git-svn-id: http://pydot.googlecode.com/svn/trunk@2 06aa9b79-7134-0410-ae7e-c1cd3e483e87
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1237 lines
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# -*- coding: Latin-1 -*-
"""Graphviz's dot language Python interface.
This module provides with a full interface to create handle modify
and process graphs in Graphviz's dot language.
pydot Homepage: http://www.dkbza.org/pydot.html
Graphviz: http://www.research.att.com/sw/tools/graphviz/
DOT Language: http://www.research.att.com/~erg/graphviz/info/lang.html
Programmed and tested with Graphviz 1.16 and Python 2.3.4 on GNU/Linux
by Ero Carrera (c) 2004 [ero@dkbza.org]
Distributed under MIT license [http://opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.html].
__author__ = 'Ero Carrera'
__version__ = '0.9.10'
__license__ = 'MIT'
import os
import tempfile
import copy
import dot_parser
except Exception, e:
print 'Could not import dot_parser, loading of dot files will not be possible.'
def graph_from_dot_data(data):
"""Load graph as defined by data in DOT format.
The data is assumed to be in DOT format. It will
be parsed and a Dot class will be returned,
representing the graph.
graph = dot_parser.parse_dot_data(data)
if graph is not None:
dot = Dot()
return dot
return None
def graph_from_dot_file(path):
"""Load graph as defined by a DOT file.
The file is assumed to be in DOT format. It will
be loaded, parsed and a Dot class will be returned,
representing the graph.
fd = file(path, 'rb')
data = fd.read()
return graph_from_dot_data(data)
def graph_from_edges(edge_list, node_prefix='', directed=False):
"""Creates a basic graph out of an edge list.
The edge list has to be a list of tuples representing
the nodes connected by the edge.
The values can be anything: bool, int, float, str.
If the graph is undirected by default, it is only
calculated from one of the symmetric halves of the matrix.
if directed:
graph = Dot(graph_type='digraph')
graph = Dot(graph_type='graph')
for edge in edge_list:
e = Edge(node_prefix+str(edge[0]), node_prefix+str(edge[1]))
return graph
def graph_from_adjacency_matrix(matrix, node_prefix='', directed=False):
"""Creates a basic graph out of an adjacency matrix.
The matrix has to be a list of rows of values
representing an adjacency matrix.
The values can be anything: bool, int, float, as long
as they can evaluate to True or False.
node_orig = 1
if directed:
graph = Dot(graph_type='digraph')
graph = Dot(graph_type='graph')
for row in matrix:
if not directed:
skip = matrix.index(row)
r = row[skip:]
skip = 0
r = row
node_dest = skip+1
for e in r:
if e:
graph.add_edge( \
Edge( node_prefix+str(node_orig), \
node_dest += 1
node_orig += 1
return graph
def graph_from_incidence_matrix(matrix, node_prefix='', directed=False):
"""Creates a basic graph out of an incidence matrix.
The matrix has to be a list of rows of values
representing an incidence matrix.
The values can be anything: bool, int, float, as long
as they can evaluate to True or False.
node_orig = 1
if directed:
graph = Dot(graph_type='digraph')
graph = Dot(graph_type='graph')
for row in matrix:
nodes = []
c = 1
for node in row:
if node:
c += 1
if len(nodes) == 2:
graph.add_edge( \
Edge(node_prefix+str(abs(nodes[0])), \
node_prefix+str(nodes[1]) ))
if not directed:
return graph
def find_graphviz():
"""Locate Graphviz's executables in the system.
Attempts to locate graphviz's executables in a Unix system.
It will look for 'dot', 'twopi' and 'neato' in all the directories
specified in the PATH environment variable.
It will return a dictionary containing the program names as keys
and their paths as values.
progs = {'dot': '', 'twopi': '', 'neato': '', 'circo': '', 'fdp': ''}
if not os.environ.has_key('PATH'):
return None
for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep):
for prg in progs.keys():
if os.path.exists(path+os.path.sep+prg):
progs[prg] = path+os.path.sep+prg
elif os.path.exists(path+os.path.sep+prg + '.exe'):
progs[prg] = path+os.path.sep+prg + '.exe'
return progs
class Common:
"""Common information to several classes.
Should not be directly used, several classes are derived from
this one.
chars_ID = None
parent_graph = None
def char_range(self, a,b):
"""Generate a list containing a range of characters.
Returns a list of characters starting from 'a' up to 'b'
both inclusive.
return map(chr, range(ord(a), ord(b)+1))
def is_ID(self, s):
"""Checks whether a string is an dot language ID.
It will check whether the string is solely composed
by the characters allowed in an ID or not.
if not self.chars_ID:
self.chars_ID = self.char_range('a','z')+self.char_range('A','Z')+ \
for c in s:
if c not in self.chars_ID:
return False
return True
class Error(Exception):
"""General error handling class.
def __init__(self, value):
self.value = value
def __str__(self):
return self.value
class Node(object, Common):
"""A graph node.
This class represents a graph's node with all its attributes.
node(name, attribute=value, ...)
name: node's name
All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should
be supported.
attributes = ['showboxes', 'URL', 'fontcolor', 'fontsize', 'label', 'fontname', \
'comment', 'root', 'toplabel', 'vertices', 'width', 'z', 'bottomlabel', \
'distortion', 'fixedsize', 'group', 'height', 'orientation', 'pin', \
'rects', 'regular', 'shape', 'shapefile', 'sides', 'skew', 'pos', \
'layer', 'tooltip', 'style', 'target', 'color', 'peripheries',
'fillcolor', 'margin', 'nojustify']
def __init__(self, name, **attrs):
if isinstance(name, str) and not name.startswith('"'):
idx = name.find(':')
if idx>0:
name = name[:idx]
self.name = str(name)
for attr in self.attributes:
# Set all the attributes to None.
self.__setattr__(attr, None)
# Generate all the Setter methods.
self.__setattr__('set_'+attr, lambda x, a=attr : self.__setattr__(a, x))
# Generate all the Getter methods.
self.__setattr__('get_'+attr, lambda a=attr : self.__get_attribute__(a))
for attr, val in attrs.items():
self.__setattr__(attr, val)
def __getstate__(self):
dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
for attr in self.attributes:
del dict['set_'+attr]
del dict['get_'+attr]
return dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
for k, v in state.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
def __get_attribute__(self, attr):
"""Look for default attributes for this node"""
attr_val = self.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val is None:
defaults = self.parent_graph.get_node('node')
if defaults:
attr_val = defaults.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val:
return attr_val
return attr_val
return None
def set_name(self, node_name):
"""Set the node's name."""
self.name = str(node_name)
def get_name(self):
"""Get the node's name."""
return self.name
def set(self, name, value):
"""Set an attribute value by name.
Given an attribute 'name' it will set its value to 'value'.
There's always the possibility of using the methods:
which are defined for all the existing attributes.
if name in self.attributes:
self.__dict__[name] = value
return True
# Attribute is not known
return False
def to_string(self):
"""Returns a string representation of the node in dot language.
if not isinstance(self.name, str):
self.name = str(self.name)
# RMF: special case defaults for node, edge and graph properties.
if self.name in ['node', 'edge', 'graph'] or self.name.startswith('"'):
node = self.name
node = '"'+self.name+'"'
node_attr = None
all_attrs = [a for a in self.attributes]
all_attrs += [a for a in Graph.attributes if a not in all_attrs]
all_attrs += [a for a in Edge.attributes if a not in all_attrs]
for attr in all_attrs:
if self.__dict__.has_key(attr) \
and self.__getattribute__(attr) is not None:
if not node_attr:
node_attr = ''
node_attr += ', '
node_attr += attr+'='
val = str(self.__dict__[attr])
if val.startswith('<') and val.endswith('>'):
node_attr += val
elif ((isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode)) and \
not self.is_ID(val)) or val == '' :
node_attr += '"'+val+'"'
node_attr += str(val)
if node_attr:
node += ' ['+node_attr+']'
node += ';'
return node
class Edge(object, Common):
"""A graph edge.
This class represents a graph's edge with all its attributes.
edge(src, dst, attribute=value, ...)
src: source node's name
dst: destination node's name
All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should
be supported.
Attributes can be set through the dynamically generated methods:
set_[attribute name], i.e. set_label, set_fontname
or using the instance's attributes:
Edge.[attribute name], i.e. edge_instance.label, edge_instance.fontname
attributes = ['style', 'target', 'pos', 'layer', 'tooltip', 'color', 'showboxes',\
'URL', 'fontcolor', 'fontsize', 'label', 'fontname', 'comment', 'lp', \
'arrowhead', 'arrowsize', 'arrowtail', 'constraint', 'decorate', 'dir', \
'headURL', 'headclip', 'headhref', 'headlabel', 'headport', \
'headtarget', 'headtooltip', 'href', 'labelangle', 'labeldistance', \
'labelfloat', 'labelfontcolor', 'labelfontname', 'labelfontsize', 'len',\
'lhead', 'ltail', 'minlen', 'samehead', 'sametail', 'weight', 'tailURL',\
'tailclip', 'tailhref', 'taillabel', 'tailport', 'tailtarget', \
'tailtooltip', 'nojustify']
def __init__(self, src, dst, **attrs):
self.src = src
self.dst = dst
for attr in self.attributes:
# Set all the attributes to None.
self.__setattr__(attr, None)
# Generate all the Setter methods.
self.__setattr__('set_'+attr, lambda x, a=attr : self.__setattr__(a, x))
# Generate all the Getter methods.
self.__setattr__('get_'+attr, lambda a=attr : self.__get_attribute__(a))
for attr, val in attrs.items():
self.__setattr__(attr, val)
def __getstate__(self):
dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
for attr in self.attributes:
del dict['set_'+attr]
del dict['get_'+attr]
return dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
for k, v in state.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
def __get_attribute__(self, attr):
"""Look for default attributes for this edge"""
attr_val = self.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val is None:
defaults = self.parent_graph.get_node('edge')
if defaults:
attr_val = defaults.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val:
return attr_val
return attr_val
return None
def get_source(self):
"""Get the edges source node name."""
return self.src
def get_destination(self):
"""Get the edge's destination node name."""
return self.dst
def __eq__(self, edge):
"""Compare two edges.
If the parent graph is directed, arcs linking
node A to B are considered equal and A->B != B->A
If the parent graph is undirected, any edge
connecting two nodes is equal to any other
edge connecting the same nodes, A->B == B->A
if not isinstance(edge, Edge):
raise Error, 'Can\'t compare and edge to a non-edge object.'
if self.parent_graph.graph_type=='graph':
# If the graph is undirected, the edge has neither
# source nor destination.
if (self.src==edge.src and self.dst==edge.dst) or \
(self.src==edge.dst and self.dst==edge.src):
return True
if self.src==edge.src and self.dst==edge.dst:
return True
return False
def set(self, name, value):
"""Set an attribute value by name.
Given an attribute 'name' it will set its value to 'value'.
There's always the possibility of using the methods:
which are defined for all the existing attributes.
if name in self.attributes:
self.__dict__[name] = value
return True
# Attribute is not known
return False
def parse_node_ref(self, node_str):
if not isinstance(node_str, str):
node_str = str(node_str)
if node_str[0]=='"' and node_str[-1]=='"' and node_str[0].count('"')%2!=0:
return node_str
node_port_idx = node_str.rfind(':')
if node_port_idx>0 and node_str[0]=='"' and node_str[node_port_idx-1]=='"':
return node_str
node_str = node_str.replace('"', '')
if node_port_idx>0:
a = node_str[:node_port_idx]
b = node_str[node_port_idx+1:]
if self.is_ID(a):
node = a
node = '"'+a+'"'
if self.is_ID(b):
node += ':'+b
return node
return '"'+node_str+'"'
def to_string(self):
"""Returns a string representation of the edge in dot language.
src = self.parse_node_ref(self.src)
dst = self.parse_node_ref(self.dst)
edge = src
if self.parent_graph and \
self.parent_graph.graph_type and \
edge+=' -> '
edge+=' -- '
edge_attr = None
for attr in self.attributes:
if self.__dict__.has_key(attr) \
and self.__getattribute__(attr) is not None:
if not edge_attr:
edge_attr = ''
edge_attr+=', '
val = str(self.__dict__[attr])
if (isinstance(val, str) or isinstance(val, unicode)) and not self.is_ID(val):
if edge_attr:
edge+=' ['+edge_attr+']'
return edge
class Graph(object, Common):
"""Class representing a graph in Graphviz's dot language.
This class implements the methods to work on a representation
of a graph in Graphviz's dot language.
graph(graph_name='G', type='digraph', strict=False, suppress_disconnected=False, attribute=value, ...)
the graph's name
can be 'graph' or 'digraph'
defaults to False, which will remove from the
graph any disconnected nodes.
if True it will avoid displaying equal edges, i.e.
only one edge between two nodes. removing the
duplicated ones.
All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should
be supported.
Attributes can be set through the dynamically generated methods:
set_[attribute name], i.e. set_size, set_fontname
or using the instance's attributes:
Graph.[attribute name], i.e. graph_instance.label, graph_instance.fontname
attributes = ['Damping', 'bb', 'center', 'clusterrank', 'compound', 'concentrate',\
'defaultdist', 'dim', 'fontpath', 'epsilon', 'layers', 'layersep', \
'margin', 'maxiter', 'mclimit', 'mindist', 'pack', 'packmode', 'model', \
'page', 'pagedir', 'nodesep', 'normalize', 'nslimit1', 'ordering', \
'orientation', 'outputorder', 'overlap', 'remincross', 'resolution', \
'rankdir', 'ranksep', 'ratio', 'rotate', 'samplepoints', 'searchsize', \
'sep', 'size', 'splines', 'start', 'stylesheet', 'truecolor', \
'viewport', 'voro_margin', 'quantum', 'bgcolor', 'labeljust', \
'labelloc', 'root', 'showboxes', 'URL', 'fontcolor', 'fontsize', \
'label' ,'fontname', 'comment', 'lp', 'target', 'color', 'style', \
'concentrators', 'rank', 'dpi', 'mode', 'nojustify', 'nslimit']
def __init__(self, graph_name='G', graph_type='digraph', strict=False, \
suppress_disconnected=False, simplify=False, **attrs):
if graph_type not in ['graph', 'digraph']:
raise Error, 'Invalid type. Accepted graph types are: graph, digraph, subgraph'
self.graph_type = graph_type
self.graph_name = graph_name
self.strict = strict
self.suppress_disconnected = suppress_disconnected
self.simplify = simplify
self.node_list = []
self.edge_list = []
self.edge_src_list = []
self.edge_dst_list = []
self.subgraph_list = []
self.sorted_graph_elements = []
self.parent_graph = self
for attr in self.attributes:
# Set all the attributes to None.
self.__setattr__(attr, None)
# Generate all the Setter methods.
self.__setattr__('set_'+attr, lambda x, a=attr : self.__setattr__(a, x))
# Generate all the Getter methods.
self.__setattr__('get_'+attr, lambda a=attr : self.__get_attribute__(a))
for attr, val in attrs.items():
self.__setattr__(attr, val)
def __getstate__(self):
dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
for attr in self.attributes:
del dict['set_'+attr]
del dict['get_'+attr]
return dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
for k, v in state.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
def __get_attribute__(self, attr):
"""Look for default attributes for this graph"""
attr_val = self.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val is None:
defaults = self.get_node('graph')
if defaults:
attr_val = defaults.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val:
return attr_val
return attr_val
return None
def set_simplify(self, simplify):
"""Set whether to simplify or not.
If True it will avoid displaying equal edges, i.e.
only one edge between two nodes. removing the
duplicated ones.
self.simplify = simplify
def get_simplify(self):
"""Get whether to simplify or not.
Refer to set_simplify for more information.
return self.simplify
def set_type(self, graph_type):
"""Set the graph's type, 'graph' or 'digraph'."""
self.graph_type = graph_type
def get_type(self):
"""Get the graph's type, 'graph' or 'digraph'."""
return self.graph_type
def set_name(self, graph_name):
"""Set the graph's name."""
self.graph_name = graph_name
def get_name(self):
"""Get the graph's name."""
return self.graph_name
def set_strict(self, val):
"""Set graph to 'strict' mode.
This option is only valid for top level graphs.
self.strict = val
def get_strict(self, val):
"""Get graph's 'strict' mode (True, False).
This option is only valid for top level graphs.
return self.strict
def set_suppress_disconnected(self, val):
"""Suppress disconnected nodes in the output graph.
This option will skip nodes in the graph with no incoming or outgoing
edges. This option works also for subgraphs and has effect only in the
current graph/subgraph.
self.suppress_disconnected = val
def get_suppress_disconnected(self, val):
"""Get if suppress disconnected is set.
Refer to set_suppress_disconnected for more information.
return self.suppress_disconnected
def set(self, name, value):
"""Set an attribute value by name.
Given an attribute 'name' it will set its value to 'value'.
There's always the possibility of using the methods:
which are defined for all the existing attributes.
if name in self.attributes:
self.__dict__[name] = value
return True
# Attribute is not known
return False
def get(self, name):
"""Get an attribute value by name.
Given an attribute 'name' it will get its value.
There's always the possibility of using the methods:
which are defined for all the existing attributes.
return self.__dict__[name]
def add_node(self, graph_node):
"""Adds a node object to the graph.
It takes a node object as its only argument and returns
if not isinstance(graph_node, Node):
raise Error, 'add_node received a non node class object'
node = self.get_node(graph_node.get_name())
if node is None or graph_node.get_name() in ('graph', 'node', 'edge'):
graph_node.parent_graph = self.parent_graph
elif (node.__dict__.has_key('added_from_edge') and node.added_from_edge):
for k, v in graph_node.__dict__.items():
if v is not None and node.__dict__.has_key(k) and node.__dict__[k] is None:
node.__dict__[k] = v
def get_node(self, name):
"""Retrieved a node from the graph.
Given a node's name the corresponding Node
instance will be returned.
If multiple nodes exist with that name, a list of
Node instances is returned.
If only one node exists, the instance is returned.
None is returned otherwise.
match = [node for node in self.node_list if node.get_name() == str(name)]
l = len(match)
if l==1:
return match[0]
elif l>1:
return match
return None
def get_node_list(self):
"""Get the list of Node instances.
This method returns the list of Node instances
composing the graph.
return [n for n in self.node_list if n.get_name() not in ('graph', 'edge', 'node')]
def add_edge(self, graph_edge):
"""Adds an edge object to the graph.
It takes a edge object as its only argument and returns
if not isinstance(graph_edge, Edge):
raise Error, 'add_edge received a non edge class object'
src = self.get_node(graph_edge.get_source())
if src is None:
self.add_node(Node(graph_edge.get_source(), added_from_edge=True))
dst = self.get_node(graph_edge.get_destination())
if dst is None:
self.add_node(Node(graph_edge.get_destination(), added_from_edge=True))
graph_edge.parent_graph = self.parent_graph
if graph_edge.src not in self.edge_src_list:
if graph_edge.dst not in self.edge_dst_list:
def get_edge(self, src, dst):
"""Retrieved an edge from the graph.
Given an edge's source and destination the corresponding
Edge instance will be returned.
If multiple edges exist with that source and destination,
a list of Edge instances is returned.
If only one edge exists, the instance is returned.
None is returned otherwise.
match = [edge for edge in self.edge_list if edge.src == src and edge.dst == dst]
l = len(match)
if l==1:
return match[0]
elif l>1:
return match
return None
def get_edge_list(self):
"""Get the list of Edge instances.
This method returns the list of Edge instances
composing the graph.
return self.edge_list
def add_subgraph(self, sgraph):
"""Adds an subgraph object to the graph.
It takes a subgraph object as its only argument and returns
if not isinstance(sgraph, Subgraph) and not isinstance(sgraph, Cluster):
raise Error, 'add_subgraph received a non subgraph class object'
return None
def get_subgraph(self, name):
"""Retrieved a subgraph from the graph.
Given a subgraph's name the corresponding
Subgraph instance will be returned.
If multiple subgraphs exist with the same name, a list of
Subgraph instances is returned.
If only one Subgraph exists, the instance is returned.
None is returned otherwise.
match = [sgraph for sgraph in self.subgraph_list if sgraph.graph_name == name]
l = len(match)
if l==1:
return match[0]
elif l>1:
return match
return None
def get_subgraph_list(self):
"""Get the list of Subgraph instances.
This method returns the list of Subgraph instances
in the graph.
return self.subgraph_list
def set_graph_parent(self, parent):
"""Sets a graph and its elements to point the the parent.
Any subgraph added to a parent graph receives a reference
to the parent to access some common data.
self.parent_graph = parent
for elm in self.edge_list:
elm.parent_graph = parent
for elm in self.node_list:
elm.parent_graph = parent
for elm in self.subgraph_list:
elm.parent_graph = parent
def to_string(self):
"""Returns a string representation of the graph in dot language.
It will return the graph and all its subelements in string from.
graph = ''
if self.__dict__.has_key('strict'):
if self==self.parent_graph and self.strict:
graph+='strict '
graph+=self.graph_type+' '+self.graph_name+' {\n'
for attr in self.attributes:
if self.__dict__.has_key(attr) \
and self.__getattribute__(attr) is not None:
graph += attr+'='
val = str(self.__dict__[attr])
if isinstance(val, str) and not self.is_ID(val):
graph += '"'+val+'"'
graph += str(val)
edges_done = []
for elm in self.sorted_graph_elements:
if isinstance(elm, Node):
if self.suppress_disconnected:
if elm.name not in self.edge_src_list+self.edge_dst_list:
graph += elm.to_string()+'\n'
elif isinstance(elm, Edge):
if self.simplify and elm in edges_done:
graph += elm.to_string()+'\n'
graph += elm.to_string()+'\n'
graph += '}\n'
return graph
class Subgraph(Graph):
"""Class representing a subgraph in Graphviz's dot language.
This class implements the methods to work on a representation
of a subgraph in Graphviz's dot language.
subgraph(graph_name='subG', suppress_disconnected=False, attribute=value, ...)
the subgraph's name
defaults to false, which will remove from the
subgraph any disconnected nodes.
All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should
be supported.
Attributes can be set through the dynamically generated methods:
set_[attribute name], i.e. set_size, set_fontname
or using the instance's attributes:
Subgraph.[attribute name], i.e.
subgraph_instance.label, subgraph_instance.fontname
attributes = Graph.attributes
# RMF: subgraph should have all the attributes of graph so it can be passed
# as a graph to all methods
def __init__(self, graph_name='subG', suppress_disconnected=False, \
simplify=False, **attrs):
self.graph_type = 'subgraph'
self.graph_name = graph_name
self.suppress_disconnected = suppress_disconnected
self.simplify = simplify
self.node_list = []
self.edge_list = []
self.edge_src_list = []
self.edge_dst_list = []
self.subgraph_list = []
self.sorted_graph_elements = []
for attr in self.attributes:
# Set all the attributes to None.
self.__setattr__(attr, None)
# Generate all the Setter methods.
self.__setattr__('set_'+attr, lambda x, a=attr : self.__setattr__(a, x))
# Generate all the Getter methods.
self.__setattr__('get_'+attr, lambda a=attr : self.__get_attribute__(a))
for attr, val in attrs.items():
self.__setattr__(attr, val)
def __getstate__(self):
dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
for attr in self.attributes:
del dict['set_'+attr]
del dict['get_'+attr]
return dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
for k, v in state.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
def __get_attribute__(self, attr):
"""Look for default attributes for this subgraph"""
attr_val = self.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val is None:
defaults = self.get_node('graph')
if defaults:
attr_val = defaults.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val:
return attr_val
return attr_val
return None
class Cluster(Graph):
"""Class representing a cluster in Graphviz's dot language.
This class implements the methods to work on a representation
of a cluster in Graphviz's dot language.
cluster(graph_name='subG', suppress_disconnected=False, attribute=value, ...)
the cluster's name (the string 'cluster' will be always prepended)
defaults to false, which will remove from the
cluster any disconnected nodes.
All the attributes defined in the Graphviz dot language should
be supported.
Attributes can be set through the dynamically generated methods:
set_[attribute name], i.e. set_color, set_fontname
or using the instance's attributes:
Cluster.[attribute name], i.e.
cluster_instance.color, cluster_instance.fontname
attributes = ['pencolor', 'bgcolor', 'labeljust', 'labelloc', 'URL', 'fontcolor', \
'fontsize', 'label', 'fontname', 'lp', 'style', 'target', 'color', \
'peripheries', 'fillcolor', 'nojustify']
def __init__(self, graph_name='subG', suppress_disconnected=False, \
simplify=False, **attrs):
#if type not in ['subgraph']:
# raise Error, 'Invalid type. Accepted graph types are: subgraph'
self.graph_type = 'subgraph'
self.graph_name = 'cluster_'+graph_name
self.suppress_disconnected = suppress_disconnected
self.simplify = simplify
self.node_list = []
self.edge_list = []
self.edge_src_list = []
self.edge_dst_list = []
self.subgraph_list = []
self.sorted_graph_elements = []
for attr in self.attributes:
# Set all the attributes to None.
self.__setattr__(attr, None)
# Generate all the Setter methods.
self.__setattr__('set_'+attr, lambda x, a=attr : self.__setattr__(a, x))
# Generate all the Getter methods.
self.__setattr__('get_'+attr, lambda a=attr : self.__get_attribute__(a))
for attr, val in attrs.items():
self.__setattr__(attr, val)
def __getstate__(self):
dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
for attr in self.attributes:
del dict['set_'+attr]
del dict['get_'+attr]
return dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
for k, v in state.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
def __get_attribute__(self, attr):
"""Look for default attributes for this cluster"""
attr_val = self.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val is None:
defaults = self.get_node('graph')
if defaults:
attr_val = defaults.__getattribute__(attr)
if attr_val:
return attr_val
return attr_val
return None
class Dot(Graph):
"""A container for handling a dot language file.
This class implements methods to write and process
a dot language file. It is a derived class of
the base class 'Graph'.
progs = None
formats = ['ps', 'ps2', 'hpgl', 'pcl', 'mif', 'pic', 'gd', 'gd2', 'gif', 'jpg', \
'jpeg', 'png', 'wbmp', 'ismap', 'imap', 'cmap', 'cmapx', 'vrml', 'vtx', 'mp', \
'fig', 'svg', 'svgz', 'dia', 'dot', 'canon', 'plain', 'plain-ext', 'xdot']
def __init__(self, prog='dot', **args):
Graph.__init__(self, **args)
self.prog = prog
# Automatically creates all the methods enabling the creation
# of output in any of the supported formats.
for frmt in self.formats:
self.__setattr__('create_'+frmt, lambda f=frmt, prog=self.prog : self.create(format=f, prog=prog))
f = self.__dict__['create_'+frmt]
f.__doc__ = '''Refer to docstring from 'create' for more information.'''
for frmt in self.formats+['raw']:
self.__setattr__('write_'+frmt, lambda path, f=frmt, prog=self.prog : self.write(path, format=f, prog=prog))
f = self.__dict__['write_'+frmt]
f.__doc__ = '''Refer to docstring from 'write' for more information.'''
def __getstate__(self):
dict = copy.copy(self.__dict__)
for attr in self.attributes:
del dict['set_'+attr]
del dict['get_'+attr]
for k in [x for x in dict.keys() if x.startswith('write_')] + \
[x for x in dict.keys() if x.startswith('create_')]:
del dict[k]
return dict
def __setstate__(self, state):
for k, v in state.items():
self.__setattr__(k, v)
def set_prog(self, prog):
"""Sets the default program.
Sets the default program in charge of processing
the dot file into a graph.
self.prog = prog
def write(self, path, prog=None, format='raw'):
"""Writes a graph to a file.
Given a filename 'path' it will open/create and truncate
such file and write on it a representation of the graph
defined by the dot object and in the format specified by
The format 'raw' is used to dump the string representation
of the Dot object, without further processing.
The output can be processed by any of graphviz tools, defined
in 'prog', which defaults to 'dot'
Returns True or False according to the success of the write
There's also the preferred possibility of using:
write_'format'(path, prog='program')
which are automatically defined for all the supported formats.
[write_ps(), write_gif(), write_dia(), ...]
if prog is None:
prog = self.prog
dot_fd = file(path, "w+b")
if format == 'raw':
dot_fd.write(self.create(prog, format))
return True
def create(self, prog=None, format='ps'):
"""Creates and returns a Postscript representation of the graph.
create will write the graph to a temporary dot file and process
it with the program given by 'prog' (which defaults to 'twopi'),
reading the Postscript output and returning it as a string is the
operation is successful.
On failure None is returned.
There's also the preferred possibility of using:
which are automatically defined for all the supported formats.
[create_ps(), create_gif(), create_dia(), ...]
if prog is None:
prog = self.prog
if self.progs is None:
self.progs = find_graphviz()
if self.progs is None:
return None
if not self.progs.has_key(prog):
# Program not found ?!?!
return None
tmp_fd, tmp_name = tempfile.mkstemp()
stdin, stdout, stderr = os.popen3(self.progs[prog]+' -T'+format+' '+tmp_name, 'b')
data = stdout.read()
return data