Alan Boudreault 13450dee94 Merge pull request #689 from datastax/python-655
PYTHON-655 Duration Type
2017-01-17 16:28:20 -05:00

1071 lines
34 KiB

# Copyright 2013-2016 DataStax, Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
Representation of Cassandra data types. These classes should make it simple for
the library (and caller software) to deal with Cassandra-style Java class type
names and CQL type specifiers, and convert between them cleanly. Parameterized
types are fully supported in both flavors. Once you have the right Type object
for the type you want, you can use it to serialize, deserialize, or retrieve
the corresponding CQL or Cassandra type strings.
# If/when the need arises for interpret types from CQL string literals in
# different ways (for,
# for example), these classes would be a good place to tack on
# .from_cql_literal() and .as_cql_literal() classmethods (or whatever).
from __future__ import absolute_import # to enable import io from stdlib
from binascii import unhexlify
import calendar
from collections import namedtuple
from decimal import Decimal
import io
import logging
import re
import socket
import time
import six
from six.moves import range
import sys
from uuid import UUID
import warnings
from cassandra.marshal import (int8_pack, int8_unpack, int16_pack, int16_unpack,
uint16_pack, uint16_unpack, uint32_pack, uint32_unpack,
int32_pack, int32_unpack, int64_pack, int64_unpack,
float_pack, float_unpack, double_pack, double_unpack,
varint_pack, varint_unpack, vints_pack, vints_unpack)
from cassandra import util
apache_cassandra_type_prefix = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.'
cassandra_empty_type = 'org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.EmptyType'
cql_empty_type = 'empty'
log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
if six.PY3:
_number_types = frozenset((int, float))
long = int
def _name_from_hex_string(encoded_name):
bin_str = unhexlify(encoded_name)
return bin_str.decode('ascii')
_number_types = frozenset((int, long, float))
_name_from_hex_string = unhexlify
def trim_if_startswith(s, prefix):
if s.startswith(prefix):
return s[len(prefix):]
return s
_casstypes = {}
_cqltypes = {}
cql_type_scanner = re.Scanner((
('frozen', None),
(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_]+', lambda s, t: t),
(r'[\s,<>]', None),
def cql_types_from_string(cql_type):
return cql_type_scanner.scan(cql_type)[0]
class CassandraTypeType(type):
The CassandraType objects in this module will normally be used directly,
rather than through instances of those types. They can be instantiated,
of course, but the type information is what this driver mainly needs.
This metaclass registers CassandraType classes in the global
by-cassandra-typename and by-cql-typename registries, unless their class
name starts with an underscore.
def __new__(metacls, name, bases, dct):
dct.setdefault('cassname', name)
cls = type.__new__(metacls, name, bases, dct)
if not name.startswith('_'):
_casstypes[name] = cls
if not cls.typename.startswith(apache_cassandra_type_prefix):
_cqltypes[cls.typename] = cls
return cls
casstype_scanner = re.Scanner((
(r'[()]', lambda s, t: t),
(r'[a-zA-Z0-9_.:=>]+', lambda s, t: t),
(r'[\s,]', None),
def lookup_casstype_simple(casstype):
Given a Cassandra type name (either fully distinguished or not), hand
back the CassandraType class responsible for it. If a name is not
recognized, a custom _UnrecognizedType subclass will be created for it.
This function does not handle complex types (so no type parameters--
nothing with parentheses). Use lookup_casstype() instead if you might need
shortname = trim_if_startswith(casstype, apache_cassandra_type_prefix)
typeclass = _casstypes[shortname]
except KeyError:
typeclass = mkUnrecognizedType(casstype)
return typeclass
def parse_casstype_args(typestring):
tokens, remainder = casstype_scanner.scan(typestring)
if remainder:
raise ValueError("weird characters %r at end" % remainder)
# use a stack of (types, names) lists
args = [([], [])]
for tok in tokens:
if tok == '(':
args.append(([], []))
elif tok == ')':
types, names = args.pop()
prev_types, prev_names = args[-1]
prev_types[-1] = prev_types[-1].apply_parameters(types, names)
types, names = args[-1]
parts = re.split(':|=>', tok)
tok = parts.pop()
if parts:
ctype = lookup_casstype_simple(tok)
# return the first (outer) type, which will have all parameters applied
return args[0][0][0]
def lookup_casstype(casstype):
Given a Cassandra type as a string (possibly including parameters), hand
back the CassandraType class responsible for it. If a name is not
recognized, a custom _UnrecognizedType subclass will be created for it.
>>> lookup_casstype('org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.MapType(org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UTF8Type,org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.Int32Type)')
<class 'cassandra.cqltypes.MapType(UTF8Type, Int32Type)'>
if isinstance(casstype, (CassandraType, CassandraTypeType)):
return casstype
return parse_casstype_args(casstype)
except (ValueError, AssertionError, IndexError) as e:
raise ValueError("Don't know how to parse type string %r: %s" % (casstype, e))
def is_reversed_casstype(data_type):
return issubclass(data_type, ReversedType)
class EmptyValue(object):
""" See _CassandraType.support_empty_values """
def __str__(self):
return "EMPTY"
__repr__ = __str__
EMPTY = EmptyValue()
class _CassandraType(object):
subtypes = ()
num_subtypes = 0
empty_binary_ok = False
support_empty_values = False
Back in the Thrift days, empty strings were used for "null" values of
all types, including non-string types. For most users, an empty
string value in an int column is the same as being null/not present,
so the driver normally returns None in this case. (For string-like
types, it *will* return an empty string by default instead of None.)
To avoid this behavior, set this to :const:`True`. Instead of returning
None for empty string values, the EMPTY singleton (an instance
of EmptyValue) will be returned.
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s( %r )>' % (self.cql_parameterized_type(), self.val)
def from_binary(cls, byts, protocol_version):
Deserialize a bytestring into a value. See the deserialize() method
for more information. This method differs in that if None or the empty
string is passed in, None may be returned.
if byts is None:
return None
elif len(byts) == 0 and not cls.empty_binary_ok:
return EMPTY if cls.support_empty_values else None
return cls.deserialize(byts, protocol_version)
def to_binary(cls, val, protocol_version):
Serialize a value into a bytestring. See the serialize() method for
more information. This method differs in that if None is passed in,
the result is the empty string.
return b'' if val is None else cls.serialize(val, protocol_version)
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
Given a bytestring, deserialize into a value according to the protocol
for this type. Note that this does not create a new instance of this
class; it merely gives back a value that would be appropriate to go
inside an instance of this class.
return byts
def serialize(val, protocol_version):
Given a value appropriate for this class, serialize it according to the
protocol for this type and return the corresponding bytestring.
return val
def cass_parameterized_type_with(cls, subtypes, full=False):
Return the name of this type as it would be expressed by Cassandra,
optionally fully qualified. If subtypes is not None, it is expected
to be a list of other CassandraType subclasses, and the output
string includes the Cassandra names for those subclasses as well,
as parameters to this one.
>>> LongType.cass_parameterized_type_with(())
>>> LongType.cass_parameterized_type_with((), full=True)
>>> SetType.cass_parameterized_type_with([DecimalType], full=True)
cname = cls.cassname
if full and '.' not in cname:
cname = apache_cassandra_type_prefix + cname
if not subtypes:
return cname
sublist = ', '.join(styp.cass_parameterized_type(full=full) for styp in subtypes)
return '%s(%s)' % (cname, sublist)
def apply_parameters(cls, subtypes, names=None):
Given a set of other CassandraTypes, create a new subtype of this type
using them as parameters. This is how composite types are constructed.
>>> MapType.apply_parameters([DateType, BooleanType])
<class 'cassandra.cqltypes.MapType(DateType, BooleanType)'>
`subtypes` will be a sequence of CassandraTypes. If provided, `names`
will be an equally long sequence of column names or Nones.
if cls.num_subtypes != 'UNKNOWN' and len(subtypes) != cls.num_subtypes:
raise ValueError("%s types require %d subtypes (%d given)"
% (cls.typename, cls.num_subtypes, len(subtypes)))
newname = cls.cass_parameterized_type_with(subtypes)
if six.PY2 and isinstance(newname, unicode):
newname = newname.encode('utf-8')
return type(newname, (cls,), {'subtypes': subtypes, 'cassname': cls.cassname, 'fieldnames': names})
def cql_parameterized_type(cls):
Return a CQL type specifier for this type. If this type has parameters,
they are included in standard CQL <> notation.
if not cls.subtypes:
return cls.typename
return '%s<%s>' % (cls.typename, ', '.join(styp.cql_parameterized_type() for styp in cls.subtypes))
def cass_parameterized_type(cls, full=False):
Return a Cassandra type specifier for this type. If this type has
parameters, they are included in the standard () notation.
return cls.cass_parameterized_type_with(cls.subtypes, full=full)
# it's initially named with a _ to avoid registering it as a real type, but
# client programs may want to use the name still for isinstance(), etc
CassandraType = _CassandraType
class _UnrecognizedType(_CassandraType):
num_subtypes = 'UNKNOWN'
if six.PY3:
def mkUnrecognizedType(casstypename):
return CassandraTypeType(casstypename,
{'typename': "'%s'" % casstypename})
def mkUnrecognizedType(casstypename): # noqa
return CassandraTypeType(casstypename.encode('utf8'),
{'typename': "'%s'" % casstypename})
class BytesType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'blob'
empty_binary_ok = True
def serialize(val, protocol_version):
return six.binary_type(val)
class DecimalType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'decimal'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
scale = int32_unpack(byts[:4])
unscaled = varint_unpack(byts[4:])
return Decimal('%de%d' % (unscaled, -scale))
def serialize(dec, protocol_version):
sign, digits, exponent = dec.as_tuple()
except AttributeError:
sign, digits, exponent = Decimal(dec).as_tuple()
except Exception:
raise TypeError("Invalid type for Decimal value: %r", dec)
unscaled = int(''.join([str(digit) for digit in digits]))
if sign:
unscaled *= -1
scale = int32_pack(-exponent)
unscaled = varint_pack(unscaled)
return scale + unscaled
class UUIDType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'uuid'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return UUID(bytes=byts)
def serialize(uuid, protocol_version):
return uuid.bytes
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("Got a non-UUID object for a UUID value")
class BooleanType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'boolean'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return bool(int8_unpack(byts))
def serialize(truth, protocol_version):
return int8_pack(truth)
class ByteType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'tinyint'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return int8_unpack(byts)
def serialize(byts, protocol_version):
return int8_pack(byts)
if six.PY2:
class AsciiType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'ascii'
empty_binary_ok = True
class AsciiType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'ascii'
empty_binary_ok = True
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return byts.decode('ascii')
def serialize(var, protocol_version):
return var.encode('ascii')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
return var
class FloatType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'float'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return float_unpack(byts)
def serialize(byts, protocol_version):
return float_pack(byts)
class DoubleType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'double'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return double_unpack(byts)
def serialize(byts, protocol_version):
return double_pack(byts)
class LongType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'bigint'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return int64_unpack(byts)
def serialize(byts, protocol_version):
return int64_pack(byts)
class Int32Type(_CassandraType):
typename = 'int'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return int32_unpack(byts)
def serialize(byts, protocol_version):
return int32_pack(byts)
class IntegerType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'varint'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return varint_unpack(byts)
def serialize(byts, protocol_version):
return varint_pack(byts)
class InetAddressType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'inet'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
if len(byts) == 16:
return util.inet_ntop(socket.AF_INET6, byts)
# util.inet_pton could also handle, but this is faster
# since we've already determined the AF
return socket.inet_ntoa(byts)
def serialize(addr, protocol_version):
if ':' in addr:
return util.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, addr)
# util.inet_pton could also handle, but this is faster
# since we've already determined the AF
return socket.inet_aton(addr)
class CounterColumnType(LongType):
typename = 'counter'
cql_timestamp_formats = (
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M',
'%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S',
_have_warned_about_timestamps = False
class DateType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'timestamp'
def interpret_datestring(val):
if val[-5] in ('+', '-'):
offset = (int(val[-4:-2]) * 3600 + int(val[-2:]) * 60) * int(val[-5] + '1')
val = val[:-5]
offset = -time.timezone
for tformat in cql_timestamp_formats:
tval = time.strptime(val, tformat)
except ValueError:
# scale seconds to millis for the raw value
return (calendar.timegm(tval) + offset) * 1e3
raise ValueError("can't interpret %r as a date" % (val,))
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
timestamp = int64_unpack(byts) / 1000.0
return util.datetime_from_timestamp(timestamp)
def serialize(v, protocol_version):
# v is datetime
timestamp_seconds = calendar.timegm(v.utctimetuple())
timestamp = timestamp_seconds * 1e3 + getattr(v, 'microsecond', 0) / 1e3
except AttributeError:
timestamp = calendar.timegm(v.timetuple()) * 1e3
except AttributeError:
# Ints and floats are valid timestamps too
if type(v) not in _number_types:
raise TypeError('DateType arguments must be a datetime, date, or timestamp')
timestamp = v
return int64_pack(long(timestamp))
class TimestampType(DateType):
class TimeUUIDType(DateType):
typename = 'timeuuid'
def my_timestamp(self):
return util.unix_time_from_uuid1(self.val)
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return UUID(bytes=byts)
def serialize(timeuuid, protocol_version):
return timeuuid.bytes
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("Got a non-UUID object for a UUID value")
class SimpleDateType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'date'
date_format = "%Y-%m-%d"
# Values of the 'date'` type are encoded as 32-bit unsigned integers
# representing a number of days with epoch (January 1st, 1970) at the center of the
# range (2^31).
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
days = uint32_unpack(byts) - SimpleDateType.EPOCH_OFFSET_DAYS
return util.Date(days)
def serialize(val, protocol_version):
days = val.days_from_epoch
except AttributeError:
if isinstance(val, six.integer_types):
# the DB wants offset int values, but util.Date init takes days from epoch
# here we assume int values are offset, as they would appear in CQL
# short circuit to avoid subtracting just to add offset
return uint32_pack(val)
days = util.Date(val).days_from_epoch
return uint32_pack(days + SimpleDateType.EPOCH_OFFSET_DAYS)
class ShortType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'smallint'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return int16_unpack(byts)
def serialize(byts, protocol_version):
return int16_pack(byts)
class TimeType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'time'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return util.Time(int64_unpack(byts))
def serialize(val, protocol_version):
nano = val.nanosecond_time
except AttributeError:
nano = util.Time(val).nanosecond_time
return int64_pack(nano)
class DurationType(_CassandraType):
typename = 'duration'
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
months, days, nanoseconds = vints_unpack(byts)
return util.Duration(months, days, nanoseconds)
def serialize(duration, protocol_version):
m, d, n = duration.months, duration.days, duration.nanoseconds
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError('DurationType arguments must be a Duration.')
return vints_pack([m, d, n])
class UTF8Type(_CassandraType):
typename = 'text'
empty_binary_ok = True
def deserialize(byts, protocol_version):
return byts.decode('utf8')
def serialize(ustr, protocol_version):
return ustr.encode('utf-8')
except UnicodeDecodeError:
# already utf-8
return ustr
class VarcharType(UTF8Type):
typename = 'varchar'
class _ParameterizedType(_CassandraType):
num_subtypes = 'UNKNOWN'
def deserialize(cls, byts, protocol_version):
if not cls.subtypes:
raise NotImplementedError("can't deserialize unparameterized %s"
% cls.typename)
return cls.deserialize_safe(byts, protocol_version)
def serialize(cls, val, protocol_version):
if not cls.subtypes:
raise NotImplementedError("can't serialize unparameterized %s"
% cls.typename)
return cls.serialize_safe(val, protocol_version)
class _SimpleParameterizedType(_ParameterizedType):
def deserialize_safe(cls, byts, protocol_version):
subtype, = cls.subtypes
if protocol_version >= 3:
unpack = int32_unpack
length = 4
unpack = uint16_unpack
length = 2
numelements = unpack(byts[:length])
p = length
result = []
inner_proto = max(3, protocol_version)
for _ in range(numelements):
itemlen = unpack(byts[p:p + length])
p += length
item = byts[p:p + itemlen]
p += itemlen
result.append(subtype.from_binary(item, inner_proto))
return cls.adapter(result)
def serialize_safe(cls, items, protocol_version):
if isinstance(items, six.string_types):
raise TypeError("Received a string for a type that expects a sequence")
subtype, = cls.subtypes
pack = int32_pack if protocol_version >= 3 else uint16_pack
buf = io.BytesIO()
inner_proto = max(3, protocol_version)
for item in items:
itembytes = subtype.to_binary(item, inner_proto)
return buf.getvalue()
class ListType(_SimpleParameterizedType):
typename = 'list'
num_subtypes = 1
adapter = list
class SetType(_SimpleParameterizedType):
typename = 'set'
num_subtypes = 1
adapter = util.sortedset
class MapType(_ParameterizedType):
typename = 'map'
num_subtypes = 2
def deserialize_safe(cls, byts, protocol_version):
key_type, value_type = cls.subtypes
if protocol_version >= 3:
unpack = int32_unpack
length = 4
unpack = uint16_unpack
length = 2
numelements = unpack(byts[:length])
p = length
themap = util.OrderedMapSerializedKey(key_type, protocol_version)
inner_proto = max(3, protocol_version)
for _ in range(numelements):
key_len = unpack(byts[p:p + length])
p += length
keybytes = byts[p:p + key_len]
p += key_len
val_len = unpack(byts[p:p + length])
p += length
valbytes = byts[p:p + val_len]
p += val_len
key = key_type.from_binary(keybytes, inner_proto)
val = value_type.from_binary(valbytes, inner_proto)
themap._insert_unchecked(key, keybytes, val)
return themap
def serialize_safe(cls, themap, protocol_version):
key_type, value_type = cls.subtypes
pack = int32_pack if protocol_version >= 3 else uint16_pack
buf = io.BytesIO()
items = six.iteritems(themap)
except AttributeError:
raise TypeError("Got a non-map object for a map value")
inner_proto = max(3, protocol_version)
for key, val in items:
keybytes = key_type.to_binary(key, inner_proto)
valbytes = value_type.to_binary(val, inner_proto)
return buf.getvalue()
class TupleType(_ParameterizedType):
typename = 'tuple'
def deserialize_safe(cls, byts, protocol_version):
proto_version = max(3, protocol_version)
p = 0
values = []
for col_type in cls.subtypes:
if p == len(byts):
itemlen = int32_unpack(byts[p:p + 4])
p += 4
if itemlen >= 0:
item = byts[p:p + itemlen]
p += itemlen
item = None
# collections inside UDTs are always encoded with at least the
# version 3 format
values.append(col_type.from_binary(item, proto_version))
if len(values) < len(cls.subtypes):
nones = [None] * (len(cls.subtypes) - len(values))
values = values + nones
return tuple(values)
def serialize_safe(cls, val, protocol_version):
if len(val) > len(cls.subtypes):
raise ValueError("Expected %d items in a tuple, but got %d: %s" %
(len(cls.subtypes), len(val), val))
proto_version = max(3, protocol_version)
buf = io.BytesIO()
for item, subtype in zip(val, cls.subtypes):
if item is not None:
packed_item = subtype.to_binary(item, proto_version)
return buf.getvalue()
def cql_parameterized_type(cls):
subtypes_string = ', '.join(sub.cql_parameterized_type() for sub in cls.subtypes)
return 'frozen<tuple<%s>>' % (subtypes_string,)
class UserType(TupleType):
typename = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.UserType"
_cache = {}
_module = sys.modules[__name__]
def make_udt_class(cls, keyspace, udt_name, field_names, field_types):
assert len(field_names) == len(field_types)
if six.PY2 and isinstance(udt_name, unicode):
udt_name = udt_name.encode('utf-8')
instance = cls._cache.get((keyspace, udt_name))
if not instance or instance.fieldnames != field_names or instance.subtypes != field_types:
instance = type(udt_name, (cls,), {'subtypes': field_types,
'cassname': cls.cassname,
'typename': udt_name,
'fieldnames': field_names,
'keyspace': keyspace,
'mapped_class': None,
'tuple_type': cls._make_registered_udt_namedtuple(keyspace, udt_name, field_names)})
cls._cache[(keyspace, udt_name)] = instance
return instance
def evict_udt_class(cls, keyspace, udt_name):
if six.PY2 and isinstance(udt_name, unicode):
udt_name = udt_name.encode('utf-8')
del cls._cache[(keyspace, udt_name)]
except KeyError:
def apply_parameters(cls, subtypes, names):
keyspace = subtypes[0].cass_parameterized_type() # when parsed from cassandra type, the keyspace is created as an unrecognized cass type; This gets the name back
udt_name = _name_from_hex_string(subtypes[1].cassname)
field_names = tuple(_name_from_hex_string(encoded_name) for encoded_name in names[2:]) # using tuple here to match what comes into make_udt_class from other sources (for caching equality test)
return cls.make_udt_class(keyspace, udt_name, field_names, tuple(subtypes[2:]))
def cql_parameterized_type(cls):
return "frozen<%s>" % (cls.typename,)
def deserialize_safe(cls, byts, protocol_version):
values = super(UserType, cls).deserialize_safe(byts, protocol_version)
if cls.mapped_class:
return cls.mapped_class(**dict(zip(cls.fieldnames, values)))
elif cls.tuple_type:
return cls.tuple_type(*values)
return tuple(values)
def serialize_safe(cls, val, protocol_version):
proto_version = max(3, protocol_version)
buf = io.BytesIO()
for i, (fieldname, subtype) in enumerate(zip(cls.fieldnames, cls.subtypes)):
# first treat as a tuple, else by custom type
item = val[i]
except TypeError:
item = getattr(val, fieldname)
if item is not None:
packed_item = subtype.to_binary(item, proto_version)
return buf.getvalue()
def _make_registered_udt_namedtuple(cls, keyspace, name, field_names):
# this is required to make the type resolvable via this module...
# required when unregistered udts are pickled for use as keys in
# util.OrderedMap
t = cls._make_udt_tuple_type(name, field_names)
if t:
qualified_name = "%s_%s" % (keyspace, name)
setattr(cls._module, qualified_name, t)
return t
def _make_udt_tuple_type(cls, name, field_names):
# fallback to positional named, then unnamed tuples
# for CQL identifiers that aren't valid in Python,
t = namedtuple(name, field_names)
except ValueError:
t = namedtuple(name, util._positional_rename_invalid_identifiers(field_names))
log.warn("could not create a namedtuple for '%s' because one or more field names are not valid Python identifiers (%s); " \
"returning positionally-named fields" % (name, field_names))
except ValueError:
t = None
log.warn("could not create a namedtuple for '%s' because the name is not a valid Python identifier; " \
"will return tuples in its place" % (name,))
return t
class CompositeType(_ParameterizedType):
typename = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.CompositeType"
def cql_parameterized_type(cls):
There is no CQL notation for Composites, so we override this.
typestring = cls.cass_parameterized_type(full=True)
return "'%s'" % (typestring,)
def deserialize_safe(cls, byts, protocol_version):
result = []
for subtype in cls.subtypes:
if not byts:
# CompositeType can have missing elements at the end
element_length = uint16_unpack(byts[:2])
element = byts[2:2 + element_length]
# skip element length, element, and the EOC (one byte)
byts = byts[2 + element_length + 1:]
result.append(subtype.from_binary(element, protocol_version))
return tuple(result)
class DynamicCompositeType(_ParameterizedType):
typename = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.DynamicCompositeType"
def cql_parameterized_type(cls):
sublist = ', '.join('%s=>%s' % (alias, typ.cass_parameterized_type(full=True)) for alias, typ in zip(cls.fieldnames, cls.subtypes))
return "'%s(%s)'" % (cls.typename, sublist)
class ColumnToCollectionType(_ParameterizedType):
This class only really exists so that we can cleanly evaluate types when
Cassandra includes this. We don't actually need or want the extra
typename = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ColumnToCollectionType"
class ReversedType(_ParameterizedType):
typename = "org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ReversedType"
num_subtypes = 1
def deserialize_safe(cls, byts, protocol_version):
subtype, = cls.subtypes
return subtype.from_binary(byts, protocol_version)
def serialize_safe(cls, val, protocol_version):
subtype, = cls.subtypes
return subtype.to_binary(val, protocol_version)
class FrozenType(_ParameterizedType):
typename = "frozen"
num_subtypes = 1
def deserialize_safe(cls, byts, protocol_version):
subtype, = cls.subtypes
return subtype.from_binary(byts, protocol_version)
def serialize_safe(cls, val, protocol_version):
subtype, = cls.subtypes
return subtype.to_binary(val, protocol_version)
def is_counter_type(t):
if isinstance(t, six.string_types):
t = lookup_casstype(t)
return issubclass(t, CounterColumnType)
def cql_typename(casstypename):
Translate a Cassandra-style type specifier (optionally-fully-distinguished
Java class names for data types, along with optional parameters) into a
CQL-style type specifier.
>>> cql_typename('DateType')
>>> cql_typename('org.apache.cassandra.db.marshal.ListType(IntegerType)')
return lookup_casstype(casstypename).cql_parameterized_type()