
2366 lines
84 KiB

# coding=utf-8
import datetime
import decimal
import functools
import time
import itertools
import pprint
import re
import translationstring
import warnings
from .compat import (
from . import iso8601
_ = translationstring.TranslationStringFactory('colander')
class _required(object):
""" Represents a required value in colander-related operations. """
def __repr__(self):
return '<colander.required>'
required = _required()
_marker = required # bw compat
class _null(object):
""" Represents a null value in colander-related operations. """
def __nonzero__(self):
return False
# py3 compat
__bool__ = __nonzero__
def __repr__(self):
return '<colander.null>'
def __reduce__(self):
return 'null' # when unpickled, refers to "null" below (singleton)
null = _null()
class _drop(object):
""" Represents a value that will be dropped from the schema if it
is missing during *serialization* or *deserialization*. Passed as
a value to the `missing` or `default` keyword argument
of :class:`SchemaNode`.
def __repr__(self):
return '<colander.drop>'
drop = _drop()
def interpolate(msgs):
for s in msgs:
if hasattr(s, 'interpolate'):
yield s.interpolate()
yield s
class UnboundDeferredError(Exception):
An exception raised by :meth:`SchemaNode.deserialize` when an attempt
is made to deserialize a node which has an unbound :class:`deferred`
class Invalid(Exception):
An exception raised by data types and validators indicating that
the value for a particular node was not valid.
The constructor receives a mandatory ``node`` argument. This must
be an instance of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` class, or at
least something with the same interface.
The constructor also receives an optional ``msg`` keyword
argument, defaulting to ``None``. The ``msg`` argument is a
freeform field indicating the error circumstance.
The constructor additionally may receive an optional ``value``
keyword, indicating the value related to the error.
pos = None
positional = False
def __init__(self, node, msg=None, value=None):
Exception.__init__(self, node, msg)
self.node = node
self.msg = msg
self.value = value
self.children = []
def messages(self):
""" Return an iterable of error messages for this exception using the
``msg`` attribute of this error node. If the ``msg`` attribute is
iterable, it is returned. If it is not iterable, and is
non-``None``, a single-element list containing the ``msg`` value is
returned. If the value is ``None``, an empty list is returned."""
if is_nonstr_iter(self.msg):
return self.msg
if self.msg is None:
return []
return [self.msg]
def add(self, exc, pos=None):
""" Add a child exception; ``exc`` must be an instance of
:class:`colander.Invalid` or a subclass.
``pos`` is a value important for accurate error reporting. If
it is provided, it must be an integer representing the
position of ``exc`` relative to all other subexceptions of
this exception node. For example, if the exception being
added is about the third child of the exception which is
``self``, ``pos`` might be passed as ``3``.
If ``pos`` is provided, it will be assigned to the ``pos``
attribute of the provided ``exc`` object.
if self.node and isinstance(self.node.typ, Positional):
exc.positional = True
if pos is not None:
exc.pos = pos
def __setitem__(self, name, msg):
""" Add a subexception related to a child node with the
message ``msg``. ``name`` must be present in the names of the
set of child nodes of this exception's node; if this is not
so, a :exc:`KeyError` is raised.
For example, if the exception upon which ``__setitem__`` is
called has a node attribute, and that node attribute has
children that have the names ``name`` and ``title``, you may
successfully call ``__setitem__('name', 'Bad name')`` or
``__setitem__('title', 'Bad title')``. But calling
``__setitem__('wrong', 'whoops')`` will result in a
This method is typically only useful if the ``node`` attribute
of the exception upon which it is called is a schema node
representing a mapping.
for num, child in enumerate(self.node.children):
if == name:
exc = Invalid(child, msg)
self.add(exc, num)
raise KeyError(name)
def paths(self):
""" A generator which returns each path through the exception
graph. Each path is represented as a tuple of exception
nodes. Within each tuple, the leftmost item will represent
the root schema node, the rightmost item will represent the
leaf schema node."""
def traverse(node, stack):
if not node.children:
yield tuple(stack)
for child in node.children:
for path in traverse(child, stack):
yield path
return traverse(self, [])
def _keyname(self):
if self.positional:
return str(self.pos)
return str(
def asdict(self, translate=None, separator='; '):
""" Return a dictionary containing a basic
(non-language-translated) error report for this exception.
If ``translate`` is supplied, it must be a callable taking a
translation string as its sole argument and returning a localized,
interpolated string.
If ``separator`` is supplied, error messages are joined with that.
paths = self.paths()
errors = {}
for path in paths:
keyparts = []
msgs = []
for exc in path:
exc.msg and msgs.extend(exc.messages())
keyname = exc._keyname()
keyname and keyparts.append(keyname)
if translate:
msgs = [translate(msg) for msg in msgs]
msgs = interpolate(msgs)
if separator:
msgs = separator.join(msgs)
msgs = list(msgs)
errors['.'.join(keyparts)] = msgs
return errors
def __str__(self):
""" Return a pretty-formatted string representation of the
result of an execution of this exception's ``asdict`` method"""
return pprint.pformat(self.asdict())
class UnsupportedFields(Invalid):
Exception used when schema object detect unknown fields in the
cstruct during deserialize.
def __init__(self, node, fields, msg=None):
super(UnsupportedFields, self).__init__(node, msg)
self.fields = fields
class All(object):
""" Composite validator which succeeds if none of its
subvalidators raises an :class:`colander.Invalid` exception"""
def __init__(self, *validators):
self.validators = validators
def __call__(self, node, value):
excs = []
for validator in self.validators:
validator(node, value)
except Invalid as e:
if excs:
exc = Invalid(node, [exc.msg for exc in excs])
for e in excs:
raise exc
class Any(All):
""" Composite validator which succeeds if at least one of its
subvalidators does not raise an :class:`colander.Invalid` exception."""
def __call__(self, node, value):
return super(Any, self).__call__(node, value)
except Invalid as e:
if len(e.msg) < len(self.validators):
# At least one validator did not fail:
class Function(object):
""" Validator which accepts a function and an optional message;
the function is called with the ``value`` during validation.
If the function returns anything falsy (``None``, ``False``, the
empty string, ``0``, an object with a ``__nonzero__`` that returns
``False``, etc) when called during validation, an
:exc:`colander.Invalid` exception is raised (validation fails);
its msg will be the value of the ``msg`` argument passed to this
class' constructor.
If the function returns a stringlike object (a ``str`` or
``unicode`` object) that is *not* the empty string , a
:exc:`colander.Invalid` exception is raised using the stringlike
value returned from the function as the exeption message
(validation fails).
If the function returns anything *except* a stringlike object
object which is truthy (e.g. ``True``, the integer ``1``, an
object with a ``__nonzero__`` that returns ``True``, etc), an
:exc:`colander.Invalid` exception is *not* raised (validation
The default value for the ``msg`` when not provided via the
constructor is ``Invalid value``.
The ``message`` parameter has been deprecated, use ``msg`` instead.
def __init__(self, function, msg=None, message=None):
self.function = function
if msg is not None and message is not None:
raise ValueError('Only one of msg and message can be passed')
# Handle bw compat
if msg is None and message is None:
msg = _('Invalid value')
elif message is not None:
'The "message" argument has been deprecated, use "msg" '
msg = message
self.msg = msg
def __call__(self, node, value):
result = self.function(value)
if not result:
raise Invalid(
node, translationstring.TranslationString(
self.msg, mapping={'val':value}))
if isinstance(result, string_types):
raise Invalid(
node, translationstring.TranslationString(
result, mapping={'val':value}))
class Regex(object):
""" Regular expression validator.
Initialize it with the string regular expression ``regex`` that will
be compiled and matched against ``value`` when validator is called. It
uses Python's :py:func:`re.match`, which only matches at the beginning
of the string and not at the beginning of each line. To match the
entire string, enclose the regular expression with ``^`` and ``$``.
If ``msg`` is supplied, it will be the error message to be used;
otherwise, defaults to 'String does not match expected pattern'.
The ``regex`` expression behaviour can be modified by specifying
any ``flags`` value taken by ``re.compile``.
The ``regex`` argument may also be a pattern object (the
result of ``re.compile``) instead of a string.
When calling, if ``value`` matches the regular expression,
validation succeeds; otherwise, :exc:`colander.Invalid` is
raised with the ``msg`` error message.
def __init__(self, regex, msg=None, flags=0):
if isinstance(regex, string_types):
self.match_object = re.compile(regex, flags)
self.match_object = regex
if msg is None:
self.msg = _("String does not match expected pattern")
self.msg = msg
def __call__(self, node, value):
if self.match_object.match(value) is None:
raise Invalid(node, self.msg)
EMAIL_RE = "(?i)^[A-Z0-9._%!#$%&'*+-/=?^_`{|}~()]+@[A-Z0-9]+([.-][A-Z0-9]+)*\.[A-Z]{2,22}$"
class Email(Regex):
""" Email address validator. If ``msg`` is supplied, it will be
the error message to be used when raising :exc:`colander.Invalid`;
otherwise, defaults to 'Invalid email address'.
def __init__(self, msg=None):
email_regex = text_(EMAIL_RE)
if msg is None:
msg = _("Invalid email address")
super(Email, self).__init__(email_regex, msg=msg)
class Range(object):
""" Validator which succeeds if the value it is passed is greater
or equal to ``min`` and less than or equal to ``max``. If ``min``
is not specified, or is specified as ``None``, no lower bound
exists. If ``max`` is not specified, or is specified as ``None``,
no upper bound exists.
``min_err`` is used to form the ``msg`` of the
:exc:`colander.Invalid` error when reporting a validation failure
caused by a value not meeting the minimum. If ``min_err`` is
specified, it must be a string. The string may contain the
replacement targets ``${min}`` and ``${val}``, representing the
minimum value and the provided value respectively. If it is not
provided, it defaults to ``'${val} is less than minimum value
``max_err`` is used to form the ``msg`` of the
:exc:`colander.Invalid` error when reporting a validation failure
caused by a value exceeding the maximum. If ``max_err`` is
specified, it must be a string. The string may contain the
replacement targets ``${max}`` and ``${val}``, representing the
maximum value and the provided value respectively. If it is not
provided, it defaults to ``'${val} is greater than maximum value
_MIN_ERR = _('${val} is less than minimum value ${min}')
_MAX_ERR = _('${val} is greater than maximum value ${max}')
def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, min_err=_MIN_ERR, max_err=_MAX_ERR):
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.min_err = min_err
self.max_err = max_err
def __call__(self, node, value):
if self.min is not None:
if value < self.min:
min_err = _(
self.min_err, mapping={'val':value, 'min':self.min})
raise Invalid(node, min_err)
if self.max is not None:
if value > self.max:
max_err = _(
self.max_err, mapping={'val':value, 'max':self.max})
raise Invalid(node, max_err)
class Length(object):
"""Validator which succeeds if the value passed to it has a
length between a minimum and maximum, expressed in the
optional ``min`` and ``max`` arguments.
The value can be any sequence, most often a string.
If ``min`` is not specified, or is specified as ``None``,
no lower bound exists. If ``max`` is not specified, or
is specified as ``None``, no upper bound exists.
The default error messages are "Shorter than minimum length ${min}"
and "Longer than maximum length ${max}". These can be customized:
``min_err`` is used to form the ``msg`` of the
:exc:`colander.Invalid` error when reporting a validation failure
caused by a value not meeting the minimum length. If ``min_err`` is
specified, it must be a string. The string may contain the
replacement target ``${min}``.
``max_err`` is used to form the ``msg`` of the
:exc:`colander.Invalid` error when reporting a validation failure
caused by a value exceeding the maximum length. If ``max_err`` is
specified, it must be a string. The string may contain the
replacement target ``${max}``.
_MIN_ERR = _('Shorter than minimum length ${min}')
_MAX_ERR = _('Longer than maximum length ${max}')
def __init__(self, min=None, max=None, min_err=_MIN_ERR, max_err=_MAX_ERR):
self.min = min
self.max = max
self.min_err = min_err
self.max_err = max_err
def __call__(self, node, value):
if self.min is not None:
if len(value) < self.min:
min_err = _(self.min_err, mapping={'min': self.min})
raise Invalid(node, min_err)
if self.max is not None:
if len(value) > self.max:
max_err = _(self.max_err, mapping={'max': self.max})
raise Invalid(node, max_err)
class OneOf(object):
""" Validator which succeeds if the value passed to it is one of
a fixed set of values """
def __init__(self, choices):
self.choices = choices
def __call__(self, node, value):
if not value in self.choices:
choices = ', '.join(['%s' % x for x in self.choices])
err = _('"${val}" is not one of ${choices}',
mapping={'val':value, 'choices':choices})
raise Invalid(node, err)
class NoneOf(object):
""" Validator which succeeds if the value passed to it is none of a
fixed set of values.
``msg_err`` is used to form the ``msg`` of the :exc:`colander.Invalid`
error when reporting a validation failure. If ``msg_err`` is specified,
it must be a string. The string may contain the replacement targets
``${choices}`` and ``${val}``, representing the set of forbidden values
and the provided value respectively.
_MSG_ERR = _('"${val}" must not be one of ${choices}')
def __init__(self, choices, msg_err=_MSG_ERR):
self.forbidden = choices
self.msg_err = msg_err
def __call__(self, node, value):
if value not in self.forbidden:
choices = ', '.join(['%s' % x for x in self.forbidden])
err = _(self.msg_err, mapping={'val': value, 'choices': choices})
raise Invalid(node, err)
class ContainsOnly(object):
""" Validator which succeeds if the value passed to is a sequence and each
element in the sequence is also in the sequence passed as ``choices``.
This validator is useful when attached to a schemanode with, e.g. a
:class:`colander.Set` or another sequencetype.
err_template = _(
'One or more of the choices you made was not acceptable'
def __init__(self, choices):
self.choices = choices
def __call__(self, node, value):
if not set(value).issubset(self.choices):
err = _(
mapping = {'val':value, 'choices':self.choices}
raise Invalid(node, err)
def luhnok(node, value):
""" Validator which checks to make sure that the value passes a luhn
mod-10 checksum (credit cards). ``value`` must be a string, not an
sum = _luhnok(value)
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a valid credit card number',
mapping={'val': value}))
if not (sum % 10) == 0:
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a valid credit card number',
mapping={'val': value}))
def _luhnok(value):
sum = 0
num_digits = len(value)
oddeven = num_digits & 1
for count in range(0, num_digits):
digit = int(value[count])
if not (( count & 1 ) ^ oddeven ):
digit = digit * 2
if digit > 9:
digit = digit - 9
sum = sum + digit
return sum
URL_REGEX = r"""(?i)\b((?:[a-z][\w-]+:(?:/{1,3}|[a-z0-9%])|www\d{0,3}[.]|[a-z0-9.\-]+[.][a-z]{2,4}/)(?:[^\s()<>]+|\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\))+(?:\(([^\s()<>]+|(\([^\s()<>]+\)))*\)|[^\s`!()\[\]{};:'".,<>?«»“”‘’]))""" # "emacs!
url = Regex(URL_REGEX, _('Must be a URL'))
UUID_REGEX = r"""^(?:urn:uuid:)?\{?[a-f0-9]{8}(?:-?[a-f0-9]{4}){3}-?[a-f0-9]{12}\}?$"""
uuid = Regex(UUID_REGEX, _('Invalid UUID string'), re.IGNORECASE)
class SchemaType(object):
""" Base class for all schema types """
def flatten(self, node, appstruct, prefix='', listitem=False):
result = {}
if listitem:
selfname = prefix
selfname = '%s%s' % (prefix,
result[selfname.rstrip('.')] = appstruct
return result
def unflatten(self, node, paths, fstruct):
name =
assert paths == [name], "paths should be [name] for leaf nodes."
return fstruct[name]
def set_value(self, node, appstruct, path, value):
raise AssertionError("Can't call 'set_value' on a leaf node.")
def get_value(self, node, appstruct, path):
raise AssertionError("Can't call 'get_value' on a leaf node.")
def cstruct_children(self, node, cstruct):
return []
class Mapping(SchemaType):
""" A type which represents a mapping of names to nodes.
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type imply the named keys and values in the mapping.
The constructor of this type accepts one extra optional keyword
argument that other types do not: ``unknown``. An attribute of
the same name can be set on a type instance to control the
behavior after construction.
``unknown`` controls the behavior of this type when an unknown
key is encountered in the cstruct passed to the
``deserialize`` method of this instance. All the potential
values of ``unknown`` are strings. They are:
- ``ignore`` means that keys that are not present in the schema
associated with this type will be ignored during
- ``raise`` will cause a :exc:`colander.Invalid` exception to
be raised when unknown keys are present in the cstruct
during deserialization.
- ``preserve`` will preserve the 'raw' unknown keys and values
in the appstruct returned by deserialization.
Default: ``ignore``.
Special behavior is exhibited when a subvalue of a mapping is
present in the schema but is missing from the mapping passed to
either the ``serialize`` or ``deserialize`` method of this class.
In this case, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be passed to
the ``serialize`` or ``deserialize`` method of the schema node
representing the subvalue of the mapping respectively. During
serialization, this will result in the behavior described in
:ref:`serializing_null` for the subnode. During deserialization,
this will result in the behavior described in
:ref:`deserializing_null` for the subnode.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, a dictionary will be returned, where each of
the values in the returned dictionary is the serialized
representation of the null value for its type.
def __init__(self, unknown='ignore'):
self.unknown = unknown
def _set_unknown(self, value):
if not value in ('ignore', 'raise', 'preserve'):
raise ValueError(
'unknown attribute must be one of "ignore", "raise", '
'or "preserve"')
self._unknown = value
def _get_unknown(self):
return self._unknown
unknown = property(_get_unknown, _set_unknown)
def _validate(self, node, value):
if hasattr(value, 'items'):
return dict(value)
raise TypeError('Does not implement dict-like functionality.')
except Exception as e:
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a mapping type: ${err}',
mapping = {'val':value, 'err':e})
def cstruct_children(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct is null:
value = {}
value = self._validate(node, cstruct)
children = []
for subnode in node.children:
name =
subval = value.get(name, _marker)
if subval is _marker:
subval = subnode.serialize(null)
return children
def _impl(self, node, value, callback):
value = self._validate(node, value)
error = None
result = {}
for num, subnode in enumerate(node.children):
name =
subval = value.pop(name, null)
if subval is drop or (subval is null and subnode.default is drop):
sub_result = callback(subnode, subval)
except Invalid as e:
if error is None:
error = Invalid(node)
error.add(e, num)
if sub_result is drop:
result[name] = sub_result
if self.unknown == 'raise':
if value:
raise UnsupportedFields(
node, value,
msg=_('Unrecognized keys in mapping: "${val}"',
mapping={'val': value}))
elif self.unknown == 'preserve':
if error is not None:
raise error
return result
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is null:
appstruct = {}
def callback(subnode, subappstruct):
return subnode.serialize(subappstruct)
return self._impl(node, appstruct, callback)
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct is null:
return null
def callback(subnode, subcstruct):
return subnode.deserialize(subcstruct)
return self._impl(node, cstruct, callback)
def flatten(self, node, appstruct, prefix='', listitem=False):
result = {}
if listitem:
selfprefix = prefix
selfprefix = '%s%s.' % (prefix,
selfprefix = prefix
for subnode in node.children:
name =
substruct = appstruct.get(name, null)
result.update(subnode.typ.flatten(subnode, substruct,
return result
def unflatten(self, node, paths, fstruct):
return _unflatten_mapping(node, paths, fstruct)
def set_value(self, node, appstruct, path, value):
if '.' in path:
next_name, rest = path.split('.', 1)
next_node = node[next_name]
next_appstruct = appstruct[next_name]
appstruct[next_name] = next_node.typ.set_value(
next_node, next_appstruct, rest, value)
appstruct[path] = value
return appstruct
def get_value(self, node, appstruct, path):
if '.' in path:
name, rest = path.split('.', 1)
next_node = node[name]
return next_node.typ.get_value(next_node, appstruct[name], rest)
return appstruct[path]
class Positional(object):
Marker abstract base class meaning 'this type has children which
should be addressed by position instead of name' (e.g. via seq[0],
but never seq['name']). This is consulted by Invalid.asdict when
creating a dictionary representation of an error tree.
class Tuple(Positional, SchemaType):
""" A type which represents a fixed-length sequence of nodes.
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type imply the positional elements of the tuple in the order
they are added.
This type is willing to serialize and deserialized iterables that,
when converted to a tuple, have the same number of elements as the
number of the associated node's subnodes.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
def _validate(self, node, value):
if not hasattr(value, '__iter__'):
raise Invalid(
_('"${val}" is not iterable', mapping={'val':value})
valuelen, nodelen = len(value), len(node.children)
if valuelen != nodelen:
raise Invalid(
_('"${val}" has an incorrect number of elements '
'(expected ${exp}, was ${was})',
mapping={'val':value, 'exp':nodelen, 'was':valuelen})
return list(value)
def cstruct_children(self, node, cstruct):
childlen = len(node.children)
if cstruct is null:
cstruct = []
structlen = len(cstruct)
if structlen < childlen:
missing_children = node.children[structlen:]
cstruct = list(cstruct)
for child in missing_children:
elif structlen > childlen:
cstruct = cstruct[:childlen]
cstruct = list(cstruct)
return cstruct
def _impl(self, node, value, callback):
value = self._validate(node, value)
error = None
result = []
for num, subnode in enumerate(node.children):
subval = value[num]
result.append(callback(subnode, subval))
except Invalid as e:
if error is None:
error = Invalid(node)
error.add(e, num)
if error is not None:
raise error
return tuple(result)
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is null:
return null
def callback(subnode, subappstruct):
return subnode.serialize(subappstruct)
return self._impl(node, appstruct, callback)
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct is null:
return null
def callback(subnode, subval):
return subnode.deserialize(subval)
return self._impl(node, cstruct, callback)
def flatten(self, node, appstruct, prefix='', listitem=False):
result = {}
if listitem:
selfprefix = prefix
selfprefix = '%s%s.' % (prefix,
for num, subnode in enumerate(node.children):
substruct = appstruct[num]
result.update(subnode.typ.flatten(subnode, substruct,
return result
def unflatten(self, node, paths, fstruct):
mapstruct = _unflatten_mapping(node, paths, fstruct)
appstruct = []
for subnode in node.children:
return tuple(appstruct)
def set_value(self, node, appstruct, path, value):
appstruct = list(appstruct)
if '.' in path:
next_name, rest = path.split('.', 1)
next_name, rest = path, None
for index, next_node in enumerate(node.children):
if == next_name:
raise KeyError(next_name)
if rest is not None:
next_appstruct = appstruct[index]
appstruct[index] = next_node.typ.set_value(
next_node, next_appstruct, rest, value)
appstruct[index] = value
return tuple(appstruct)
def get_value(self, node, appstruct, path):
if '.' in path:
name, rest = path.split('.', 1)
name, rest = path, None
for index, next_node in enumerate(node.children):
if == name:
raise KeyError(name)
if rest is not None:
return next_node.typ.get_value(next_node, appstruct[index], rest)
return appstruct[index]
class Set(SchemaType):
""" A type representing a non-overlapping set of items.
Deserializes an iterable to a ``set`` object.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
.. versionadded: 1.0a1
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is null:
return null
return appstruct
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct is null:
return null
if not is_nonstr_iter(cstruct):
raise Invalid(
_('${cstruct} is not iterable', mapping={'cstruct': cstruct})
return set(cstruct)
class List(SchemaType):
""" Type representing an ordered sequence of items.
Desrializes an iterable to a ``list`` object.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
.. versionadded: 1.0a6
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is null:
return null
return appstruct
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct is null:
return null
if not is_nonstr_iter(cstruct):
raise Invalid(
_('${cstruct} is not iterable', mapping={'cstruct': cstruct})
return list(cstruct)
class SequenceItems(list):
List marker subclass for use by Sequence.cstruct_children, which indicates
to a caller of that method that the result is from a sequence type.
Usually these values need to be treated specially, because all of the
children of a Sequence are not present in a schema.
class Sequence(Positional, SchemaType):
A type which represents a variable-length sequence of nodes,
all of which must be of the same type.
The type of the first subnode of the
:class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps this type is considered the
sequence type.
The optional ``accept_scalar`` argument to this type's constructor
indicates what should happen if the value found during serialization or
deserialization does not have an ``__iter__`` method or is a
mapping type.
If ``accept_scalar`` is ``True`` and the value does not have an
``__iter__`` method or is a mapping type, the value will be turned
into a single element list.
If ``accept_scalar`` is ``False`` and the value does not have an
``__iter__`` method or is a mapping type, an
:exc:`colander.Invalid` error will be raised during serialization
and deserialization.
The default value of ``accept_scalar`` is ``False``.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value is returned.
def __init__(self, accept_scalar=False):
self.accept_scalar = accept_scalar
def _validate(self, node, value, accept_scalar):
if (hasattr(value, '__iter__') and
not hasattr(value, 'get') and
not isinstance(value, string_types)):
return list(value)
if accept_scalar:
return [value]
raise Invalid(node, _('"${val}" is not iterable',
def cstruct_children(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct is null:
return SequenceItems([])
return SequenceItems(cstruct)
def _impl(self, node, value, callback, accept_scalar):
if accept_scalar is None:
accept_scalar = self.accept_scalar
value = self._validate(node, value, accept_scalar)
error = None
result = []
subnode = node.children[0]
for num, subval in enumerate(value):
if subval is drop or (subval is null and subnode.default is drop):
sub_result = callback(subnode, subval)
except Invalid as e:
if error is None:
error = Invalid(node)
error.add(e, num)
if sub_result is drop:
if error is not None:
raise error
return result
def serialize(self, node, appstruct, accept_scalar=None):
Along with the normal ``node`` and ``appstruct`` arguments,
this method accepts an additional optional keyword argument:
``accept_scalar``. This keyword argument can be used to
override the constructor value of the same name.
If ``accept_scalar`` is ``True`` and the ``appstruct`` does
not have an ``__iter__`` method or is a mapping type, the
value will be turned into a single element list.
If ``accept_scalar`` is ``False`` and the ``appstruct`` does
not have an ``__iter__`` method or is a mapping type, an
:exc:`colander.Invalid` error will be raised during
serialization and deserialization.
The default of ``accept_scalar`` is ``None``, which means
respect the default ``accept_scalar`` value attached to this
instance via its constructor.
if appstruct is null:
return null
def callback(subnode, subappstruct):
return subnode.serialize(subappstruct)
return self._impl(node, appstruct, callback, accept_scalar)
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct, accept_scalar=None):
Along with the normal ``node`` and ``cstruct`` arguments, this
method accepts an additional optional keyword argument:
``accept_scalar``. This keyword argument can be used to
override the constructor value of the same name.
If ``accept_scalar`` is ``True`` and the ``cstruct`` does not
have an ``__iter__`` method or is a mapping type, the value
will be turned into a single element list.
If ``accept_scalar`` is ``False`` and the ``cstruct`` does not have an
``__iter__`` method or is a mapping type, an
:exc:`colander.Invalid` error will be raised during serialization
and deserialization.
The default of ``accept_scalar`` is ``None``, which means
respect the default ``accept_scalar`` value attached to this
instance via its constructor.
if cstruct is null:
return null
def callback(subnode, subcstruct):
return subnode.deserialize(subcstruct)
return self._impl(node, cstruct, callback, accept_scalar)
def flatten(self, node, appstruct, prefix='', listitem=False):
result = {}
if listitem:
selfprefix = prefix
selfprefix = '%s%s.' % (prefix,
childnode = node.children[0]
for num, subval in enumerate(appstruct):
subname = '%s%s' % (selfprefix, num)
subprefix = subname + '.'
childnode, subval, prefix=subprefix, listitem=True))
return result
def unflatten(self, node, paths, fstruct):
only_child = node.children[0]
child_name =
def get_child(name):
return only_child
def rewrite_subpath(subpath):
if '.' in subpath:
suffix = subpath.split('.', 1)[1]
return '%s.%s' % (child_name, suffix)
return child_name
mapstruct = _unflatten_mapping(node, paths, fstruct,
get_child, rewrite_subpath)
return [mapstruct[str(index)] for index in xrange(len(mapstruct))]
def set_value(self, node, appstruct, path, value):
if '.' in path:
next_name, rest = path.split('.', 1)
index = int(next_name)
next_node = node.children[0]
next_appstruct = appstruct[index]
appstruct[index] = next_node.typ.set_value(
next_node, next_appstruct, rest, value)
index = int(path)
appstruct[index] = value
return appstruct
def get_value(self, node, appstruct, path):
if '.' in path:
name, rest = path.split('.', 1)
index = int(name)
next_node = node.children[0]
return next_node.typ.get_value(next_node, appstruct[index], rest)
return appstruct[int(path)]
Seq = Sequence
class String(SchemaType):
""" A type representing a Unicode string.
This type constructor accepts two arguments:
Represents the encoding which should be applied to value
serialization and deserialization, for example ``utf-8``. If
``encoding`` is passed as ``None``, the ``serialize`` method of
this type will not do any special encoding of the appstruct it is
provided, nor will the ``deserialize`` method of this type do
any special decoding of the cstruct it is provided; inputs and
outputs will be assumed to be Unicode. ``encoding`` defaults
to ``None``.
If ``encoding`` is ``None``:
- A Unicode input value to ``serialize`` is returned untouched.
- A non-Unicode input value to ``serialize`` is run through the
``unicode()`` function without an ``encoding`` parameter
(``unicode(value)``) and the result is returned.
- A Unicode input value to ``deserialize`` is returned untouched.
- A non-Unicode input value to ``deserialize`` is run through the
``unicode()`` function without an ``encoding`` parameter
(``unicode(value)``) and the result is returned.
If ``encoding`` is not ``None``:
- A Unicode input value to ``serialize`` is run through the
``unicode`` function with the encoding parameter
(``unicode(value, encoding)``) and the result (a ``str``
object) is returned.
- A non-Unicode input value to ``serialize`` is converted to a
Unicode using the encoding (``unicode(value, encoding)``);
subsequently the Unicode object is re-encoded to a ``str``
object using the encoding and returned.
- A Unicode input value to ``deserialize`` is returned
- A non-Unicode input value to ``deserialize`` is converted to
a ``str`` object using ``str(value``). The resulting str
value is converted to Unicode using the encoding
(``unicode(value, encoding)``) and the result is returned.
A corollary: If a string (as opposed to a unicode object) is
provided as a value to either the serialize or deserialize
method of this type, and the type also has an non-None
``encoding``, the string must be encoded with the type's
encoding. If this is not true, an :exc:`colander.Invalid`
error will result.
Boolean, if True allows deserialization of an empty string. If
False (default), empty strings will deserialize to
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
def __init__(self, encoding=None, allow_empty=False):
self.encoding = encoding
self.allow_empty = allow_empty
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is null:
return null
if isinstance(appstruct, (text_type, bytes)):
encoding = self.encoding
if encoding:
result = text_(appstruct, encoding).encode(encoding)
result = text_type(appstruct)
result = text_type(appstruct)
if self.encoding:
result = result.encode(self.encoding)
return result
except Exception as e:
raise Invalid(node,
_('${val} cannot be serialized: ${err}',
mapping={'val':appstruct, 'err':e})
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct == '' and self.allow_empty:
return text_type('')
if not cstruct:
return null
result = cstruct
if isinstance(result, (text_type, bytes)):
if self.encoding:
result = text_(cstruct, self.encoding)
result = text_type(cstruct)
raise Invalid(node)
except Exception as e:
raise Invalid(node,
_('${val} is not a string: ${err}',
mapping={'val':cstruct, 'err':e}))
return result
Str = String
class Number(SchemaType):
""" Abstract base class for float, int, decimal """
num = None
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is null:
return null
return str(self.num(appstruct))
except Exception:
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a number',
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct != 0 and not cstruct:
return null
return self.num(cstruct)
except Exception:
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a number',
class Integer(Number):
""" A type representing an integer.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
num = int
Int = Integer
class Float(Number):
""" A type representing a float.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
num = float
class Decimal(Number):
A type representing a decimal floating point. Deserialization returns an
instance of the Python ``decimal.Decimal`` type.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The Decimal constructor takes three optional arguments, ``quant``,
``rounding`` and ``normalize``. If supplied, ``quant`` should be a string,
(e.g. ``1.00``). If supplied, ``rounding`` should be one of the Python
``decimal`` module rounding options (e.g. ``decimal.ROUND_UP``,
``decimal.ROUND_DOWN``, etc). The serialized and deserialized result
will be quantized and rounded via
``result.quantize(decimal.Decimal(quant), rounding)``. ``rounding`` is
ignored if ``quant`` is not supplied. If ``normalize`` is ``True``,
the serialized and deserialized result will be normalized by stripping
the rightmost trailing zeros.
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
def __init__(self, quant=None, rounding=None, normalize=False):
if quant is None:
self.quant = None
self.quant = decimal.Decimal(quant)
self.rounding = rounding
self.normalize = normalize
def num(self, val):
result = decimal.Decimal(str(val))
if self.quant is not None:
if self.rounding is None:
result = result.quantize(self.quant)
result = result.quantize(self.quant, self.rounding)
if self.normalize:
result = result.normalize()
return result
class Money(Decimal):
""" A type representing a money value with two digit precision.
Deserialization returns an instance of the Python ``decimal.Decimal``
type (quantized to two decimal places, rounded up).
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
def __init__(self):
super(Money, self).__init__(decimal.Decimal('.01'), decimal.ROUND_UP)
class Boolean(SchemaType):
""" A type representing a boolean object.
The constructor accepts these keyword arguments:
- ``false_choices``: The set of strings representing a ``False``
value on deserialization.
- ``true_choices``: The set of strings representing a ``True``
value on deserialization.
- ``false_val``: The value returned on serialization of a False
- ``true_val``: The value returned on serialization of a True
During deserialization, a value contained in :attr:`false_choices`,
will be considered ``False``.
The behaviour for values not contained in :attr:`false_choices`
depends on :attr:`true_choices`: if it's empty, any value is considered
``True``; otherwise, only values contained in :attr:`true_choices`
are considered ``True``, and an Invalid exception would be raised
for values outside of both :attr:`false_choices` and :attr:`true_choices`.
Serialization will produce :attr:`true_val` or :attr:`false_val`
based on the value.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
def __init__(self, false_choices=('false', '0'), true_choices=(),
false_val='false', true_val='true'):
self.false_choices = false_choices
self.true_choices = true_choices
self.false_val = false_val
self.true_val = true_val
self.true_reprs = ', '.join([repr(c) for c in self.true_choices])
self.false_reprs = ', '.join([repr(c) for c in self.false_choices])
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is null:
return null
return appstruct and self.true_val or self.false_val
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct is null:
return null
result = str(cstruct)
raise Invalid(node,
_('${val} is not a string', mapping={'val':cstruct})
result = result.lower()
if result in self.false_choices:
return False
elif self.true_choices:
if result in self.true_choices:
return True
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is neither in (${false_choices}) '
'nor in (${true_choices})',
'false_choices': self.false_reprs,
'true_choices': self.true_reprs })
return True
Bool = Boolean
class GlobalObject(SchemaType):
""" A type representing an importable Python object. This type
serializes 'global' Python objects (objects which can be imported)
to dotted Python names.
Two dotted name styles are supported during deserialization:
- ``pkg_resources``-style dotted names where non-module attributes
of a module are separated from the rest of the path using a ':'
e.g. ``package.module:attr``.
- ``zope.dottedname``-style dotted names where non-module
attributes of a module are separated from the rest of the path
using a '.' e.g. ``package.module.attr``.
These styles can be used interchangeably. If the serialization
contains a ``:`` (colon), the ``pkg_resources`` resolution
mechanism will be chosen, otherwise the ``zope.dottedname``
resolution mechanism will be chosen.
The constructor accepts a single argument named ``package`` which
should be a Python module or package object; it is used when
*relative* dotted names are supplied to the ``deserialize``
method. A serialization which has a ``.`` (dot) or ``:`` (colon)
as its first character is treated as relative. E.g. if
``.minidom`` is supplied to ``deserialize``, and the ``package``
argument to this type was passed the ``xml`` module object, the
resulting import would be for ``xml.minidom``. If a relative
package name is supplied to ``deserialize``, and no ``package``
was supplied to the constructor, an :exc:`colander.Invalid` error
will be raised.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
def __init__(self, package):
self.package = package
def _pkg_resources_style(self, node, value):
""" package.module:attr style """
import pkg_resources
if value.startswith('.') or value.startswith(':'):
if not self.package:
raise Invalid(
_('relative name "${val}" irresolveable without package',
if value in ['.', ':']:
value = self.package.__name__
value = self.package.__name__ + value
return pkg_resources.EntryPoint.parse(
'x=%s' % value).load(False)
def _zope_dottedname_style(self, node, value):
""" package.module.attr style """
module = self.package and self.package.__name__ or None
if value == '.':
if self.package is None:
raise Invalid(
_('relative name "${val}" irresolveable without package',
name = module.split('.')
name = value.split('.')
if not name[0]:
if module is None:
raise Invalid(
_('relative name "${val}" irresolveable without '
'package', mapping={'val':value})
module = module.split('.')
while not name[0]:
name = module + name
used = name.pop(0)
found = __import__(used)
for n in name:
used += '.' + n
found = getattr(found, n)
except AttributeError: # pragma: no cover
found = getattr(found, n)
return found
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if appstruct is null:
return null
return appstruct.__name__
except AttributeError:
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" has no __name__',
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if not cstruct:
return null
if not isinstance(cstruct, string_types):
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a string',
if ':' in cstruct:
return self._pkg_resources_style(node, cstruct)
return self._zope_dottedname_style(node, cstruct)
except ImportError:
raise Invalid(node,
_('The dotted name "${name}" cannot be imported',
class DateTime(SchemaType):
""" A type representing a Python ``datetime.datetime`` object.
This type serializes python ``datetime.datetime`` objects to a
`ISO8601 <>`_ string format.
The format includes the date, the time, and the timezone of the
The constructor accepts an argument named ``default_tzinfo`` which
should be a Python ``tzinfo`` object. If ``default_tzinfo`` is not
specified the default tzinfo will be equivalent to UTC (Zulu time).
The ``default_tzinfo`` tzinfo object is used to convert 'naive'
datetimes to a timezone-aware representation during serialization.
If ``default_tzinfo`` is explicitly set to ``None`` then no default
tzinfo will be applied to naive datetimes.
You can adjust the error message reported by this class by
changing its ``err_template`` attribute in a subclass on an
instance of this class. By default, the ``err_template``
attribute is the string ``Invalid date``. This string is used as
the interpolation subject of a dictionary composed of ``val`` and
``err``. ``val`` and ``err`` are the unvalidatable value and the
exception caused trying to convert the value, respectively. These
may be used in an overridden err_template as ``${val}`` and
``${err}`` respectively as necessary, e.g. ``_('${val} cannot be
parsed as an iso8601 date: ${err}')``.
For convenience, this type is also willing to coerce
```` objects to a DateTime ISO string representation
during serialization. It does so by using midnight of the day as
the time, and uses the ``default_tzinfo`` to give the
serialization a timezone.
Likewise, for convenience, during deserialization, this type will
convert ``YYYY-MM-DD`` ISO8601 values to a datetime object. It
does so by using midnight of the day as the time, and uses the
``default_tzinfo`` to give the serialization a timezone.
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
err_template = _('Invalid date')
def __init__(self, default_tzinfo=iso8601.UTC):
self.default_tzinfo = default_tzinfo
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if not appstruct:
return null
if type(appstruct) is # cant use isinstance; dt subs date
appstruct = datetime.datetime.combine(appstruct, datetime.time())
if not isinstance(appstruct, datetime.datetime):
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a datetime object',
if appstruct.tzinfo is None:
appstruct = appstruct.replace(tzinfo=self.default_tzinfo)
return appstruct.isoformat()
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if not cstruct:
return null
result = iso8601.parse_date(
cstruct, default_timezone=self.default_tzinfo)
except iso8601.ParseError as e:
raise Invalid(node, _(self.err_template,
mapping={'val':cstruct, 'err':e}))
return result
class Date(SchemaType):
""" A type representing a Python ```` object.
This type serializes python ```` objects to a
`ISO8601 <>`_ string format.
The format includes the date only.
The constructor accepts no arguments.
You can adjust the error message reported by this class by
changing its ``err_template`` attribute in a subclass on an
instance of this class. By default, the ``err_template``
attribute is the string ``Invalid date``. This string is used as
the interpolation subject of a dictionary composed of ``val`` and
``err``. ``val`` and ``err`` are the unvalidatable value and the
exception caused trying to convert the value, respectively. These
may be used in an overridden err_template as ``${val}`` and
``${err}`` respectively as necessary, e.g. ``_('${val} cannot be
parsed as an iso8601 date: ${err}')``.
For convenience, this type is also willing to coerce
``datetime.datetime`` objects to a date-only ISO string
representation during serialization. It does so by stripping off
any time information, converting the ``datetime.datetime`` into a
date before serializing.
Likewise, for convenience, this type is also willing to coerce ISO
representations that contain time info into a ````
object during deserialization. It does so by throwing away any
time information related to the serialized value during
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
err_template = _('Invalid date')
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if not appstruct:
return null
if isinstance(appstruct, datetime.datetime):
appstruct =
if not isinstance(appstruct,
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a date object',
return appstruct.isoformat()
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if not cstruct:
return null
result = iso8601.parse_date(cstruct)
result =
except iso8601.ParseError as e:
raise Invalid(node,
mapping={'val':cstruct, 'err':e})
return result
class Time(SchemaType):
""" A type representing a Python ``datetime.time`` object.
.. note:: This type is new as of Colander 0.9.3.
This type serializes python ``datetime.time`` objects to a
`ISO8601 <>`_ string format.
The format includes the time only.
The constructor accepts no arguments.
You can adjust the error message reported by this class by
changing its ``err_template`` attribute in a subclass on an
instance of this class. By default, the ``err_template``
attribute is the string ``Invalid date``. This string is used as
the interpolation subject of a dictionary composed of ``val`` and
``err``. ``val`` and ``err`` are the unvalidatable value and the
exception caused trying to convert the value, respectively. These
may be used in an overridden err_template as ``${val}`` and
``${err}`` respectively as necessary, e.g. ``_('${val} cannot be
parsed as an iso8601 date: ${err}')``.
For convenience, this type is also willing to coerce
``datetime.datetime`` objects to a time-only ISO string
representation during serialization. It does so by stripping off
any date information, converting the ``datetime.datetime`` into a
time before serializing.
Likewise, for convenience, this type is also willing to coerce ISO
representations that contain time info into a ``datetime.time``
object during deserialization. It does so by throwing away any
date information related to the serialized value during
If the :attr:`colander.null` value is passed to the serialize
method of this class, the :attr:`colander.null` value will be
The subnodes of the :class:`colander.SchemaNode` that wraps
this type are ignored.
err_template = _('Invalid time')
def serialize(self, node, appstruct):
if isinstance(appstruct, datetime.datetime):
appstruct = appstruct.time()
if not isinstance(appstruct, datetime.time):
if not appstruct:
return null
raise Invalid(node,
_('"${val}" is not a time object',
return appstruct.isoformat().split('.')[0]
def deserialize(self, node, cstruct):
if not cstruct:
return null
result = iso8601.parse_date(cstruct)
result = result.time()
except (iso8601.ParseError, TypeError):
result = timeparse(cstruct, '%H:%M:%S')
except ValueError:
result = timeparse(cstruct, '%H:%M')
except Exception as e:
raise Invalid(node,
mapping={'val':cstruct, 'err':e})
return result
def timeparse(t, format):
return datetime.datetime(*time.strptime(t, format)[0:6]).time()
def _add_node_children(node, children):
for n in children:
insert_before = getattr(n, 'insert_before', None)
exists = node.get(, _marker) is not _marker
# use exists for microspeed; we could just call __setitem__
# exclusively, but it does an enumeration that's unnecessary in the
# common (nonexisting) case (.add is faster)
if insert_before is None:
if exists:
node[] = n
if exists:
del node[]
node.add_before(insert_before, n)
class _SchemaNode(object):
Fundamental building block of schemas.
The constructor accepts these positional arguments:
- ``typ``: The 'type' for this node. It should be an
instance of a class that implements the
:class:`colander.interfaces.Type` interface. If ``typ`` is not passed,
a call to the ``schema_type()`` method on this class is made to
get a default type. (When subclassing, ``schema_type()`` should
be overridden to provide a reasonable default type).
- ``*children``: a sequence of subnodes. If the subnodes of this
node are not known at construction time, they can later be added
via the ``add`` method.
The constructor accepts these keyword arguments:
- ``name``: The name of this node.
- ``typ``: The 'type' for this node can optionally be passed in as a
keyword argument. See the documentation for the positional arg above.
- ``default``: The default serialization value for this node when
not set. If ``default`` is :attr:`colander.drop`, the node
will be dropped from schema serialization. If not provided,
the node will be serialized to :attr:`colander.null`.
- ``missing``: The default deserialization value for this node. If it is
not provided, the missing value of this node will be the special marker
value :attr:`colander.required`, indicating that it is considered
'required'. When ``missing`` is :attr:`colander.required`, the
``required`` computed attribute will be ``True``. When ``missing`` is
:attr:`colander.drop`, the node is dropped from the schema if it isn't
set during deserialization.
- ``missing_msg``: Optional error message to be used if the value is
required and missing.
- ``preparer``: Optional preparer for this node. It should be
an object that implements the
:class:`colander.interfaces.Preparer` interface.
- ``validator``: Optional validator for this node. It should be
an object that implements the
:class:`colander.interfaces.Validator` interface.
- ``after_bind``: A callback which is called after a clone of this
node has 'bound' all of its values successfully. This callback
is useful for performing arbitrary actions to the cloned node,
or direct children of the cloned node (such as removing or
adding children) at bind time. A 'binding' is the result of an
execution of the ``bind`` method of the clone's prototype node,
or one of the parents of the clone's prototype nodes. The
deepest nodes in the node tree are bound first, so the
``after_bind`` methods of the deepest nodes are called before
the shallowest. The ``after_bind`` callback should
accept two values: ``node`` and ``kw``. ``node`` will be a
clone of the bound node object, ``kw`` will be the set of
keywords passed to the ``bind`` method.
- ``title``: The title of this node. Defaults to a titleization
of the ``name`` (underscores replaced with empty strings and the
first letter of every resulting word capitalized). The title is
used by higher-level systems (not by Colander itself).
- ``description``: The description for this node. Defaults to
``''`` (the empty string). The description is used by
higher-level systems (not by Colander itself).
- ``widget``: The 'widget' for this node. Defaults to ``None``.
The widget attribute is not interpreted by Colander itself, it
is only meaningful to higher-level systems such as Deform.
Arbitrary keyword arguments remaining will be attached to the node
object unmolested.
_counter = itertools.count()
preparer = None
validator = None
default = null
missing = required
missing_msg = 'Required'
name = ''
raw_title = _marker # only changes if title is explicitly set
title = _marker
description = ''
widget = None
after_bind = None
bindings = None
def __new__(cls, *args, **kw):
node = object.__new__(cls)
node._order = next(cls._counter)
node.children = []
_add_node_children(node, cls.__all_schema_nodes__)
return node
def __init__(self, *arg, **kw):
# bw compat forces us to treat first arg as type if not a _SchemaNode
if 'typ' in kw:
self.typ = kw.pop('typ')
elif arg and not isinstance(arg[0], _SchemaNode):
self.typ, arg = arg[0], arg[1:]
self.typ = self.schema_type()
_add_node_children(self, arg)
# bw compat forces us to manufacture a title if one is not supplied
title = kw.get('title', self.title)
if title is _marker:
name = kw.get('name',
kw['title'] = name.replace('_', ' ').title()
kw['raw_title'] = title
def schema_type():
raise NotImplementedError(
'Schema node construction without a `typ` argument or '
'a schema_type() callable present on the node class '
def required(self):
""" A property which returns ``True`` if the ``missing`` value
related to this node was not specified.
A return value of ``True`` implies that a ``missing`` value wasn't
specified for this node or that the ``missing`` value of this node is
:attr:`colander.required`. A return value of ``False`` implies that
a 'real' ``missing`` value was specified for this node."""
if isinstance(self.missing, deferred): # unbound schema with deferreds
return True
return self.missing is required
def serialize(self, appstruct=null):
""" Serialize the :term:`appstruct` to a :term:`cstruct` based
on the schema represented by this node and return the
If ``appstruct`` is :attr:`colander.null`, return the
serialized value of this node's ``default`` attribute (by
default, the serialization of :attr:`colander.null`).
If an ``appstruct`` argument is not explicitly provided, it
defaults to :attr:`colander.null`.
if appstruct is null:
appstruct = self.default
if isinstance(appstruct, deferred): # unbound schema with deferreds
appstruct = null
cstruct = self.typ.serialize(self, appstruct)
return cstruct
def flatten(self, appstruct):
""" Create and return a data structure which is a flattened
representation of the passed in struct based on the schema represented
by this node. The return data structure is a dictionary; its keys are
dotted names. Each dotted name represents a path to a location in the
schema. The values of of the flattened dictionary are subvalues of
the passed in struct."""
flat = self.typ.flatten(self, appstruct)
return flat
def unflatten(self, fstruct):
""" Create and return a data structure with nested substructures based
on the schema represented by this node using the flattened
representation passed in. This is the inverse operation to
paths = sorted(fstruct.keys())
return self.typ.unflatten(self, paths, fstruct)
def set_value(self, appstruct, dotted_name, value):
""" Uses the schema to set a value in a nested datastructure from a
dotted name path. """
self.typ.set_value(self, appstruct, dotted_name, value)
def get_value(self, appstruct, dotted_name):
""" Traverses the nested data structure using the schema and retrieves
the value specified by the dotted name path."""
return self.typ.get_value(self, appstruct, dotted_name)
def deserialize(self, cstruct=null):
""" Deserialize the :term:`cstruct` into an :term:`appstruct` based
on the schema, run this :term:`appstruct` through the
preparer, if one is present, then validate the
prepared appstruct. The ``cstruct`` value is deserialized into an
``appstruct`` unconditionally.
If ``appstruct`` returned by type deserialization and
preparation is the value :attr:`colander.null`, do something
special before attempting validation:
- If the ``missing`` attribute of this node has been set explicitly,
return its value. No validation of this value is performed; it is
simply returned.
- If the ``missing`` attribute of this node has not been set
explicitly, raise a :exc:`colander.Invalid` exception error.
If the appstruct is not ``colander.null`` and cannot be validated , a
:exc:`colander.Invalid` exception will be raised.
If a ``cstruct`` argument is not explicitly provided, it
defaults to :attr:`colander.null`.
appstruct = self.typ.deserialize(self, cstruct)
if self.preparer is not None:
# if the preparer is a function, call a single preparer
if hasattr(self.preparer, '__call__'):
appstruct = self.preparer(appstruct)
# if the preparer is a list, call each separate preparer
elif is_nonstr_iter(self.preparer):
for preparer in self.preparer:
appstruct = preparer(appstruct)
if appstruct is null:
appstruct = self.missing
if appstruct is required:
raise Invalid(self, _(self.missing_msg,
mapping={'title': self.title,
if isinstance(appstruct, deferred): # unbound schema with deferreds
raise Invalid(self, self.missing_msg)
# We never deserialize or validate the missing value
return appstruct
if self.validator is not None:
if isinstance(self.validator, deferred): # unbound
raise UnboundDeferredError(
"Schema node {node} has an unbound deferred validator"
self.validator(self, appstruct)
return appstruct
def add(self, node):
""" Append a subnode to this node. ``node`` must be a SchemaNode."""
def insert(self, index, node):
""" Insert a subnode into the position ``index``. ``node`` must be
a SchemaNode."""
self.children.insert(index, node)
def add_before(self, name, node):
""" Insert a subnode into the position before the node named ``name``
for pos, sub in enumerate(self.children[:]):
if == name:
self.insert(pos, node)
raise KeyError('No such node named %s' % name)
def get(self, name, default=None):
""" Return the subnode associated with ``name`` or ``default`` if no
such node exists."""
for node in self.children:
if == name:
return node
return default
def clone(self):
""" Clone the schema node and return the clone. All subnodes
are also cloned recursively. Attributes present in node
dictionaries are preserved."""
cloned = self.__class__(self.typ)
cloned.children = [node.clone() for node in self.children]
return cloned
def bind(self, **kw):
""" Resolve any deferred values attached to this schema node
and its children (recursively), using the keywords passed as
``kw`` as input to each deferred value. This function
*clones* the schema it is called upon and returns the cloned
value. The original schema node (the source of the clone)
is not modified."""
cloned = self.clone()
return cloned
def _bind(self, kw):
self.bindings = kw
for child in self.children:
names = dir(self)
for k in names:
v = getattr(self, k)
if isinstance(v, deferred):
v = v(self, kw)
if isinstance(v, SchemaNode):
self[k] = v
setattr(self, k, v)
if getattr(self, 'after_bind', None):
self.after_bind(self, kw)
def cstruct_children(self, cstruct):
""" Will call the node's type's ``cstruct_children`` method with this
node as a first argument, and ``cstruct`` as a second argument."""
cstruct_children = getattr(self.typ, 'cstruct_children', None)
if cstruct_children is None:
'The node type %s has no cstruct_children method.'
'This method is required to be implemented by schema types for '
'compatibility with Colander 0.9.9+. In a future Colander '
'version, the absence of this method will cause an '
'exception. Returning [] for compatibility although it '
'may not be the right value.' % self.typ.__class__,
return []
return cstruct_children(self, cstruct)
def __delitem__(self, name):
""" Remove a subnode by name """
for idx, node in enumerate(self.children[:]):
if == name:
return self.children.pop(idx)
raise KeyError(name)
def __getitem__(self, name):
""" Get a subnode by name. """
val = self.get(name, _marker)
if val is _marker:
raise KeyError(name)
return val
def __setitem__(self, name, newnode):
""" Replace a subnode by name. ``newnode`` must be a SchemaNode. If
a subnode named ``name`` doesn't already exist, calling this method
is the same as setting the node's name to ``name`` and calling the
``add`` method with the node (it will be appended to the children
list).""" = name
for idx, node in enumerate(self.children[:]):
if == name:
self.children[idx] = newnode
return node
def __iter__(self):
""" Iterate over the children nodes of this schema node """
return iter(self.children)
def __contains__(self, name):
""" Return True if subnode named ``name`` exists in this node """
return self.get(name, _marker) is not _marker
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s.%s object at %d (named %s)>' % (
def raise_invalid(self, msg, node=None):
""" Raise a :exc:`colander.Invalid` exception with the message
``msg``. ``node``, if supplied, should be an instance of a
:class:`colander.SchemaNode`. If it is not supplied, ``node`` will
be this node. Example usage::
class CustomSchemaNode(SchemaNode):
def validator(self, node, cstruct):
if cstruct != 'the_right_thing':
self.raise_invalid('Not the right thing')
if node is None:
node = self
raise Invalid(node, msg)
class _SchemaMeta(type):
def __init__(cls, name, bases, clsattrs):
nodes = []
for name, value in clsattrs.items():
if isinstance(value, _SchemaNode):
delattr(cls, name)
if not = name
if value.raw_title is _marker:
value.title = name.replace('_', ' ').title()
nodes.append((value._order, value))
cls.__class_schema_nodes__ = [ n[1] for n in nodes ]
# Combine all attrs from this class and its _SchemaNode superclasses.
cls.__all_schema_nodes__ = []
for c in reversed(cls.__mro__):
csn = getattr(c, '__class_schema_nodes__', [])
# metaclass spelling compatibility across Python 2 and Python 3
SchemaNode = _SchemaMeta(
{'__doc__': _SchemaNode.__doc__}
class Schema(SchemaNode):
schema_type = Mapping
MappingSchema = Schema
class TupleSchema(SchemaNode):
schema_type = Tuple
class SequenceSchema(SchemaNode):
schema_type = Sequence
def __init__(self, *args, **kw):
SchemaNode.__init__(self, *args, **kw)
if len(self.children) != 1:
raise Invalid(self,
'Sequence schemas must have exactly one child node')
def clone(self):
""" Clone the schema node and return the clone. All subnodes
are also cloned recursively. Attributes present in node
dictionaries are preserved."""
# Cloning a ``SequenceSchema`` doesn't work with ``_SchemaNode.clone``.
children = [node.clone() for node in self.children]
cloned = self.__class__(self.typ, *children)
attributes = self.__dict__.copy()
attributes.pop('children', None)
return cloned
class deferred(object):
""" A decorator which can be used to define deferred schema values
(missing values, widgets, validators, etc.)"""
def __init__(self, wrapped):
functools.update_wrapper(self, wrapped)
except AttributeError: #non-function
self.__doc__ = getattr(wrapped, '__doc__', None)
self.wrapped = wrapped
def __call__(self, node, kw):
return self.wrapped(node, kw)
def _unflatten_mapping(node, paths, fstruct,
get_child=None, rewrite_subpath=None):
if get_child is None:
get_child = node.__getitem__
if rewrite_subpath is None:
def rewrite_subpath(subpath):
return subpath
node_name =
if node_name:
prefix = node_name + '.'
prefix = ''
prefix_len = len(prefix)
appstruct = {}
subfstruct = {}
subpaths = []
curname = None
for path in paths:
if path == node_name:
# flattened structs contain non-leaf nodes which are ignored
# during unflattening.
assert path.startswith(prefix), "Bad node: %s" % path
subpath = path[prefix_len:]
if '.' in subpath:
name = subpath[:subpath.index('.')]
name = subpath
if curname is None:
curname = name
elif name != curname:
subnode = get_child(curname)
appstruct[curname] = subnode.typ.unflatten(
subnode, subpaths, subfstruct)
subfstruct = {}
subpaths = []
curname = name
subpath = rewrite_subpath(subpath)
subfstruct[subpath] = fstruct[path]
if curname is not None:
subnode = get_child(curname)
appstruct[curname] = subnode.typ.unflatten(
subnode, subpaths, subfstruct)
return appstruct
class instantiate(object):
A decorator which can be used to instantiate :class:`SchemaNode`
elements inline within a class definition.
All parameters passed to the decorator and passed along to the
:class:`SchemaNode` during instantiation.
def __init__(self,*args,**kw):
self.args, = args,kw
def __call__(self,class_):
return class_(*self.args,**