2012-02-21 13:24:55 +00:00
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2012-01-28 14:52:09 +00:00
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2012-02-17 09:49:14 +00:00

python LessCss Compiler.

A compiler written in python 3 for the lesscss language. 
For those of us not willing/able to have node.js installed in our environment. 
Not all features of lesscss are supported (yet).
Some features wil probably never be supported (JavaScript evaluation). 
This program uses PLY (Python Lex-Yacc) to tokenize/parse the input. 

This is an early version, so you are likly to find bugs.

For more information on lesscss:
 * http://lesscss.org/
 * https://github.com/cloudhead/less.js
Development files
 * https://github.com/robotis/Lesscpy

* python 3+
* ply (Python Lex-Yacc) python 3 version

For more information on ply:
* http://www.dabeaz.com/ply/

python3 setup.py install
or simply place the package into your python path.

Compiler script Usage
usage: lesscpy [-h] [-I INCLUDE] [-x] [-X] [-m] [-D] [-v] [-o OUT] [-S] [-V]
               [-L] [-N]

positional arguments:
  target                less file or directory

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            show this help message and exit
  -I INCLUDE, --include INCLUDE
                        Included less-files (comma separated)
  -x, --minify          Minify output
  -X, --xminify         Minify output, no end of block newlines
  -v, --verbose         Verbose mode

Directory options:
  Compiles all *.less files in directory that have a newer timestamp than
  it's css file.

  -o OUT, --out OUT     Output directory
  -r, --recurse         Recursive into subdirectorys
  -f, --force           Force recompile on all files
  -m, --min-ending      Add '.min' into output filename. eg, name.min.css
  -D, --dry-run         Dry run, do not write files

  -S, --scopemap        Scopemap
  -V, --debug           Debug mode
  -L, --lex-only        Run lexer on target
  -N, --no-css          No css output

Supported features
* Variables
* String interpolation
* Mixins
* mixins (Nested)
* Parametered mixins (class)
* @arguments
* Nesting
* Escapes ~/e()
* Expressions
* Color functions:
** lighten
** darken
** saturate
** desaturate
** spin
** hue
** saturation
** lightness
* Other functions:
** round
** increment
** decrement
** format '%('
** add

Differences from lessc.js
* All MS filters and other strange vendor constructs must be escaped
* All colors are auto-formatted to #nnnnnn. eg, #f7e923
* Does not preserve css comments

Not supported (yet)
* Keyframe blocks
* Parametered mixins (id)
* mixins (closures)
* mixins (Nested (Calls))
* Pattern-matching
* Guard expressions
* JavaScript evaluation

See the LICENSE file

RETIRED, further work has moved to Debian project infrastructure
Readme 632 KiB
Less 49.7%
Python 38.8%
CSS 11.5%