# -*- coding: utf-8 -*- import cffi # Block-level extensions EXT_TABLES = (1 << 0) EXT_FENCED_CODE = (1 << 1) EXT_FOOTNOTES = (1 << 2) # Span-level extensions EXT_AUTOLINK = (1 << 3) EXT_STRIKETHROUGH = (1 << 4) EXT_UNDERLINE = (1 << 5) EXT_HIGHLIGHT = (1 << 6) EXT_QUOTE = (1 << 7) EXT_SUPERSCRIPT = (1 << 8) EXT_MATH = (1 << 9) # Other flags EXT_NO_INTRA_EMPHASIS = (1 << 11) EXT_SPACE_HEADERS = (1 << 12) EXT_MATH_EXPLICIT = (1 << 13) # Negative flags EXT_DISABLE_INDENTED_CODE = (1 << 14) # List flags LIST_ORDERED = (1 << 0) LI_BLOCK = (1 << 1) #
  • containing block data # Table flags TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT = 1 TABLE_ALIGN_RIGHT = 2 TABLE_ALIGN_CENTER = 3 TABLE_ALIGNMASK = 3 TABLE_HEADER = 4 # HTML flags HTML_SKIP_HTML = (1 << 0) HTML_ESCAPE = (1 << 1) HTML_HARD_WRAP = (1 << 2) HTML_USE_XHTML = (1 << 3) # Autolink types AUTOLINK_NONE = 1 # Used internally when it is not an autolink AUTOLINK_NORMAL = 2 # Normal http/http/ftp/mailto/etc link AUTOLINK_EMAIL = 3 # E-mail link without explit mailto: ffi = cffi.FFI() ffi.set_source( 'misaka._hoedown', """\ #include "extra.h" #include "hoedown/buffer.h" #include "hoedown/document.h" #include "hoedown/html.h" """, sources=( 'misaka/extra.c', 'misaka/hoedown/version.c', 'misaka/hoedown/stack.c', 'misaka/hoedown/html_smartypants.c', 'misaka/hoedown/html_blocks.c', 'misaka/hoedown/html.c', 'misaka/hoedown/escape.c', 'misaka/hoedown/document.c', 'misaka/hoedown/buffer.c', 'misaka/hoedown/autolink.c', ), include_dirs=('misaka',)) # NOTE: The constants are refined here, because CFFI # doesn't parse the bitwise left-shift (<<). ffi.cdef("""\ // -------------------------- // --- hoedown/document.h --- // -------------------------- typedef enum hoedown_extensions {{ /* block-level extensions */ HOEDOWN_EXT_TABLES = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_FENCED_CODE = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_FOOTNOTES = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_AUTOLINK = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_STRIKETHROUGH = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_UNDERLINE = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_HIGHLIGHT = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_QUOTE = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_SUPERSCRIPT = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_MATH = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_NO_INTRA_EMPHASIS = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_SPACE_HEADERS = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_MATH_EXPLICIT = {}, HOEDOWN_EXT_DISABLE_INDENTED_CODE = {} }} hoedown_extensions; typedef enum hoedown_list_flags {{ HOEDOWN_LIST_ORDERED = {}, HOEDOWN_LI_BLOCK = {} }} hoedown_list_flags; typedef enum hoedown_table_flags {{ HOEDOWN_TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT = {}, HOEDOWN_TABLE_ALIGN_RIGHT = {}, HOEDOWN_TABLE_ALIGN_CENTER = {}, HOEDOWN_TABLE_ALIGNMASK = {}, HOEDOWN_TABLE_HEADER = {} }} hoedown_table_flags; // ---------------------- // --- hoedown/html.h --- // ---------------------- typedef enum hoedown_html_flags {{ HOEDOWN_HTML_SKIP_HTML = {}, HOEDOWN_HTML_ESCAPE = {}, HOEDOWN_HTML_HARD_WRAP = {}, HOEDOWN_HTML_USE_XHTML = {} }} hoedown_html_flags; """.format( EXT_TABLES, EXT_FENCED_CODE, EXT_FOOTNOTES, EXT_AUTOLINK, EXT_STRIKETHROUGH, EXT_UNDERLINE, EXT_HIGHLIGHT, EXT_QUOTE, EXT_SUPERSCRIPT, EXT_MATH, EXT_NO_INTRA_EMPHASIS, EXT_SPACE_HEADERS, EXT_MATH_EXPLICIT, EXT_DISABLE_INDENTED_CODE, LIST_ORDERED, LI_BLOCK, TABLE_ALIGN_LEFT, TABLE_ALIGN_RIGHT, TABLE_ALIGN_CENTER, TABLE_ALIGNMASK, TABLE_HEADER, HTML_SKIP_HTML, HTML_ESCAPE, HTML_HARD_WRAP, HTML_USE_XHTML)) ffi.cdef("""\ // ------------------------ // --- hoedown/buffer.h --- // ------------------------ typedef void *(*hoedown_realloc_callback)(void *, size_t); typedef void (*hoedown_free_callback)(void *); struct hoedown_buffer { uint8_t *data; /* actual character data */ size_t size; /* size of the string */ size_t asize; /* allocated size (0 = volatile buffer) */ size_t unit; /* reallocation unit size (0 = read-only buffer) */ hoedown_realloc_callback data_realloc; hoedown_free_callback data_free; hoedown_free_callback buffer_free; }; typedef struct hoedown_buffer hoedown_buffer; void *hoedown_malloc(size_t size); hoedown_buffer *hoedown_buffer_new(size_t unit); void hoedown_buffer_grow(hoedown_buffer *buf, size_t neosz); void hoedown_buffer_puts(hoedown_buffer *buf, const char *str); void hoedown_buffer_free(hoedown_buffer *buf); // -------------------------- // --- hoedown/document.h --- // -------------------------- // NOTE: See earlier ff.cdef() for document.h's constants. typedef enum hoedown_autolink_type { HOEDOWN_AUTOLINK_NONE, /* used internally when it is not an autolink*/ HOEDOWN_AUTOLINK_NORMAL, /* normal http/http/ftp/mailto/etc link */ HOEDOWN_AUTOLINK_EMAIL /* e-mail link without explit mailto: */ } hoedown_autolink_type; struct hoedown_document; typedef struct hoedown_document hoedown_document; struct hoedown_renderer_data { void *opaque; }; typedef struct hoedown_renderer_data hoedown_renderer_data; /* hoedown_renderer - functions for rendering parsed data */ struct hoedown_renderer { /* state object */ void *opaque; /* block level callbacks - NULL skips the block */ void (*blockcode)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *text, const hoedown_buffer *lang, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*blockquote)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*header)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, int level, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*hrule)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*list)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, hoedown_list_flags flags, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*listitem)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, hoedown_list_flags flags, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*paragraph)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*table)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*table_header)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*table_body)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*table_row)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*table_cell)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, hoedown_table_flags flags, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*footnotes)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*footnote_def)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, unsigned int num, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*blockhtml)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *text, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); /* span level callbacks - NULL or return 0 prints the span verbatim */ int (*autolink)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *link, hoedown_autolink_type type, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*codespan)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *text, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*double_emphasis)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*emphasis)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*underline)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*highlight)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*quote)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*image)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *link, const hoedown_buffer *title, const hoedown_buffer *alt, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*linebreak)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*link)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_buffer *link, const hoedown_buffer *title, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*triple_emphasis)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*strikethrough)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*superscript)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *content, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*footnote_ref)(hoedown_buffer *ob, unsigned int num, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*math)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *text, int displaymode, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); int (*raw_html)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *text, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); /* low level callbacks - NULL copies input directly into the output */ void (*entity)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *text, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*normal_text)(hoedown_buffer *ob, const hoedown_buffer *text, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); /* miscellaneous callbacks */ void (*doc_header)(hoedown_buffer *ob, int inline_render, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); void (*doc_footer)(hoedown_buffer *ob, int inline_render, const hoedown_renderer_data *data); }; typedef struct hoedown_renderer hoedown_renderer; hoedown_document *hoedown_document_new( const hoedown_renderer *renderer, hoedown_extensions extensions, size_t max_nesting ); void hoedown_document_render(hoedown_document *doc, hoedown_buffer *ob, const uint8_t *data, size_t size); void hoedown_document_free(hoedown_document *doc); // ---------------------- // --- hoedown/html.h --- // ---------------------- // NOTE: See earlier ff.cdef() for html.h's constants. typedef enum hoedown_html_tag { HOEDOWN_HTML_TAG_NONE = 0, HOEDOWN_HTML_TAG_OPEN, HOEDOWN_HTML_TAG_CLOSE } hoedown_html_tag; hoedown_renderer *hoedown_html_renderer_new( hoedown_html_flags render_flags, int nesting_level ); void hoedown_html_renderer_free(hoedown_renderer *renderer); void hoedown_html_smartypants(hoedown_buffer *ob, const uint8_t *data, size_t size); // --------------- // --- extra.h --- // --------------- hoedown_renderer *null_renderer_new(); void null_renderer_free(hoedown_renderer *renderer); """) if __name__ == '__main__': ffi.compile()