tests: find out test modules automatically

This commit is contained in:
J. David Ibáñez 2013-05-26 13:49:08 +02:00
parent 74a1fdab60
commit 19c9a895d5

@ -31,23 +31,26 @@ These tests are run automatically with 'setup.py test', but can also be run
from os import listdir
from os.path import dirname
import sys
import unittest
names = ['blob', 'commit', 'config', 'diff', 'index', 'note', 'oid', 'refs',
'remote', 'repository', 'revwalk', 'signature', 'status', 'tag',
'tree', 'treebuilder']
def test_suite():
# Sometimes importing pygit2 fails, we try this first to get an
# informative traceback.
import pygit2
# Check the test modules import correctly, to get a nice error if one
# does not.
modules = ['test.test_%s' % n for n in names]
for module in modules:
# Build the list of modules
modules = []
for name in listdir(dirname(__file__)):
if name.startswith('test_') and name.endswith('.py'):
module = 'test.%s' % name[:-3]
# Check the module imports correctly, have a nice error otherwise
# Go
return unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromNames(modules)