#!/usr/bin/env python # # Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one # or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file # distributed with this work for additional information # regarding copyright ownership. The ASF licenses this file # to you under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the # "License"); you may not use this file except in compliance # with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, # software distributed under the License is distributed on an # "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY # KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the # specific language governing permissions and limitations # under the License. # """A simple server that consumes and produces messages.""" import logging import optparse import select import sys import time import uuid from proton import Message import pyngus from utils import get_host_port from utils import server_socket LOG = logging.getLogger() LOG.addHandler(logging.StreamHandler()) class SocketConnection(pyngus.ConnectionEventHandler): """Associates a pyngus Connection with a python network socket""" def __init__(self, container, socket_, name, properties): """Create a Connection using socket_.""" self.socket = socket_ self.connection = container.create_connection(name, self, # handler properties) self.connection.user_context = self self.connection.open() self.sender_links = set() self.receiver_links = set() def destroy(self): for link in self.sender_links.copy(): link.destroy() for link in self.receiver_links.copy(): link.destroy() if self.connection: self.connection.destroy() self.connection = None if self.socket: self.socket.close() self.socket = None @property def closed(self): return self.connection is None or self.connection.closed def fileno(self): """Allows use of a SocketConnection in a select() call.""" return self.socket.fileno() def process_input(self): """Called when socket is read-ready""" try: pyngus.read_socket_input(self.connection, self.socket) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Exception on socket read: %s", str(e)) self.connection.close_input() self.connection.close() self.connection.process(time.time()) def send_output(self): """Called when socket is write-ready""" try: pyngus.write_socket_output(self.connection, self.socket) except Exception as e: LOG.error("Exception on socket write: %s", str(e)) self.connection.close_output() self.connection.close() self.connection.process(time.time()) # ConnectionEventHandler callbacks: def connection_remote_closed(self, connection, reason): LOG.debug("Connection: remote closed!") # The remote has closed its end of the Connection. Close my end to # complete the close of the Connection: self.connection.close() def connection_closed(self, connection): LOG.debug("Connection: closed.") def connection_failed(self, connection, error): LOG.error("Connection: failed! error=%s", str(error)) self.connection.close() def sender_requested(self, connection, link_handle, name, requested_source, properties): LOG.debug("Connection: sender requested") if requested_source is None: # the peer has requested us to create a source node. Pretend we do # this, and supply a dummy name requested_source = uuid.uuid4().hex sender = MySenderLink(self, link_handle, requested_source) self.sender_links.add(sender) def receiver_requested(self, connection, link_handle, name, requested_target, properties): LOG.debug("receiver requested callback") if requested_target is None: # the peer has requested us to create a target node. Pretend we do # this, and supply a dummy name requested_target = uuid.uuid4().hex receiver = MyReceiverLink(self, link_handle, requested_target) self.receiver_links.add(receiver) # SASL callbacks: def sasl_step(self, connection, pn_sasl): LOG.debug("SASL step callback") # Unconditionally accept the client: pn_sasl.done(pn_sasl.OK) def sasl_done(self, connection, pn_sasl, result): LOG.debug("SASL done callback, result=%s", str(result)) class MySenderLink(pyngus.SenderEventHandler): """Send messages until credit runs out.""" def __init__(self, socket_conn, handle, src_addr=None): self.socket_conn = socket_conn sl = socket_conn.connection.accept_sender(handle, source_override=src_addr, event_handler=self) self.sender_link = sl self.sender_link.open() print("New Sender link created, name=%s" % sl.name) @property def closed(self): return self.sender_link.closed def destroy(self): print("Sender link destroyed, name=%s" % self.sender_link.name) self.socket_conn.sender_links.discard(self) self.socket_conn = None self.sender_link.destroy() self.sender_link = None def send_message(self): msg = Message() msg.body = "Hi There!" LOG.debug("Sender: Sending message...") self.sender_link.send(msg, self) # SenderEventHandler callbacks: def sender_active(self, sender_link): LOG.debug("Sender: Active") if sender_link.credit > 0: self.send_message() def sender_remote_closed(self, sender_link, error): LOG.debug("Sender: Remote closed") self.sender_link.close() def credit_granted(self, sender_link): LOG.debug("Sender: credit granted") # Send a single message: if sender_link.credit > 0: self.send_message() # 'message sent' callback: def __call__(self, sender, handle, status, error=None): print("Message sent on Sender link %s, status=%s" % (self.sender_link.name, status)) if self.sender_link.credit > 0: # send another message: self.send_message() class MyReceiverLink(pyngus.ReceiverEventHandler): """Receive messages, and drop them.""" def __init__(self, socket_conn, handle, rx_addr=None): self.socket_conn = socket_conn rl = socket_conn.connection.accept_receiver(handle, target_override=rx_addr, event_handler=self) self.receiver_link = rl self.receiver_link.open() self.receiver_link.add_capacity(1) print("New Receiver link created, name=%s" % rl.name) @property def closed(self): return self.receiver_link.closed def destroy(self): print("Receiver link destroyed, name=%s" % self.receiver_link.name) self.socket_conn.receiver_links.discard(self) self.socket_conn = None self.receiver_link.destroy() self.receiver_link = None # ReceiverEventHandler callbacks: def receiver_active(self, receiver_link): LOG.debug("Receiver: Active") def receiver_remote_closed(self, receiver_link, error): LOG.debug("Receiver: Remote closed") self.receiver_link.close() def message_received(self, receiver_link, message, handle): self.receiver_link.message_accepted(handle) print("Message received on Receiver link %s, message=%s" % (self.receiver_link.name, str(message))) if receiver_link.capacity < 1: receiver_link.add_capacity(1) def main(argv=None): _usage = """Usage: %prog [options]""" parser = optparse.OptionParser(usage=_usage) parser.add_option("-a", dest="address", type="string", default="amqp://", help="Server address [amqp://]") parser.add_option("--idle", dest="idle_timeout", type="float", help="timeout for an idle link, in seconds") parser.add_option("--trace", dest="trace", action="store_true", help="enable protocol tracing") parser.add_option("--debug", dest="debug", action="store_true", help="enable debug logging") parser.add_option("--ca", help="Certificate Authority PEM file") parser.add_option("--cert", "--ssl-cert-file", help="PEM File containing the server's certificate") parser.add_option("--key", "--ssl-key-file", help="PEM File containing the server's private key") parser.add_option("--keypass", "--ssl-key-password", help="Password used to decrypt key file") parser.add_option("--require-auth", action="store_true", help="Require clients to authenticate") parser.add_option("--sasl-mechs", type="string", help="The list of acceptable SASL mechs") parser.add_option("--sasl-cfg-name", "--sasl-config-name", type="string", help="name of SASL config file (no suffix)") parser.add_option("--sasl-cfg-dir", "--sasl-config-dir", type="string", help="Path to the SASL config file") opts, arguments = parser.parse_args(args=argv) if opts.debug: LOG.setLevel(logging.DEBUG) # Create a socket for inbound connections # host, port = get_host_port(opts.address) my_socket = server_socket(host, port) # create an AMQP container that will 'provide' the Server service # container = pyngus.Container("Server") socket_connections = set() # Main loop: process I/O and timer events: # while True: readers, writers, timers = container.need_processing() # map pyngus Connections back to my SocketConnections: readfd = [c.user_context for c in readers] writefd = [c.user_context for c in writers] timeout = None if timers: deadline = timers[0].next_tick # [0] == next expiring timer now = time.time() timeout = 0 if deadline <= now else deadline - now LOG.debug("select() start (t=%s)", str(timeout)) readfd.append(my_socket) readable, writable, ignore = select.select(readfd, writefd, [], timeout) LOG.debug("select() returned") worked = set() for r in readable: if r is my_socket: # new inbound connection request received, # create a new SocketConnection for it: client_socket, client_address = my_socket.accept() # name = uuid.uuid4().hex name = str(client_address) conn_properties = {'x-server': True} if opts.require_auth: conn_properties['x-require-auth'] = True if opts.sasl_mechs: conn_properties['x-sasl-mechs'] = opts.sasl_mechs if opts.sasl_cfg_name: conn_properties['x-sasl-config-name'] = opts.sasl_cfg_name if opts.sasl_cfg_dir: conn_properties['x-sasl-config-dir'] = opts.sasl_cfg_dir if opts.idle_timeout: conn_properties["idle-time-out"] = opts.idle_timeout if opts.trace: conn_properties["x-trace-protocol"] = True if opts.cert: conn_properties["x-ssl-server"] = True identity = (opts.cert, opts.key, opts.keypass) conn_properties["x-ssl-identity"] = identity sconn = SocketConnection(container, client_socket, name, conn_properties) socket_connections.add(sconn) LOG.debug("new connection created name=%s", name) else: assert isinstance(r, SocketConnection) r.process_input() worked.add(r) for t in timers: now = time.time() if t.next_tick > now: break t.process(now) sc = t.user_context assert isinstance(sc, SocketConnection) worked.add(sc) for w in writable: assert isinstance(w, SocketConnection) w.send_output() worked.add(w) closed = False while worked: sc = worked.pop() # nuke any completed connections: if sc.closed: socket_connections.discard(sc) sc.destroy() closed = True else: # can free any closed links now (optional): for link in sc.sender_links | sc.receiver_links: if link.closed: link.destroy() if closed: LOG.debug("%d active connections present", len(socket_connections)) return 0 if __name__ == "__main__": sys.exit(main())