
284 lines
8.2 KiB

/* See for details.
* $Id: schema.c,v 1.8 2009/04/17 12:19:09 stroeder Exp $ */
#include "common.h"
#include "schema.h"
#include "ldap_schema.h"
This utility function takes a null delimited C array of (null
delimited) C strings, creates its python equivalent and returns a
new reference to it. If the array is empty or the pointer to it is
NULL, an empty python array is returned.
PyObject* c_string_array_to_python(char **string_array)
Py_ssize_t count = 0;
char **s;
PyObject *py_list;
if (string_array) {
for (s=string_array; *s != 0; s++) count++;
py_list = PyList_New(count);
count = 0;
for (s=string_array; *s != 0; s++){
PyList_SetItem(py_list, count, PyString_FromString(*s));
} else py_list=PyList_New(0);
return py_list;
This function returns a list of tuples. The first entry of each
tuple is a string (lsei_name), and the second is a lists built from
Probably the C data structure is modeled along the lines of a
mapping "lsei_name -> (list of lsei_values)". However, there seems
to be no guarantee that a lsei_name is unique, so I dare not use a
python mapping for this beast...
PyObject* schema_extension_to_python(LDAPSchemaExtensionItem **extensions)
Py_ssize_t count = 0;
LDAPSchemaExtensionItem **e;
PyObject *py_list, *item_tuple;
if (extensions) {
for (e = extensions; *e !=0; e++) count++;
py_list = PyList_New(count);
count = 0;
for (e = extensions; *e !=0; e++) {
item_tuple = PyTuple_New(2);
PyTuple_SetItem(item_tuple, 0,
PyTuple_SetItem(item_tuple, 1,
PyList_SetItem(py_list, count, item_tuple);
else py_list=PyList_New(0);
return py_list;
The following four functions do the boring job: they take a python
string, feed it into the respective parser functions provided by
openldap, and build a python list from the data structure returned
by the C function.
static char doc_ldap_str2objectclass[] =
static PyObject*
l_ldap_str2objectclass(PyObject* self, PyObject *args)
int ret=0, flag = LDAP_SCHEMA_ALLOW_NONE;
char *oc_string;
const char *errp;
LDAPObjectClass *o;
PyObject *oc_names, *oc_sup_oids, *oc_at_oids_must,
*oc_at_oids_may, *py_ret;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &oc_string, &flag))
return NULL;
o = ldap_str2objectclass( oc_string, &ret, &errp, flag);
if (ret) {
py_ret = PyInt_FromLong(ret);
return py_ret;
oc_sup_oids = c_string_array_to_python(o->oc_sup_oids);
oc_names = c_string_array_to_python(o->oc_names);
oc_at_oids_must = c_string_array_to_python(o->oc_at_oids_must);
oc_at_oids_may = c_string_array_to_python(o->oc_at_oids_may);
py_ret = PyList_New(9);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 0, PyString_FromString(o->oc_oid));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 1, oc_names);
if (o->oc_desc) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 2, PyString_FromString(o->oc_desc));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 2, PyString_FromString(""));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 3, PyInt_FromLong(o->oc_obsolete));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 4, oc_sup_oids);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 5, PyInt_FromLong(o->oc_kind));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 6, oc_at_oids_must);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 7, oc_at_oids_may);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 8,
return py_ret;
static char doc_ldap_str2attributetype[] =
static PyObject*
l_ldap_str2attributetype(PyObject* self, PyObject *args)
int ret=0, flag = LDAP_SCHEMA_ALLOW_NONE;
char *at_string;
const char *errp;
LDAPAttributeType *a;
PyObject *py_ret;
PyObject *at_names;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &at_string,&flag))
return NULL;
a = ldap_str2attributetype( at_string, &ret, &errp, flag);
if (ret) {
py_ret = PyInt_FromLong(ret);
return py_ret;
py_ret = PyList_New(15);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 0, PyString_FromString(a->at_oid));
at_names = c_string_array_to_python(a->at_names);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 1, at_names);
if (a->at_desc) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 2, PyString_FromString(a->at_desc));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 2, PyString_FromString(""));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 3, PyInt_FromLong(a->at_obsolete));
if (a->at_sup_oid) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 4, PyString_FromString(a->at_sup_oid));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 4, PyString_FromString(""));
if (a->at_equality_oid) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 5, PyString_FromString(a->at_equality_oid));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 5, PyString_FromString(""));
if (a->at_ordering_oid) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 6, PyString_FromString(a->at_ordering_oid));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 6, PyString_FromString(""));
if (a->at_substr_oid) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 7, PyString_FromString(a->at_substr_oid));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 7, PyString_FromString(""));
if (a->at_syntax_oid) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 8, PyString_FromString(a->at_syntax_oid));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 8, PyString_FromString(""));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 9, PyInt_FromLong(a->at_syntax_len));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret,10, PyInt_FromLong(a->at_single_value));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret,11, PyInt_FromLong(a->at_collective));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret,12, PyInt_FromLong(a->at_no_user_mod));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret,13, PyInt_FromLong(a->at_usage));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 14,
return py_ret;
static char doc_ldap_str2syntax[] =
static PyObject*
l_ldap_str2syntax(PyObject* self, PyObject *args)
LDAPSyntax *s;
int ret=0, flag = LDAP_SCHEMA_ALLOW_NONE;
const char *errp;
char *syn_string;
PyObject *py_ret, *syn_names;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &syn_string,&flag))
return NULL;
s = ldap_str2syntax(syn_string, &ret, &errp, flag);
if (ret) {
py_ret = PyInt_FromLong(ret);
return py_ret;
py_ret = PyList_New(4);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 0, PyString_FromString(s->syn_oid));
syn_names = c_string_array_to_python(s->syn_names);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 1, syn_names);
if (s->syn_desc) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 2, PyString_FromString(s->syn_desc));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 2, PyString_FromString(""));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 3,
return py_ret;
static char doc_ldap_str2matchingrule[] =
static PyObject*
l_ldap_str2matchingrule(PyObject* self, PyObject *args)
LDAPMatchingRule *m;
int ret=0, flag = LDAP_SCHEMA_ALLOW_NONE;
const char *errp;
char *mr_string;
PyObject *py_ret, *mr_names;
if (!PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "si", &mr_string,&flag))
return NULL;
m = ldap_str2matchingrule(mr_string, &ret, &errp, flag);
if (ret) {
py_ret = PyInt_FromLong(ret);
return py_ret;
py_ret = PyList_New(6);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 0, PyString_FromString(m->mr_oid));
mr_names = c_string_array_to_python(m->mr_names);
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 1, mr_names);
if (m->mr_desc) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 2, PyString_FromString(m->mr_desc));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 2, PyString_FromString(""));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 3, PyInt_FromLong(m->mr_obsolete));
if (m->mr_syntax_oid) {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 4, PyString_FromString(m->mr_syntax_oid));
} else {
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 4, PyString_FromString(""));
PyList_SetItem(py_ret, 5,
return py_ret;
/* methods */
static PyMethodDef methods[] = {
{ "str2objectclass", (PyCFunction)l_ldap_str2objectclass, METH_VARARGS,
doc_ldap_str2objectclass },
{ "str2attributetype", (PyCFunction)l_ldap_str2attributetype,
METH_VARARGS, doc_ldap_str2attributetype },
{ "str2syntax", (PyCFunction)l_ldap_str2syntax,
METH_VARARGS, doc_ldap_str2syntax },
{ "str2matchingrule", (PyCFunction)l_ldap_str2matchingrule,
METH_VARARGS, doc_ldap_str2matchingrule },
LDAPinit_schema( PyObject* d ) {
LDAPadd_methods( d, methods );