f_quotient in time_utils does not actually ever get passed values in the ranges that are being tested here. It is, however, asserting bad python2 rounding behavior in the int() constructor that has been removed. We can just remove these tests, and be comfortable reasoning that there aren't time differences that cause this situation based on the docs of time.struct_time.
178 lines
5.3 KiB
178 lines
5.3 KiB
#!/usr/bin/env python
import calendar
import datetime
import time
from saml2.time_util import f_quotient, modulo, parse_duration, add_duration
from saml2.time_util import str_to_time, instant, valid, in_a_while
from saml2.time_util import before, after, not_before, not_on_or_after
def test_f_quotient():
assert f_quotient(0, 3) == 0
assert f_quotient(1, 3) == 0
assert f_quotient(2, 3) == 0
assert f_quotient(3, 3) == 1
assert f_quotient(3.123, 3) == 1
def test_modulo():
assert modulo(-1, 3) == 2
assert modulo(0, 3) == 0
assert modulo(1, 3) == 1
assert modulo(2, 3) == 2
assert modulo(3, 3) == 0
x = 3.123
assert modulo(3.123, 3) == x - 3
def test_f_quotient_2():
for i in range(1, 13):
assert f_quotient(i, 1, 13) == 0
assert f_quotient(13, 1, 13) == 1
assert f_quotient(13.123, 1, 13) == 1
def test_modulo_2():
assert modulo(0, 1, 13) == 12
for i in range(1, 13):
assert modulo(i, 1, 13) == i
assert modulo(13, 1, 13) == 1
#x = 0.123
#assert modulo(13+x, 1, 13) == 1+x
def test_parse_duration():
(sign, d) = parse_duration("P1Y3M5DT7H10M3.3S")
assert sign == "+"
assert d['tm_sec'] == 3.3
assert d['tm_mon'] == 3
assert d['tm_hour'] == 7
assert d['tm_mday'] == 5
assert d['tm_year'] == 1
assert d['tm_min'] == 10
def test_parse_duration2():
(sign, d) = parse_duration("PT30M")
assert sign == "+"
assert d['tm_sec'] == 0
assert d['tm_mon'] == 0
assert d['tm_hour'] == 0
assert d['tm_mday'] == 0
assert d['tm_year'] == 0
assert d['tm_min'] == 30
"P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S": {'tm_sec': 5, 'tm_hour': 12, 'tm_mday': 4,
'tm_year': 3, 'tm_mon': 6, 'tm_min': 30},
"P23DT23H": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 23, 'tm_mday': 23, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"P4Y": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 4,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"P1M": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 1, 'tm_min': 0},
"PT1M": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 1},
"P0.5Y": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0.5,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"P0,5Y": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0.5,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"PT36H": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 36, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"P1DT12H": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 12, 'tm_mday': 1, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0}
def test_parse_duration_n():
for dur, _val in PATTERNS.items():
(sign, d) = parse_duration(dur)
assert d == _val
def test_add_duration_1():
#2000-01-12T12:13:14Z P1Y3M5DT7H10M3S 2001-04-17T19:23:17Z
t = add_duration(str_to_time("2000-01-12T12:13:14Z"), "P1Y3M5DT7H10M3S")
assert t.tm_year == 2001
assert t.tm_mon == 4
assert t.tm_mday == 17
assert t.tm_hour == 19
assert t.tm_min == 23
assert t.tm_sec == 17
def test_add_duration_2():
#2000-01-12 PT33H 2000-01-13
t = add_duration(str_to_time("2000-01-12T00:00:00Z"), "PT33H")
assert t.tm_year == 2000
assert t.tm_mon == 1
assert t.tm_mday == 14
assert t.tm_hour == 9
assert t.tm_min == 0
assert t.tm_sec == 0
def test_str_to_time():
t = calendar.timegm(str_to_time("2000-01-12T00:00:00Z"))
#TODO: Find all instances of time.mktime(.....)
#t = time.mktime(str_to_time("2000-01-12T00:00:00Z"))
#assert t == 947631600.0
#TODO: add something to show how this time was arrived at
# do this as an external method in the
assert t == 947635200
# some IdPs omit the trailing Z, and SAML spec is unclear if it is actually required
t = calendar.timegm(str_to_time("2000-01-12T00:00:00"))
assert t == 947635200
def test_instant():
inst = str_to_time(instant())
now = time.gmtime()
assert now >= inst
def test_valid():
assert valid("2000-01-12T00:00:00Z") == False
current_year = datetime.datetime.today().year
assert valid("%d-01-12T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == True
this_instance = instant()
assert valid(this_instance) is False # unless on a very fast machine :-)
soon = in_a_while(seconds=10)
assert valid(soon) == True
def test_timeout():
soon = in_a_while(seconds=1)
assert valid(soon) == False
def test_before():
current_year = datetime.datetime.today().year
assert before("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year - 1)) == False
assert before("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == True
def test_after():
current_year = datetime.datetime.today().year
assert after("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == False
assert after("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year - 1)) == True
def test_not_before():
current_year = datetime.datetime.today().year
assert not_before("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == False
assert not_before("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year - 1)) == True
def test_not_on_or_after():
current_year = datetime.datetime.today().year
assert not_on_or_after("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == True
assert not_on_or_after("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year - 1)) == False
if __name__ == "__main__":