2017-04-24 17:20:57 -04:00

190 lines
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# Copyright 2013-2017 DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
from cassandra.query import named_tuple_factory, dict_factory, tuple_factory
import unittest2 as unittest
except ImportError:
import unittest # noqa
from mock import Mock, PropertyMock
from cassandra.cluster import ResultSet
class ResultSetTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_iter_non_paged(self):
expected = list(range(10))
rs = ResultSet(Mock(has_more_pages=False), expected)
itr = iter(rs)
self.assertListEqual(list(itr), expected)
def test_iter_paged(self):
expected = list(range(10))
response_future = Mock(has_more_pages=True)
response_future.result.side_effect = (ResultSet(Mock(), expected[-5:]), ) # ResultSet is iterable, so it must be protected in order to be returned whole by the Mock
rs = ResultSet(response_future, expected[:5])
itr = iter(rs)
# this is brittle, depends on internal impl details. Would like to find a better way
type(response_future).has_more_pages = PropertyMock(side_effect=(True, True, False)) # after init to avoid side effects being consumed by init
self.assertListEqual(list(itr), expected)
def test_list_non_paged(self):
# list access on RS for backwards-compatibility
expected = list(range(10))
rs = ResultSet(Mock(has_more_pages=False), expected)
for i in range(10):
self.assertEqual(rs[i], expected[i])
self.assertEqual(list(rs), expected)
def test_list_paged(self):
# list access on RS for backwards-compatibility
expected = list(range(10))
response_future = Mock(has_more_pages=True)
response_future.result.side_effect = (ResultSet(Mock(), expected[-5:]), ) # ResultSet is iterable, so it must be protected in order to be returned whole by the Mock
rs = ResultSet(response_future, expected[:5])
# this is brittle, depends on internal impl details. Would like to find a better way
type(response_future).has_more_pages = PropertyMock(side_effect=(True, True, True, False)) # First two True are consumed on check entering list mode
self.assertEqual(rs[9], expected[9])
self.assertEqual(list(rs), expected)
def test_has_more_pages(self):
response_future = Mock()
response_future.has_more_pages.side_effect = PropertyMock(side_effect=(True, False))
rs = ResultSet(response_future, [])
type(response_future).has_more_pages = PropertyMock(side_effect=(True, False)) # after init to avoid side effects being consumed by init
def test_iterate_then_index(self):
# RuntimeError if indexing with no pages
expected = list(range(10))
rs = ResultSet(Mock(has_more_pages=False), expected)
itr = iter(rs)
# before consuming
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
# after consuming
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
# RuntimeError if indexing during or after pages
response_future = Mock(has_more_pages=True)
response_future.result.side_effect = (ResultSet(Mock(), expected[-5:]), ) # ResultSet is iterable, so it must be protected in order to be returned whole by the Mock
rs = ResultSet(response_future, expected[:5])
type(response_future).has_more_pages = PropertyMock(side_effect=(True, False))
itr = iter(rs)
# before consuming
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
for row in itr:
# while consuming
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
# after consuming
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
def test_index_list_mode(self):
# no pages
expected = list(range(10))
rs = ResultSet(Mock(has_more_pages=False), expected)
# index access before iteration causes list to be materialized
self.assertEqual(rs[0], expected[0])
# resusable iteration
self.assertListEqual(list(rs), expected)
self.assertListEqual(list(rs), expected)
# pages
response_future = Mock(has_more_pages=True)
response_future.result.side_effect = (ResultSet(Mock(), expected[-5:]), ) # ResultSet is iterable, so it must be protected in order to be returned whole by the Mock
rs = ResultSet(response_future, expected[:5])
# this is brittle, depends on internal impl details. Would like to find a better way
type(response_future).has_more_pages = PropertyMock(side_effect=(True, True, True, False)) # First two True are consumed on check entering list mode
# index access before iteration causes list to be materialized
self.assertEqual(rs[0], expected[0])
self.assertEqual(rs[9], expected[9])
# resusable iteration
self.assertListEqual(list(rs), expected)
self.assertListEqual(list(rs), expected)
def test_eq(self):
# no pages
expected = list(range(10))
rs = ResultSet(Mock(has_more_pages=False), expected)
# eq before iteration causes list to be materialized
self.assertEqual(rs, expected)
# results can be iterated or indexed once we're materialized
self.assertListEqual(list(rs), expected)
self.assertEqual(rs[9], expected[9])
# pages
response_future = Mock(has_more_pages=True)
response_future.result.side_effect = (ResultSet(Mock(), expected[-5:]), ) # ResultSet is iterable, so it must be protected in order to be returned whole by the Mock
rs = ResultSet(response_future, expected[:5])
type(response_future).has_more_pages = PropertyMock(side_effect=(True, True, True, False))
# eq before iteration causes list to be materialized
self.assertEqual(rs, expected)
# results can be iterated or indexed once we're materialized
self.assertListEqual(list(rs), expected)
self.assertEqual(rs[9], expected[9])
def test_bool(self):
self.assertFalse(ResultSet(Mock(has_more_pages=False), []))
self.assertTrue(ResultSet(Mock(has_more_pages=False), [1]))
def test_was_applied(self):
# unknown row factory raises
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
ResultSet(Mock(), []).was_applied
response_future = Mock(row_factory=named_tuple_factory)
# no row
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
ResultSet(response_future, []).was_applied
# too many rows
with self.assertRaises(RuntimeError):
ResultSet(response_future, [tuple(), tuple()]).was_applied
# various internal row factories
for row_factory in (named_tuple_factory, tuple_factory):
for applied in (True, False):
rs = ResultSet(Mock(row_factory=row_factory), [(applied,)])
self.assertEqual(rs.was_applied, applied)
row_factory = dict_factory
for applied in (True, False):
rs = ResultSet(Mock(row_factory=row_factory), [{'[applied]': applied}])
self.assertEqual(rs.was_applied, applied)