Steve Kowalik cc687c82da Add public endpoint support to init-keystone
We have a need to specify the public endpoint that is different from
the default hostname specified before we have SSL support everywhere.
Add a new option to allow the default public endpoint to be

Change-Id: I12905b6734dd5ef5359b30a41b2bd8ff6e2dbf71
2014-07-07 11:19:44 +10:00

186 lines
7.0 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import logging
import subprocess
import time
from keystoneclient.openstack.common.apiclient import exceptions
import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as ksclient
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def initialize(host, admin_token, admin_email, admin_password,
region='regionOne', ssl=None, public=None, user='root'):
"""Perform post-heat initialization of Keystone.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param admin_token: admin token to use with Keystone's admin endpoint
:param admin_email: admin user's e-mail address to be set
:param admin_password: admin user's password to be set
:param region: region to create the endpoint in
:param ssl: ip/hostname to use as the ssl endpoint, if required
:param public: ip/hostname to use as the public endpoint, if the default
is not suitable
:param user: user to use to connect to the node where Keystone is running
keystone = _create_admin_client(host, admin_token)
_create_admin_user(keystone, admin_email, admin_password)
_create_endpoint(keystone, host, region, ssl, public)
_perform_pki_initialization(host, user)
def initialize_for_swift(host, admin_token):
"""Create roles in Keystone for use with Swift.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param admin_token: admin token to use with Keystone's admin endpoint
keystone = _create_admin_client(host, admin_token)
LOG.debug('Creating swiftoperator role.')
LOG.debug('Creating ResellerAdmin role.')
def initialize_for_heat(host, admin_token, domain_admin_password):
"""Create Heat domain and an admin user for it.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param admin_token: admin token to use with Keystone's admin endpoint
:param domain_admin_password: heat domain admin's password to be set
keystone = _create_admin_client(host, admin_token)
admin_role = keystone.roles.find(name='admin')
LOG.debug('Creating heat domain.')
heat_domain =
description='Owns users and tenants created by heat'
LOG.debug('Creating heat_domain_admin user.')
heat_admin = keystone.users.create(
description='Manages users and tenants created by heat',
LOG.debug('Granting admin role to heat_domain_admin user on heat domain.')
keystone.roles.grant(admin_role, user=heat_admin, domain=heat_domain)
def _create_admin_client(host, admin_token):
"""Create Keystone v2 client for admin endpoint.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param admin_token: admin token to use with Keystone's admin endpoint
admin_url = "http://%s:35357/v2.0" % host
return ksclient.Client(endpoint=admin_url, token=admin_token)
def _create_roles(keystone):
"""Create initial roles in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
for count in range(60):
LOG.debug('Creating admin role, try %d.' % count)
except (exceptions.ConnectionRefused, exceptions.ServiceUnavailable):
LOG.debug('Unable to create, sleeping for 10 seconds.')
LOG.debug('Creating Member role.')
def _create_tenants(keystone):
"""Create initial tenants in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
LOG.debug('Creating admin tenant.')
keystone.tenants.create('admin', None)
LOG.debug('Creating service tenant.')
keystone.tenants.create('service', None)
def _create_endpoint(keystone, host, region, ssl, public):
"""Create keystone endpoint in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param region: region to create the endpoint in
:param ssl: ip/hostname to use as the ssl endpoint, if required
:param public: ip/hostname to use as the public endpoint, if default is
not suitable
LOG.debug('Create keystone public endpoint')
service ='keystone', 'identity',
description='Keystone Identity Service')
public_url = 'http://%s:5000/v2.0' % host
if ssl:
public_url = 'https://%s:13000/v2.0' % ssl
elif public:
public_url = 'http://%s:5000/v2.0' % public
keystone.endpoints.create(region,, public_url,
'http://%s:35357/v2.0' % host,
'http://%s:5000/v2.0' % host)
def _perform_pki_initialization(host, user):
"""Perform PKI initialization on a host for Keystone.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
subprocess.check_call(["ssh", "-o" "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-t",
"-l", user, host, "sudo", "keystone-manage",
"pki_setup", "--keystone-user",
"$(getent passwd | grep '^keystone' | cut -d: -f1)",
"$(getent group | grep '^keystone' | cut -d: -f1)"])
def _create_admin_user(keystone, admin_email, admin_password):
"""Create admin user in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param admin_email: admin user's e-mail address to be set
:param admin_password: admin user's password to be set
admin_tenant = keystone.tenants.find(name='admin')
admin_role = keystone.roles.find(name='admin')
admin_user = keystone.users.find(name='admin')
LOG.debug('Admin user already exists, skip creation')
except exceptions.NotFound:
LOG.debug('Creating admin user.')
admin_user = keystone.users.create('admin', email=admin_email,
if admin_role in keystone.roles.roles_for_user(admin_user, admin_tenant):
LOG.debug('Admin user is already granted admin role with admin tenant')
LOG.debug('Granting admin role to admin user on admin tenant.')
keystone.roles.add_user_role(admin_user, admin_role, admin_tenant)