from __future__ import print_function import sys,getpass import ldap #l ="localhost", 31001) l ="") login_dn = "cn=root,ou=CSEE,o=UQ,c=AU" login_pw = getpass.getpass("Password for %s: " % login_dn) l.simple_bind_s(login_dn, login_pw) # # create a new sub organisation # try: dn = "ou=CSEE,o=UQ,c=AU" print("Adding", repr(dn)) l.add_s(dn, [ ("objectclass",["organizationalUnit"]), ("ou", ["CSEE"]), ("description", [ "Department of Computer Science and Electrical Engineering"]), ] ) except _ldap.LDAPError: pass # # create an entry for me # dn = "cn=David Leonard,ou=CSEE,o=UQ,c=AU" print("Updating", repr(dn)) try: l.delete_s(dn) except: pass l.add_s(dn, [ ("objectclass", ["organizationalPerson"]), ("sn", ["Leonard"]), ("cn", ["David Leonard"]), ("description", ["Ph.D. student"]), ("display-name", ["David Leonard"]), #("commonname", ["David Leonard"]), ("mail", [""]), ("othermailbox", [""]), ("givenname", ["David"]), ("surname", ["Leonard"]), ("seeAlso", [""]), ("url", [""]), #("homephone", []), #("fax", []), #("otherfacsimiletelephonenumber",[]), #("officefax", []), #("mobile", []), #("otherpager", []), #("officepager", []), #("pager", []), ("info", ["info"]), ("title", ["Mr"]), #("telephonenumber", []), ("l", ["Brisbane"]), ("st", ["Queensland"]), ("c", ["AU"]), ("co", ["co"]), ("o", ["UQ"]), ("ou", ["CSEE"]), #("homepostaladdress", []), #("postaladdress", []), #("streetaddress", []), #("street", []), ("department", ["CSEE"]), ("comment", ["comment"]), #("postalcode", []), ("physicaldeliveryofficename", ["Bldg 78, UQ, St Lucia"]), ("preferredDeliveryMethod", ["email"]), ("initials", ["DRL"]), ("conferenceinformation", ["MS-conferenceinformation"]), #("usercertificate", []), ("labeleduri", ["labeleduri"]), ("manager", ["cn=Jaga Indulska"]), ("reports", ["reports"]), ("jpegPhoto", [open("/www/leonard/leonard.jpg","r").read()]), ("uid", ["leonard"]), ("userPassword", [""]) ]) # # search beneath the CSEE/UQ/AU tree # res = l.search_s( "ou=CSEE, o=UQ, c=AU", _ldap.SCOPE_SUBTREE, "objectclass=*", ) print(res) l.unbind()