
126 lines
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#!/usr/bin/env python
import os
from base64 import b64encode
from base64 import b64decode
from Cryptodome import Random
from Cryptodome.Cipher import AES
__author__ = 'rolandh'
"cbc": AES.MODE_CBC,
"cfb": AES.MODE_CFB,
"ecb": AES.MODE_CFB,
class AESCipher(object):
def __init__(self, key, iv=""):
:param key: The encryption key
:param iv: Init vector
:return: AESCipher instance
self.key = key
self.iv = iv
def build_cipher(self, iv="", alg="aes_128_cbc"):
:param iv: init vector
:param alg: cipher algorithm
:return: A Cipher instance
typ, bits, cmode = alg.split("_")
if not iv:
if self.iv:
iv = self.iv
iv =
assert len(iv) == AES.block_size
if bits not in ["128", "192", "256"]:
raise Exception("Unsupported key length")
assert len(self.key) == int(bits) >> 3
except AssertionError:
raise Exception("Wrong Key length")
return, POSTFIX_MODE[cmode], iv), iv
except KeyError:
raise Exception("Unsupported chaining mode")
def encrypt(self, msg, iv=None, alg="aes_128_cbc", padding="PKCS#7",
b64enc=True, block_size=BLOCK_SIZE):
:param key: The encryption key
:param iv: init vector
:param msg: Message to be encrypted
:param padding: Which padding that should be used
:param b64enc: Whether the result should be base64encoded
:param block_size: If PKCS#7 padding which block size to use
:return: The encrypted message
if padding == "PKCS#7":
_block_size = block_size
elif padding == "PKCS#5":
_block_size = 8
_block_size = 0
if _block_size:
plen = _block_size - (len(msg) % _block_size)
c = chr(plen)
msg += c*plen
cipher, iv = self.build_cipher(iv, alg)
cmsg = iv + cipher.encrypt(msg)
if b64enc:
return b64encode(cmsg)
return cmsg
def decrypt(self, msg, iv=None, alg="aes_128_cbc", padding="PKCS#7", b64dec=True):
:param key: The encryption key
:param iv: init vector
:param msg: Base64 encoded message to be decrypted
:return: The decrypted message
if b64dec:
data = b64decode(msg)
data = msg
_iv = data[:AES.block_size]
if iv:
assert iv == _iv
cipher, iv = self.build_cipher(iv, alg=alg)
res = cipher.decrypt(data)[AES.block_size:]
if padding in ["PKCS#5", "PKCS#7"]:
res = res[:-ord(res[-1])]
return res
if __name__ == "__main__":
key_ = "1234523451234545" # 16 byte key
# Iff padded, the message doesn't have to be multiple of 16 in length
msg_ = "ToBeOrNotTobe W.S."
aes = AESCipher(key_)
iv_ = os.urandom(16)
encrypted_msg = aes.encrypt(key_, msg_, iv_)
txt = aes.decrypt(key_, encrypted_msg, iv_)
assert txt == msg_
encrypted_msg = aes.encrypt(key_, msg_, 0)
txt = aes.decrypt(key_, encrypted_msg, 0)
assert txt == msg_