From 8559b2da20139e1ea158bc0dd47c6bc687a17efe Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?J=2E=20David=20Ib=C3=A1=C3=B1ez?= <>
Date: Tue, 25 Apr 2017 19:06:54 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] Release 0.25.1

 CHANGELOG.rst      | 836 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 README.rst         | 843 +--------------------------------------------
 docs/backends.rst  |   8 +
 docs/       |   2 +-
 docs/general.rst   |  10 +-
 docs/index.rst     |   8 +-
 docs/install.rst   |  30 +-
 docs/submodule.rst |   4 +-
 pygit2/   |   2 +-
 9 files changed, 892 insertions(+), 851 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 CHANGELOG.rst
 create mode 100644 docs/backends.rst

diff --git a/CHANGELOG.rst b/CHANGELOG.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..22787da
--- /dev/null
+++ b/CHANGELOG.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,836 @@
+0.25.1 (2017-04-25)
+- Add suport for Python 3.6
+- New support for stash: repository methods ``stash``, ``stash_apply``,
+  ``stash_drop`` and ``stash_pop``
+  `#695 <>`_
+- Improved support for submodules: new repository methods ``init_submodules``
+  and ``update_submodules``
+  `#692 <>`_
+- New friendlier API for branches & references: ``Repository.branches`` and
+  ``Repository.references``
+  `#700 <>`_
+  `#701 <>`_
+- New support for custom backends
+  `#690 <>`_
+- Fix ``init_repository`` crash on None input
+  `#688 <>`_
+  `#697 <>`_
+- Fix checkout with an orphan master branch
+  `#669 <>`_
+  `#685 <>`_
+- Better error messages for opening repositories
+  `#645 <>`_
+  `#698 <>`_
+0.25.0 (2016-12-26)
+- Upgrade to libgit2 0.25
+  `#670 <>`_
+- Now Commit.tree raises an error if tree is not found
+  `#682 <>`_
+- New settings.mwindow_mapped_limit, cached_memory, enable_caching,
+  cache_max_size and cache_object_limit
+  `#677 <>`_
+0.24.2 (2016-11-01)
+- Unit tests pass on Windows, integration with AppVeyor
+  `#641 <>`_
+  `#655 <>`_
+  `#657 <>`_
+  `#659 <>`_
+  `#660 <>`_
+  `#661 <>`_
+  `#667 <>`_
+- Fix when libgit2 error messages have non-ascii chars
+  `#651 <>`_
+- Documentation improvements
+  `#643 <>`_
+  `#653 <>`_
+  `#663 <>`_
+0.24.1 (2016-06-21)
+- New ``Repository.listall_reference_objects()``
+  `#634 <>`_
+- Fix ``Repository.write_archive(...)``
+  `#619 <>`_
+  `#621 <>`_
+- Reproducible builds
+  `#636 <>`_
+- Documentation fixes
+  `#606 <>`_
+  `#607 <>`_
+  `#609 <>`_
+  `#623 <>`_
+- Test updates
+  `#629 <>`_
+0.24.0 (2016-03-05)
+- Update to libgit2 v0.24
+  `#594 <>`_
+- Support Python 3.5
+- New dependency, `six <>`_
+- New ``Repository.path_is_ignored(path)``
+  `#589 <>`_
+- Fix error in ``Repository(path)`` when path is a bytes string
+  `#588 <>`_
+  `#593 <>`_
+- Fix memory issue in ``Repository.describe(...)``
+  `#592 <>`_
+  `#597 <>`_
+  `#599 <>`_
+- Allow testing with `tox <>`_
+  `#600 <>`_
+0.23.3 (2016-01-01)
+- New ``Repository.create_blob_fromiobase(...)``
+  `#490 <>`_
+  `#577 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.describe(...)``
+  `#585 <>`_
+- Fix ``Signature`` default encoding, UTF-8 now
+  `#581 <>`_
+- Fixing ``pip install pygit2``, should install cffi first
+- Unit tests, fix binary diff test
+  `#586 <>`_
+- Document that ``Diff.patch`` can be ``None``
+  `#587 <>`_
+0.23.2 (2015-10-11)
+- Unify callbacks system for remotes and clone
+  `#568 <>`_
+- New ``TreeEntry._name``
+  `#570 <>`_
+- Fix segfault in ``Tag._message``
+  `#572 <>`_
+- Documentation improvements
+  `#569 <>`_
+  `#574 <>`_
+API changes to clone::
+  # Before
+  clone_repository(..., credentials, certificate)
+  # Now
+  callbacks = RemoteCallbacks(credentials, certificate)
+  clone_repository(..., callbacks)
+API changes to remote::
+  # Before
+  def transfer_progress(stats):
+      ...
+  remote.credentials = credentials
+  remote.transfer_progress = transfer_progress
+  remote.fetch()
+  remote.push(specs)
+  # Now
+  class MyCallbacks(RemoteCallbacks):
+      def transfer_progress(self, stats):
+          ...
+  callbacks = MyCallbacks(credentials)
+  remote.fetch(callbacks=callbacks)
+  remote.push(specs, callbacks=callbacks)
+0.23.1 (2015-09-26)
+- Improve support for cffi 1.0+
+  `#529 <>`_
+  `#561 <>`_
+- Fix ``Remote.push``
+  `#557 <>`_
+- New ``TreeEntry.type``
+  `#560 <>`_
+- New ``pygit2.GIT_DIFF_SHOW_BINARY``
+  `#566 <>`_
+0.23.0 (2015-08-14)
+- Update to libgit2 v0.23
+  `#540 <>`_
+- Now ``Repository.merge_base(...)`` returns ``None`` if no merge base is found
+  `#550 <>`_
+- Documentation updates
+  `#547 <>`_
+API changes:
+- How to set identity (aka signature) in a reflog has changed::
+    # Before
+    signature = Signature('foo', 'bar')
+    ...
+    reference.set_target(target, signature=signature, message=message)
+    repo.set_head(target, signature=signature)
+    remote.fetch(signature=signature)
+    remote.push(signature=signature)
+    # Now
+    repo.set_ident('foo', 'bar')
+    ...
+    reference.set_target(target, message=message)
+    repo.set_head(target)
+    remote.push()
+    # The current identity can be get with
+    repo.ident
+- Some remote setters have been replaced by methods::
+    # Before                       # Now
+    Remote.url = url               Repository.remotes.set_url(name, url)
+    Remote.push_url = url          Repository.remotes.set_push_url(name, url)
+    Remote.add_fetch(refspec)      Repository.remotes.add_fetch(name, refspec)
+    Remote.add_push(refspec)       Repository.remotes.add_push(name, refspec)
+    Remote.fetch_refspecs = [...]  removed, use the config API instead
+    Remote.push_refspecs = [...]   removed, use the config API instead
+0.22.1 (2015-07-12)
+Diff interface refactoring
+`#346 <>`_
+(in progress):
+- New ``iter(pygit2.Blame)``
+- New ``pygit2.DiffDelta``, ``pygit2.DiffFile`` and ``pygit.DiffLine``
+- API changes, translation table::
+    Hunk                => DiffHunk
+    Patch.old_file_path =>
+    Patch.new_file_path =>
+    Patch.old_id        =>
+    Patch.new_id        =>
+    Patch.status        =>
+    Patch.similarity    =>
+    Patch.is_binary     =>
+    Patch.additions     => Patch.line_stats[1]
+    Patch.deletions     => Patch.line_stats[2]
+- ``DiffHunk.lines`` is now a list of ``DiffLine`` objects, not tuples
+New features:
+- New ``Repository.expand_id(...)`` and ``Repository.ahead_behind(...)``
+  `#448 <>`_
+- New ``prefix`` parameter in ``Repository.write_archive``
+  `#481 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.merge_trees(...)``
+  `#489 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.cherrypick(...)``
+  `#436 <>`_
+  `#492 <>`_
+- New support for submodules
+  `#499 <>`_
+  `#514 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.merge_file_from_index(...)``
+  `#503 <>`_
+- Now ``Repository.diff`` supports diffing two blobs
+  `#508 <>`_
+- New optional ``fetch`` parameter in ``Remote.create``
+  `#526 <>`_
+- New ``pygit2.DiffStats``
+  `#406 <>`_
+  `#525 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.get_attr(...)``
+  `#528 <>`_
+- New ``level`` optional parameter in ``Index.remove``
+  `#533 <>`_
+- New ``repr(TreeEntry)``
+  `#543 <>`_
+Build and install improvements:
+- Make pygit work in a frozen environment
+  `#453 <>`_
+- Make pygit2 work with pyinstaller
+  `#510 <>`_
+Bugs fixed:
+- Fix memory issues
+  `#477 <>`_
+  `#487 <>`_
+  `#520 <>`_
+- Fix TreeEntry equality testing
+  `#458 <>`_
+  `#488 <>`_
+- ``Repository.write_archive`` fix handling of symlinks
+  `#480 <>`_
+- Fix type check in ``Diff[...]``
+  `#495 <>`_
+- Fix error when merging files with unicode content
+  `#505 <>`_
+- Documentation improvements and fixes
+  `#448 <>`_
+  `#491 <>`_
+  `#497 <>`_
+  `#507 <>`_
+  `#517 <>`_
+  `#518 <>`_
+  `#519 <>`_
+  `#521 <>`_
+  `#523 <>`_
+  `#527 <>`_
+  `#536 <>`_
+- Expose the ``pygit2.GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_*`` constants
+  `#483 <>`_
+0.22.0 (2015-01-16)
+- Update to libgit2 v0.22
+  `#459 <>`_
+- Add support for libgit2 feature detection
+  (new ``pygit2.features`` and ``pygit2.GIT_FEATURE_*``)
+  `#475 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.remotes`` (``RemoteCollection``)
+  `#447 <>`_
+API Changes:
+- Prototype of ``clone_repository`` changed, check documentation
+- Removed ``clone_into``, use ``clone_repository`` with callbacks instead
+- Use ``Repository.remotes.rename(name, new_name)`` instead of
+  ``Remote.rename(new_name)``
+- Use ``Repository.remotes.delete(name)`` instead of ``Remote.delete()``
+- Now ``Remote.push(...)`` takes a list of refspecs instead of just one
+- Change ``Patch.old_id``, ``Patch.new_id``, ``Note.annotated_id``,
+  ``RefLogEntry.oid_old`` and ``RefLogEntry.oid_new`` to be ``Oid`` objects
+  instead of strings
+  `#449 <>`_
+- Fix ``init_repository`` when passing optional parameters ``workdir_path``,
+  ``description``, ``template_path``, ``initial_head`` or ``origin_url``
+  `#466 <>`_
+  `#471 <>`_
+- Fix use-after-free when patch outlives diff
+  `#457 <>`_
+  `#461 <>`_
+  `#474 <>`_
+- Documentation improvements
+  `#456 <>`_
+  `#462 <>`_
+  `#465 <>`_
+  `#472 <>`_
+  `#473 <>`_
+- Make the GPL exception explicit in
+  `#450 <>`_
+0.21.4 (2014-11-04)
+- Fix credentials callback not set when pushing
+  `#431 <>`_
+  `#435 <>`_
+  `#437 <>`_
+  `#438 <>`_
+- Fix ``Repository.diff(...)`` when treeish is "empty"
+  `#432 <>`_
+- New ``Reference.peel(...)`` renders ``Reference.get_object()`` obsolete
+  `#434 <>`_
+- New, authenticate using ssh agent
+  `#424 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.merge_commits(...)``
+  `#445 <>`_
+- Make it easier to run when libgit2 not in a standard location
+  `#441 <>`_
+- Documentation: review install chapter
+- Documentation: many corrections
+  `#427 <>`_
+  `#429 <>`_
+  `#439 <>`_
+  `#440 <>`_
+  `#442 <>`_
+  `#443 <>`_
+  `#444 <>`_
+0.21.3 (2014-09-15)
+Breaking changes:
+- Now ``Repository.blame(...)`` returns ``Oid`` instead of string
+  `#413 <>`_
+- New ``Reference.set_target(...)`` replaces the ```` setter
+  and ``Reference.log_append(...)``
+  `#414 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.set_head(...)`` replaces the ``Repository.head`` setter
+  `#414 <>`_
+- ``Repository.merge(...)`` now uses the ``SAFE_CREATE`` strategy by default
+  `#417 <>`_
+Other changes:
+- New ``Remote.delete()``
+  `#418 <>`_
+  `#420 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.write_archive(...)``
+  `#421 <>`_
+- Now ``Repository.checkout(...)`` accepts branch objects
+  `#408 <>`_
+- Fix refcount leak in remotes
+  `#403 <>`_
+  `#404 <>`_
+  `#419 <>`_
+- Various fixes to ``clone_repository(...)``
+  `#399 <>`_
+  `#411 <>`_
+  `#425 <>`_
+  `#426 <>`_
+- Fix build error in Python 3
+  `#401 <>`_
+- Now ``pip install pygit2`` installs cffi first
+  `#380 <>`_
+  `#407 <>`_
+- Add support for PyPy3
+  `#422 <>`_
+- Documentation improvements
+  `#398 <>`_
+  `#409 <>`_
+0.21.2 (2014-08-09)
+- Fix regression with Python 2, ``IndexEntry.path`` returns str
+  (bytes in Python 2 and unicode in Python 3)
+- Get back ``IndexEntry.oid`` for backwards compatibility
+- Config, iterate over the keys (instead of the key/value pairs)
+  `#395 <>`_
+- ``Diff.find_similar`` supports new threshold arguments
+  `#396 <>`_
+- Optimization, do not load the object when expanding an oid prefix
+  `#397 <>`_
+0.21.1 (2014-07-22)
+- Install fix
+  `#382 <>`_
+- Documentation improved, including
+  `#383 <>`_
+  `#385 <>`_
+  `#388 <>`_
+- Documentation, use the read-the-docs theme
+  `#387 <>`_
+- Coding style improvements
+  `#392 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.state_cleanup()``
+  `#386 <>`_
+- New ``Index.conflicts``
+  `#345 <>`_
+  `#389 <>`_
+- New checkout option to define the target directory
+  `#390 <>`_
+Backward incompatible changes:
+- Now the checkout strategy must be a keyword argument.
+  Change ``Repository.checkout(refname, strategy)`` to
+  ``Repository.checkout(refname, strategy=strategy)``
+  Idem for ``checkout_head``, ``checkout_index`` and ``checkout_tree``
+0.21.0 (2014-06-27)
+- Drop official support for Python 2.6, and add support for Python 3.4
+  `#376 <>`_
+- Upgrade to libgit2 v0.21.0
+  `#374 <>`_
+- Start using cffi
+  `#360 <>`_
+  `#361 <>`_
+Backward incompatible changes:
+- Replace ``oid`` by ``id`` through the API to follow libgit2 conventions.
+- Merge API overhaul following changes in libgit2.
+- New ``Remote.rename(...)`` replaces `` = ...``
+- Now ``Remote.fetch()`` returns a ``TransferProgress`` object.
+- Now ``Config.get_multivar(...)`` returns an iterator instead of a list.
+New features:
+- New ``Config.snapshot()`` and ``Repository.config_snapshot()``
+- New ``Config`` methods: ``get_bool(...)``, ``get_int(...)``,
+  ``parse_bool(...)`` and ``parse_int(...)``
+  `#357 <>`_
+- Blob: implement the memory buffer interface
+  `#362 <>`_
+- New ``clone_into(...)`` function
+  `#368 <>`_
+- Now ``Index`` can be used alone, without a repository
+  `#372 <>`_
+- Add more options to ``init_repository``
+  `#347 <>`_
+- Support ``Repository.workdir = ...`` and
+  support setting detached heads ``Repository.head = <Oid>``
+  `#377 <>`_
+- Fix again build with VS2008
+  `#364 <>`_
+- Fix ``Blob.diff(...)`` and ``Blob.diff_to_buffer(...)`` arguments passing
+  `#366 <>`_
+- Fail gracefully when compiling against the wrong version of libgit2
+  `#365 <>`_
+- Several documentation improvements and updates
+  `#359 <>`_
+  `#375 <>`_
+  `#378 <>`_
+0.20.3 (2014-04-02)
+- A number of memory issues fixed
+  `#328 <>`_
+  `#348 <>`_
+  `#353 <>`_
+  `#355 <>`_
+  `#356 <>`_
+- Compatibility fixes for
+  PyPy (`#338 <>`_),
+  Visual Studio 2008 (`#343 <>`_)
+  and Python 3.3 (`#351 <>`_)
+- Make the sort mode parameter in ``Repository.walk(...)`` optional
+  `#337 <>`_
+- New ``Object.peel(...)``
+  `#342 <>`_
+- New ``Index.add_all(...)``
+  `#344 <>`_
+- Introduce support for libgit2 options
+  `#350 <>`_
+- More informative repr for ``Repository`` objects
+  `#352 <>`_
+- Introduce support for credentials
+  `#354 <>`_
+- Several documentation fixes
+  `#302 <>`_
+  `#336 <>`_
+- Tests, remove temporary files
+  `#341 <>`_
+0.20.2 (2014-02-04)
+- Support PyPy
+  `#209 <>`_
+  `#327 <>`_
+  `#333 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.default_signature``
+  `#310 <>`_
+- New ``str(Oid)`` deprecates ``Oid.hex``
+  `#322 <>`_
+- New ```` deprecates ``Object.oid``
+  `#322 <>`_
+- New ```` deprecates ``TreeEntry.oid``
+  `#322 <>`_
+- New ``Blob.diff(...)`` and ``Blob.diff_to_buffer(...)``
+  `#307 <>`_
+- New ``Commit.tree_id`` and ``Commit.parent_ids``
+  `#73 <>`_
+  `#311 <>`_
+- New rich comparison between tree entries
+  `#305 <>`_
+  `#313 <>`_
+- Now ``Tree.__contains__(key)`` supports paths
+  `#306 <>`_
+  `#316 <>`_
+- Now possible to create ``IndexEntry(...)``
+  `#325 <>`_
+- Now ``IndexEntry.path``, ``IndexEntry.oid`` and ``IndexEntry.mode`` are
+  writable
+  `#325 <>`_
+- Now ``Index.add(...)`` accepts an ``IndexEntry`` too
+  `#325 <>`_
+- Now ``Index.write_tree(...)`` is able to write to a different repository
+  `#325 <>`_
+- Fix memory leak in ``IndexEntry.path`` setter
+  `#335 <>`_
+- New ``Config`` iterator replaces ``Config.foreach``
+  `#183 <>`_
+  `#312 <>`_
+- New type ``Refspec``
+  `#314 <>`_
+- New ``Remote.push_url``
+  `#315 <>`_
+- New ``Remote.add_push`` and ``Remote.add_fetch``
+  `#255 <>`_
+  `#318 <>`_
+- New ``Remote.fetch_refspecs`` replaces ``Remote.get_fetch_refspecs()`` and
+  ``Remote.set_fetch_refspecs(...)``
+  `#319 <>`_
+- New ``Remote.push_refspecs`` replaces ``Remote.get_push_refspecs()`` and
+  ``Remote.set_push_refspecs(...)``
+  `#319 <>`_
+- New ``Remote.progress``, ``Remote.transfer_progress`` and
+  ``Remote.update_tips``
+  `#274 <>`_
+  `#324 <>`_
+- New type ``TransferProgress``
+  `#274 <>`_
+  `#324 <>`_
+- Fix refcount leak in ``Repository.remotes``
+  `#321 <>`_
+  `#332 <>`_
+Other: `#331 <>`_
+0.20.1 (2013-12-24)
+- New remote ref-specs API:
+  `#290 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.reset(...)``:
+  `#292 <>`_,
+  `#294 <>`_
+- Export ``GIT_DIFF_MINIMAL``:
+  `#293 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.merge(...)``:
+  `#295 <>`_
+- Fix ``Repository.blame`` argument handling:
+  `#297 <>`_
+- Fix build error on Windows:
+  `#298 <>`_
+- Fix typo in the README file, Blog → Blob:
+  `#301 <>`_
+- Now ``Diff.patch`` returns ``None`` if no patch:
+  `#232 <>`_,
+  `#303 <>`_
+- New ``Walker.simplify_first_parent()``:
+  `#304 <>`_
+0.20.0 (2013-11-24)
+- Upgrade to libgit2 v0.20.0:
+  `#288 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.head_is_unborn`` replaces ``Repository.head_is_orphaned``
+- Changed ``pygit2.clone_repository(...)``. Drop ``push_url``, ``fetch_spec``
+  and ``push_spec`` parameters. Add ``ignore_cert_errors``.
+- New ``Patch.additions`` and ``Patch.deletions``:
+  `#275 <>`_
+- New ``Patch.is_binary``:
+  `#276 <>`_
+- New ``Reference.log_append(...)``:
+  `#277 <>`_
+- New ``Blob.is_binary``:
+  `#278 <>`_
+- New ``len(Diff)`` shows the number of patches:
+  `#281 <>`_
+- Rewrite ``Repository.status()``:
+  `#283 <>`_
+- New ``Reference.shorthand``:
+  `#284 <>`_
+- New ``Repository.blame(...)``:
+  `#285 <>`_
+- Now ``Repository.listall_references()`` and
+  ``Repository.listall_branches()`` return a list, not a tuple:
+  `#289 <>`_
diff --git a/README.rst b/README.rst
index fc8775c..627818a 100644
--- a/README.rst
+++ b/README.rst
@@ -14,10 +14,10 @@ and PyPy 2.6
-- -- Source code and issue tracker
+- -- Source code and issue tracker
 - -- Documentation
-- -- Download
+- -- Download
+- -- Changelog
 How to install
@@ -25,817 +25,10 @@ How to install
 - Check
-0.25.0 (2016-12-26)
-- Upgrade to libgit2 0.25
-  `#670 <>`_
-- Now Commit.tree raises an error if tree is not found
-  `#682 <>`_
-- New settings.mwindow_mapped_limit, cached_memory, enable_caching,
-  cache_max_size and cache_object_limit
-  `#677 <>`_
-0.24.2 (2016-11-01)
-- Unit tests pass on Windows, integration with AppVeyor
-  `#641 <>`_
-  `#655 <>`_
-  `#657 <>`_
-  `#659 <>`_
-  `#660 <>`_
-  `#661 <>`_
-  `#667 <>`_
-- Fix when libgit2 error messages have non-ascii chars
-  `#651 <>`_
-- Documentation improvements
-  `#643 <>`_
-  `#653 <>`_
-  `#663 <>`_
-0.24.1 (2016-06-21)
-- New ``Repository.listall_reference_objects()``
-  `#634 <>`_
-- Fix ``Repository.write_archive(...)``
-  `#619 <>`_
-  `#621 <>`_
-- Reproducible builds
-  `#636 <>`_
-- Documentation fixes
-  `#606 <>`_
-  `#607 <>`_
-  `#609 <>`_
-  `#623 <>`_
-- Test updates
-  `#629 <>`_
-0.24.0 (2016-03-05)
-- Update to libgit2 v0.24
-  `#594 <>`_
-- Support Python 3.5
-- New dependency, `six <>`_
-- New ``Repository.path_is_ignored(path)``
-  `#589 <>`_
-- Fix error in ``Repository(path)`` when path is a bytes string
-  `#588 <>`_
-  `#593 <>`_
-- Fix memory issue in ``Repository.describe(...)``
-  `#592 <>`_
-  `#597 <>`_
-  `#599 <>`_
-- Allow testing with `tox <>`_
-  `#600 <>`_
-0.23.3 (2016-01-01)
-- New ``Repository.create_blob_fromiobase(...)``
-  `#490 <>`_
-  `#577 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.describe(...)``
-  `#585 <>`_
-- Fix ``Signature`` default encoding, UTF-8 now
-  `#581 <>`_
-- Fixing ``pip install pygit2``, should install cffi first
-- Unit tests, fix binary diff test
-  `#586 <>`_
-- Document that ``Diff.patch`` can be ``None``
-  `#587 <>`_
-0.23.2 (2015-10-11)
-- Unify callbacks system for remotes and clone
-  `#568 <>`_
-- New ``TreeEntry._name``
-  `#570 <>`_
-- Fix segfault in ``Tag._message``
-  `#572 <>`_
-- Documentation improvements
-  `#569 <>`_
-  `#574 <>`_
-API changes to clone::
-  # Before
-  clone_repository(..., credentials, certificate)
-  # Now
-  callbacks = RemoteCallbacks(credentials, certificate)
-  clone_repository(..., callbacks)
-API changes to remote::
-  # Before
-  def transfer_progress(stats):
-      ...
-  remote.credentials = credentials
-  remote.transfer_progress = transfer_progress
-  remote.fetch()
-  remote.push(specs)
-  # Now
-  class MyCallbacks(RemoteCallbacks):
-      def transfer_progress(self, stats):
-          ...
-  callbacks = MyCallbacks(credentials)
-  remote.fetch(callbacks=callbacks)
-  remote.push(specs, callbacks=callbacks)
-0.23.1 (2015-09-26)
-- Improve support for cffi 1.0+
-  `#529 <>`_
-  `#561 <>`_
-- Fix ``Remote.push``
-  `#557 <>`_
-- New ``TreeEntry.type``
-  `#560 <>`_
-- New ``pygit2.GIT_DIFF_SHOW_BINARY``
-  `#566 <>`_
-0.23.0 (2015-08-14)
-- Update to libgit2 v0.23
-  `#540 <>`_
-- Now ``Repository.merge_base(...)`` returns ``None`` if no merge base is found
-  `#550 <>`_
-- Documentation updates
-  `#547 <>`_
-API changes:
-- How to set identity (aka signature) in a reflog has changed::
-    # Before
-    signature = Signature('foo', 'bar')
-    ...
-    reference.set_target(target, signature=signature, message=message)
-    repo.set_head(target, signature=signature)
-    remote.fetch(signature=signature)
-    remote.push(signature=signature)
-    # Now
-    repo.set_ident('foo', 'bar')
-    ...
-    reference.set_target(target, message=message)
-    repo.set_head(target)
-    remote.push()
-    # The current identity can be get with
-    repo.ident
-- Some remote setters have been replaced by methods::
-    # Before                       # Now
-    Remote.url = url               Repository.remotes.set_url(name, url)
-    Remote.push_url = url          Repository.remotes.set_push_url(name, url)
-    Remote.add_fetch(refspec)      Repository.remotes.add_fetch(name, refspec)
-    Remote.add_push(refspec)       Repository.remotes.add_push(name, refspec)
-    Remote.fetch_refspecs = [...]  removed, use the config API instead
-    Remote.push_refspecs = [...]   removed, use the config API instead
-0.22.1 (2015-07-12)
-Diff interface refactoring
-`#346 <>`_
-(in progress):
-- New ``iter(pygit2.Blame)``
-- New ``pygit2.DiffDelta``, ``pygit2.DiffFile`` and ``pygit.DiffLine``
-- API changes, translation table::
-    Hunk                => DiffHunk
-    Patch.old_file_path =>
-    Patch.new_file_path =>
-    Patch.old_id        =>
-    Patch.new_id        =>
-    Patch.status        =>
-    Patch.similarity    =>
-    Patch.is_binary     =>
-    Patch.additions     => Patch.line_stats[1]
-    Patch.deletions     => Patch.line_stats[2]
-- ``DiffHunk.lines`` is now a list of ``DiffLine`` objects, not tuples
-New features:
-- New ``Repository.expand_id(...)`` and ``Repository.ahead_behind(...)``
-  `#448 <>`_
-- New ``prefix`` parameter in ``Repository.write_archive``
-  `#481 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.merge_trees(...)``
-  `#489 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.cherrypick(...)``
-  `#436 <>`_
-  `#492 <>`_
-- New support for submodules
-  `#499 <>`_
-  `#514 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.merge_file_from_index(...)``
-  `#503 <>`_
-- Now ``Repository.diff`` supports diffing two blobs
-  `#508 <>`_
-- New optional ``fetch`` parameter in ``Remote.create``
-  `#526 <>`_
-- New ``pygit2.DiffStats``
-  `#406 <>`_
-  `#525 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.get_attr(...)``
-  `#528 <>`_
-- New ``level`` optional parameter in ``Index.remove``
-  `#533 <>`_
-- New ``repr(TreeEntry)``
-  `#543 <>`_
-Build and install improvements:
-- Make pygit work in a frozen environment
-  `#453 <>`_
-- Make pygit2 work with pyinstaller
-  `#510 <>`_
-Bugs fixed:
-- Fix memory issues
-  `#477 <>`_
-  `#487 <>`_
-  `#520 <>`_
-- Fix TreeEntry equality testing
-  `#458 <>`_
-  `#488 <>`_
-- ``Repository.write_archive`` fix handling of symlinks
-  `#480 <>`_
-- Fix type check in ``Diff[...]``
-  `#495 <>`_
-- Fix error when merging files with unicode content
-  `#505 <>`_
-- Documentation improvements and fixes
-  `#448 <>`_
-  `#491 <>`_
-  `#497 <>`_
-  `#507 <>`_
-  `#517 <>`_
-  `#518 <>`_
-  `#519 <>`_
-  `#521 <>`_
-  `#523 <>`_
-  `#527 <>`_
-  `#536 <>`_
-- Expose the ``pygit2.GIT_REPOSITORY_INIT_*`` constants
-  `#483 <>`_
-0.22.0 (2015-01-16)
-- Update to libgit2 v0.22
-  `#459 <>`_
-- Add support for libgit2 feature detection
-  (new ``pygit2.features`` and ``pygit2.GIT_FEATURE_*``)
-  `#475 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.remotes`` (``RemoteCollection``)
-  `#447 <>`_
-API Changes:
-- Prototype of ``clone_repository`` changed, check documentation
-- Removed ``clone_into``, use ``clone_repository`` with callbacks instead
-- Use ``Repository.remotes.rename(name, new_name)`` instead of
-  ``Remote.rename(new_name)``
-- Use ``Repository.remotes.delete(name)`` instead of ``Remote.delete()``
-- Now ``Remote.push(...)`` takes a list of refspecs instead of just one
-- Change ``Patch.old_id``, ``Patch.new_id``, ``Note.annotated_id``,
-  ``RefLogEntry.oid_old`` and ``RefLogEntry.oid_new`` to be ``Oid`` objects
-  instead of strings
-  `#449 <>`_
-- Fix ``init_repository`` when passing optional parameters ``workdir_path``,
-  ``description``, ``template_path``, ``initial_head`` or ``origin_url``
-  `#466 <>`_
-  `#471 <>`_
-- Fix use-after-free when patch outlives diff
-  `#457 <>`_
-  `#461 <>`_
-  `#474 <>`_
-- Documentation improvements
-  `#456 <>`_
-  `#462 <>`_
-  `#465 <>`_
-  `#472 <>`_
-  `#473 <>`_
-- Make the GPL exception explicit in
-  `#450 <>`_
-0.21.4 (2014-11-04)
-- Fix credentials callback not set when pushing
-  `#431 <>`_
-  `#435 <>`_
-  `#437 <>`_
-  `#438 <>`_
-- Fix ``Repository.diff(...)`` when treeish is "empty"
-  `#432 <>`_
-- New ``Reference.peel(...)`` renders ``Reference.get_object()`` obsolete
-  `#434 <>`_
-- New, authenticate using ssh agent
-  `#424 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.merge_commits(...)``
-  `#445 <>`_
-- Make it easier to run when libgit2 not in a standard location
-  `#441 <>`_
-- Documentation: review install chapter
-- Documentation: many corrections
-  `#427 <>`_
-  `#429 <>`_
-  `#439 <>`_
-  `#440 <>`_
-  `#442 <>`_
-  `#443 <>`_
-  `#444 <>`_
-0.21.3 (2014-09-15)
-Breaking changes:
-- Now ``Repository.blame(...)`` returns ``Oid`` instead of string
-  `#413 <>`_
-- New ``Reference.set_target(...)`` replaces the ```` setter
-  and ``Reference.log_append(...)``
-  `#414 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.set_head(...)`` replaces the ``Repository.head`` setter
-  `#414 <>`_
-- ``Repository.merge(...)`` now uses the ``SAFE_CREATE`` strategy by default
-  `#417 <>`_
-Other changes:
-- New ``Remote.delete()``
-  `#418 <>`_
-  `#420 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.write_archive(...)``
-  `#421 <>`_
-- Now ``Repository.checkout(...)`` accepts branch objects
-  `#408 <>`_
-- Fix refcount leak in remotes
-  `#403 <>`_
-  `#404 <>`_
-  `#419 <>`_
-- Various fixes to ``clone_repository(...)``
-  `#399 <>`_
-  `#411 <>`_
-  `#425 <>`_
-  `#426 <>`_
-- Fix build error in Python 3
-  `#401 <>`_
-- Now ``pip install pygit2`` installs cffi first
-  `#380 <>`_
-  `#407 <>`_
-- Add support for PyPy3
-  `#422 <>`_
-- Documentation improvements
-  `#398 <>`_
-  `#409 <>`_
-0.21.2 (2014-08-09)
-- Fix regression with Python 2, ``IndexEntry.path`` returns str
-  (bytes in Python 2 and unicode in Python 3)
-- Get back ``IndexEntry.oid`` for backwards compatibility
-- Config, iterate over the keys (instead of the key/value pairs)
-  `#395 <>`_
-- ``Diff.find_similar`` supports new threshold arguments
-  `#396 <>`_
-- Optimization, do not load the object when expanding an oid prefix
-  `#397 <>`_
-0.21.1 (2014-07-22)
-- Install fix
-  `#382 <>`_
-- Documentation improved, including
-  `#383 <>`_
-  `#385 <>`_
-  `#388 <>`_
-- Documentation, use the read-the-docs theme
-  `#387 <>`_
-- Coding style improvements
-  `#392 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.state_cleanup()``
-  `#386 <>`_
-- New ``Index.conflicts``
-  `#345 <>`_
-  `#389 <>`_
-- New checkout option to define the target directory
-  `#390 <>`_
-Backward incompatible changes:
-- Now the checkout strategy must be a keyword argument.
-  Change ``Repository.checkout(refname, strategy)`` to
-  ``Repository.checkout(refname, strategy=strategy)``
-  Idem for ``checkout_head``, ``checkout_index`` and ``checkout_tree``
-0.21.0 (2014-06-27)
-- Drop official support for Python 2.6, and add support for Python 3.4
-  `#376 <>`_
-- Upgrade to libgit2 v0.21.0
-  `#374 <>`_
-- Start using cffi
-  `#360 <>`_
-  `#361 <>`_
-Backward incompatible changes:
-- Replace ``oid`` by ``id`` through the API to follow libgit2 conventions.
-- Merge API overhaul following changes in libgit2.
-- New ``Remote.rename(...)`` replaces `` = ...``
-- Now ``Remote.fetch()`` returns a ``TransferProgress`` object.
-- Now ``Config.get_multivar(...)`` returns an iterator instead of a list.
-New features:
-- New ``Config.snapshot()`` and ``Repository.config_snapshot()``
-- New ``Config`` methods: ``get_bool(...)``, ``get_int(...)``,
-  ``parse_bool(...)`` and ``parse_int(...)``
-  `#357 <>`_
-- Blob: implement the memory buffer interface
-  `#362 <>`_
-- New ``clone_into(...)`` function
-  `#368 <>`_
-- Now ``Index`` can be used alone, without a repository
-  `#372 <>`_
-- Add more options to ``init_repository``
-  `#347 <>`_
-- Support ``Repository.workdir = ...`` and
-  support setting detached heads ``Repository.head = <Oid>``
-  `#377 <>`_
-- Fix again build with VS2008
-  `#364 <>`_
-- Fix ``Blob.diff(...)`` and ``Blob.diff_to_buffer(...)`` arguments passing
-  `#366 <>`_
-- Fail gracefully when compiling against the wrong version of libgit2
-  `#365 <>`_
-- Several documentation improvements and updates
-  `#359 <>`_
-  `#375 <>`_
-  `#378 <>`_
-0.20.3 (2014-04-02)
-- A number of memory issues fixed
-  `#328 <>`_
-  `#348 <>`_
-  `#353 <>`_
-  `#355 <>`_
-  `#356 <>`_
-- Compatibility fixes for
-  PyPy (`#338 <>`_),
-  Visual Studio 2008 (`#343 <>`_)
-  and Python 3.3 (`#351 <>`_)
-- Make the sort mode parameter in ``Repository.walk(...)`` optional
-  `#337 <>`_
-- New ``Object.peel(...)``
-  `#342 <>`_
-- New ``Index.add_all(...)``
-  `#344 <>`_
-- Introduce support for libgit2 options
-  `#350 <>`_
-- More informative repr for ``Repository`` objects
-  `#352 <>`_
-- Introduce support for credentials
-  `#354 <>`_
-- Several documentation fixes
-  `#302 <>`_
-  `#336 <>`_
-- Tests, remove temporary files
-  `#341 <>`_
-0.20.2 (2014-02-04)
-- Support PyPy
-  `#209 <>`_
-  `#327 <>`_
-  `#333 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.default_signature``
-  `#310 <>`_
-- New ``str(Oid)`` deprecates ``Oid.hex``
-  `#322 <>`_
-- New ```` deprecates ``Object.oid``
-  `#322 <>`_
-- New ```` deprecates ``TreeEntry.oid``
-  `#322 <>`_
-- New ``Blob.diff(...)`` and ``Blob.diff_to_buffer(...)``
-  `#307 <>`_
-- New ``Commit.tree_id`` and ``Commit.parent_ids``
-  `#73 <>`_
-  `#311 <>`_
-- New rich comparison between tree entries
-  `#305 <>`_
-  `#313 <>`_
-- Now ``Tree.__contains__(key)`` supports paths
-  `#306 <>`_
-  `#316 <>`_
-- Now possible to create ``IndexEntry(...)``
-  `#325 <>`_
-- Now ``IndexEntry.path``, ``IndexEntry.oid`` and ``IndexEntry.mode`` are
-  writable
-  `#325 <>`_
-- Now ``Index.add(...)`` accepts an ``IndexEntry`` too
-  `#325 <>`_
-- Now ``Index.write_tree(...)`` is able to write to a different repository
-  `#325 <>`_
-- Fix memory leak in ``IndexEntry.path`` setter
-  `#335 <>`_
-- New ``Config`` iterator replaces ``Config.foreach``
-  `#183 <>`_
-  `#312 <>`_
-- New type ``Refspec``
-  `#314 <>`_
-- New ``Remote.push_url``
-  `#315 <>`_
-- New ``Remote.add_push`` and ``Remote.add_fetch``
-  `#255 <>`_
-  `#318 <>`_
-- New ``Remote.fetch_refspecs`` replaces ``Remote.get_fetch_refspecs()`` and
-  ``Remote.set_fetch_refspecs(...)``
-  `#319 <>`_
-- New ``Remote.push_refspecs`` replaces ``Remote.get_push_refspecs()`` and
-  ``Remote.set_push_refspecs(...)``
-  `#319 <>`_
-- New ``Remote.progress``, ``Remote.transfer_progress`` and
-  ``Remote.update_tips``
-  `#274 <>`_
-  `#324 <>`_
-- New type ``TransferProgress``
-  `#274 <>`_
-  `#324 <>`_
-- Fix refcount leak in ``Repository.remotes``
-  `#321 <>`_
-  `#332 <>`_
-Other: `#331 <>`_
-0.20.1 (2013-12-24)
-- New remote ref-specs API:
-  `#290 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.reset(...)``:
-  `#292 <>`_,
-  `#294 <>`_
-- Export ``GIT_DIFF_MINIMAL``:
-  `#293 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.merge(...)``:
-  `#295 <>`_
-- Fix ``Repository.blame`` argument handling:
-  `#297 <>`_
-- Fix build error on Windows:
-  `#298 <>`_
-- Fix typo in the README file, Blog → Blob:
-  `#301 <>`_
-- Now ``Diff.patch`` returns ``None`` if no patch:
-  `#232 <>`_,
-  `#303 <>`_
-- New ``Walker.simplify_first_parent()``:
-  `#304 <>`_
-0.20.0 (2013-11-24)
-- Upgrade to libgit2 v0.20.0:
-  `#288 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.head_is_unborn`` replaces ``Repository.head_is_orphaned``
-- Changed ``pygit2.clone_repository(...)``. Drop ``push_url``, ``fetch_spec``
-  and ``push_spec`` parameters. Add ``ignore_cert_errors``.
-- New ``Patch.additions`` and ``Patch.deletions``:
-  `#275 <>`_
-- New ``Patch.is_binary``:
-  `#276 <>`_
-- New ``Reference.log_append(...)``:
-  `#277 <>`_
-- New ``Blob.is_binary``:
-  `#278 <>`_
-- New ``len(Diff)`` shows the number of patches:
-  `#281 <>`_
-- Rewrite ``Repository.status()``:
-  `#283 <>`_
-- New ``Reference.shorthand``:
-  `#284 <>`_
-- New ``Repository.blame(...)``:
-  `#285 <>`_
-- Now ``Repository.listall_references()`` and
-  ``Repository.listall_branches()`` return a list, not a tuple:
-  `#289 <>`_
-112 developers have contributed at least 1 commit to pygit2::
+116 developers have contributed at least 1 commit to pygit2::
   J. David Ibáñez           Carlos Martín Nieto       Nico von Geyso
   W. Trevor King            Dave Borowitz             Matthias Bartelmeß
@@ -843,13 +36,14 @@ Authors
   Julien Miotte             Richard Möhn              Xu Tao
   Jose Plana                Matthew Duggan            Matthew Gamble
   Martin Lenders            Petr Hosek                Victor Garcia
-  Xavier Delannoy           Yonggang Luo              Patrick Steinhardt
-  Valentin Haenel           Michael Jones             Bernardo Heynemann
-  Brodie Rao                John Szakmeister          Vlad Temian
-  Nicolas Dandrimont        David Versmisse           Rémi Duraffort
-  Santiago Perez De Rosso   Sebastian Thiel           Thom Wiggers
-  Alok Singhal              Anatoly Techtonik         Fraser Tweedale
-  Han-Wen Nienhuys          Leonardo Rhodes           Petr Viktorin
+  Xavier Delannoy           Yonggang Luo              Nick Hynes
+  Patrick Steinhardt        Tamir Bahar               Valentin Haenel
+  Michael Jones             Bernardo Heynemann        Brodie Rao
+  John Szakmeister          Vlad Temian               Nicolas Dandrimont
+  David Versmisse           Rémi Duraffort            Santiago Perez De Rosso
+  Sebastian Thiel           Thom Wiggers              Alok Singhal
+  Anatoly Techtonik         Fraser Tweedale           Han-Wen Nienhuys
+  Jason Ziglar              Leonardo Rhodes           Petr Viktorin
   Robert Hölzl              Ron Cohen                 Thomas Kluyver
   Alex Chamberlain          Alexander Bayandin        Amit Bakshi
   Andrey Devyatkin          Arno van Lumig            Ben Davis
@@ -869,13 +63,12 @@ Authors
   Erik van Zijst            Ferengee                  Gustavo Di Pietro
   Holger Frey               Hugh Cole-Baker           Jasper Lievisse Adriaanse
   Josh Bleecher Snyder      Justin Clift              Kyriakos Oikonomakos
-  Lukas Fleischer           Mathieu Bridon            Nicolás Sanguinetti
-  Noah Fontes               Óscar San José            Peter Dave Hello
-  Philippe Ombredanne       Ridge Kennedy             Ross Nicoll
-  Rui Abreu Ferreira        Sheeo                     Soasme
-  Vladimir Rutsky           Yu Jianjian               chengyuhang
-  earl
+  Lukas Fleischer           Mathieu Bridon            Matthaus Woolard
+  Nicolás Sanguinetti       Noah Fontes               Óscar San José
+  Peter Dave Hello          Philippe Ombredanne       Ridge Kennedy
+  Ross Nicoll               Rui Abreu Ferreira        Sheeo
+  Soasme                    Vladimir Rutsky           Yu Jianjian
+  chengyuhang               earl
diff --git a/docs/backends.rst b/docs/backends.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..7a74b52
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/backends.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Custom backends
+There is some support for custom backends, but undocumented. See
+Documentation contributions are very welcome.
diff --git a/docs/ b/docs/
index a98a935..8b46971 100644
--- a/docs/
+++ b/docs/
@@ -52,7 +52,7 @@ copyright = u'2010-2015 The pygit2 contributors'
 # The short X.Y version.
 version = '0.25'
 # The full version, including alpha/beta/rc tags.
-release = '0.25.0'
+release = '0.25.1'
 # The language for content autogenerated by Sphinx. Refer to documentation
 # for a list of supported languages.
diff --git a/docs/general.rst b/docs/general.rst
index e8908f6..5a84526 100644
--- a/docs/general.rst
+++ b/docs/general.rst
@@ -18,7 +18,7 @@ library that has been built against. The version number has a
 .. py:data:: LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR
    Integer value of the major version number. For example, for the version
-   ``0.25.0``::
+   ``0.25.1``::
       >>> print LIBGIT2_VER_MAJOR
@@ -26,7 +26,7 @@ library that has been built against. The version number has a
 .. py:data:: LIBGIT2_VER_MINOR
    Integer value of the minor version number. For example, for the version
-   ``0.25.0``::
+   ``0.25.1``::
       >>> print LIBGIT2_VER_MINOR
@@ -34,17 +34,17 @@ library that has been built against. The version number has a
 .. py:data:: LIBGIT2_VER_REVISION
    Integer value of the revision version number. For example, for the version
-   ``0.25.0``::
+   ``0.25.1``::
       >>> print LIBGIT2_VER_REVISION
-      0
+      1
 .. py:data:: LIBGIT2_VERSION
    The libgit2 version number as a string::
       >>> print LIBGIT2_VERSION
-      '0.25.0'
+      '0.25.1'
diff --git a/docs/index.rst b/docs/index.rst
index 1669c03..8507ff6 100644
--- a/docs/index.rst
+++ b/docs/index.rst
@@ -13,11 +13,12 @@ implements the core of Git.  Pygit2 works with Python 2.7, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5,
 It is likely to work with Python 2.6 and 3.1, but these versions are not
 officially supported.
-Pygit2 links:
-- -- Source code and issue tracker
+- -- Source code and issue tracker
 - -- Documentation
-- -- Download
+- -- Download
+- -- Changelog
@@ -49,6 +50,7 @@ Usage guide:
+   backends
 Indices and tables
diff --git a/docs/install.rst b/docs/install.rst
index 2f3c737..861ceab 100644
--- a/docs/install.rst
+++ b/docs/install.rst
@@ -43,11 +43,11 @@ while the last number |lq| *.micro* |rq| auto-increments independently.
 As illustration see this table of compatible releases:
-|**libgit2**| 0.25.0 | 0.24.0, 0.24.1 0.24.2 |
-|**pygit2** | 0.25.0 | 0.24.0, 0.24.1 0.24.2 |
+|**libgit2**| 0.25.0, 0.25.1 | 0.24.0, 0.24.1, 0.24.2 |
+|**pygit2** | 0.25.0, 0.25.1 | 0.24.0, 0.24.1, 0.24.2 |
 .. warning::
@@ -64,9 +64,9 @@ directory, do:
 .. code-block:: sh
-   $ wget
-   $ tar xzf v0.25.0.tar.gz
-   $ cd libgit2-0.25.0/
+   $ wget
+   $ tar xzf v0.25.1.tar.gz
+   $ cd libgit2-0.25.1/
    $ cmake .
    $ make
    $ sudo make install
@@ -148,9 +148,9 @@ Install libgit2 (see we define the installation prefix):
 .. code-block:: sh
-   $ wget
-   $ tar xzf v0.25.0.tar.gz
-   $ cd libgit2-0.25.0/
+   $ wget
+   $ tar xzf v0.25.1.tar.gz
+   $ cd libgit2-0.25.1/
    $ make
    $ make install
@@ -186,7 +186,7 @@ everytime. Verify yourself if curious:
 .. code-block:: sh
-   $ readelf --dynamic lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygit2-0.25.0-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ | grep PATH
+   $ readelf --dynamic lib/python2.7/site-packages/pygit2-0.25.1-py2.7-linux-x86_64.egg/ | grep PATH
     0x000000000000001d (RUNPATH)            Library runpath: [/tmp/venv/lib]
@@ -203,9 +203,9 @@ from a bash shell:
 .. code-block:: sh
    $ export LIBGIT2=C:/Dev/libgit2
-   $ wget
-   $ tar xzf v0.25.0.tar.gz
-   $ cd libgit2-0.25.0/
+   $ wget
+   $ tar xzf v0.25.1.tar.gz
+   $ cd libgit2-0.25.1/
    $ cmake . -DSTDCALL=OFF -DCMAKE_INSTALL_PREFIX=$LIBGIT2 -G "Visual Studio 9 2008"
    $ cmake --build . --config release --target install
    $ ctest -v
diff --git a/docs/submodule.rst b/docs/submodule.rst
index 8331f7a..b4c15e1 100644
--- a/docs/submodule.rst
+++ b/docs/submodule.rst
@@ -1,10 +1,12 @@
-The submodule
 A submodule is a foreign repository that is embedded within a
 dedicated subdirectory of the repositories tree.
+.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.init_submodules
+.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.update_submodules
 .. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.lookup_submodule
 .. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.listall_submodules
diff --git a/pygit2/ b/pygit2/
index cd58148..40a313b 100644
--- a/pygit2/
+++ b/pygit2/
@@ -37,7 +37,7 @@ from os import getenv
 # The version number of pygit2
-__version__ = '0.25.0'
+__version__ = '0.25.1'