Jiri Stransky da41a1048c Set compute API version to 2.1, don't use v3
Microversions since Nova API v2.1 are aimed to replace the v3 work. The
/v2.1 is backwards compatible with the legacy /v2 endpoint. What we
called in the past /v3 is now something defunct in-tree. The /v2.1 API
is based on the v3 work, but there are many things that differ, in
particular with the backwards-compat thing. We keep the /v2 path in
api-paste.ini for making sure an upgrade doesn't trample operators and
users but if you look in tree, that's redirecting to the v2.1
codepath (just not asking for microversions). In summary, we only need
one endpoint, ie. /v2.1.

Additional information at

Closes-Bug: #1564372
Change-Id: I6d64b8bcd0f79f1f298ddc809e6d92fbc2985c45
2016-04-01 15:19:05 +00:00

611 lines
21 KiB

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
from __future__ import print_function
import logging
import socket
import subprocess
import time
from keystoneclient import exceptions
import keystoneclient.v2_0.client as ksclient_v2
import keystoneclient.v3.client as ksclient_v3
from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
from os_cloud_config.utils import clients
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
'heat': {
'description': 'Heat Service',
'type': 'orchestration',
'path': '/v1/%(tenant_id)s',
'port': 8004,
'ssl_port': 13004,
'neutron': {
'description': 'Neutron Service',
'type': 'network',
'port': 9696,
'ssl_port': 13696,
'glance': {
'description': 'Glance Image Service',
'type': 'image',
'port': 9292,
'ssl_port': 13292,
'ec2': {
'description': 'EC2 Compatibility Layer',
'type': 'ec2',
'path': '/services/Cloud',
'admin_path': '/services/Admin',
'port': 8773,
'ssl_port': 13773,
'nova': {
'description': 'Nova Compute Service',
'type': 'compute',
'path': '/v2.1/$(tenant_id)s',
'port': 8774,
'ssl_port': 13774,
'ceilometer': {
'description': 'Ceilometer Service',
'type': 'metering',
'port': 8777,
'ssl_port': 13777,
'gnocchi': {
'description': 'OpenStack Metric Service',
'type': 'metric',
'port': 8041,
'ssl_port': 13041,
'aodh': {
'description': 'OpenStack Alarming Service',
'type': 'alarming',
'port': 8042,
'ssl_port': 13042,
'cinder': {
'description': 'Cinder Volume Service',
'type': 'volume',
'path': '/v1/%(tenant_id)s',
'port': 8776,
'ssl_port': 13776,
'cinderv2': {
'description': 'Cinder Volume Service v2',
'type': 'volumev2',
'path': '/v2/%(tenant_id)s',
'port': 8776,
'ssl_port': 13776,
'swift': {
'description': 'Swift Object Storage Service',
'type': 'object-store',
'path': '/v1/AUTH_%(tenant_id)s',
'admin_path': '/v1',
'port': 8080,
'ssl_port': 13808,
'horizon': {
'description': 'OpenStack Dashboard',
'type': 'dashboard',
'nouser': True,
'path': '/',
'admin_path': '/admin'
'ironic': {
'description': 'Ironic Service',
'type': 'baremetal',
'port': 6385,
'ssl_port': 13385,
'tuskar': {
'description': 'Tuskar Service',
'type': 'management',
'path': '/v2',
'port': 8585
'manila': {
'description': 'Manila Service',
'type': 'share',
'path': '/v1/%(tenant_id)s',
'port': 8786,
'ssl_port': 13786,
'sahara': {
'description': 'Sahara Service',
'type': 'data-processing',
'path': '/v1.1/%(tenant_id)s',
'port': 8386
'trove': {
'description': 'Trove Service',
'type': 'database',
'path': '/v1.0/%(tenant_id)s',
'port': 8779
def initialize(host, admin_token, admin_email, admin_password,
region='regionOne', ssl=None, public=None, user='root',
timeout=600, poll_interval=10, pki_setup=True, admin=None,
"""Perform post-heat initialization of Keystone.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param admin_token: admin token to use with Keystone's admin endpoint
:param admin_email: admin user's e-mail address to be set
:param admin_password: admin user's password to be set
:param region: region to create the endpoint in
:param ssl: ip/hostname to use as the ssl endpoint, if required
:param public: ip/hostname to use as the public endpoint, if the default
is not suitable
:param user: user to use to connect to the node where Keystone is running
:param timeout: Total seconds to wait for keystone to be running
:param poll_interval: Seconds to wait between keystone poll attempts
:param pki_setup: Boolean for running pki_setup conditionally
:param admin: ip/hostname to use as the admin endpoint, if the
default is not suitable
:param internal: ip/hostname to use as the internal endpoint, if the
default is not suitable
keystone_v2 = _create_admin_client_v2(host, admin_token)
keystone_v3 = _create_admin_client_v3(host, admin_token, ssl)
_create_roles(keystone_v2, timeout, poll_interval)
_create_admin_user(keystone_v2, admin_email, admin_password)
_create_keystone_endpoint(keystone_v2, host, region, ssl, public, admin,
if pki_setup:
print("PKI initialization in init-keystone is deprecated and will be "
_perform_pki_initialization(host, user)
def initialize_for_swift(host, admin_token, ssl=None, public=None):
"""Create roles in Keystone for use with Swift.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param admin_token: admin token to use with Keystone's admin endpoint
:param ssl: ip/hostname to use as the ssl endpoint, if required
:param public: ip/hostname to use as the public endpoint, if the default
is not suitable
LOG.warn('This function is deprecated.')
keystone = _create_admin_client_v2(host, admin_token, public)
LOG.debug('Creating swiftoperator role.')
LOG.debug('Creating ResellerAdmin role.')
def initialize_for_heat(keystone, domain_admin_password):
"""Create Heat domain and an admin user for it.
:param keystone: A keystone v3 client
:param domain_admin_password: heat domain admin's password to be set
heat_domain ='heat')
LOG.debug('Domain heat already exists.')
except exceptions.NotFound:
LOG.debug('Creating heat domain.')
heat_domain =
description='Owns users and tenants created by heat'
heat_admin = keystone.users.find(name='heat_domain_admin')
LOG.debug('Heat domain admin already exists.')
except exceptions.NotFound:
LOG.debug('Creating heat_domain_admin user.')
heat_admin = keystone.users.create(
description='Manages users and tenants created by heat',
LOG.debug('Granting admin role to heat_domain_admin user on heat domain.')
admin_role = keystone.roles.find(name='admin')
keystone.roles.grant(admin_role, user=heat_admin, domain=heat_domain)
def _create_role(keystone, name):
"""Helper for idempotent creating of role
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param name: name of the role
role = keystone.roles.findall(name=name)
if role:"Role %s was already created." % name)
LOG.debug("Creating %s role." % name)
def _create_tenant(keystone, name):
"""Helper for idempotent creating of tenant
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param name: name of the tenant
tenants = keystone.tenants.findall(name=name)
if tenants:"Tenant %s was already created." % name)
LOG.debug("Creating %s tenant." % name)
keystone.tenants.create(name, None)
def _setup_roles(keystone):
"""Create roles in Keystone for all services.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
# Create roles in Keystone for use with Swift.
_create_role(keystone, 'swiftoperator')
_create_role(keystone, 'ResellerAdmin')
# Create Heat role.
_create_role(keystone, 'heat_stack_user')
def _create_service(keystone, name, service_type, description=""):
"""Helper for idempotent creating of service.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param name: service name
:param service_type: unique service type
:param description: service description
:return keystone service object
existing_services =
if existing_services:'Service %s for %s already created.', name, service_type)
kservice = existing_services[0]
LOG.debug('Creating service for %s.', service_type)
kservice =
name, service_type, description=description)
return kservice
def _create_endpoint(keystone, region, service_id, public_uri, admin_uri,
"""Helper for idempotent creating of endpoint.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param region: endpoint region
:param service_id: id of associated service
:param public_uri: endpoint public uri
:param admin_uri: endpoint admin uri
:param internal_uri: endpoint internal uri
if keystone.endpoints.findall(publicurl=public_uri):'Endpoint for service %s and public uri %s '
'already exists.', service_id, public_uri)
LOG.debug('Creating endpoint for service %s.', service_id)
region, service_id, public_uri, admin_uri, internal_uri)
def setup_endpoints(endpoints, public_host=None, region=None, client=None,
os_username=None, os_password=None, os_tenant_name=None,
"""Create services endpoints in Keystone.
:param endpoints: dict containing endpoints data
:param public_host: ip/hostname used for public endpoint URI
:param region: endpoint location
common_data = {
'internal_host': urlparse(os_auth_url).hostname,
'public_host': public_host
if not client:
LOG.warn('Creating client inline is deprecated, please pass '
'the client as parameter.')
client = clients.get_keystone_client(
os_username, os_password, os_tenant_name, os_auth_url)
# Setup roles first
# Create endpoints
LOG.debug('Creating service endpoints.')
for service, data in endpoints.items():
conf = SERVICES[service].copy()
_register_endpoint(client, service, conf, region)
def is_valid_ipv6_address(address):
socket.inet_pton(socket.AF_INET6, address)
except socket.error: # not a valid address
return False
except TypeError: # Not a string, e.g. None
return False
return True
def _register_endpoint(keystone, service, data, region=None):
"""Create single service endpoint in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param service: name of service
:param data: dict containing endpoint configuration
:param region: endpoint location
path = data.get('path', '/')
internal_host = data.get('internal_host')
if is_valid_ipv6_address(internal_host):
internal_host = '[{host}]'.format(host=internal_host)
port = data.get('port')
internal_uri = 'http://{host}:{port}{path}'.format(
host=internal_host, port=port, path=path)
public_host = data.get('public_host')
if is_valid_ipv6_address(public_host):
public_host = '[{host}]'.format(host=public_host)
public_protocol = 'http'
public_port = port
if public_host and 'ssl_port' in data:
public_port = data.get('ssl_port')
public_protocol = 'https'
public_uri = '{protocol}://{host}:{port}{path}'.format(
host=public_host or internal_host,
admin_uri = 'http://{host}:{port}{path}'.format(
port=data.get('admin_port', port),
path=data.get('admin_path', path))
name = data.get('name', service)
if not data.get('nouser'):
_create_user_for_service(keystone, name, data.get('password', None))
kservice = _create_service(
keystone, name, data.get('type'), description=data.get('description'))
if kservice:
keystone, region or 'regionOne',,
public_uri, admin_uri, internal_uri)
def _create_user_for_service(keystone, name, password):
"""Create service specific user in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param name: user's name to be set
:param password: user's password to be set
keystone.users.find(name=name)'User %s already exists', name)
except ksclient_v2.exceptions.NotFound:
LOG.debug('Creating user %s.', name)
service_tenant = keystone.tenants.find(name='service')
user = keystone.users.create(name,
admin_role = keystone.roles.find(name='admin')
keystone.roles.add_user_role(user, admin_role, service_tenant)
if name in ['ceilometer', 'gnocchi']:
reselleradmin_role = keystone.roles.find(name='ResellerAdmin')
keystone.roles.add_user_role(user, reselleradmin_role,
def _create_admin_client_v2(host, admin_token, public=None):
"""Create Keystone v2 client for admin endpoint.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param admin_token: admin token to use with Keystone's admin endpoint
:param ssl: ip/hostname to use as the ssl endpoint, if required
:param public: ip/hostname to use as the public endpoint, if default is
not suitable
# It may not be readily obvious that admin v2 is never available
# via https. The SSL parameter is just the DNS name to use.
keystone_host = public or host
if is_valid_ipv6_address(keystone_host):
keystone_host = '[{host}]'.format(host=keystone_host)
admin_url = 'http://%s:35357/v2.0' % (keystone_host)
return ksclient_v2.Client(endpoint=admin_url, token=admin_token)
def _create_admin_client_v3(host, admin_token, ssl=None, public=None):
"""Create Keystone v3 client for admin endpoint.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param admin_token: admin token to use with Keystone's admin endpoint
:param ssl: ip/hostname to use as the ssl endpoint, if required
:param public: ip/hostname to use as the public endpoint, if default is
not suitable
keystone_host = public or host
if is_valid_ipv6_address(keystone_host):
keystone_host = '[{host}]'.format(host=keystone_host)
# TODO(bnemec): This should respect the ssl parameter, but right now we
# don't support running the admin endpoint behind ssl. Once that is
# fixed, this should use ssl when available.
admin_url = '%s://%s:35357/v3' % ('http', keystone_host)
return ksclient_v3.Client(endpoint=admin_url, token=admin_token)
def _create_roles(keystone, timeout=600, poll_interval=10):
"""Create initial roles in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param timeout: total seconds to wait for keystone
:param poll_interval: seconds to wait between keystone checks
wait_cycles = int(timeout / poll_interval)
for count in range(wait_cycles):
LOG.debug('Creating admin role, try %d.' % count)
_create_role(keystone, 'admin')
except (exceptions.ConnectionRefused, exceptions.ServiceUnavailable):
LOG.debug('Unable to create, sleeping for %d seconds.'
% poll_interval)
def _create_tenants(keystone):
"""Create initial tenants in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
_create_tenant(keystone, 'admin')
_create_tenant(keystone, 'service')
def _create_keystone_endpoint(keystone, host, region, ssl, public, admin,
"""Create keystone endpoint in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
:param region: region to create the endpoint in
:param ssl: ip/hostname to use as the ssl endpoint, if required
:param public: ip/hostname to use as the public endpoint, if default is
not suitable
:param admin: ip/hostname to use as the admin endpoint, if the
default is not suitable
:param internal: ip/hostname to use as the internal endpoint, if the
default is not suitable
LOG.debug('Create keystone public endpoint')
service = _create_service(keystone, 'keystone', 'identity',
description='Keystone Identity Service')
if is_valid_ipv6_address(host):
host = '[{host}]'.format(host=host)
if is_valid_ipv6_address(ssl):
ssl = '[{host}]'.format(host=ssl)
if is_valid_ipv6_address(public):
public = '[{host}]'.format(host=public)
if is_valid_ipv6_address(admin):
admin = '[{host}]'.format(host=admin)
if is_valid_ipv6_address(internal):
internal = '[{host}]'.format(host=internal)
public_url = 'http://%s:5000/v2.0' % host
if ssl:
public_url = 'https://%s:13000/v2.0' % ssl
elif public:
public_url = 'http://%s:5000/v2.0' % public
admin_url = 'http://%s:35357/v2.0' % host
if admin:
admin_url = 'http://%s:35357/v2.0' % admin
internal_url = 'http://%s:5000/v2.0' % host
if internal:
internal_url = 'http://%s:5000/v2.0' % internal
_create_endpoint(keystone, region,, public_url, admin_url,
def _perform_pki_initialization(host, user):
"""Perform PKI initialization on a host for Keystone.
:param host: ip/hostname of node where Keystone is running
subprocess.check_call(["ssh", "-o" "StrictHostKeyChecking=no", "-t",
"-l", user, host, "sudo", "keystone-manage",
"pki_setup", "--keystone-user",
"$(getent passwd | grep '^keystone' | cut -d: -f1)",
"$(getent group | grep '^keystone' | cut -d: -f1)"])
def _create_admin_user(keystone, admin_email, admin_password):
"""Create admin user in Keystone.
:param keystone: keystone v2 client
:param admin_email: admin user's e-mail address to be set
:param admin_password: admin user's password to be set
admin_tenant = keystone.tenants.find(name='admin')
keystone.users.find(name='admin')'Admin user already exists, skip creation')
except exceptions.NotFound:'Creating admin user.')
keystone.users.create('admin', email=admin_email,
def _grant_admin_user_roles(keystone_v3):
"""Grant admin user roles with admin project and default domain.
:param keystone_v3: keystone v3 client
admin_role = keystone_v3.roles.list(name='admin')[0]
# TO-DO(mmagr): Get back to filtering by id as soon as following bug
# is fixed:
default_domain ='default')[0]
admin_user = keystone_v3.users.list(domain=default_domain, name='admin')[0]
admin_project = keystone_v3.projects.list(domain=default_domain,
if admin_role in keystone_v3.roles.list(user=admin_user,
project=admin_project):'Admin user is already granted admin role with admin project')
else:'Granting admin role to admin user on admin project.')
keystone_v3.roles.grant(admin_role, user=admin_user,
if admin_role in keystone_v3.roles.list(user=admin_user,
domain=default_domain):'Admin user is already granted admin role with default '
else:'Granting admin role to admin user on default domain.')
keystone_v3.roles.grant(admin_role, user=admin_user,