
178 lines
5.3 KiB

#!/usr/bin/env python
import calendar
import datetime
import time
from saml2.time_util import f_quotient, modulo, parse_duration, add_duration
from saml2.time_util import str_to_time, instant, valid, in_a_while
from saml2.time_util import before, after, not_before, not_on_or_after
def test_f_quotient():
assert f_quotient(0, 3) == 0
assert f_quotient(1, 3) == 0
assert f_quotient(2, 3) == 0
assert f_quotient(3, 3) == 1
assert f_quotient(3.123, 3) == 1
def test_modulo():
assert modulo(-1, 3) == 2
assert modulo(0, 3) == 0
assert modulo(1, 3) == 1
assert modulo(2, 3) == 2
assert modulo(3, 3) == 0
x = 3.123
assert modulo(3.123, 3) == x - 3
def test_f_quotient_2():
for i in range(1, 13):
assert f_quotient(i, 1, 13) == 0
assert f_quotient(13, 1, 13) == 1
assert f_quotient(13.123, 1, 13) == 1
def test_modulo_2():
assert modulo(0, 1, 13) == 12
for i in range(1, 13):
assert modulo(i, 1, 13) == i
assert modulo(13, 1, 13) == 1
#x = 0.123
#assert modulo(13+x, 1, 13) == 1+x
def test_parse_duration():
(sign, d) = parse_duration("P1Y3M5DT7H10M3.3S")
assert sign == "+"
assert d['tm_sec'] == 3.3
assert d['tm_mon'] == 3
assert d['tm_hour'] == 7
assert d['tm_mday'] == 5
assert d['tm_year'] == 1
assert d['tm_min'] == 10
def test_parse_duration2():
(sign, d) = parse_duration("PT30M")
assert sign == "+"
assert d['tm_sec'] == 0
assert d['tm_mon'] == 0
assert d['tm_hour'] == 0
assert d['tm_mday'] == 0
assert d['tm_year'] == 0
assert d['tm_min'] == 30
"P3Y6M4DT12H30M5S": {'tm_sec': 5, 'tm_hour': 12, 'tm_mday': 4,
'tm_year': 3, 'tm_mon': 6, 'tm_min': 30},
"P23DT23H": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 23, 'tm_mday': 23, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"P4Y": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 4,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"P1M": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 1, 'tm_min': 0},
"PT1M": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 1},
"P0.5Y": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0.5,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"P0,5Y": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 0, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0.5,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"PT36H": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 36, 'tm_mday': 0, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0},
"P1DT12H": {'tm_sec': 0, 'tm_hour': 12, 'tm_mday': 1, 'tm_year': 0,
'tm_mon': 0, 'tm_min': 0}
def test_parse_duration_n():
for dur, _val in PATTERNS.items():
(sign, d) = parse_duration(dur)
assert d == _val
def test_add_duration_1():
#2000-01-12T12:13:14Z P1Y3M5DT7H10M3S 2001-04-17T19:23:17Z
t = add_duration(str_to_time("2000-01-12T12:13:14Z"), "P1Y3M5DT7H10M3S")
assert t.tm_year == 2001
assert t.tm_mon == 4
assert t.tm_mday == 17
assert t.tm_hour == 19
assert t.tm_min == 23
assert t.tm_sec == 17
def test_add_duration_2():
#2000-01-12 PT33H 2000-01-13
t = add_duration(str_to_time("2000-01-12T00:00:00Z"), "PT33H")
assert t.tm_year == 2000
assert t.tm_mon == 1
assert t.tm_mday == 14
assert t.tm_hour == 9
assert t.tm_min == 0
assert t.tm_sec == 0
def test_str_to_time():
t = calendar.timegm(str_to_time("2000-01-12T00:00:00Z"))
#TODO: Find all instances of time.mktime(.....)
#t = time.mktime(str_to_time("2000-01-12T00:00:00Z"))
#assert t == 947631600.0
#TODO: add something to show how this time was arrived at
# do this as an external method in the
assert t == 947635200
# some IdPs omit the trailing Z, and SAML spec is unclear if it is actually required
t = calendar.timegm(str_to_time("2000-01-12T00:00:00"))
assert t == 947635200
def test_instant():
inst = str_to_time(instant())
now = time.gmtime()
assert now >= inst
def test_valid():
assert valid("2000-01-12T00:00:00Z") == False
current_year =
assert valid("%d-01-12T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == True
this_instance = instant()
assert valid(this_instance) is False # unless on a very fast machine :-)
soon = in_a_while(seconds=10)
assert valid(soon) == True
def test_timeout():
soon = in_a_while(seconds=1)
assert valid(soon) == False
def test_before():
current_year =
assert before("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year - 1)) == False
assert before("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == True
def test_after():
current_year =
assert after("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == False
assert after("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year - 1)) == True
def test_not_before():
current_year =
assert not_before("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == False
assert not_before("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year - 1)) == True
def test_not_on_or_after():
current_year =
assert not_on_or_after("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year + 1)) == True
assert not_on_or_after("%d-01-01T00:00:00Z" % (current_year - 1)) == False
if __name__ == "__main__":