Chris Dent 1b31ef02e4 Extract suitemaking out of driver
This creates a new module,, which contains the
code used to create a suite.GabbiSuite, which contains
case.HTTPTestCase tests.

This limits to being mostly code that is necessary to
assemble the necessary information to create tests that are runnable
by python test harnesses. This is distinguished from
which assembles the necessary information to both create and _run_
tests itself.

The idea here is that if the interface presented by test_suite_from_dict
(both signature and that it returns a GabbiSuite) is preserved, then
anything in is welcome to change. The signature on
test_suite_from_dict is the definition of what a caller (driver or runner
or whatever else) needs to have learned:

loader: the unittest.TestLoader which we might be able to default
        out of existence
test_base_name: names help with test grouping so useful
suite_dict: the main piece of the pie, the dict
test_directory: the place where `data` can load files from
host: the host any unqualified test goes to
port: the port any unqualified test goes to
fixture_module: the sole module from which fixtures come
intercept: the wsgi app to intercept if any
prefix: the url prefix

host and intercept are mutually exclusive

One can image it might be possible to replace host, port, prefix
with a URL instead. If that were done than host and url would be mutually

If the signature of test_suite_from_dict changes then stuff in both driver
and runner, in how they assemble the required info, would need to change.

Note: For reasons unclear these changes have exposed some state management
issues in test_runner, noted in a NOTE.
2016-06-03 15:07:57 +01:00

236 lines
8.6 KiB

# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
"""The code that creates a suite of tests.
The key piece of code ``test_suite_from_dict``. It produces a
``gabbi.suite.GabbiSuite`` containing one or more
import copy
from gabbi import case
from gabbi.exception import GabbiFormatError
from gabbi import httpclient
from gabbi import suite
class TestMaker(object):
"""A class for encapsulating test invariants.
All of the tests in a single gabbi file have invariants which are
provided when creating each HTTPTestCase. It is not useful
to pass these around when making each test case. So they are
wrapped in this class which then has make_one_test called multiple
times to generate all the tests in the suite.
def __init__(self, test_base_name, test_defaults, test_directory,
fixture_classes, loader, host, port, intercept, prefix):
self.test_base_name = test_base_name
self.test_defaults = test_defaults
self.default_keys = set(test_defaults.keys())
self.test_directory = test_directory
self.fixture_classes = fixture_classes = host
self.port = port
self.loader = loader
self.intercept = intercept
self.prefix = prefix
def make_one_test(self, test_dict, prior_test):
"""Create one single HTTPTestCase.
The returned HTTPTestCase is added to the TestSuite currently
being built (one per YAML file).
test = copy.deepcopy(self.test_defaults)
test_update(test, test_dict)
except KeyError as exc:
raise GabbiFormatError('invalid key in test: %s' % exc)
except AttributeError as exc:
if not isinstance(test_dict, dict):
raise GabbiFormatError(
'test chunk is not a dict at "%s"' % test_dict)
# NOTE(cdent): Not clear this can happen but just in case.
raise GabbiFormatError(
'malformed test chunk "%s": %s' % (test_dict, exc))
test_name = self._set_test_name(test)
self._set_test_method_and_url(test, test_name)
self._validate_keys(test, test_name)
http_class = httpclient.get_http(verbose=test['verbose'],
# Use metaclasses to build a class of the necessary type
# and name with relevant arguments.
klass = TestBuilder(test_name, (case.HTTPTestCase,),
{'test_data': test,
'test_directory': self.test_directory,
'fixtures': self.fixture_classes,
'http': http_class,
'intercept': self.intercept,
'port': self.port,
'prefix': self.prefix,
'prior': prior_test})
tests = self.loader.loadTestsFromTestCase(klass)
# Return the first (and only) test in the klass.
return tests._tests[0]
def _set_test_name(self, test):
"""Set the name of the test
The original name is lowercased and spaces are replaces with '_'.
The result is appended to the test_base_name, which is based on the
name of the input data file.
if not test['name']:
raise GabbiFormatError('Test name missing in a test in %s.'
% self.test_base_name)
return '%s_%s' % (self.test_base_name,
test['name'].lower().replace(' ', '_'))
def _set_test_method_and_url(test, test_name):
"""Extract the base URL and method for this test.
If there is an upper case key in the test, that is used as the
method and the value is used as the URL. If there is more than
one uppercase that is a GabbiFormatError.
If there is no upper case key then 'url' must be present.
method_key = None
for key, val in test.items():
if _is_method_shortcut(key):
if method_key:
raise GabbiFormatError(
'duplicate method/URL directive in "%s"' %
test['method'] = key
test['url'] = val
method_key = key
if method_key:
del test[method_key]
if not test['url']:
raise GabbiFormatError('Test url missing in test %s.'
% test_name)
def _validate_keys(self, test, test_name):
"""Check for invalid keys.
If there are any, raise a GabbiFormatError.
test_keys = set(test.keys())
if test_keys != self.default_keys:
raise GabbiFormatError(
'Invalid test keys used in test %s: %s'
% (test_name,
', '.join(list(test_keys - self.default_keys))))
class TestBuilder(type):
"""Metaclass to munge a dynamically created test."""
required_attributes = {'has_run': False}
def __new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes):
return type.__new__(mcs, name, bases, attributes)
def test_suite_from_dict(loader, test_base_name, suite_dict, test_directory,
host, port, fixture_module, intercept, prefix=''):
"""Generate a GabbiSuite from a dict represent a list of tests.
The dict takes the form:
:param fixtures: An optional list of fixture classes that this suite
can use.
:param defaults: An optional dictionary of default values to be used
in each test.
:param tests: A list of individual tests, themselves each being a
dictionary. TODO: link to the case.BASE_TEST.
test_data = suite_dict['tests']
except KeyError:
raise GabbiFormatError('malformed test file, "tests" key required')
except TypeError:
# `suite_dict` appears not to be a dictionary; we cannot infer
# any details or suggestions on how to fix it, thus discarding
# the original exception in favor of a generic error
raise GabbiFormatError('malformed test file, invalid format')
# Merge global with per-suite defaults
default_test_dict = copy.deepcopy(case.HTTPTestCase.base_test)
local_defaults = _validate_defaults(suite_dict.get('defaults', {}))
test_update(default_test_dict, local_defaults)
# Establish any fixture classes used in this file.
fixtures = suite_dict.get('fixtures', None)
fixture_classes = []
if fixtures and fixture_module:
for fixture_class in fixtures:
fixture_classes.append(getattr(fixture_module, fixture_class))
test_maker = TestMaker(test_base_name, default_test_dict, test_directory,
fixture_classes, loader, host, port, intercept,
file_suite = suite.GabbiSuite()
prior_test = None
for test_dict in test_data:
this_test = test_maker.make_one_test(test_dict, prior_test)
prior_test = this_test
return file_suite
def test_update(orig_dict, new_dict):
"""Modify test in place to update with new data."""
for key, val in new_dict.items():
if key == 'data':
orig_dict[key] = val
elif isinstance(val, dict):
elif isinstance(val, list):
orig_dict[key] = orig_dict.get(key, []) + val
orig_dict[key] = val
def _is_method_shortcut(key):
"""Is this test key indicating a request method.
It is a request method if it is all upper case.
return key.isupper()
def _validate_defaults(defaults):
"""Ensure default test settings are acceptable.
Raises GabbiFormatError for invalid settings.
if any(_is_method_shortcut(key) for key in defaults):
raise GabbiFormatError('"METHOD: url" pairs not allowed in defaults')
return defaults