
438 lines
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# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import mock
import testtools
from keystoneauth1 import exceptions as _exceptions
from openstack import exceptions
from openstack import profile
from openstack import session
from openstack import utils
HTML_MSG = """<html>
<title>404 Entity Not Found</title>
<h1>404 Entity Not Found</h1>
Entity could not be found
<br /><br />
class TestSession(testtools.TestCase):
def test_init_user_agent_none(self):
sot = session.Session(None)
def test_init_user_agent_set(self):
sot = session.Session(None, user_agent="testing/123")
self.assertTrue(sot.user_agent.startswith("testing/123 openstacksdk"))
def test_init_with_single_api_request(self):
prof = profile.Profile()
prof.set_api_version('clustering', '1.2')
sot = session.Session(prof)
# The assertion acutally tests the property assigned in parent class
self.assertEqual({'openstack-api-version': 'clustering 1.2'},
def test_init_with_multi_api_requests(self):
prof = profile.Profile()
prof.set_api_version('clustering', '1.2')
prof.set_api_version('compute', '2.15')
sot = session.Session(prof)
versions = sot.additional_headers['openstack-api-version']
requests = [req.strip() for req in versions.split(',')]
self.assertIn('clustering 1.2', requests)
self.assertIn('compute 2.15', requests)
def test_init_with_no_api_requests(self):
prof = profile.Profile()
sot = session.Session(prof)
self.assertEqual({}, sot.additional_headers)
def _assert_map_exceptions(self, expected_exc, ksa_exc, func):
os_exc = self.assertRaises(
expected_exc, session.map_exceptions(func))
self.assertIsInstance(os_exc, expected_exc)
self.assertEqual(ksa_exc.message, os_exc.message)
self.assertEqual(ksa_exc.http_status, os_exc.http_status)
self.assertEqual(ksa_exc, os_exc.cause)
return os_exc
def test_map_exceptions_not_found_exception(self):
response = mock.Mock()
response_body = {'NotFoundException': {
'message': 'Resource not found'}}
response.json = mock.Mock(return_value=response_body)
response.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
response.status_code = 404
ksa_exc = _exceptions.HttpError(
message="test", http_status=404, response=response)
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=ksa_exc)
os_exc = self._assert_map_exceptions(
exceptions.NotFoundException, ksa_exc, func)
self.assertEqual('Resource not found', os_exc.details)
def test_map_exceptions_http_exception(self):
response = mock.Mock()
response_body = {'HTTPBadRequest': {
'message': 'request is invalid'}}
response.json = mock.Mock(return_value=response_body)
response.headers = {"content-type": "application/json"}
response.status_code = 400
ksa_exc = _exceptions.HttpError(
message="test", http_status=400, response=response)
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=ksa_exc)
os_exc = self._assert_map_exceptions(
exceptions.HttpException, ksa_exc, func)
self.assertEqual('request is invalid', os_exc.details)
def test_map_exceptions_http_exception_handle_json(self):
mock_resp = mock.Mock()
mock_resp.status_code = 413
mock_resp.json.return_value = {
"overLimit": {
"message": "OverLimit413...",
"retryAt": "2017-01-03T13:33:06Z"
"overLimitRetry": {
"message": "OverLimit Retry...",
"retryAt": "2017-01-03T13:33:06Z"
mock_resp.headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
ksa_exc = _exceptions.HttpError(
message="test", http_status=413, response=mock_resp)
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=ksa_exc)
os_exc = self._assert_map_exceptions(
exceptions.HttpException, ksa_exc, func)
# It's not sure that which 'message' will be first so exact checking is
# difficult here. It can be 'OverLimit413...\nOverLimit Retry...' or
# it can be 'OverLimit Retry...\nOverLimit413...'.
self.assertIn('OverLimit413...', os_exc.details)
self.assertIn('OverLimit Retry...', os_exc.details)
def test_map_exceptions_http_exception_handle_json_1(self):
# A test for json containing non-dict values
mock_resp = mock.Mock()
mock_resp.status_code = 404
mock_resp.json.return_value = {
"code": 404,
"error": {
"message": "resource not found",
mock_resp.headers = {
"content-type": "application/json"
ksa_exc = _exceptions.HttpError(message="test", http_status=404,
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=ksa_exc)
os_exc = self._assert_map_exceptions(
exceptions.HttpException, ksa_exc, func)
self.assertIn('not found', os_exc.details)
def test_map_exceptions_notfound_exception_handle_html(self):
mock_resp = mock.Mock()
mock_resp.status_code = 404
mock_resp.text = HTML_MSG
mock_resp.headers = {
"content-type": "text/html"
ksa_exc = _exceptions.HttpError(
message="test", http_status=404, response=mock_resp)
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=ksa_exc)
os_exc = self._assert_map_exceptions(
exceptions.NotFoundException, ksa_exc, func)
self.assertEqual('404 Entity Not Found: Entity could not be found',
def test_map_exceptions_notfound_exception_handle_other_content_type(self):
mock_resp = mock.Mock()
mock_resp.status_code = 404
fake_text = ("{'UnknownException': {'message': "
"'UnknownException occurred...'}}")
mock_resp.text = fake_text
mock_resp.headers = {
"content-type": 'application/octet-stream'
ksa_exc = _exceptions.HttpError(
message="test", http_status=404, response=mock_resp)
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=ksa_exc)
os_exc = self._assert_map_exceptions(
exceptions.NotFoundException, ksa_exc, func)
self.assertEqual(fake_text, os_exc.details)
def test_map_exceptions_sdk_exception_1(self):
ksa_exc = _exceptions.ClientException()
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=ksa_exc)
os_exc = self.assertRaises(
exceptions.SDKException, session.map_exceptions(func))
self.assertIsInstance(os_exc, exceptions.SDKException)
self.assertEqual(ksa_exc, os_exc.cause)
def test_map_exceptions_sdk_exception_2(self):
ksa_exc = _exceptions.VersionNotAvailable()
func = mock.Mock(side_effect=ksa_exc)
os_exc = self.assertRaises(
exceptions.SDKException, session.map_exceptions(func))
self.assertIsInstance(os_exc, exceptions.SDKException)
self.assertEqual(ksa_exc, os_exc.cause)
def test__parse_versions_response_exception(self):
uri = ""
level = "DEBUG"
sot = session.Session(None)
sot.get = mock.Mock(side_effect=exceptions.NotFoundException)
with self.assertLogs(logger=session.__name__, level=level) as log:
self.assertEqual(len(log.output), 1,
"Too many warnings were logged")
"%s:%s:Looking for versions at %s" % (level, session.__name__,
def test__parse_versions_response_no_json(self):
sot = session.Session(None)
retval = mock.Mock()
retval.json = mock.Mock(side_effect=ValueError)
sot.get = mock.Mock(return_value=retval)
def test__parse_versions_response_no_versions(self):
sot = session.Session(None)
retval = mock.Mock()
retval.json = mock.Mock(return_value={"no_versions_here": "blarga"})
sot.get = mock.Mock(return_value=retval)
def test__parse_versions_response_with_versions(self):
uri = ""
versions = [1, 2, 3]
sot = session.Session(None)
retval = mock.Mock()
retval.json = mock.Mock(return_value={"versions": versions})
sot.get = mock.Mock(return_value=retval)
expected = session.Session._Endpoint(uri, versions)
self.assertEqual(expected, sot._parse_versions_response(uri))
def test__parse_versions_response_with_nested_versions(self):
uri = ""
versions = [1, 2, 3]
sot = session.Session(None)
retval = mock.Mock()
retval.json = mock.Mock(return_value={"versions":
{"values": versions}})
sot.get = mock.Mock(return_value=retval)
expected = session.Session._Endpoint(uri, versions)
self.assertEqual(expected, sot._parse_versions_response(uri))
def test__get_endpoint_versions_at_subdomain(self):
# This test covers a common case of services deployed under
# subdomains. Additionally, it covers the case of a service
# deployed at the root, which will be the first request made
# for versions.
sc_uri = ""
versions_uri = ""
sot = session.Session(None)
sot.get_project_id = mock.Mock(return_value="project_id")
responses = [session.Session._Endpoint(versions_uri, "versions")]
sot._parse_versions_response = mock.Mock(side_effect=responses)
result = sot._get_endpoint_versions("type", sc_uri)
self.assertEqual(result, responses[0])
def test__get_endpoint_versions_at_path(self):
# This test covers a common case of services deployed under
# a path. Additionally, it covers the case of a service
# deployed at a path deeper than the root, which will mean
# more than one request will need to be made.
sc_uri = ""
versions_uri = ""
sot = session.Session(None)
sot.get_project_id = mock.Mock(return_value="project_id")
responses = [None, None,
session.Session._Endpoint(versions_uri, "versions")]
sot._parse_versions_response = mock.Mock(side_effect=responses)
result = sot._get_endpoint_versions("type", sc_uri)
self.assertEqual(result, responses[2])
def test__get_endpoint_versions_at_port(self):
# This test covers a common case of services deployed under
# a port.
sc_uri = ""
versions_uri = ""
sot = session.Session(None)
sot.get_project_id = mock.Mock(return_value="project_id")
responses = [session.Session._Endpoint(versions_uri, "versions")]
sot._parse_versions_response = mock.Mock(side_effect=responses)
result = sot._get_endpoint_versions("type", sc_uri)
self.assertEqual(result, responses[0])
def test__get_endpoint_versions_with_domain_scope(self):
# This test covers a common case of services deployed under
# subdomains. Additionally, it covers the case of getting endpoint
# versions with domain scope token
sc_uri = ""
versions_uri = ""
sot = session.Session(None)
# Project id is None when domain scope session present
sot.get_project_id = mock.Mock(return_value=None)
responses = [session.Session._Endpoint(versions_uri, "versions")]
sot._parse_versions_response = mock.Mock(side_effect=responses)
result = sot._get_endpoint_versions("type", sc_uri)
self.assertEqual(result, responses[0])
def test__parse_version(self):
sot = session.Session(None)
self.assertEqual(sot._parse_version("2"), (2, -1))
self.assertEqual(sot._parse_version("v2"), (2, -1))
self.assertEqual(sot._parse_version("v2.1"), (2, 1))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, sot._parse_version, "lol")
def test__get_version_match_none(self):
sot = session.Session(None)
endpoint = session.Session._Endpoint("root", [])
sot._get_version_match, endpoint, None, "service")
def test__get_version_match_fuzzy(self):
match = "http://devstack/v2.1"
root_endpoint = "http://devstack"
versions = [{"id": "v2.0",
"links": [{"href": "http://devstack/v2/",
"rel": "self"}]},
{"id": "v2.1",
"links": [{"href": match,
"rel": "self"}]}]
sot = session.Session(None)
endpoint = session.Session._Endpoint(root_endpoint, versions)
# Look for a v2 match, which we internally denote as a minor
# version of -1 so we can find the highest matching minor.
rv = sot._get_version_match(endpoint, session.Version(2, -1),
self.assertEqual(rv, match)
def test__get_version_match_exact(self):
match = "http://devstack/v2"
root_endpoint = "http://devstack"
versions = [{"id": "v2.0",
"links": [{"href": match,
"rel": "self"}]},
{"id": "v2.1",
"links": [{"href": "http://devstack/v2.1/",
"rel": "self"}]}]
sot = session.Session(None)
endpoint = session.Session._Endpoint(root_endpoint, versions)
rv = sot._get_version_match(endpoint, session.Version(2, 0),
self.assertEqual(rv, match)
def test__get_version_match_fragment(self):
root = ""
match = "/v2"
versions = [{"id": "v2.0", "links": [{"href": match, "rel": "self"}]}]
sot = session.Session(None)
endpoint = session.Session._Endpoint(root, versions)
rv = sot._get_version_match(endpoint, session.Version(2, 0), "service")
self.assertEqual(rv, root + match)
def test__get_version_match_project_id(self):
match = "http://devstack/v2"
root_endpoint = "http://devstack"
project_id = "asdf123"
versions = [{"id": "v2.0", "links": [{"href": match, "rel": "self"}]}]
sot = session.Session(None)
sot.get_project_id = mock.Mock(return_value=project_id)
endpoint = session.Session._Endpoint(root_endpoint, versions,
rv = sot._get_version_match(endpoint, session.Version(2, 0),
match_endpoint = utils.urljoin(match, project_id)
self.assertEqual(rv, match_endpoint)
def test_get_endpoint_cached(self):
sot = session.Session(None)
service_type = "compute"
interface = "public"
endpoint = "the world wide web"
sot.endpoint_cache[(service_type, interface)] = endpoint
rv = sot.get_endpoint(service_type=service_type, interface=interface)
self.assertEqual(rv, endpoint)