244 lines
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244 lines
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This module contains the RestDispatcher implementation
Rest controller provides a RESTful dispatch mechanism, and
combines controller decoration for TG-Controller behavior.
from inspect import ismethod
from webob.exc import HTTPMethodNotAllowed
from crank.util import get_argspec, method_matches_args
from crank.objectdispatcher import ObjectDispatcher
class RestDispatcher(ObjectDispatcher):
"""Defines a restful interface for a set of HTTP verbs.
Please see RestController for a rundown of the controller
methods used.
def _find_first_exposed(self, controller, methods):
for method in methods:
if self._is_exposed(controller, method):
return getattr(controller, method)
def _handle_put_or_post(self, http_method, state, remainder):
current_controller = state.controller
if remainder:
current_path = remainder[0]
if self._is_exposed(current_controller, current_path):
state.add_method(getattr(current_controller, current_path), remainder[1:])
return state
if self._is_controller(current_controller, current_path):
current_controller = getattr(current_controller, current_path)
return self._dispatch_controller(current_path, current_controller, state, remainder[1:])
method = self._find_first_exposed(current_controller, [http_method])
if method and method_matches_args(method, state.params, remainder, self._use_lax_params):
state.add_method(method, remainder)
return state
return self._dispatch_first_found_default_or_lookup(state, remainder)
def _handle_delete(self, http_method, state, remainder):
current_controller = state.controller
method = self._find_first_exposed(current_controller, ('post_delete', 'delete'))
if method and method_matches_args(method, state.params, remainder, self._use_lax_params):
state.add_method(method, remainder)
return state
#you may not send a delete request to a non-delete function
if remainder and self._is_exposed(current_controller, remainder[0]):
raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed
# there might be a sub-controller with a delete method, let's go see
if remainder:
sub_controller = getattr(current_controller, remainder[0], None)
if sub_controller:
remainder = remainder[1:]
state.current_controller = sub_controller
state.path = remainder
r = self._dispatch_controller(remainder[0], sub_controller, state, remainder)
if r:
return r
return self._dispatch_first_found_default_or_lookup(state, remainder)
def _check_for_sub_controllers(self, state, remainder):
current_controller = state.controller
method = None
for find in ('get_one', 'get'):
if hasattr(current_controller, find):
method = find
if method is None:
fixed_args, var_args, kws, kw_args = get_argspec(getattr(current_controller, method))
fixed_arg_length = len(fixed_args)
if var_args:
for i, item in enumerate(remainder):
item = state.path_translator(item)
if hasattr(current_controller, item) and self._is_controller(current_controller, item):
current_controller = getattr(current_controller, item)
state.add_routing_args(item, remainder[:i], fixed_args, var_args)
return self._dispatch_controller(item, current_controller, state, remainder[i+1:])
elif fixed_arg_length< len(remainder) and hasattr(current_controller, remainder[fixed_arg_length]):
item = state.path_translator(remainder[fixed_arg_length])
if hasattr(current_controller, item):
if self._is_controller(current_controller, item):
state.add_routing_args(item, remainder, fixed_args, var_args)
return self._dispatch_controller(item, getattr(current_controller, item),
state, remainder[fixed_arg_length+1:])
def _handle_delete_edit_or_new(self, state, remainder):
method_name = remainder[-1]
if method_name not in ('new', 'edit', 'delete'):
if method_name == 'delete':
method_name = 'get_delete'
current_controller = state.controller
if self._is_exposed(current_controller, method_name):
method = getattr(current_controller, method_name)
new_remainder = remainder[:-1]
if method and method_matches_args(method, state.params, new_remainder, self._use_lax_params):
state.add_method(method, new_remainder)
return state
def _handle_custom_get(self, state, remainder):
controller = state.controller
method_name = remainder[-1]
current_controller = state.controller
get_method = self._find_first_exposed(current_controller, ('get_%s' % method_name, method_name))
if get_method:
new_remainder = remainder[:-1]
if method_matches_args(get_method, state.params, new_remainder, self._use_lax_params):
state.add_method(get_method, new_remainder)
return state
def _handle_custom_method(self, method, state, remainder):
current_controller = state.controller
method_name = method
http_method = state.request.method
method = self._find_first_exposed(current_controller, ('%s_%s' %(http_method, method_name), method_name, 'post_%s' %method_name))
if method and method_matches_args(method, state.params, remainder, self._use_lax_params):
state.add_method(method, remainder)
return state
# there might be a sub-controller with a custom method, let's go see
if remainder:
sub_controller = getattr(current_controller, remainder[0], None)
if sub_controller:
current = remainder[0]
remainder = remainder[1:]
state.current_controller = sub_controller
state.path = remainder
r = self._dispatch_controller(current, sub_controller, state, remainder)
if r:
return r
return self._dispatch_first_found_default_or_lookup(state, remainder)
def _handle_get(self, method, state, remainder):
current_controller = state.controller
if not remainder:
method = self._find_first_exposed(current_controller, ('get_all', 'get'))
if method:
state.add_method(method, remainder)
return state
if self._is_exposed(current_controller, 'get_one'):
method = current_controller.get_one
if method and method_matches_args(method, state.params, remainder, self._use_lax_params):
state.add_method(method, remainder)
return state
return self._dispatch_first_found_default_or_lookup(state, remainder)
#test for "delete", "edit" or "new"
r = self._handle_delete_edit_or_new(state, remainder)
if r is not None:
return r
#test for custom REST-like attribute
r = self._handle_custom_get(state, remainder)
if r is not None:
return r
current_path = state.path_translator(remainder[0])
if self._is_exposed(current_controller, current_path):
state.add_method(getattr(current_controller, current_path), remainder[1:])
return state
if self._is_controller(current_controller, current_path):
current_controller = getattr(current_controller, current_path)
return self._dispatch_controller(current_path, current_controller, state, remainder[1:])
method = self._find_first_exposed(current_controller, ('get_one', 'get'))
if method and method_matches_args(method, state.params, remainder, self._use_lax_params):
state.add_method(method, remainder)
return state
return self._dispatch_first_found_default_or_lookup(state, remainder)
_handler_lookup = {
def _is_controller(self, controller, name):
Override this function to define how an object is determined to be a
method = getattr(controller, name, None)
if method is not None:
return not ismethod(method)
def _dispatch(self, state, remainder=None):
This method defines how the object dispatch mechanism works, including
checking for security along the way.
if state.dispatcher is None:
state.dispatcher = self
state.add_controller('/', self)
if remainder is None:
remainder = state.path
current_controller = state.controller
#log.debug('Entering dispatch for remainder: %s in controller %s'%(remainder, self))
if not hasattr(state, 'http_method'):
method = state.request.method.lower()
params = state.params
#conventional hack for handling methods which are not supported by most browsers
request_method = params.get('_method', None)
if request_method:
request_method = request_method.lower()
#make certain that DELETE and PUT requests are not sent with GET
if method == 'get' and request_method == 'put':
raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed
if method == 'get' and request_method == 'delete':
raise HTTPMethodNotAllowed
method = request_method
del state.params['_method']
state.http_method = method
r = self._check_for_sub_controllers(state, remainder)
if r is not None:
return r
if state.http_method in self._handler_lookup.keys():
r = self._handler_lookup[state.http_method](self, state.http_method, state, remainder)
r = self._handle_custom_method(state.http_method, state, remainder)
return r