Updated docs to match new branches API.

This commit is contained in:
Tamir Bahar 2017-04-19 21:03:43 +03:00
parent d14438725e
commit d6716e035a
2 changed files with 23 additions and 16 deletions

@ -49,7 +49,7 @@ example `three-argument rebases`_.
repo = pygit2.Repository('/path/to/repo')
cherry = repo.revparse_single('9e044d03c')
basket = repo.lookup_branch('basket')
basket = repo.branches.get('basket')
base = repo.merge_base(cherry.oid, basket.target)
base_tree = cherry.parents[0].tree

@ -69,28 +69,35 @@ Branches
Branches inherit from References, and additionally provide specialized
accessors for some unique features.
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.listall_branches
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.lookup_branch
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.create_branch
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.Branches.create
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.Branches.delete
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.Branches.get
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.Branches.__getitem__
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.Branches.__iter__
.. automethod:: pygit2.Repository.Branches.__contains__
>>> local_branches = repo.listall_branches()
>>> # equivalent to
>>> local_branches = repo.listall_branches(pygit2.GIT_BRANCH_LOCAL)
>>> # Listing all branches
>>> branches_list = list(repo.branches)
>>> # Local only
>>> local_branches = list(repo.branches.local)
>>> # Remote only
>>> remote_branches = list(repo.branches.remote)
>>> remote_branches = repo.listall_branches(pygit2.GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE)
>>> # Get a branch
>>> branch = repo.branches['master']
>>> other_branch = repo.branches['does-not-exist'] # Will raise a KeyError
>>> other_branch = repo.branches.get('does-not-exist') # Returns None
>>> all_branches = repo.listall_branches(pygit2.GIT_BRANCH_REMOTE |
>>> remote_branch = repo.branches.remote['upstream/feature']
>>> master_branch = repo.lookup_branch('master')
>>> # equivalent to
>>> master_branch = repo.lookup_branch('master',
>>> # Create a local branch
>>> new_branch = repo.branches.local.create('new-branch')
>>> And delete it
>>> repo.branches.delete('new-branch')
>>> remote_branch = repo.lookup_branch('upstream/feature',
The Branch type