
183 lines
5.9 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import shelve
import six
from saml2.ident import code, decode
from saml2 import time_util, SAMLError
import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# The assumption is that any subject may consist of data
# gathered from several different sources, all with their own
# timeout time.
class ToOld(SAMLError):
class CacheError(SAMLError):
class Cache(object):
def __init__(self, filename=None):
if filename:
self._db =, writeback=True, protocol=2)
self._sync = True
self._db = {}
self._sync = False
def delete(self, name_id):
:param name_id: The subject identifier, a NameID instance
del self._db[code(name_id)]
if self._sync:
except AttributeError:
def get_identity(self, name_id, entities=None,
""" Get all the identity information that has been received and
are still valid about the subject.
:param name_id: The subject identifier, a NameID instance
:param entities: The identifiers of the entities whoes assertions are
interesting. If the list is empty all entities are interesting.
:return: A 2-tuple consisting of the identity information (a
dictionary of attributes and values) and the list of entities
whoes information has timed out.
if not entities:
cni = code(name_id)
entities = self._db[cni].keys()
except KeyError:
return {}, []
res = {}
oldees = []
for entity_id in entities:
info = self.get(name_id, entity_id, check_not_on_or_after)
except ToOld:
if not info:
for key, vals in info["ava"].items():
tmp = set(res[key]).union(set(vals))
res[key] = list(tmp)
except KeyError:
res[key] = vals
return res, oldees
def get(self, name_id, entity_id, check_not_on_or_after=True):
""" Get session information about a subject gotten from a
specified IdP/AA.
:param name_id: The subject identifier, a NameID instance
:param entity_id: The identifier of the entity_id
:param check_not_on_or_after: if True it will check if this
subject is still valid or if it is too old. Otherwise it
will not check this. True by default.
:return: The session information
cni = code(name_id)
(timestamp, info) = self._db[cni][entity_id]
info = info.copy()
if check_not_on_or_after and time_util.after(timestamp):
raise ToOld("past %s" % str(timestamp))
if 'name_id' in info and isinstance(info['name_id'], six.string_types):
info['name_id'] = decode(info['name_id'])
return info or None
def set(self, name_id, entity_id, info, not_on_or_after=0):
""" Stores session information in the cache. Assumes that the name_id
is unique within the context of the Service Provider.
:param name_id: The subject identifier, a NameID instance
:param entity_id: The identifier of the entity_id/receiver of an
:param info: The session info, the assertion is part of this
:param not_on_or_after: A time after which the assertion is not valid.
info = dict(info)
if 'name_id' in info and not isinstance(info['name_id'], six.string_types):
# make friendly to (JSON) serialization
info['name_id'] = code(name_id)
cni = code(name_id)
if cni not in self._db:
self._db[cni] = {}
self._db[cni][entity_id] = (not_on_or_after, info)
if self._sync:
except AttributeError:
def reset(self, name_id, entity_id):
""" Scrap the assertions received from a IdP or an AA about a special
:param name_id: The subject identifier, a NameID instance
:param entity_id: The identifier of the entity_id of the assertion
self.set(name_id, entity_id, {}, 0)
def entities(self, name_id):
""" Returns all the entities of assertions for a subject, disregarding
whether the assertion still is valid or not.
:param name_id: The subject identifier, a NameID instance
:return: A possibly empty list of entity identifiers
cni = code(name_id)
return list(self._db[cni].keys())
def receivers(self, name_id):
""" Another name for entities() just to make it more logic in the IdP
scenario """
return self.entities(name_id)
def active(self, name_id, entity_id):
""" Returns the status of assertions from a specific entity_id.
:param name_id: The ID of the subject
:param entity_id: The entity ID of the entity_id of the assertion
:return: True or False depending on if the assertion is still
valid or not.
cni = code(name_id)
(timestamp, info) = self._db[cni][entity_id]
except KeyError:
return False
if not info:
return False
return time_util.not_on_or_after(timestamp)
def subjects(self):
""" Return identifiers for all the subjects that are in the cache.
:return: list of subject identifiers
return [decode(c) for c in self._db.keys()]