Sascha Peilicke a556030931 Move tests to root dir
In essence, tests are not an importable submodule anymore but an
independent piece of code that won't be installed in a user's
site-packages directory.
2014-02-02 13:28:58 +01:00

24 lines
366 B

#wrapper {
background: url(images/photo-one.jpg);
body {
counter-reset: paras 0;
p:before {
counter-increment: paras 1;
content: "New Paragraph: "counter(paras,decimal)": ";
@media print {
a:after {
content: " ("attr(href)") ";
@media print {
abbr:after {
content: " ("attr(title)") ";
a:hover:after {
content: " Page: ("attr(href)") ";