# # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may # not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain # a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT # WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the # License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. """A single HTTP request represented as a subclass of ``unittest.TestCase`` The test case encapsulates the request headers and body and expected response headers and body. When the test is run an HTTP request is made using httplib2. Assertions are made against the reponse. """ from __future__ import print_function import copy import functools import json import os import re import sys import time import unittest from unittest import case import six from six.moves.urllib import parse as urlparse import wsgi_intercept from gabbi import __version__ from gabbi import json_parser from gabbi import utils MAX_CHARS_OUTPUT = 2000 REPLACERS = [ 'SCHEME', 'NETLOC', 'ENVIRON', 'LOCATION', 'HEADERS', 'RESPONSE', ] # Empty test from which all others inherit BASE_TEST = { 'name': '', 'desc': '', 'verbose': False, 'ssl': False, 'redirects': False, 'method': 'GET', 'url': '', 'status': '200', 'request_headers': {}, 'query_parameters': {}, 'data': '', 'xfail': False, 'skip': '', 'poll': {}, } def potentialFailure(func): """Decorate a test method that is expected to fail if 'xfail' is true.""" @functools.wraps(func) def wrapper(self): if self.test_data['xfail']: try: func(self) except Exception: if hasattr(case, '_ExpectedFailure'): raise case._ExpectedFailure(sys.exc_info()) else: self._addExpectedFailure(self.result, sys.exc_info()) else: if hasattr(self, '_addUnexpectedSuccess'): self._addUnexpectedSuccess(self.result) else: raise case._UnexpectedSuccess else: func(self) return wrapper class HTTPTestCase(unittest.TestCase): """Encapsulate a single HTTP request as a TestCase. If the test is a member of a sequence of requests, ensure that prior tests are run. To keep the test harness happy we need to make sure the setUp and tearDown are only run once. """ response_handlers = [] base_test = copy.copy(BASE_TEST) def setUp(self): if not self.has_run: super(HTTPTestCase, self).setUp() def tearDown(self): if not self.has_run: super(HTTPTestCase, self).tearDown() self.has_run = True def run(self, result=None): """Store the current result handler on this test.""" self.result = result super(HTTPTestCase, self).run(result) @potentialFailure def test_request(self): """Run this request if it has not yet run. If there is a prior test in the sequence, run it first. """ if self.has_run: return if self.test_data['skip']: self.skipTest(self.test_data['skip']) if self.prior and not self.prior.has_run: self.prior.run() self._run_test() def replace_template(self, message): """Replace magic strings in message.""" if isinstance(message, dict): for k in message: message[k] = self.replace_template(message[k]) return message for replacer in REPLACERS: template = '$%s' % replacer method = '_%s_replace' % replacer.lower() try: if template in message: try: message = getattr(self, method)(message) except (KeyError, AttributeError, ValueError) as exc: raise AssertionError( 'unable to replace %s in %s, data unavailable: %s' % (template, message, exc)) except TypeError: # Message is not a string pass return message def _assert_response(self): """Compare the response with expected data.""" test = self.test_data response = self.response # Never accept a 500 if response['status'] == '500': raise ServerError(self.output) self._test_status(test['status'], response['status']) for handler in self.response_handlers: handler(self) def _clean_query_value(self, value): """Clean up a single query from query_parameters.""" value = self.replace_template(value) # stringify ints in Python version independent fashion value = '%s' % value value = value.encode('UTF-8') return value def _environ_replace(self, message): """Replace an indicator in a message with the environment value.""" value = re.sub(self._replacer_regex('ENVIRON'), self._environ_replacer, message) if value == "False": return False if value == "True": return True return value @staticmethod def _environ_replacer(match): """Replace a regex match with an environment value. Let KeyError raise if variable not present. """ environ_name = match.group('arg') return os.environ[environ_name] @staticmethod def extract_json_path_value(data, path): """Extract the value at JSON Path path from the data. The input data is a Python datastructre, not a JSON string. """ path_expr = json_parser.parse(path) matches = [match.value for match in path_expr.find(data)] try: return matches[0] except IndexError: raise ValueError( "JSONPath '%s' failed to match on data: '%s'" % (path, data)) def _headers_replace(self, message): """Replace a header indicator in a message with that headers value from the prior request. """ return re.sub(self._replacer_regex('HEADERS'), self._header_replacer, message) def _header_replacer(self, match): """Replace a regex match with the value of a prior header.""" header_key = match.group('arg') return self.prior.response[header_key.lower()] def _json_replacer(self, match): """Replace a regex match with the value of a JSON Path.""" path = match.group('arg') return str(self.extract_json_path_value(self.prior.json_data, path)) def _location_replace(self, message): """Replace $LOCATION in a message. With the location header from the prior request. """ return message.replace('$LOCATION', self.prior.location) def _load_data_file(self, filename): """Read a file from the current test directory.""" path = os.path.join(self.test_directory, os.path.basename(filename)) with open(path, mode='rb') as data_file: return data_file.read() def _netloc_replace(self, message): """Replace $NETLOC with the current host and port.""" netloc = self.netloc if self.prefix: netloc = '%s%s' % (netloc, self.prefix) return message.replace('$NETLOC', netloc) def _parse_url(self, url, ssl=False): """Create a url from test data. If provided with a full URL, just return that. If SSL is requested set the scheme appropriately. Scheme and netloc are saved for later use in comparisons. """ parsed_url = urlparse.urlsplit(url) scheme = 'http' netloc = self.host query_params = self.test_data['query_parameters'] if not parsed_url.scheme: if (self.port and not (int(self.port) == 443 and ssl) and not (int(self.port) == 80 and not ssl)): netloc = '%s:%s' % (self.host, self.port) if ssl: scheme = 'https' path = parsed_url.path if self.prefix: path = '%s%s' % (self.prefix, path) if query_params: encoded_query_params = {} for param, value in query_params.items(): # isinstance used because we can iter a string if isinstance(value, list): encoded_query_params[param] = [ self._clean_query_value(subvalue) for subvalue in value] else: encoded_query_params[param] = ( self._clean_query_value(value)) query_string = urlparse.urlencode( encoded_query_params, doseq=True) if parsed_url.query: query_string = '&'.join([parsed_url.query, query_string]) else: query_string = parsed_url.query full_url = urlparse.urlunsplit((scheme, netloc, path, query_string, '')) self.scheme = scheme self.netloc = netloc else: full_url = url self.scheme = parsed_url.scheme self.netloc = parsed_url.netloc return full_url @staticmethod def _replacer_regex(key): return r"\$%s\[(?P['\"])(?P.+?)(?P=quote)\]" % key def _response_replace(self, message): """Replace a JSON Path from the prior request with a value.""" return re.sub(self._replacer_regex('RESPONSE'), self._json_replacer, message) def _run_request(self, url, method, headers, body): """Run the http request and decode output. The call to make the request will catch a WSGIAppError from wsgi_intercept so that the real traceback from a catastrophic error in the intercepted app can be examined. """ if 'user-agent' not in (key.lower() for key in headers): headers['user-agent'] = "gabbi/%s (Python httplib2)" % __version__ try: response, content = self.http.request( url, method=method, headers=headers, body=body ) except wsgi_intercept.WSGIAppError as exc: # Extract and re-raise the wrapped exception. six.reraise(exc.exception_type, exc.exception_value, exc.traceback) # Set headers and location attributes for follow on requests self.response = response if 'location' in response: self.location = response['location'] # Decode and store response decoded_output = utils.decode_response_content(response, content) self.content_type = response.get('content-type', '').lower() if (decoded_output and ('application/json' in self.content_type or '+json' in self.content_type)): self.json_data = json.loads(decoded_output) else: self.json_data = None self.output = decoded_output def _run_test(self): """Make an HTTP request and compare the response with expectations.""" test = self.test_data base_url = self.replace_template(test['url']) full_url = self._parse_url(base_url, test['ssl']) method = test['method'].upper() headers = test['request_headers'] for name in headers: headers[name] = self.replace_template(headers[name]) if test['data']: body = self._test_data_to_string( test['data'], headers.get('content-type', '')) else: body = '' # Reset follow_redirects with every go. self.http.follow_redirects = False if test['redirects']: self.http.follow_redirects = True if test['poll']: count = test['poll'].get('count', 1) delay = test['poll'].get('delay', 1) failure = None while count: try: self._run_request(full_url, method, headers, body) self._assert_response() failure = None break except (AssertionError, utils.ConnectionRefused) as exc: failure = exc count -= 1 time.sleep(delay) if failure: raise failure else: self._run_request(full_url, method, headers, body) self._assert_response() def _scheme_replace(self, message): """Replace $SCHEME with the current protocol.""" return message.replace('$SCHEME', self.scheme) def _test_data_to_string(self, data, content_type): """Turn the request data into a string. If the data is not binary, replace template strings. """ if isinstance(data, str): if data.startswith('<@'): info = self._load_data_file(data.replace('<@', '', 1)) if utils.not_binary(content_type): try: info = str(info, 'UTF-8') except TypeError: info = info.encode('UTF-8') data = info else: return info else: data = json.dumps(data) return self.replace_template(data) def _test_status(self, expected_status, observed_status): """Confirm we got the expected status. If the status contains one or more || then it is treated as a list of acceptable statuses. """ expected_status = str(expected_status) if '||' in expected_status: statii = [stat.strip() for stat in expected_status.split('||')] else: statii = [expected_status.strip()] self.assert_in_or_print_output(observed_status, statii) def assert_in_or_print_output(self, expected, iterable): if utils.not_binary(self.content_type): if expected in iterable: return if self.json_data: full_response = json.dumps(self.json_data, indent=2, separators=(',', ': ')) else: full_response = self.output max_chars = os.getenv('GABBIT_MAX_CHARS_OUTPUT', MAX_CHARS_OUTPUT) response = full_response[0:max_chars] is_truncated = (len(response) != len(full_response)) if iterable == self.output: msg = "'%s' not found in %s%s" % ( expected, response, '\n...truncated...' if is_truncated else '' ) else: msg = "'%s' not found in %s, %sresponse:\n%s" % ( expected, iterable, 'truncated ' if is_truncated else '', response) self.fail(msg) else: self.assertIn(expected, iterable) class ServerError(Exception): """A catchall ServerError.""" pass