diff --git a/pyVim/sso.py b/pyVim/sso.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..e079861
--- /dev/null
+++ b/pyVim/sso.py
@@ -0,0 +1,1098 @@
+# VMware vSphere Python SDK
+# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
+# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
+# You may obtain a copy of the License at
+# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
+# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
+# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
+# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
+# limitations under the License.
+A python helper module to do SSO related operations.
+__author__ = 'VMware, Inc.'
+__copyright__ = 'Copyright 2012, 2017 VMware, Inc. All rights reserved.'
+#Standard library imports.
+import six.moves.http_client
+import re
+import cgi
+import sys
+import time
+import base64
+import hashlib
+from uuid import uuid4
+from io import BytesIO
+from six.moves.urllib.parse import urlparse
+#Third-party imports.
+from lxml import etree
+from OpenSSL import crypto
+import ssl
+UTF_8 = 'utf-8'
+def _extract_certificate(cert):
+ '''
+ Extract DER certificate/private key from DER/base64-ed DER/PEM string.
+ @type cert: C{str}
+ @param cert: Certificate/private key in one of three supported formats.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: Certificate/private key in DER (binary ASN.1) format.
+ '''
+ if not cert:
+ raise IOError('Empty certificate')
+ signature = cert[0]
+ # DER certificate is sequence. ASN.1 sequence is 0x30.
+ if signature == '\x30':
+ return cert
+ # PEM without preamble. Base64-encoded 0x30 is 0x4D.
+ if signature == '\x4D':
+ return base64.b64decode(cert)
+ # PEM with preamble. Starts with '-'.
+ if signature == '-':
+ return base64.b64decode(re.sub('-----[A-Z ]*-----', '', cert))
+ # Unknown format.
+ raise IOError('Invalid certificate file format')
+class SoapException(Exception):
+ '''
+ Exception raised in case of STS request failure.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, soap_msg, fault_code, fault_string):
+ '''
+ Initializer for SoapException.
+ @type soap_msg: C{str}
+ @param soap_msg: the soap fault XML returned by STS
+ @type fault_code: C{str}
+ @param fault_code: The fault code returned by STS.
+ @type fault_string: C{str}
+ @param fault_string: The fault string returned by STS.
+ '''
+ self._soap_msg = soap_msg
+ self._fault_code = fault_code
+ self._fault_string = fault_string
+ Exception.__init__(self)
+ def __str__(self):
+ '''
+ Returns the string representation of SoapException.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: string representation of SoapException
+ '''
+ return ("SoapException:\nfaultcode: %(_fault_code)s\n"
+ "faultstring: %(_fault_string)s\n"
+ "faultxml: %(_soap_msg)s" % self.__dict__)
+class SSOHTTPSConnection(six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection):
+ '''
+ An HTTPS class that verifies server's certificate on connect.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
+ '''
+ Initializer. See httplib.HTTPSConnection for other arguments
+ than thumbprint and server_cert.
+ At least one of thumbprint, server_cert should be provided,
+ otherwise server certificate is not validated.
+ @type thumbprint: C(str)
+ @param thumbprint: Expected SHA-1 thumbprint of the server
+ certificate. May be None.
+ @type server_cert: C(str)
+ @param server_cert: File with expected server certificate.
+ May be None.
+ '''
+ self.server_thumbprint = kwargs.pop('thumbprint')
+ if self.server_thumbprint is not None:
+ self.server_thumbprint = re.sub(':', '',
+ self.server_thumbprint.lower())
+ server_cert_path = kwargs.pop('server_cert')
+ if server_cert_path is not None:
+ with open(server_cert_path, 'rb') as f:
+ server_cert = f.read().decode(UTF_8)
+ self.server_cert = _extract_certificate(server_cert)
+ else:
+ self.server_cert = None
+ six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection.__init__(self, *args, **kwargs)
+ def _check_cert(self, peerCert):
+ '''
+ Verify that peer certificate matches one we expect.
+ @type peerCert: C(str)
+ @param peerCert: Server certificate in DER format.
+ @rtype: boolean
+ @return: True if peerCert is acceptable. False otherwise.
+ '''
+ if self.server_cert is not None:
+ if peerCert != self.server_cert:
+ return False
+ if self.server_thumbprint is not None:
+ thumbprint = hashlib.sha1(peerCert).hexdigest().lower() # pylint: disable=E1101
+ if thumbprint != self.server_thumbprint:
+ return False
+ return True
+ def connect(self):
+ '''
+ Connect method: connects to the remote system, and upon
+ successful connection validates certificate.
+ Throws an exception when something is wrong. See
+ httplib.HTTPSConnection.connect() for details.
+ '''
+ six.moves.http_client.HTTPSConnection.connect(self)
+ if not self._check_cert(self.sock.getpeercert(True)):
+ self.sock.close()
+ self.sock = None
+ raise IOError("Invalid certificate")
+class SsoAuthenticator(object):
+ '''
+ A class to handle the transport layer communication between the client and
+ the STS service.
+ '''
+ def __init__(self,
+ sts_url,
+ sts_cert=None,
+ thumbprint=None
+ ):
+ '''
+ Initializer for SsoAuthenticator.
+ @type sts_url: C{str}
+ @param sts_url: URL for the Security Token Service. Usually
+ obtained by querying Component Manager.
+ @type sts_cert: C{str}
+ @param sts_cert: The file with public key of the Security
+ Token Service. Usually obtained from
+ Component Manager and written to the file.
+ @type thumbprint: C{str}
+ @param thumbprint: The SHA-1 thumbprint of the certificate used
+ by the Security Token Service. It is same
+ thumbprint you can pass to pyVmomi SoapAdapter.
+ '''
+ self._sts_cert = sts_cert
+ self._sts_url = sts_url
+ self._sts_thumbprint = thumbprint
+ def perform_request(self,
+ soap_message,
+ public_key=None,
+ private_key=None,
+ ssl_context=None):
+ '''
+ Performs a Holder-of-Key SAML token request using the service user's
+ certificates or a bearer token request using the user credentials.
+ @type soap_message: C{str}
+ @param soap_message: Authentication SOAP request.
+ @type public_key: C{str}
+ @param public_key: File containing the public key for the service
+ user registered with SSO, in PEM format.
+ @type private_key: C{str}
+ @param private_key: File containing the private key for the service
+ user registered with SSO, in PEM format.
+ @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext}
+ @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options.
+ It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: Response received from the STS after the HoK request.
+ '''
+ parsed = urlparse(self._sts_url)
+ host = parsed.netloc # pylint: disable=E1101
+ if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
+ # Python 2.7.9 has stronger SSL certificate validation, so we need
+ # to pass in a context when dealing with self-signed certificates.
+ webservice = SSOHTTPSConnection(host=host,
+ key_file=private_key,
+ cert_file=public_key,
+ server_cert=self._sts_cert,
+ thumbprint=self._sts_thumbprint,
+ context=ssl_context)
+ else:
+ # Versions of Python before 2.7.9 don't support
+ # the context parameter, so don't pass it on.
+ webservice = SSOHTTPSConnection(host=host,
+ key_file=private_key,
+ cert_file=public_key,
+ server_cert=self._sts_cert,
+ thumbprint=self._sts_thumbprint)
+ webservice.putrequest("POST", parsed.path, skip_host=True) # pylint: disable=E1101
+ webservice.putheader("Host", host)
+ webservice.putheader("User-Agent", "VMware/pyVmomi")
+ webservice.putheader("Accept", "text/xml, multipart/related")
+ webservice.putheader("Content-type", "text/xml; charset=\"UTF-8\"")
+ webservice.putheader("Content-length", "%d" % len(soap_message))
+ webservice.putheader("Connection", "keep-alive")
+ webservice.putheader("SOAPAction",
+ "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/RST/Issue")
+ webservice.endheaders()
+ webservice.send(soap_message.encode(UTF_8))
+ saml_response = webservice.getresponse()
+ if saml_response.status != 200:
+ fault = saml_response.read().decode(UTF_8)
+ # Best effort at figuring out a SOAP fault.
+ if saml_response.status == 500 and fault and 'faultcode' in fault:
+ fault_xml = etree.fromstring(fault)
+ parsed_fault = fault_xml.xpath("//text()")
+ if len(parsed_fault) == 2:
+ raise SoapException(fault, *parsed_fault)
+ raise Exception("Got response %s: %s\n%s" %
+ (saml_response.status, saml_response.msg, fault))
+ return saml_response.read()
+ def get_bearer_saml_assertion(self,
+ username,
+ password,
+ public_key=None,
+ private_key=None,
+ request_duration=60,
+ token_duration=600,
+ delegatable=False,
+ renewable=False,
+ ssl_context=None):
+ '''
+ Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security
+ Token Service.
+ @type username: C{str}
+ @param username: Username for the user for which bearer token
+ needs to be requested.
+ @type password: C{str}
+ @param password: Password for the user for which bearer token
+ needs to be requested.
+ @type public_key: C{str}
+ @param public_key: File containing the public key for the service
+ user registered with SSO, in PEM format.
+ @type private_key: C{str}
+ @param private_key: File containing the private key for the service
+ user registered with SSO, in PEM format.
+ @type request_duration: C{long}
+ @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If
+ the STS receives this request after this
+ duration, it is assumed to have expired. The
+ duration is in seconds and the default is 60s.
+ @type token_duration: C{long}
+ @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued
+ for. The duration is specified in seconds and
+ the default is 600s.
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext}
+ @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options.
+ It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: The SAML assertion in Unicode.
+ '''
+ request = SecurityTokenRequest(username=username,
+ password=password,
+ public_key=public_key,
+ private_key=private_key,
+ request_duration=request_duration,
+ token_duration=token_duration)
+ soap_message = request.construct_bearer_token_request(
+ delegatable=delegatable, renewable=renewable)
+ bearer_token = self.perform_request(soap_message,
+ public_key,
+ private_key,
+ ssl_context)
+ return etree.tostring(
+ _extract_element(etree.fromstring(bearer_token),
+ 'Assertion',
+ {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}),
+ pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8)
+ def _get_gss_soap_response(self,
+ binary_token,
+ request_duration=60,
+ token_duration=600,
+ delegatable=False,
+ renewable=False,
+ ssl_context=None):
+ '''
+ Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security
+ Token Service using the binary token generated using either sspi or gss module.
+ @type binary_token: C{str}
+ @param binary_token: The security token in base64 encoded format
+ @type request_duration: C{long}
+ @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If
+ the STS receives this request after this
+ duration, it is assumed to have expired. The
+ duration is in seconds and the default is 60s.
+ @type token_duration: C{long}
+ @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued
+ for. The duration is specified in seconds and
+ the default is 600s.
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @type renewable: C{boolean}
+ @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext}
+ @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options.
+ It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: The SAML assertion.
+ '''
+ request = SecurityTokenRequest(request_duration=request_duration,
+ token_duration=token_duration,
+ gss_binary_token=binary_token)
+ soap_message = request.construct_bearer_token_request_with_binary_token(
+ delegatable=delegatable, renewable=renewable)
+ return self.perform_request(soap_message,
+ ssl_context=ssl_context)
+ def _get_bearer_saml_assertion_win(self,
+ request_duration=60,
+ token_duration=600,
+ delegatable=False,
+ renewable=False,
+ ssl_context=None):
+ '''
+ Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security
+ Token Service using the SSPI module.
+ @type request_duration: C{long}
+ @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If
+ the STS receives this request after this
+ duration, it is assumed to have expired. The
+ duration is in seconds and the default is 60s.
+ @type token_duration: C{long}
+ @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued
+ for. The duration is specified in seconds and
+ the default is 600s.
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @type renewable: C{boolean}
+ @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext}
+ @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options.
+ It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: The SAML assertion.
+ '''
+ import sspi, win32api
+ spn = "sts/%s.com" % win32api.GetDomainName()
+ sspiclient = sspi.ClientAuth("Kerberos", targetspn=spn)
+ in_buf = None
+ err = True
+ # The following will keep running unless we receive a saml token or an error
+ while True:
+ err, out_buf = sspiclient.authorize(in_buf)
+ sectoken = base64.b64encode(out_buf[0].Buffer)
+ soap_response = self._get_gss_soap_response(sectoken,
+ request_duration, token_duration,
+ delegatable, renewable, ssl_context)
+ et = etree.fromstring(soap_response)
+ try:
+ # Check if we have received a challenge token from the server
+ element = _extract_element(et,
+ 'BinaryExchange',
+ {'ns': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512"})
+ negotiate_token = element.text
+ out_buf[0].Buffer = base64.b64decode(negotiate_token)
+ in_buf = out_buf
+ except KeyError:
+ # Response does not contain the negotiate token.
+ # It should contain SAML token then.
+ saml_token = etree.tostring(
+ _extract_element(
+ et,
+ 'Assertion',
+ {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}),
+ pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8)
+ break
+ return saml_token
+ def _get_bearer_saml_assertion_lin(self,
+ request_duration=60,
+ token_duration=600,
+ delegatable=False,
+ renewable=False):
+ '''
+ Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security
+ Token Service using kerberos.
+ @type request_duration: C{long}
+ @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If
+ the STS receives this request after this
+ duration, it is assumed to have expired. The
+ duration is in seconds and the default is 60s.
+ @type token_duration: C{long}
+ @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued
+ for. The duration is specified in seconds and
+ the default is 600s.
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @type renewable: C{boolean}
+ @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: The SAML assertion in Unicode.
+ '''
+ import kerberos, platform
+ service = 'host@%s' % platform.node()
+ _, context = kerberos.authGSSClientInit(service, 0)
+ challenge = ''
+ # The following will keep running unless we receive a saml token or an error
+ while True:
+ # Call GSS step
+ result = kerberos.authGSSClientStep(context, challenge)
+ if result < 0:
+ break
+ sectoken = kerberos.authGSSClientResponse(context)
+ soap_response = self._get_gss_soap_response(sectoken,
+ request_duration, token_duration, delegatable,
+ renewable)
+ et = etree.fromstring(soap_response)
+ try:
+ # Check if we have received a challenge token from the server
+ element = _extract_element(et,
+ 'BinaryExchange',
+ {'ns': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512"})
+ negotiate_token = element.text
+ challenge = negotiate_token
+ except KeyError:
+ # Response does not contain the negotiate token.
+ # It should contain SAML token then.
+ saml_token = etree.tostring(
+ _extract_element(
+ et,
+ 'Assertion',
+ {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}),
+ pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8)
+ break
+ return saml_token
+ def get_bearer_saml_assertion_gss_api(self,
+ request_duration=60,
+ token_duration=600,
+ delegatable=False,
+ renewable=False):
+ '''
+ Extracts the assertion from the Bearer Token received from the Security
+ Token Service using the GSS API.
+ @type request_duration: C{long}
+ @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If
+ the STS receives this request after this
+ duration, it is assumed to have expired. The
+ duration is in seconds and the default is 60s.
+ @type token_duration: C{long}
+ @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued
+ for. The duration is specified in seconds and
+ the default is 600s.
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @type renewable: C{boolean}
+ @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: The SAML assertion.
+ '''
+ if sys.platform == "win32":
+ saml_token = self._get_bearer_saml_assertion_win(request_duration,
+ token_duration, delegatable, renewable)
+ else:
+ raise Exception("Currently, not supported on this platform")
+ ## TODO Remove this exception once SSO supports validation of tickets
+ # generated against host machines
+ # saml_token = self._get_bearer_saml_assertion_lin(request_duration, token_duration, delegatable)
+ return saml_token
+ def get_hok_saml_assertion(self,
+ public_key,
+ private_key,
+ request_duration=60,
+ token_duration=600,
+ act_as_token=None,
+ delegatable=False,
+ renewable=False,
+ ssl_context=None):
+ '''
+ Extracts the assertion from the response received from the Security
+ Token Service.
+ @type public_key: C{str}
+ @param public_key: File containing the public key for the service
+ user registered with SSO, in PEM format.
+ @type private_key: C{str}
+ @param private_key: File containing the private key for the service
+ user registered with SSO, in PEM format.
+ @type request_duration: C{long}
+ @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If
+ the STS receives this request after this
+ duration, it is assumed to have expired. The
+ duration is in seconds and the default is 60s.
+ @type token_duration: C{long}
+ @param token_duration: The duration for which the SAML token is issued
+ for. The duration is specified in seconds and
+ the default is 600s.
+ @type act_as_token: C{str}
+ @param act_as_token: Bearer/Hok token which is delegatable
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ @type renewable: C{boolean}
+ @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @type ssl_context: C{ssl.SSLContext}
+ @param ssl_context: SSL context describing the various SSL options.
+ It is only supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: The SAML assertion in Unicode.
+ '''
+ request = SecurityTokenRequest(public_key=public_key,
+ private_key=private_key,
+ request_duration=request_duration,
+ token_duration=token_duration)
+ soap_message = request.construct_hok_request(delegatable=delegatable,
+ act_as_token=act_as_token,
+ renewable=renewable)
+ hok_token = self.perform_request(soap_message,
+ public_key,
+ private_key,
+ ssl_context)
+ return etree.tostring(
+ _extract_element(
+ etree.fromstring(hok_token),
+ 'Assertion',
+ {'saml2': "urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertion"}),
+ pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8)
+class SecurityTokenRequest(object):
+ '''
+ SecurityTokenRequest class handles the serialization of request to the STS
+ for a SAML token.
+ '''
+ #pylint: disable=R0902
+ def __init__(self,
+ username=None,
+ password=None,
+ public_key=None,
+ private_key=None,
+ request_duration=60,
+ token_duration=600,
+ gss_binary_token=None):
+ '''
+ Initializer for the SecurityToken Request class.
+ @type username: C{str}
+ @param username: Username for the user for which bearer token
+ needs to be requested.
+ @type password: C{str}
+ @param password: Password for the user for which bearer token
+ needs to be requested.
+ @type public_key: C{str}
+ @param public_key: The file containing the public key of the
+ service account requesting the SAML token.
+ @type private_key: C{str}
+ @param private_key: The file containing the private key of the
+ service account requesting the SAML token.
+ @type request_duration: C{long}
+ @param request_duration: The duration for which the request is valid. If
+ the STS receives this request after this
+ duration, it is assumed to have expired. The
+ duration is specified in seconds and default is
+ 60s.
+ @type token_duration: C{long}
+ @param token_duraiton: The duration for which the SAML token is issued
+ for. The duration is specified in seconds and
+ the default is 600s.
+ '''
+ self._timestamp_id = _generate_id()
+ self._signature_id = _generate_id()
+ self._request_id = _generate_id()
+ self._security_token_id = _generate_id()
+ current = time.time()
+ self._created = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
+ time.gmtime(current))
+ self._expires = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
+ time.gmtime(current + token_duration))
+ self._request_expires = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
+ time.gmtime(current +
+ request_duration))
+ self._timestamp = TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__
+ self._username = cgi.escape(username) if username else username
+ self._password = cgi.escape(password) if password else password
+ self._public_key_file = public_key
+ self._private_key_file = private_key
+ self._act_as_token = None
+ self._renewable = str(False).lower()
+ self._delegatable = str(False).lower()
+ self._use_key = ""
+ self._private_key = None
+ self._binary_exchange = None
+ self._public_key = None
+ if gss_binary_token:
+ self._binary_exchange = BINARY_EXCHANGE_TEMPLATE % gss_binary_token
+ #The following are populated later. Set to None here to keep in-line
+ #with PEP8.
+ self._binary_security_token = None
+ self._key_type = None
+ self._security_token = None
+ self._signature_text = None
+ self._signature = None
+ self._signed_info = None
+ self._timestamp_digest = None
+ self._signature_value = None
+ self._xml_text = None
+ self._xml = None
+ self._request_digest = None
+ #These will only be populated if requesting an HoK token.
+ if self._private_key_file:
+ with open(self._private_key_file) as fp:
+ self._private_key = fp.read()
+ if self._public_key_file:
+ with open(self._public_key_file) as fp:
+ self._public_key = fp.read()
+ def construct_bearer_token_request(self, delegatable=False, renewable=False):
+ '''
+ Constructs the actual Bearer token SOAP request.
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ @type renewable: C{boolean}
+ @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: Bearer token SOAP request.
+ '''
+ self._key_type = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Bearer"
+ self._security_token = USERNAME_TOKEN_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__
+ self._delegatable = str(delegatable).lower()
+ self._renewable = str(renewable).lower()
+ return _canonicalize(REQUEST_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__)
+ def construct_bearer_token_request_with_binary_token(self,
+ delegatable=False,
+ renewable=False):
+ '''
+ Constructs the actual Bearer token SOAP request using the binary exchange GSS/SSPI token.
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ @type renewable: C{boolean}
+ @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: Bearer token SOAP request.
+ '''
+ self._key_type = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Bearer"
+ self._delegatable = str(delegatable).lower()
+ self._renewable = str(renewable).lower()
+ return _canonicalize(GSS_REQUEST_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__)
+ def construct_hok_request(self, delegatable=False, act_as_token=None,
+ renewable=False):
+ '''
+ Constructs the actual HoK token SOAP request.
+ @type delegatable: C{boolean}
+ @param delegatable: Whether the generated token is delegatable or not
+ @type act_as_token: C{str}
+ @param act_as_token: Bearer/Hok token which is delegatable
+ @type renewable: C{boolean}
+ @param renewable: Whether the generated token is renewable or not
+ The default value is False
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: HoK token SOAP request in Unicode.
+ '''
+ self._binary_security_token = base64.b64encode(
+ _extract_certificate(self._public_key)).decode(UTF_8)
+ self._use_key = USE_KEY_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__
+ self._security_token = BINARY_SECURITY_TOKEN_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__
+ self._key_type = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/PublicKey"
+ self._renewable = str(renewable).lower()
+ self._delegatable = str(delegatable).lower()
+ self._act_as_token = act_as_token
+ if act_as_token is None:
+ self._xml_text = _canonicalize(REQUEST_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__)
+ else:
+ self._xml_text = ACTAS_REQUEST_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__
+ self.sign_request()
+ return etree.tostring(self._xml, pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8)
+ def sign_request(self):
+ '''
+ Calculates the signature to the header of the SOAP request which can be
+ used by the STS to verify that the SOAP message originated from a
+ trusted service.
+ '''
+ base_xml = etree.fromstring(self._xml_text)
+ request_tree = _extract_element(base_xml,
+ 'Body',
+ {'SOAP-ENV': "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"})
+ request = _canonicalize(etree.tostring(request_tree))
+ request_tree = _extract_element(base_xml,
+ 'Timestamp',
+ {'ns3': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"})
+ timestamp = _canonicalize(etree.tostring(request_tree))
+ self._request_digest = _make_hash(request.encode(UTF_8)).decode(UTF_8) # pylint: disable=W0612
+ self._timestamp_digest = _make_hash(timestamp.encode(UTF_8)).decode(UTF_8) # pylint: disable=W0612
+ self._signed_info = _canonicalize(SIGNED_INFO_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__)
+ self._signature_value = _sign(self._private_key, self._signed_info).decode(UTF_8)
+ self._signature_text = _canonicalize(SIGNATURE_TEMPLATE % self.__dict__)
+ self.embed_signature()
+ def embed_signature(self):
+ '''
+ Embeds the signature in to the header of the SOAP request.
+ '''
+ self._xml = etree.fromstring(self._xml_text)
+ security = _extract_element(self._xml,
+ 'Security',
+ {'ns6': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"})
+ self._signature = etree.fromstring(self._signature_text)
+ security.append(self._signature)
+ self._xml_text = etree.tostring(self._xml).decode(UTF_8)
+def add_saml_context(serialized_request, saml_token, private_key_file):
+ '''
+ A helper method provided to sign the outgoing LoginByToken requests with the
+ HoK token.
+ @type serialized_request: C{str}
+ @param serialized_request: SOAP request which needs to be signed.
+ @type saml_token: C{str}
+ @param saml_token: SAML assertion that will be added to the SOAP
+ request.
+ @type private_key_file: C{str}
+ @param private_key_file: Private key of the service user that will be
+ used to sign the request, in PEM format.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: signed SOAP request in Unicode.
+ '''
+ with open(private_key_file) as fp:
+ private_key = fp.read()
+ xml = etree.fromstring(serialized_request)
+ value_map = {}
+ value_map['_request_id'] = _generate_id()
+ request_body = _extract_element(xml,
+ 'Body',
+ {'soapenv': "http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/soap/envelope/"})
+ request_body.nsmap["wsu"] = "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd"
+ request_body.set("{http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-utility-1.0.xsd}Id", value_map['_request_id'])
+ value_map['_request_digest'] = _make_hash(
+ _canonicalize(etree.tostring(request_body)).encode(UTF_8)).decode(UTF_8)
+ security = _extract_element(xml,
+ 'Security',
+ {'ns6': "http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/2004/01/oasis-200401-wss-wssecurity-secext-1.0.xsd"})
+ current = time.time()
+ value_map['_created'] = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
+ time.gmtime(current))
+ value_map['_request_expires'] = time.strftime(TIME_FORMAT,
+ time.gmtime(current + 600))
+ value_map['_timestamp_id'] = _generate_id()
+ timestamp = _canonicalize(TIMESTAMP_TEMPLATE % value_map)
+ value_map['_timestamp_digest'] = _make_hash(timestamp.encode()).decode(UTF_8)
+ security.append(etree.fromstring(timestamp))
+ value_map['_signed_info'] = _canonicalize(SIGNED_INFO_TEMPLATE % value_map)
+ value_map['_signature_value'] = _sign(private_key, value_map['_signed_info']).decode(UTF_8)
+ value_map['samlId'] = etree.fromstring(saml_token).get("ID")
+ signature = etree.fromstring(_canonicalize(REQUEST_SIGNATURE_TEMPLATE %
+ value_map))
+ security.append(signature)
+ return etree.tostring(xml, pretty_print=False).decode(UTF_8)
+def _generate_id():
+ '''
+ An internal helper method to generate UUIDs.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: UUID
+ '''
+ return "_%s" % uuid4()
+def _load_private_key(der_key):
+ '''
+ An internal helper to load private key.
+ @type der_key: C{str}
+ @param der_key: The private key, in DER format.
+ @rtype: crypto.privatekey
+ @return: Loaded private key.
+ '''
+ # OpenSSL 0.9.8 does not handle correctly PKCS8 keys passed in DER format
+ # (only PKCS1 keys are understood in DER format).
+ # Unencrypted PKCS8, or PKCS1 for OpenSSL 1.0.1, PKCS1 for OpenSSL 0.9.8
+ try:
+ return crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_ASN1, der_key, '')
+ except (crypto.Error, ValueError):
+ pass
+ # Unencrypted PKCS8 for OpenSSL 0.9.8, and PKCS1, just in case...
+ for key_type in ('PRIVATE KEY', 'RSA PRIVATE KEY'):
+ try:
+ return crypto.load_privatekey(crypto.FILETYPE_PEM,
+ '-----BEGIN ' + key_type + '-----\n' +
+ base64.encodestring(der_key).decode(UTF_8) +
+ '-----END ' + key_type + '-----\n',
+ b'')
+ except (crypto.Error, ValueError):
+ pass
+ # We could try 'ENCRYPTED PRIVATE KEY' here - but we do not know passphrase.
+ raise
+def _sign(private_key, data):
+ '''
+ An internal helper method to sign the 'data' with the 'private_key'.
+ @type private_key: C{str}
+ @param private_key: The private key used to sign the 'data', in one of
+ supported formats.
+ @type data: C{str}
+ @param data: The data that needs to be signed.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: Signed string.
+ '''
+ # Convert private key in arbitrary format into DER (DER is binary format
+ # so we get rid of \n / \r\n differences, and line breaks in PEM).
+ pkey = _load_private_key(_extract_certificate(private_key))
+ return base64.b64encode(crypto.sign(pkey, data, 'sha256'))
+def _canonicalize(xml_string):
+ '''
+ Given an xml string, canonicalize the string per
+ U{http://www.w3.org/2001/10/xml-exc-c14n#}
+ @type xml_string: C{str}
+ @param xml_string: The XML string that needs to be canonicalized.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: Canonicalized string in Unicode.
+ '''
+ parser = etree.XMLParser(remove_blank_text=True)
+ tree = etree.fromstring(xml_string, parser=parser).getroottree()
+ string = BytesIO()
+ tree.write_c14n(string, exclusive=True, with_comments=False)
+ return string.getvalue().decode(UTF_8)
+def _extract_element(xml, element_name, namespace):
+ '''
+ An internal method provided to extract an element from the given XML.
+ @type xml: C{str}
+ @param xml: The XML string from which the element will be extracted.
+ @type element_name: C{str}
+ @param element_name: The element that needs to be extracted from the XML.
+ @type namespace: dict
+ @param namespace: A dict containing the namespace of the element to be
+ extracted.
+ @rtype: etree element.
+ @return: The extracted element.
+ '''
+ assert(len(namespace) == 1)
+ result = xml.xpath("//%s:%s" % (list(namespace.keys())[0], element_name),
+ namespaces=namespace)
+ if result:
+ return result[0]
+ else:
+ raise KeyError("%s does not seem to be present in the XML." %
+ element_name)
+def _make_hash(data):
+ '''
+ An internal method to calculate the sha256 hash of the data.
+ @type data: C{str}
+ @param data: The data for which the hash needs to be calculated.
+ @rtype: C{str}
+ @return: Base64 encoded sha256 hash.
+ '''
+ return base64.b64encode(hashlib.sha256(data).digest()) # pylint: disable=E1101
+TIME_FORMAT = "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.987Z"
+#The SAML token requests usually contain an xmldsig which guarantees that the
+#message hasn't been tampered with during the transport. The following
+#SIGNED_INFO_TEMPLATE is used to construct the signedinfo part of the signature.
+#The following template is used as the container for signed info in WS-Trust
+#SOAP requests signed with the SAML token. It contains the digest of the
+#signed info, signed with the private key of the Solution user and contains a
+#reference to the actual SAML token which contains the solution user's public
+#The following template is used as a signed info container for the actual SAML
+#token requests requesting a SAML token. It contains the digest of the signed
+#info signed with the Service User's private key.
+#The following template is used to construct the token requests to the STS.
+#Template container for the service user's public key when requesting an HoK
+#Template container for user's credentials when requesting a bearer token.
+#Template containing the anchor to the signature.
+#The follwoing template is used to create a timestamp for the various messages.
+#The timestamp is used to indicate the duration of the request itself.
+ACTAS_REQUEST_TEMPLATE = """%(_created)s%(_request_expires)s%(_binary_security_token)surn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:assertionhttp://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/Issue%(_created)s%(_expires)s%(_delegatable)s%(_act_as_token)shttp://docs.oasis-open.org/ws-sx/ws-trust/200512/PublicKeyhttp://www.w3.org/2001/04/xmldsig-more#rsa-sha256"""
diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index 07d0f3c..d052ad2 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,2 +1,4 @@
+pyOpenSSL >= 0.14
\ No newline at end of file