from urlparse import parse_qs from saml2.saml import AUTHN_PASSWORD from saml2.samlp import attribute_query_from_string, logout_request_from_string from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT, pack from saml2 import BINDING_HTTP_POST from saml2 import BINDING_SOAP from saml2.server import Server from saml2.soap import parse_soap_enveloped_saml_attribute_query from saml2.soap import parse_soap_enveloped_saml_logout_request from saml2.soap import make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy __author__ = 'rolandh' TYP = { "GET": [BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT], "POST": [BINDING_HTTP_POST, BINDING_SOAP] } def unpack_form(_str, ver="SAMLRequest"): SR_STR = "name=\"%s\" value=\"" % ver RS_STR = 'name="RelayState" value="' i = _str.find(SR_STR) i += len(SR_STR) j = _str.find('"', i) sr = _str[i:j] k = _str.find(RS_STR, j) k += len(RS_STR) l = _str.find('"', k) rs = _str[k:l] return {ver:sr, "RelayState":rs} class DummyResponse(object): def __init__(self, code, data, headers=None): self.status_code = code self.text = data self.headers = headers or [] class FakeIDP(Server): def __init__(self, config_file=""): Server.__init__(self, config_file) #self.sign = False def receive(self, url, method="GET", **kwargs): """ Interface to receive HTTP calls on :param url: :param method: :param kwargs: :return: """ if method == "GET": path, query = url.split("?") qs_dict = parse_qs(kwargs["data"]) req = qs_dict["SAMLRequest"][0] rstate = qs_dict["RelayState"][0] else: # Could be either POST or SOAP path = url try: qs_dict = parse_qs(kwargs["data"]) req = qs_dict["SAMLRequest"][0] rstate = qs_dict["RelayState"][0] except KeyError: req = kwargs["data"] rstate = "" response = "" # Get service from path for key, vals in self.config.getattr("endpoints", "idp").items(): for endp, binding in vals: if path == endp: assert binding in TYP[method] if key == "single_sign_on_service": return self.authn_request_endpoint(req, binding, rstate) elif key == "single_logout_service": return self.logout_endpoint(req, binding) for key, vals in self.config.getattr("endpoints", "aa").items(): for endp, binding in vals: if path == endp: assert binding in TYP[method] if key == "attribute_service": return self.attribute_query_endpoint(req, binding) return response def authn_request_endpoint(self, req, binding, relay_state): req = self.parse_authn_request(req, binding) if req.message.protocol_binding == BINDING_HTTP_REDIRECT: _binding = BINDING_HTTP_POST else: _binding = req.message.protocol_binding try: resp_args = self.response_args(req.message, [_binding]) except Exception: raise identity = { "surName":"Hedberg", "givenName": "Roland", "title": "supertramp", "mail": ""} userid = "Pavill" authn_resp = self.create_authn_response(identity, userid=userid, authn=(AUTHN_PASSWORD, ""), **resp_args) response = "%s" % authn_resp _dict = pack.factory(_binding, response, resp_args["destination"], relay_state, "SAMLResponse") return DummyResponse(200, **_dict) def attribute_query_endpoint(self, xml_str, binding): if binding == BINDING_SOAP: _str = parse_soap_enveloped_saml_attribute_query(xml_str) else: _str = xml_str aquery = attribute_query_from_string(_str) extra = {"eduPersonAffiliation": "faculty"} userid = "Pavill" name_id = aquery.subject.name_id attr_resp = self.create_attribute_response(extra,, None, sp_entity_id=aquery.issuer.text, name_id=name_id, attributes=aquery.attribute) if binding == BINDING_SOAP: # SOAP packing #headers = {"content-type": "application/soap+xml"} soap_message = make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy(attr_resp) # if self.sign and self.sec: # _signed = self.sec.sign_statement_using_xmlsec(soap_message, # class_name(attr_resp), # # soap_message = _signed response = "%s" % soap_message else: # Just POST response = "%s" % attr_resp return DummyResponse(200, response) def logout_endpoint(self, xml_str, binding): if binding == BINDING_SOAP: _str = parse_soap_enveloped_saml_logout_request(xml_str) else: _str = xml_str req = logout_request_from_string(_str) _resp = self.create_logout_response(req, binding) if binding == BINDING_SOAP: # SOAP packing #headers = {"content-type": "application/soap+xml"} soap_message = make_soap_enveloped_saml_thingy(_resp) # if self.sign and self.sec: # _signed = self.sec.sign_statement_using_xmlsec(soap_message, # class_name(attr_resp), # # soap_message = _signed response = "%s" % soap_message else: # Just POST response = "%s" % _resp return DummyResponse(200, response)