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# Section for compiling the C extension module
# for wrapping OpenLDAP 2 libs
# Platform: Win32
# Compile environment: Microsoft Visual Studio .NET 2003
class = OpenLDAP2
defines = WIN32
# Cannot have SSL/TLS support under Win32 for the moment
# (OpenLDAP 2.x port is incomplete)
libs = olber32 oldap_r ws2_32 libsasl
# Set these to your correct Openldap and Cyrus-sasl paths
library_dirs = ../openldap/openldap-2.1.22/Release ../openldap/cyrus-sasl/lib
include_dirs = ../openldap/openldap-2.1.22/include ../openldap/cyrus-sasl/include
# Needs to compile as /MT ("MS libs to use: multithreaded statically-linked")
# instead of /MD ("MS libs to use: multithreaded DLL") which is distutils' default
# because OpenLDAP libs compile that way, too
# This may change, however
extra_compile_args = /MT
extra_link_args = /NODEFAULTLIB:msvcrt.lib
# Pull in SASL DLL as a convenience to end-user (which almost never will have it)
# Destination path is a rather crude hack, but site-packages would be created anyway
# Set source path to your Cyrus-sasl lib path
extra_files = Lib/site-packages:../openldap/cyrus-sasl/lib/libsasl.dll
# Installation options
compile = 1
record = python-ldap_install.log