Steven Hardy fa775a5eb9 Switch keystone certs to parameter_defaults
All other client parameters are now passed via parameter_defaults,
which will be required to enable moving parameters within t-h-t to
accommodate split-stack and composable roles.

Change-Id: I9d8daea560661cde5502e053f8d417957ee3e2c6
2016-01-28 18:46:53 +00:00

196 lines
7.0 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
import json
import logging
import os
from os import path
import stat
from OpenSSL import crypto
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
CA_KEY_SIZE = 2048
CA_CERT_DAYS = 10 * 365
X509_VERSION = 2
def create_ca_pair(cert_serial=1):
"""Create CA private key and self-signed certificate.
CA generation is mostly meant for proof-of-concept
deployments. For real deployments it is suggested to use an
external CA (separate from deployment tools).
:param cert_serial: serial number of the generated certificate
:type cert_serial: integer
:return: (ca_key_pem, ca_cert_pem) tuple of base64 encoded CA
private key and CA certificate (PEM format)
:rtype: (string, string)
ca_key = crypto.PKey()
ca_key.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, CA_KEY_SIZE)
LOG.debug('Generated CA key.')
ca_cert = crypto.X509()
subject = ca_cert.get_subject()
subject.C = 'XX'
subject.ST = 'Unset'
subject.L = 'Unset'
subject.O = 'Unset'
subject.CN = 'Keystone CA'
ca_cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60 * 60 * 24 * CA_CERT_DAYS)
crypto.X509Extension(b"basicConstraints", True, b"CA:TRUE, pathlen:0"),
ca_cert.sign(ca_key, 'sha1')
LOG.debug('Generated CA certificate.')
return (crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca_key),
crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca_cert))
def create_signing_pair(ca_key_pem, ca_cert_pem, cert_serial=2):
"""Create signing private key and certificate.
Os-cloud-config key generation and certificate signing is mostly
meant for proof-of-concept deployments. For real deployments it is
suggested to use certificates signed by an external CA.
:param ca_key_pem: CA private key to sign the signing certificate,
base64 encoded (PEM format)
:type ca_key_pem: string
:param ca_cert_pem: CA certificate, base64 encoded (PEM format)
:type ca_cert_pem: string
:param cert_serial: serial number of the generated certificate
:type cert_serial: integer
:return: (signing_key_pem, signing_cert_pem) tuple of base64
encoded signing private key and signing certificate
(PEM format)
:rtype: (string, string)
ca_key = crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca_key_pem)
ca_cert = crypto.load_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, ca_cert_pem)
signing_key = crypto.PKey()
signing_key.generate_key(crypto.TYPE_RSA, CA_KEY_SIZE)
LOG.debug('Generated signing key.')
signing_cert = crypto.X509()
subject = signing_cert.get_subject()
subject.C = 'XX'
subject.ST = 'Unset'
subject.L = 'Unset'
subject.O = 'Unset'
subject.CN = 'Keystone Signing'
signing_cert.gmtime_adj_notAfter(60 * 60 * 24 * SIGNING_CERT_DAYS)
signing_cert.sign(ca_key, 'sha1')
LOG.debug('Generated signing certificate.')
return (crypto.dump_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, signing_key),
crypto.dump_certificate(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM, signing_cert))
def create_and_write_ca_and_signing_pairs(directory):
"""Create and write out CA and signing keys and certificates.
Generate ca_key.pem, ca_cert.pem, signing_key.pem,
signing_cert.pem and write them out to a directory.
:param directory: directory where keys and certs will be written
:type directory: string
if not path.isdir(directory):
ca_key_pem, ca_cert_pem = create_ca_pair()
signing_key_pem, signing_cert_pem = create_signing_pair(ca_key_pem,
_write_pki_file(path.join(directory, 'ca_key.pem'), ca_key_pem)
_write_pki_file(path.join(directory, 'ca_cert.pem'), ca_cert_pem)
_write_pki_file(path.join(directory, 'signing_key.pem'), signing_key_pem)
_write_pki_file(path.join(directory, 'signing_cert.pem'), signing_cert_pem)
def generate_certs_into_json(jsonfile, seed):
"""Create and write out CA certificate and signing certificate/key.
Generate CA certificate, signing certificate and signing key and
add them into a JSON file. If key/certs already exist in JSON file, no
change is done.
:param jsonfile: JSON file where certs and key will be written
:type jsonfile: string
:param seed: JSON file for seed machine has different structure. Different
key/certs names and different parent node are used
:type seed: boolean
if os.path.isfile(jsonfile):
with open(jsonfile) as json_fd:
all_data = json.load(json_fd)
all_data = {}
if seed:
parent = 'keystone'
ca_cert_name = 'ca_certificate'
signing_key_name = 'signing_key'
signing_cert_name = 'signing_certificate'
parent = 'parameter_defaults'
ca_cert_name = 'KeystoneCACertificate'
signing_key_name = 'KeystoneSigningKey'
signing_cert_name = 'KeystoneSigningCertificate'
if parent not in all_data:
all_data[parent] = {}
parent_node = all_data[parent]
if not (ca_cert_name in parent_node and
signing_key_name in parent_node and
signing_cert_name in parent_node):
ca_key_pem, ca_cert_pem = create_ca_pair()
signing_key_pem, signing_cert_pem = create_signing_pair(ca_key_pem,
parent_node.update({ca_cert_name: ca_cert_pem,
signing_key_name: signing_key_pem,
signing_cert_name: signing_cert_pem})
with open(jsonfile, 'w') as json_fd:
json.dump(all_data, json_fd, sort_keys=True)
LOG.debug("Wrote key/certs into '%s'.", path.abspath(jsonfile))
else:"Key/certs are already present in '%s', skipping.",
def _write_pki_file(file_path, contents):
with open(file_path, 'w') as f:
os.chmod(file_path, stat.S_IRUSR | stat.S_IWUSR)
LOG.debug("Wrote '%s'.", path.abspath(file_path))