure in any of the callbacks does not affect the batch's execution, as the callbacks are started after the execution
of the batch is complete.
Logged vs Unlogged Batches
By default, queries in cqlengine are LOGGED, which carries additional overhead from UNLOGGED. To explicitly state which batch type to use, simply:
.. code-block:: python
from cqlengine.query import BatchType
with BatchQuery(batch_type=BatchType.Unlogged) as b:
LogEntry.batch(b).create(k=1, v=1)
LogEntry.batch(b).create(k=1, v=2)
QuerySet method reference
.. class:: QuerySet
.. method:: all()
Returns a queryset matching all rows
.. code-block:: python
for user in User.objects().all():
.. method:: batch(batch_object)
Sets the batch object to run the query on. Note that running a select query with a batch object will raise an exception
.. method:: consistency(consistency_setting)
Sets the consistency level for the operation. Options may be imported from the top level :attr:`cqlengine` package.
.. code-block:: python
for user in User.objects(id=3).consistency(ONE):
.. method:: count()
Returns the number of matching rows in your QuerySet
.. code-block:: python
.. method:: filter(\*\*values)
:param values: See :ref:`retrieving-objects-with-filters`
Returns a QuerySet filtered on the keyword arguments
.. method:: get(\*\*values)
:param values: See :ref:`retrieving-objects-with-filters`
Returns a single object matching the QuerySet. If no objects are matched, a :attr:`~models.Model.DoesNotExist` exception is raised. If more than one object is found, a :attr:`~models.Model.MultipleObjectsReturned` exception is raised.
.. code-block:: python
user = User.get(id=1)
.. method:: limit(num)
Limits the number of results returned by Cassandra.
*Note that CQL's default limit is 10,000, so all queries without a limit set explicitly will have an implicit limit of 10,000*
.. code-block:: python
for user in User.objects().limit(100):
.. method:: order_by(field_name)
:param field_name: the name of the field to order on. *Note: the field_name must be a clustering key*
:type field_name: string
Sets the field to order on.
.. code-block:: python
from uuid import uuid1,uuid4
class Comment(Model):
photo_id = UUID(primary_key=True)
comment_id = TimeUUID(primary_key=True, default=uuid1) # auto becomes clustering key
comment = Text()
u = uuid4()
for x in range(5):
Comment.create(photo_id=u, comment="test %d" % x)
for comment in Comment.objects(photo_id=u):
print comment.comment_id
for comment in Comment.objects(photo_id=u).order_by("-comment_id"):
print comment.comment_id
.. method:: allow_filtering()
Enables the (usually) unwise practive of querying on a clustering key without also defining a partition key
.. method:: timestamp(timestamp_or_long_or_datetime)
Allows for custom timestamps to be saved with the record.
.. method:: ttl(ttl_in_seconds)
:param ttl_in_seconds: time in seconds in which the saved values should expire
:type ttl_in_seconds: int
Sets the ttl to run the query query with. Note that running a select query with a ttl value will raise an exception
.. _blind_updates:
.. method:: update(**values)
Performs an update on the row selected by the queryset. Include values to update in the
update like so:
.. code-block:: python
Passing in updates for columns which are not part of the model will raise a ValidationError.
Per column validation will be performed, but instance level validation will not
(`Model.validate` is not called). This is sometimes referred to as a blind update.
For example:
.. code-block:: python
class User(Model):
id = Integer(primary_key=True)
name = Text()
setup(["localhost"], "test")
u = User.create(id=1, name="jon")
# sets name to null
The queryset update method also supports blindly adding and removing elements from container columns, without
loading a model instance from Cassandra.
Using the syntax `.update(column_name={x, y, z})` will overwrite the contents of the container, like updating a
non container column. However, adding `__<operation>` to the end of the keyword arg, makes the update call add
or remove items from the collection, without overwriting then entire column.
Given the model below, here are the operations that can be performed on the different container columns:
.. code-block:: python
class Row(Model):
row_id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
set_column = columns.Set(Integer)
list_column = columns.Set(Integer)
map_column = columns.Set(Integer, Integer)
- `add`: adds the elements of the given set to the column
- `remove`: removes the elements of the given set to the column
.. code-block:: python
# add elements to a set
# remove elements to a set
- `append`: appends the elements of the given list to the end of the column
- `prepend`: prepends the elements of the given list to the beginning of the column
.. code-block:: python
# append items to a list
Row.objects(row_id=5).update(list_column__append=[6, 7])
# prepend items to a list
Row.objects(row_id=5).update(list_column__prepend=[1, 2])
- `update`: adds the given keys/values to the columns, creating new entries if they didn't exist, and overwriting old ones if they did
.. code-block:: python
# add items to a map
Row.objects(row_id=5).update(map_column__update={1: 2, 3: 4})
Per Query Timeouts
By default all queries are executed with the timeout defined in `~cqlengine.connection.setup()`
The examples below show how to specify a per-query timeout.
A timeout is specified in seconds and can be an int, float or None.
None means no timeout.
.. code-block:: python
class Row(Model):
id = columns.Integer(primary_key=True)
name = columns.Text()
Fetch all objects with a timeout of 5 seconds
.. code-block:: python
Create a single row with a 50ms timeout
.. code-block:: python
Row(id=1, name='Jon').timeout(0.05).create()
Delete a single row with no timeout
.. code-block:: python
Update a single row with no timeout
.. code-block:: python
Batch query timeouts
.. code-block:: python
with BatchQuery(timeout=10) as b:
Row(id=1, name='Jon').create()
NOTE: You cannot set both timeout and batch at the same time, batch will use the timeout defined in it's constructor.
Setting the timeout on the model is meaningless and will raise an AssertionError.
Named Tables
Named tables are a way of querying a table without creating an class. They're useful for querying system tables or exploring an unfamiliar database.
.. code-block:: python
from cqlengine.connection import setup
setup("", "cqlengine_test")
from cqlengine.named import NamedTable
user = NamedTable("cqlengine_test", "user")
# {u'pk': 1, u't': datetime.datetime(2014, 6, 26, 17, 10, 31, 774000)}

View File

@ -0,0 +1,22 @@
Related Projects
Cassandra Native Driver
- Docs:
- Github:
- Pypi:
Sphinx Contrib Module
- Github
Django Integration
- Github

View File

@ -0,0 +1,67 @@
Third party integrations
Here's how, in substance, CQLengine can be plugged to `Celery
.. code-block:: python
from celery import Celery
from celery.signals import worker_process_init, beat_init
from cqlengine import connection
from cqlengine.connection import (
cluster as cql_cluster, session as cql_session)
def cassandra_init():
""" Initialize a clean Cassandra connection. """
if cql_cluster is not None:
if cql_session is not None:
# Initialize worker context for both standard and periodic tasks.
app = Celery()
For more details, see `issue #237
This is the code required for proper connection handling of CQLengine for a
`uWSGI <>`_-run application:
.. code-block:: python
from cqlengine import connection
from cqlengine.connection import (
cluster as cql_cluster, session as cql_session)
from uwsgidecorators import postfork
except ImportError:
# We're not in a uWSGI context, no need to hook Cassandra session
# initialization to the postfork event.
def cassandra_init():
""" Initialize a new Cassandra session in the context.
Ensures that a new session is returned for every new request.
if cql_cluster is not None:
if cql_session is not None:

manifests/default.pp Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,66 @@
# Basic virtualbox configuration
Exec { path => "/usr/local/sbin:/usr/local/bin:/usr/sbin:/usr/bin:/sbin:/bin" }
node basenode {
package{["build-essential", "git-core", "vim"]:
ensure => installed
class xfstools {
package{['lvm2', 'xfsprogs']:
ensure => installed
class java {
package {['openjdk-7-jre-headless']:
ensure => installed
class cassandra {
include xfstools
include java
package {"wget":
ensure => latest
file {"/etc/init/cassandra.conf":
source => "puppet:///modules/cassandra/cassandra.upstart",
owner => root
exec {"download-cassandra":
cwd => "/tmp",
command => "wget",
creates => "/tmp/apache-cassandra-1.2.19-bin.tar.gz",
require => [Package["wget"], File["/etc/init/cassandra.conf"]]
exec {"install-cassandra":
cwd => "/tmp",
command => "tar -xzf apache-cassandra-1.2.19-bin.tar.gz; mv apache-cassandra-1.2.19 /usr/local/cassandra",
require => Exec["download-cassandra"],
creates => "/usr/local/cassandra/bin/cassandra"
service {"cassandra":
ensure => running,
require => Exec["install-cassandra"]
node cassandraengine inherits basenode {
include cassandra
package {["python-pip", "python-dev", "python-nose"]:
ensure => installed
exec {"install-requirements":
cwd => "/vagrant",
command => "pip install -r requirements-dev.txt",
require => [Package["python-pip"], Package["python-dev"]]

View File

@ -0,0 +1,18 @@
# Cassandra Upstart
description "Cassandra"
start on runlevel [2345]
stop on runlevel [!2345]
exec /usr/local/cassandra/bin/cassandra -f
pre-stop script
kill `cat /tmp/`
sleep 3
end script

requirements-dev.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
-r requirements.txt

View File

@ -205,7 +205,8 @@ def run_setup(extensions):
author='Tyler Hobbs',
packages=['cassandra', ''],
packages=['cassandra', ''], # TODO: add cqlengine after moving
tests_require=['nose', 'mock', 'PyYAML', 'pytz'],

View File

@ -46,3 +46,10 @@ deps = nose
commands = {envpython} build_ext --inplace
nosetests --verbosity=2 tests/unit/
# TODO: integrate cqlengine tests
#deps= -rrequirements.txt
#commands=bin/ --no-skip

upgrading.txt Normal file
View File

@ -0,0 +1,13 @@
0.15 Upgrade to use Datastax Native Driver
We no longer raise cqlengine based OperationalError when connection fails. Now using the exception thrown in the native driver.
If you're calling setup() with the old thrift port in place, you will get connection errors. Either remove it (the default native port is assumed) or change to the default native port, 9042.
The cqlengine connection pool has been removed. Connections are now managed by the native driver. This should drastically reduce the socket overhead as the native driver can multiplex queries.
If you were previously manually using "ALL", "QUORUM", etc, to specificy consistency levels, you will need to migrate to the cqlengine.ALL, QUORUM, etc instead. If you had been using the module level constants before, nothing should need to change.
No longer accepting username & password as arguments to setup. Use the native driver's authentication instead. See