2014-04-22 15:18:07 -04:00

655 lines
25 KiB

# Licensed to the Apache Software Foundation (ASF) under one
# or more contributor license agreements. See the NOTICE file
# distributed with this work for additional information
# regarding copyright ownership.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); you may
# not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain
# a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, WITHOUT
# WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the
# License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations
# under the License.
__all__ = [
import heapq
import logging
import proton
import time
from warnings import warn
from dingus.link import _SessionProxy
from dingus.endpoint import Endpoint
LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class ConnectionEventHandler(object):
"""An implementation of an AMQP 1.0 Connection."""
def connection_active(self, connection):
"""Connection handshake has completed."""
LOG.debug("connection_active (ignored)")
def connection_failed(self, connection, error):
"""Connection's transport has failed in some way."""
LOG.warn("connection_failed, error=%s (ignored)", str(error))
def connection_remote_closed(self, connection, pn_condition):
"""Peer has closed its end of the connection."""
LOG.debug("connection_remote_closed (ignored)")
def connection_closed(self, connection):
"""The connection has cleanly closed."""
LOG.debug("connection_closed (ignored)")
def sender_requested(self, connection, link_handle,
name, requested_source,
"""Peer has requested a SenderLink be created."""
# call accept_sender to accept new link,
# reject_sender to reject it.
LOG.debug("sender_requested (ignored)")
def receiver_requested(self, connection, link_handle,
name, requested_target,
"""Peer has requested a ReceiverLink be created."""
# call accept_receiver to accept new link,
# reject_receiver to reject it.
LOG.debug("receiver_requested (ignored)")
# TODO(kgiusti) cleaner sasl support, esp. server side
def sasl_step(self, connection, pn_sasl):
"""SASL exchange occurred."""
LOG.debug("sasl_step (ignored)")
def sasl_done(self, connection, pn_sasl, result):
"""SASL exchange complete."""
LOG.debug("sasl_done (ignored)")
class Connection(Endpoint):
"""A Connection to a peer."""
EOS = -1 # indicates 'I/O stream closed'
def __init__(self, container, name, event_handler=None, properties=None):
"""Create a new connection from the Container
The following AMQP connection properties are supported:
hostname: string, target host name sent in Open frame.
idle-time-out: float, time in seconds before an idle link will be
The following custom connection properties are supported:
x-trace-protocol: boolean, if true, dump sent and received frames to
x-ssl-server: boolean, if True connection acts as a SSL server (default
False - use Client mode)
x-ssl-identity: tuple, contains identifying certificate information
which will be presented to the peer. The first item in the tuple is
the path to the certificate file (PEM format). The second item is the
path to a file containing the private key used to sign the certificate
(PEM format, optional if private key is stored in the certificate
itself). The last item is the password used to encrypt the private key
(string, not required if private key is not encrypted)
x-ssl-ca-file: string, path to a file containing the certificates of
the trusted Certificate Authorities that will be used to check the
signature of the peer's certificate.
x-ssl-verify-mode: string, configure the level of security provided by
SSL. Possible values:
"verify-peer" (default) - most secure, requires peer to supply a
certificate signed by a valid CA (see x-ssl-ca-file), and check
the CN or SAN entry in the certificate against the expected
peer hostname (see x-ssl-peer-name)
"verify-cert" (default if no x-ssl-peer-name given) - like
verify-peer, but skips the check of the peer hostname.
Vulnerable to man-in-the-middle attack.
"no-verify" - do not require the peer to provide a certificate.
Results in a weaker encryption stream, and other vulnerabilities.
x-ssl-peer-name: string, DNS name of peer. Required to authenticate
peer's certificate (see x-ssl-verify-mode).
x-ssl-allow-cleartext: boolean, Allows clients to connect without using
SSL (eg, plain TCP). Used by a server that will accept clients
requesting either trusted or untrusted connections.
super(Connection, self).__init__(name)
self._container = container
self._handler = event_handler
self._pn_connection = proton.Connection()
self._pn_connection.container = container.name
self._pn_transport = proton.Transport()
self._pn_collector = proton.Collector()
if properties:
if 'hostname' in properties:
self._pn_connection.hostname = properties['hostname']
secs = properties.get("idle-time-out")
if secs:
self._pn_transport.idle_timeout = secs
if properties.get("x-trace-protocol"):
# indexed by link-name
self._sender_links = {} # SenderLink
self._receiver_links = {} # ReceiverLink
self._timers = {} # indexed by expiration date
self._timers_heap = [] # sorted by expiration date
self._read_done = False
self._write_done = False
self._error = None
self._next_deadline = 0
self._user_context = None
self._active = False
self._in_process = False
self._remote_session_id = 0
self._pn_ssl = self._configure_ssl(properties)
# TODO(kgiusti) sasl configuration and handling
self._pn_sasl = None
self._sasl_done = False
def container(self):
return self._container
# TODO(kgiusti) - hopefully remove
def pn_transport(self):
return self._pn_transport
# TODO(kgiusti) - hopefully remove
def pn_connection(self):
return self._pn_connection
def name(self):
return self._name
def remote_container(self):
"""Return the name of the remote container. Should be present once the
connection is active.
return self._pn_connection.remote_container
def remote_hostname(self):
"""Return the hostname advertised by the remote, if present."""
if self._pn_connection:
return self._pn_connection.remote_hostname
return None
# TODO(kgiusti) - think about server side use of sasl!
def pn_sasl(self):
if not self._pn_sasl:
self._pn_sasl = self._pn_transport.sasl()
return self._pn_sasl
def sasl(self):
warn(DeprecationWarning("sasl deprecated, use pn_sasl instead"))
return self.pn_sasl
def pn_ssl(self):
"""Return the Proton SSL context for this Connection."""
return self._pn_ssl
def _get_user_context(self):
return self._user_context
def _set_user_context(self, ctxt):
self._user_context = ctxt
_uc_docstr = """Associate an arbitrary user object with this Connection."""
user_context = property(_get_user_context, _set_user_context,
def open(self):
def close(self, pn_condition=None):
for link in self._sender_links.itervalues():
for link in self._receiver_links.itervalues():
if pn_condition:
self._pn_connection.condition = pn_condition
def active(self):
"""Return True if both ends of the Connection are open."""
return self._endpoint_state == self._ACTIVE
def closed(self):
"""Return True if the Connection has finished closing."""
return (self._write_done and self._read_done)
def destroy(self):
self._container = None
self._pn_collector = None
self._pn_connection = None
self._pn_transport = None
self._user_context = None
_REMOTE_REQ = (proton.Endpoint.LOCAL_UNINIT
| proton.Endpoint.REMOTE_ACTIVE)
_CLOSED = (proton.Endpoint.LOCAL_CLOSED | proton.Endpoint.REMOTE_CLOSED)
_ACTIVE = (proton.Endpoint.LOCAL_ACTIVE | proton.Endpoint.REMOTE_ACTIVE)
def process(self, now):
"""Perform connection state processing."""
if self._in_process:
raise RuntimeError("Connection.process() is not re-entrant!")
self._in_process = True
# if the connection has hit an unrecoverable error,
# nag the application until connection is destroyed
if self._error:
if self._handler:
self._handler.connection_failed(self, self._error)
# nag application until connection is destroyed
self._next_deadline = now
return now
# wait until SASL has authenticated
# TODO(kgiusti) Server-side SASL
if self._pn_sasl:
if self._pn_sasl.state not in (proton.SASL.STATE_PASS,
LOG.debug("SASL in progress. State=%s",
if self._handler:
self._handler.sasl_step(self, self._pn_sasl)
return self._next_deadline
if self._handler:
self._handler.sasl_done(self, self._pn_sasl,
self._pn_sasl = None
# process timer events:
timer_deadline = self._expire_timers(now)
transport_deadline = self._pn_transport.tick(now)
if timer_deadline and transport_deadline:
self._next_deadline = min(timer_deadline, transport_deadline)
self._next_deadline = timer_deadline or transport_deadline
# process events from proton:
pn_event = self._pn_collector.peek()
while pn_event:
if pn_event.type == proton.Event.CONNECTION_REMOTE_STATE:
elif pn_event.type == proton.Event.CONNECTION_LOCAL_STATE:
elif pn_event.type == proton.Event.SESSION_REMOTE_STATE:
pn_session = pn_event.session
# create a new session if requested by remote:
if (pn_session.state == self._REMOTE_REQ):
LOG.debug("Opening remotely initiated session")
name = "session-%d" % self._remote_session_id
self._remote_session_id += 1
session = _SessionProxy(name, self, pn_session)
elif pn_event.type == proton.Event.SESSION_LOCAL_STATE:
pn_session = pn_event.session
elif pn_event.type == proton.Event.LINK_REMOTE_STATE:
pn_link = pn_event.link
# create a new link if requested by remote:
if (pn_link.state == self._REMOTE_REQ):
session = pn_link.session.context
if (pn_link.is_sender and
pn_link.name not in self._sender_links):
LOG.debug("Remotely initiated Sender needs init")
link = session.request_sender(pn_link)
self._sender_links[pn_link.name] = link
elif (pn_link.is_receiver and
pn_link.name not in self._receiver_links):
LOG.debug("Remotely initiated Receiver needs init")
link = session.request_receiver(pn_link)
self._receiver_links[pn_link.name] = link
elif pn_event.type == proton.Event.LINK_LOCAL_STATE:
pn_link = pn_event.link
elif pn_event.type == proton.Event.DELIVERY:
link = pn_event.link.context
pn_delivery = pn_event.delivery
elif pn_event.type == proton.Event.LINK_FLOW:
link = pn_event.link.context
pn_event = self._pn_collector.peek()
# invoked closed callback after endpoint has fully closed and all
# pending I/O has completed:
if (self._active and
self._endpoint_state == self._CLOSED and
self._read_done and self._write_done):
self._active = False
if self._handler:
return self._next_deadline
self._in_process = False
def next_tick(self):
warn(DeprecationWarning("next_tick deprecated, use deadline instead"))
return self.deadline
def deadline(self):
"""Must invoke process() on or before this timestamp."""
return self._next_deadline
def needs_input(self):
if self._read_done:
return self.EOS
# TODO(grs): can this actually throw?
capacity = self._pn_transport.capacity()
except Exception as e:
return self._connection_failed(str(e))
if capacity >= 0:
return capacity
self._read_done = True
return self.EOS
def process_input(self, in_data):
c = min(self.needs_input, len(in_data))
if c <= 0:
return c
rc = self._pn_transport.push(in_data[:c])
except Exception as e:
return self._connection_failed(str(e))
if rc: # error?
self._read_done = True
return self.EOS
# hack: check if this was the last input needed by the connection.
# If so, this will set the _read_done flag and the 'connection closed'
# callback can be issued on the next call to process()
return c
def close_input(self, reason=None):
if not self._read_done:
except Exception as e:
self._read_done = True
def has_output(self):
if self._write_done:
return self.EOS
pending = self._pn_transport.pending()
except Exception as e:
return self._connection_failed(str(e))
if pending >= 0:
return pending
self._write_done = True
return self.EOS
def output_data(self):
"""Get a buffer of data that needs to be written to the network.
c = self.has_output
if c <= 0:
return None
buf = self._pn_transport.peek(c)
except Exception as e:
return None
return buf
def output_written(self, count):
except Exception as e:
return self._connection_failed(str(e))
# hack: check if this was the last output from the connection. If so,
# this will set the _write_done flag and the 'connection closed'
# callback can be issued on the next call to process()
def close_output(self, reason=None):
if not self._write_done:
except Exception as e:
self._write_done = True
def create_sender(self, source_address, target_address=None,
event_handler=None, name=None, properties=None):
"""Factory method for Sender links."""
ident = name or str(source_address)
if ident in self._sender_links:
raise KeyError("Sender %s already exists!" % ident)
session = _SessionProxy(ident, self)
sl = session.new_sender(ident)
sl.configure(target_address, source_address, event_handler, properties)
self._sender_links[ident] = sl
return sl
def accept_sender(self, link_handle, source_override=None,
event_handler=None, properties=None):
link = self._sender_links.get(link_handle)
if not link:
raise Exception("Invalid link_handle: %s" % link_handle)
pn_link = link._pn_link
if pn_link.remote_source.dynamic and not source_override:
raise Exception("A source address must be supplied!")
source_addr = source_override or pn_link.remote_source.address
event_handler, properties)
return link
def reject_sender(self, link_handle, reason):
"""Rejects the SenderLink, and destroys the handle."""
link = self._sender_links.get(link_handle)
if not link:
raise Exception("Invalid link_handle: %s" % link_handle)
def create_receiver(self, target_address, source_address=None,
event_handler=None, name=None, properties=None):
"""Factory method for creating Receive links."""
ident = name or str(target_address)
if ident in self._receiver_links:
raise KeyError("Receiver %s already exists!" % ident)
session = _SessionProxy(ident, self)
rl = session.new_receiver(ident)
rl.configure(target_address, source_address, event_handler, properties)
self._receiver_links[ident] = rl
return rl
def accept_receiver(self, link_handle, target_override=None,
event_handler=None, properties=None):
link = self._receiver_links.get(link_handle)
if not link:
raise Exception("Invalid link_handle: %s" % link_handle)
pn_link = link._pn_link
if pn_link.remote_target.dynamic and not target_override:
raise Exception("A target address must be supplied!")
target_addr = target_override or pn_link.remote_target.address
event_handler, properties)
return link
def reject_receiver(self, link_handle, pn_condition=None):
link = self._receiver_links.get(link_handle)
if not link:
raise Exception("Invalid link_handle: %s" % link_handle)
def _endpoint_state(self):
return self._pn_connection.state
def _remove_sender(self, name):
if name in self._sender_links:
del self._sender_links[name]
def _remove_receiver(self, name):
if name in self._receiver_links:
del self._receiver_links[name]
def _connection_failed(self, error):
"""Clean up after connection failure detected."""
if not self._error:
LOG.error("Connection failed: %s", str(error))
self._read_done = True
self._write_done = True
self._error = error
# report error during the next call to process()
self._next_deadline = time.time()
return self.EOS
def _configure_ssl(self, properties):
if not properties:
return None
verify_modes = {'verify-peer': proton.SSLDomain.VERIFY_PEER_NAME,
'verify-cert': proton.SSLDomain.VERIFY_PEER,
'no-verify': proton.SSLDomain.ANONYMOUS_PEER}
mode = proton.SSLDomain.MODE_CLIENT
if properties.get('x-ssl-server'):
mode = proton.SSLDomain.MODE_SERVER
identity = properties.get('x-ssl-identity')
ca_file = properties.get('x-ssl-ca-file')
if not identity and not ca_file:
return None # SSL not configured
hostname = None
# This will throw proton.SSLUnavailable if SSL support is not installed
domain = proton.SSLDomain(mode)
if identity:
# our identity:
domain.set_credentials(identity[0], identity[1], identity[2])
if ca_file:
# how we verify peers:
hostname = properties.get('x-ssl-peer-name')
vdefault = 'verify-peer' if hostname else 'verify-cert'
vmode = verify_modes.get(properties.get('x-ssl-verify-mode',
# check for configuration error
if not vmode:
raise proton.SSLException("bad value for x-ssl-verify-mode")
if vmode == proton.SSLDomain.VERIFY_PEER_NAME and not hostname:
raise proton.SSLException("verify-peer needs x-ssl-peer-name")
domain.set_peer_authentication(vmode, ca_file)
if mode == proton.SSLDomain.MODE_SERVER:
if properties.get('x-ssl-allow-cleartext'):
pn_ssl = proton.SSL(self._pn_transport, domain)
if hostname:
pn_ssl.peer_hostname = hostname
LOG.debug("SSL configured for connection %s", self._name)
return pn_ssl
def _add_timer(self, deadline, callback):
callbacks = self._timers.get(deadline)
if callbacks:
callbacks = set()
self._timers[deadline] = callbacks
heapq.heappush(self._timers_heap, deadline)
if deadline < self._next_deadline:
self._next_deadline = deadline
def _cancel_timer(self, deadline, callback):
callbacks = self._timers.get(deadline)
if callbacks:
# next expire will discard empty deadlines
def _expire_timers(self, now):
while (self._timers_heap and
self._timers_heap[0] <= now):
deadline = heapq.heappop(self._timers_heap)
callbacks = self._timers.get(deadline)
if callbacks:
del self._timers[deadline]
for cb in callbacks:
return self._timers_heap[0] if self._timers_heap else 0
# endpoint state machine actions:
def _ep_active(self):
"""Both ends of the Endpoint have become active."""
LOG.debug("Connection is up")
if not self._active:
self._active = True
if self._handler:
def _ep_need_close(self):
"""The remote has closed its end of the endpoint."""
LOG.debug("Connection remotely closed")
if self._handler:
cond = self._pn_connection.remote_condition
self._handler.connection_remote_closed(self, cond)