
366 lines
11 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# These tests are mostly based on Hoep's custom renderer tests:
from textwrap import dedent
import misaka as m
from chibitest import TestCase, ok
tests = (
('blockcode', {
'supplied': '```bash\n$ :(){ :|:& };:\n```',
'expected': '[BLOCKCODE language=bash] $ :(){ :|:& };:\n'
('blockquote', {
'supplied': '> This is a blockquote!',
'expected': '[BLOCKQUOTE] [PARAGRAPH] This is a blockquote!\n\n'
('header', {
'supplied': '## Level 2 header',
'expected': '[HEADER level=2] Level 2 header'
('hrule', {
'supplied': '---',
'expected': '[HRULE]'
('ordered_list', {
'supplied': """\
1. One
2. Two
3. Three
4. Four
'expected': """\
[LIST ordered=true block=false]
[LISTITEM ordered=true block=false] One
[LISTITEM ordered=true block=false] Two
[LISTITEM ordered=true block=false] Three
[LISTITEM ordered=true block=false] Four
('unordered_list', {
'supplied': """\
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
'expected': """\
[LIST ordered=false block=false]
[LISTITEM ordered=false block=false] One
[LISTITEM ordered=false block=false] Two
[LISTITEM ordered=false block=false] Three
[LISTITEM ordered=false block=false] Four
('unordered_list_block', {
'supplied': """\
- One
- Two
- Three
- Four
'expected': """\
[LIST ordered=false block=true]
[LISTITEM ordered=false block=true] [PARAGRAPH] One
[LISTITEM ordered=false block=true] [PARAGRAPH] Two
[LISTITEM ordered=false block=true] [PARAGRAPH] Three
[LISTITEM ordered=false block=true] [PARAGRAPH] Four
('table', {
'supplied': """\
| 1 | 2 | 3 |
| --- |:---:| ---:|
| X | X | O |
| O | O | X |
| X | O | X |
'expected': """\
[TABLE_CELL header=true text=1][TABLE_CELL header=true align=center text=2][TABLE_CELL header=true align=right text=3]
[TABLE_CELL text=X][TABLE_CELL align=center text=X][TABLE_CELL align=right text=O]
[TABLE_CELL text=O][TABLE_CELL align=center text=O][TABLE_CELL align=right text=X]
[TABLE_CELL text=X][TABLE_CELL align=center text=O][TABLE_CELL align=right text=X]
('footnotes', {
'supplied': 'What you looking at? [^1]\n\n[^1]: Yeah, I\'m talking to you pal.',
'expected': """\
[PARAGRAPH] What you looking at? [FOOTNOTE_REF number=1]
[FOOTNOTE_DEF number=1] [PARAGRAPH] Yeah, I'm talking to you pal.
('blockhtml', {
'supplied': '<p>Hello!</p>',
'expected': '[BLOCKHTML] <p>Hello!</p>\n'
('paragraph', {
'supplied': 'This is a paragraph!',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] This is a paragraph!\n'
('autolink', {
'supplied': '',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [AUTOLINK email=false]\n'
('codespan', {
'supplied': '`some inline code`',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [CODESPAN] some inline code\n'
('double_emphasis', {
'supplied': '__some double emphasis here__',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [DOUBLE_EMPHASIS] some double emphasis here\n'
('emphasis', {
'supplied': '_some emphasis here_',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [EMPHASIS] some emphasis here\n'
('highlight', {
'supplied': '==blink==',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [HIGHLIGHT] blink\n'
('quote', {
'supplied': '"Inline quote here"',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [QUOTE] Inline quote here\n'
('image', {
'supplied': '![spacer](spacer.gif "spacer")',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [IMAGE link=spacer.gif title=spacer alt=spacer]\n'
('image_ref', {
'supplied': '![spacer][spacer]\n\n[spacer]: spacer.gif',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [IMAGE link=spacer.gif title= alt=spacer]\n'
('linebreak', {
'supplied': 'Break \nlines!',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] Break[LINEBREAK]lines!\n'
('link', {
'supplied': '[GitHub](',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [LINK link= title=] GitHub\n'
('link_ref', {
'supplied': '[GitHub][github]\n\n[github]: "GitHub"',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [LINK link= title=GitHub] GitHub\n'
('triple_emphasis', {
'supplied': '___too much emphasis here___',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [TRIPLE_EMPHASIS] too much emphasis here\n'
('strikethrough', {
'supplied': '~~strike!~~',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [STRIKETHROUGH] strike!\n'
('superscript', {
'supplied': '^super',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [SUPERSCRIPT] super\n'
('raw_html', {
'supplied': '<bleep/>',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] [RAW_HTML_TAG] <bleep/>\n'
('underline', {
'render': 'underline',
'supplied': 'some _underline_ here',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] some [UNDERLINE] underline here\n'
('doc_header_and_footer', {
'render': 'hf',
'supplied': 'Text',
'expected': '[DOC_HEADER]\n[PARAGRAPH] Text\n[DOC_FOOTER]\n'
('lowlevel', {
'render': 'lowlevel',
'supplied': '&#9731;',
'expected': '[NORMAL_TEXT] [ENTITY] &#9731;'
('math_inline', {
'supplied': 'Some math $$1*2*3 math with dollar$$',
'expected': '[PARAGRAPH] Some math [MATH] 1*2*3 math with dollar\n'
class TestRenderer(m.BaseRenderer):
def blockcode(self, text, language):
return '[BLOCKCODE language={1}] {0}'.format(text, language)
def blockquote(self, content):
return '[BLOCKQUOTE] {0}\n'.format(content)
def header(self, content, level):
return '[HEADER level={1}] {0}'.format(content, level)
def hrule(self):
return '[HRULE]'
def list(self, content, is_ordered, is_block):
ordered = 'true' if is_ordered else 'false'
block = 'true' if is_block else 'false'
return '[LIST ordered={1} block={2}]\n{0}'.format(content, ordered, block)
def listitem(self, content, is_ordered, is_block):
ordered = 'true' if is_ordered else 'false'
block = 'true' if is_block else 'false'
return '[LISTITEM ordered={1} block={2}] {0}'.format(content, ordered, block)
def paragraph(self, text):
return '[PARAGRAPH] {0}\n'.format(text)
def table(self, content):
return '[TABLE]\n{0}'.format(content)
def table_header(self, content):
return '[TABLE_HEADER]\n{0}'.format(content)
def table_body(self, content):
return '[TABLE_BODY]\n{0}'.format(content)
def table_row(self, content):
return '[TABLE_ROW]\n{0}\n'.format(content)
def table_cell(self, text, align, is_header):
align = 'align={0} '.format(align) if align else ''
header = 'header=true ' if is_header else ''
return '[TABLE_CELL {2}{1}text={0}]'.format(text, align, header)
def footnotes(self, text):
return '[FOOTNOTES]\n{0}'.format(text)
def footnote_def(self, text, number):
return '[FOOTNOTE_DEF number={1}] {0}'.format(text, number)
def footnote_ref(self, number):
return '[FOOTNOTE_REF number={0}]'.format(number)
def blockhtml(self, text):
return '[BLOCKHTML] {0}'.format(text)
def autolink(self, link, is_email):
email = 'true' if is_email else 'false'
return '[AUTOLINK email={1}] {0}'.format(link, email)
def codespan(self, text):
return '[CODESPAN] {0}'.format(text)
def double_emphasis(self, text):
return '[DOUBLE_EMPHASIS] {0}'.format(text)
def emphasis(self, text):
return '[EMPHASIS] {0}'.format(text)
def underline(self, text):
return '[UNDERLINE] {0}'.format(text)
def highlight(self, text):
return '[HIGHLIGHT] {0}'.format(text)
def quote(self, text):
return '[QUOTE] {0}'.format(text)
def image(self, link, title, alt):
return '[IMAGE link={0} title={1} alt={2}]'.format(link, title, alt)
def linebreak(self):
return '[LINEBREAK]'
def link(self, content, link, title):
return '[LINK link={0} title={1}] {2}'.format(link, title, content)
def strikethrough(self, text):
return '[STRIKETHROUGH] {0}'.format(text)
def superscript(self, text):
return '[SUPERSCRIPT] {0}'.format(text)
def raw_html(self, text):
return '[RAW_HTML_TAG] {0}'.format(text)
def triple_emphasis(self, text):
return '[TRIPLE_EMPHASIS] {0}'.format(text)
def math(self, text, displaymode):
return '[MATH] {0}'.format(text)
def normal_text(self, text):
return text
class TestRendererHeaderFooter(TestRenderer):
def doc_header(self, inline_render):
return '[DOC_HEADER]\n'
def doc_footer(self, inline_render):
return '[DOC_FOOTER]\n'
class TestRendererLowlevel(m.BaseRenderer):
def paragraph(self, text):
return text
def entity(self, text):
return '[ENTITY] {0}'.format(text)
def normal_text(self, text):
return '[NORMAL_TEXT] {0}'.format(text)
class CustomRendererTest(TestCase):
def setup(self):
render_default = m.Markdown(
TestRenderer(), (
# EXT_UNDERLINE Clashes with emphasis.
render_underline = m.Markdown(TestRenderer(), ('underline',))
render_lowlevel = m.Markdown(TestRendererLowlevel())
render_hf = m.Markdown(TestRendererHeaderFooter()) = {
'default': render_default,
'underline': render_underline,
'lowlevel': render_lowlevel,
'hf': render_hf,
for name, data in tests:
self._create_test(name, data)
def _create_test(self, name, data):
render =['default']
supplied = data['supplied']
expected = data['expected']
if 'render' in data:
render =['render'])
if not ('options' in data and 'no_dedent' in data['options']):
supplied = dedent(data['supplied'])
expected = dedent(data['expected'])
def test():
test.__name__ = 'test_' + name