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# VMware vSphere Python SDK
# Copyright (c) 2008-2016 VMware, Inc. All Rights Reserved.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
## @file connect.py
## @brief Connect to a VMOMI ServiceInstance.
## Detailed description (for Doxygen goes here)
Connect to a VMOMI ServiceInstance.
Detailed description (for [e]pydoc goes here).
from six import reraise
import sys
import re
import ssl
from xml.etree import ElementTree
from xml.parsers.expat import ExpatError
from six.moves import http_client
import requests
from requests.auth import HTTPBasicAuth
from pyVmomi import vim, vmodl, SoapStubAdapter, SessionOrientedStub
from pyVmomi.SoapAdapter import CONNECTION_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SEC
from pyVmomi.VmomiSupport import nsMap, versionIdMap, versionMap, IsChildVersion
from pyVmomi.VmomiSupport import GetServiceVersions
Global regular expression for parsing host and port connection
See http://www.ietf.org/rfc/rfc3986.txt sec 3.2.2
_rx = re.compile(r"(^\[.+\]|[^:]+)(:\d+)?$")
_si = None
Global (thread-shared) ServiceInstance
@todo: Get rid of me?
def localSslFixup(host, sslContext):
Connections to 'localhost' do not need SSL verification as a certificate
will never match. The OS provides security by only allowing root to bind
to low-numbered ports.
if not sslContext and host in ['localhost', '', '::1']:
import ssl
if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
sslContext = ssl._create_unverified_context()
return sslContext
class closing(object):
Helper class for using closable objects in a 'with' statement,
similar to the one provided by contextlib.
def __init__(self, obj):
self.obj = obj
def __enter__(self):
return self.obj
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
class VimSessionOrientedStub(SessionOrientedStub):
'''A vim-specific SessionOrientedStub. See the SessionOrientedStub class
in pyVmomi/SoapAdapter.py for more information.'''
# The set of exceptions that should trigger a relogin by the session stub.
def makeUserLoginMethod(username, password, locale=None):
'''Return a function that will call the vim.SessionManager.Login() method
with the given parameters. The result of this function can be passed as
the "loginMethod" to a SessionOrientedStub constructor.'''
def _doLogin(soapStub):
si = vim.ServiceInstance("ServiceInstance", soapStub)
sm = si.content.sessionManager
if not sm.currentSession:
si.content.sessionManager.Login(username, password, locale)
return _doLogin
def makeExtensionLoginMethod(extensionKey):
'''Return a function that will call the vim.SessionManager.Login() method
with the given parameters. The result of this function can be passed as
the "loginMethod" to a SessionOrientedStub constructor.'''
def _doLogin(soapStub):
si = vim.ServiceInstance("ServiceInstance", soapStub)
sm = si.content.sessionManager
if not sm.currentSession:
return _doLogin
def makeCertHokTokenLoginMethod(stsUrl, stsCert=None):
'''Return a function that will call the vim.SessionManager.LoginByToken()
after obtaining a HoK SAML token from the STS. The result of this function
can be passed as the "loginMethod" to a SessionOrientedStub constructor.
@param stsUrl: URL of the SAML Token issuing service. (i.e. SSO server).
@param stsCert: public key of the STS service.
def _doLogin(soapStub):
from . import sso
cert = soapStub.schemeArgs['cert_file']
key = soapStub.schemeArgs['key_file']
authenticator = sso.SsoAuthenticator(sts_url=stsUrl,
samlAssertion = authenticator.get_hok_saml_assertion(cert,key)
def _requestModifier(request):
return sso.add_saml_context(request, samlAssertion, key)
si = vim.ServiceInstance("ServiceInstance", soapStub)
sm = si.content.sessionManager
if not sm.currentSession:
with soapStub.requestModifier(_requestModifier):
soapStub.samlToken = samlAssertion
soapStub.samlToken = None
return _doLogin
def makeCredBearerTokenLoginMethod(username,
'''Return a function that will call the vim.SessionManager.LoginByToken()
after obtaining a Bearer token from the STS. The result of this function
can be passed as the "loginMethod" to a SessionOrientedStub constructor.
@param username: username of the user/service registered with STS.
@param password: password of the user/service registered with STS.
@param stsUrl: URL of the SAML Token issueing service. (i.e. SSO server).
@param stsCert: public key of the STS service.
def _doLogin(soapStub):
from . import sso
cert = soapStub.schemeArgs['cert_file']
key = soapStub.schemeArgs['key_file']
authenticator = sso.SsoAuthenticator(sts_url=stsUrl,
samlAssertion = authenticator.get_bearer_saml_assertion(username,
si = vim.ServiceInstance("ServiceInstance", soapStub)
sm = si.content.sessionManager
if not sm.currentSession:
soapStub.samlToken = samlAssertion
soapStub.samlToken = None
return _doLogin
def Connect(host='localhost', port=443, user='root', pwd='',
service="hostd", adapter="SOAP", namespace=None, path="/sdk",
version=None, keyFile=None, certFile=None, thumbprint=None,
sslContext=None, b64token=None, mechanism='userpass'):
Connect to the specified server, login and return the service
instance object.
Throws any exception back to caller. The service instance object is
also saved in the library for easy access.
Clients should modify the service parameter only when connecting to
a VMOMI server other than hostd/vpxd. For both of the latter, the
default value is fine.
@param host: Which host to connect to.
@type host: string
@param port: Port
@type port: int
@param user: User
@type user: string
@param pwd: Password
@type pwd: string
@param service: Service
@type service: string
@param adapter: Adapter
@type adapter: string
@param namespace: Namespace *** Deprecated: Use version instead ***
@type namespace: string
@param path: Path
@type path: string
@param connectionPoolTimeout: Timeout in secs for idle connections to close, specify negative numbers for never
closing the connections
@type connectionPoolTimeout: int
@param version: Version
@type version: string
@param keyFile: ssl key file path
@type keyFile: string
@param certFile: ssl cert file path
@type certFile: string
@param thumbprint: host cert thumbprint
@type thumbprint: string
@param sslContext: SSL Context describing the various SSL options. It is only
supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
@type sslContext: SSL.Context
@param b64token: base64 encoded token
@type b64token: string
@param mechanism: authentication mechanism: userpass or sspi
@type mechanism: string
info = re.match(_rx, host)
if info is not None:
host = info.group(1)
if host[0] == '[':
host = info.group(1)[1:-1]
if info.group(2) is not None:
port = int(info.group(2)[1:])
except ValueError as ve:
sslContext = localSslFixup(host, sslContext)
if namespace:
assert(version is None)
version = versionMap[namespace]
elif not version:
version = "vim.version.version6"
si, stub = None, None
if mechanism == 'userpass':
si, stub = __Login(host, port, user, pwd, service, adapter, version, path,
keyFile, certFile, thumbprint, sslContext, connectionPoolTimeout)
elif mechanism == 'sspi':
si, stub = __LoginBySSPI(host, port, service, adapter, version, path,
keyFile, certFile, thumbprint, sslContext, b64token, connectionPoolTimeout)
raise Exception('''The provided connection mechanism is not available, the
supported mechanisms are userpass or sspi''')
return si
def ConnectNoSSL(host='localhost', port=443, user='root', pwd='',
service="hostd", adapter="SOAP", namespace=None, path="/sdk",
version=None, keyFile=None, certFile=None, thumbprint=None,
b64token=None, mechanism='userpass'):
Provides a standard method for connecting to a specified server without SSL
verification. Useful when connecting to servers with self-signed certificates
or when you wish to ignore SSL altogether. Will attempt to create an unverified
SSL context and then connect via the Connect method.
if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
sslContext = ssl._create_unverified_context()
sslContext = None
return Connect(host=host,
def Disconnect(si):
Disconnect (logout) service instance
@param si: Service instance (returned from Connect)
# Logout
## Method that gets a local ticket for the specified user
def GetLocalTicket(si, user):
sessionManager = si.content.sessionManager
except Exception as e:
if type(e).__name__ == 'ExpatError':
msg = 'Malformed response while querying for local ticket: "%s"' % e
raise vim.fault.HostConnectFault(msg=msg)
msg = 'Failed to query for local ticket: "%s"' % e
raise vim.fault.HostConnectFault(msg=msg)
localTicket = sessionManager.AcquireLocalTicket(userName=user)
with open(localTicket.passwordFilePath) as f:
content = f.read()
return localTicket.userName, content
## Private method that performs the actual Connect and returns a
## connected service instance object.
def __Login(host, port, user, pwd, service, adapter, version, path,
keyFile, certFile, thumbprint, sslContext,
Private method that performs the actual Connect and returns a
connected service instance object.
@param host: Which host to connect to.
@type host: string
@param port: Port
@type port: int
@param user: User
@type user: string
@param pwd: Password
@type pwd: string
@param service: Service
@type service: string
@param adapter: Adapter
@type adapter: string
@param version: Version
@type version: string
@param path: Path
@type path: string
@param keyFile: ssl key file path
@type keyFile: string
@param certFile: ssl cert file path
@type certFile: string
@param thumbprint: host cert thumbprint
@type thumbprint: string
@param sslContext: SSL Context describing the various SSL options. It is only
supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
@type sslContext: SSL.Context
@param connectionPoolTimeout: Timeout in secs for idle connections to close, specify negative numbers for never
closing the connections
@type connectionPoolTimeout: int
content, si, stub = __RetrieveContent(host, port, adapter, version, path,
keyFile, certFile, thumbprint, sslContext, connectionPoolTimeout)
# Get a ticket if we're connecting to localhost and password is not specified
if host == 'localhost' and not pwd:
(user, pwd) = GetLocalTicket(si, user)
pass # This is not supported against vCenter, and connecting
# with an empty password is fine in debug builds
# Login
x = content.sessionManager.Login(user, pwd, None)
except vim.fault.InvalidLogin:
except Exception as e:
return si, stub
## Private method that performs LoginBySSPI and returns a
## connected service instance object.
## Copyright (c) 2015 Morgan Stanley. All rights reserved.
def __LoginBySSPI(host, port, service, adapter, version, path,
keyFile, certFile, thumbprint, sslContext, b64token,
Private method that performs the actual Connect and returns a
connected service instance object.
@param host: Which host to connect to.
@type host: string
@param port: Port
@type port: int
@param service: Service
@type service: string
@param adapter: Adapter
@type adapter: string
@param version: Version
@type version: string
@param path: Path
@type path: string
@param keyFile: ssl key file path
@type keyFile: string
@param certFile: ssl cert file path
@type certFile: string
@param thumbprint: host cert thumbprint
@type thumbprint: string
@param sslContext: SSL Context describing the various SSL options. It is only
supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
@type sslContext: SSL.Context
@param b64token: base64 encoded token
@type b64token: string
@param connectionPoolTimeout: Timeout in secs for idle connections to close, specify negative numbers for never
closing the connections
@type connectionPoolTimeout: int
content, si, stub = __RetrieveContent(host, port, adapter, version, path,
keyFile, certFile, thumbprint, sslContext, connectionPoolTimeout)
if b64token is None:
raise Exception('Token is not defined for sspi login')
# Login
x = content.sessionManager.LoginBySSPI(b64token)
except vim.fault.InvalidLogin:
except Exception as e:
return si, stub
## Private method that performs the actual Disonnect
def __Logout(si):
Disconnect (logout) service instance
@param si: Service instance (returned from Connect)
if si:
content = si.RetrieveContent()
except Exception as e:
## Private method that returns the service content
def __RetrieveContent(host, port, adapter, version, path, keyFile, certFile,
thumbprint, sslContext, connectionPoolTimeout=CONNECTION_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SEC):
Retrieve service instance for connection.
@param host: Which host to connect to.
@type host: string
@param port: Port
@type port: int
@param adapter: Adapter
@type adapter: string
@param version: Version
@type version: string
@param path: Path
@type path: string
@param keyFile: ssl key file path
@type keyFile: string
@param certFile: ssl cert file path
@type certFile: string
@param connectionPoolTimeout: Timeout in secs for idle connections to close, specify negative numbers for never
closing the connections
@type connectionPoolTimeout: int
# XXX remove the adapter and service arguments once dependent code is fixed
if adapter != "SOAP":
raise ValueError(adapter)
# Create the SOAP stub adapter
stub = SoapStubAdapter(host, port, version=version, path=path,
certKeyFile=keyFile, certFile=certFile,
thumbprint=thumbprint, sslContext=sslContext,
# Get Service instance
si = vim.ServiceInstance("ServiceInstance", stub)
content = None
content = si.RetrieveContent()
except vmodl.MethodFault:
except Exception as e:
# NOTE (hartsock): preserve the traceback for diagnostics
# pulling and preserving the traceback makes diagnosing connection
# failures easier since the fault will also include where inside the
# library the fault occurred. Without the traceback we have no idea
# why the connection failed beyond the message string.
(type, value, traceback) = sys.exc_info()
if traceback:
fault = vim.fault.HostConnectFault(msg=str(e))
reraise(vim.fault.HostConnectFault, fault, traceback)
raise vim.fault.HostConnectFault(msg=str(e))
return content, si, stub
## Get the saved service instance.
def GetSi():
""" Get the saved service instance. """
return _si
## Set the saved service instance.
def SetSi(si):
""" Set the saved service instance. """
global _si
_si = si
## Get the global saved stub
def GetStub():
""" Get the global saved stub. """
si = GetSi()
if si:
return si._GetStub()
return None;
## RAII-style class for managing connections
class Connection(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.si = None
def __enter__(self):
self.si = Connect(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
return self.si
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
if self.si:
self.si = None
class SmartConnection(object):
def __init__(self, *args, **kwargs):
self.args = args
self.kwargs = kwargs
self.si = None
def __enter__(self):
self.si = SmartConnect(*self.args, **self.kwargs)
return self.si
def __exit__(self, *exc_info):
if self.si:
self.si = None
def __GetElementTree(protocol, server, port, path, sslContext):
Private method that returns a root from ElementTree for a remote XML document.
@param protocol: What protocol to use for the connection (e.g. https or http).
@type protocol: string
@param server: Which server to connect to.
@type server: string
@param port: Port
@type port: int
@param path: Path
@type path: string
@param sslContext: SSL Context describing the various SSL options. It is only
supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
@type sslContext: SSL.Context
if protocol == "https":
kwargs = {"context": sslContext} if sslContext else {}
conn = http_client.HTTPSConnection(server, port=port, **kwargs)
elif protocol == "http":
conn = http_client.HTTPConnection(server, port=port)
raise Exception("Protocol " + protocol + " not supported.")
conn.request("GET", path)
response = conn.getresponse()
if response.status == 200:
tree = ElementTree.fromstring(response.read())
return tree
except ExpatError:
return None
## Private method that returns an ElementTree describing the API versions
## supported by the specified server. The result will be vimServiceVersions.xml
## if it exists, otherwise vimService.wsdl if it exists, otherwise None.
def __GetServiceVersionDescription(protocol, server, port, path, sslContext):
Private method that returns a root from an ElementTree describing the API versions
supported by the specified server. The result will be vimServiceVersions.xml
if it exists, otherwise vimService.wsdl if it exists, otherwise None.
@param protocol: What protocol to use for the connection (e.g. https or http).
@type protocol: string
@param server: Which server to connect to.
@type server: string
@param port: Port
@type port: int
@param path: Path
@type path: string
@param sslContext: SSL Context describing the various SSL options. It is only
supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
@type sslContext: SSL.Context
tree = __GetElementTree(protocol, server, port,
path + "/vimServiceVersions.xml", sslContext)
if tree is not None:
return tree
tree = __GetElementTree(protocol, server, port,
path + "/vimService.wsdl", sslContext)
return tree
## Private method that returns true if the service version description document
## indicates that the desired version is supported
def __VersionIsSupported(desiredVersion, serviceVersionDescription):
Private method that returns true if the service version description document
indicates that the desired version is supported
@param desiredVersion: The version we want to see if the server supports
(eg. vim.version.version2.
@type desiredVersion: string
@param serviceVersionDescription: A root ElementTree for vimServiceVersions.xml
or vimService.wsdl.
@type serviceVersionDescription: root ElementTree
root = serviceVersionDescription
if root.tag == 'namespaces':
# serviceVersionDescription appears to be a vimServiceVersions.xml document
if root.get('version') != '1.0':
raise RuntimeError('vimServiceVersions.xml has version %s,' \
' which is not understood' % (root.get('version')))
desiredVersionId = versionIdMap[desiredVersion]
supportedVersion = None
for namespace in root.findall('namespace'):
versionId = namespace.findtext('version')
if versionId == desiredVersionId:
return True
for versionId in namespace.findall('priorVersions/version'):
if versionId.text == desiredVersionId:
return True
# serviceVersionDescription must be a vimService.wsdl document
wsdlNS = 'http://schemas.xmlsoap.org/wsdl/'
importElement = serviceVersionDescription.find('.//{%s}import' % wsdlNS)
supportedVersion = versionMap[importElement.get('namespace')[4:]]
if IsChildVersion(supportedVersion, desiredVersion):
return True
return False
## Private method that returns the most preferred API version supported by the
## specified server,
def __FindSupportedVersion(protocol, server, port, path, preferredApiVersions, sslContext):
Private method that returns the most preferred API version supported by the
specified server,
@param protocol: What protocol to use for the connection (e.g. https or http).
@type protocol: string
@param server: Which server to connect to.
@type server: string
@param port: Port
@type port: int
@param path: Path
@type path: string
@param preferredApiVersions: Acceptable API version(s) (e.g. vim.version.version3)
If a list of versions is specified the versions should
be ordered from most to least preferred.
@type preferredApiVersions: string or string list
@param sslContext: SSL Context describing the various SSL options. It is only
supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
@type sslContext: SSL.Context
serviceVersionDescription = __GetServiceVersionDescription(protocol,
if serviceVersionDescription is None:
return None
if not isinstance(preferredApiVersions, list):
preferredApiVersions = [ preferredApiVersions ]
for desiredVersion in preferredApiVersions:
if __VersionIsSupported(desiredVersion, serviceVersionDescription):
return desiredVersion
return None
def SmartStubAdapter(host='localhost', port=443, path='/sdk',
url=None, sock=None, poolSize=5,
certFile=None, certKeyFile=None,
httpProxyHost=None, httpProxyPort=80, sslProxyPath=None,
thumbprint=None, cacertsFile=None, preferredApiVersions=None,
samlToken=None, sslContext=None):
Determine the most preferred API version supported by the specified server,
then create a soap stub adapter using that version
The parameters are the same as for pyVmomi.SoapStubAdapter except for
version which is renamed to prefferedApiVersions
@param preferredApiVersions: Acceptable API version(s) (e.g. vim.version.version3)
If a list of versions is specified the versions should
be ordered from most to least preferred. If None is
specified, the list of versions support by pyVmomi will
be used.
@type preferredApiVersions: string or string list
if preferredApiVersions is None:
preferredApiVersions = GetServiceVersions('vim25')
sslContext = localSslFixup(host, sslContext)
supportedVersion = __FindSupportedVersion('https' if port > 0 else 'http',
if supportedVersion is None:
raise Exception("%s:%s is not a VIM server" % (host, port))
return SoapStubAdapter(host=host, port=port, path=path,
url=url, sock=sock, poolSize=poolSize,
certFile=certFile, certKeyFile=certKeyFile,
httpProxyHost=httpProxyHost, httpProxyPort=httpProxyPort,
sslProxyPath=sslProxyPath, thumbprint=thumbprint,
cacertsFile=cacertsFile, version=supportedVersion,
samlToken=samlToken, sslContext=sslContext)
def SmartConnect(protocol='https', host='localhost', port=443, user='root', pwd='',
service="hostd", path="/sdk", connectionPoolTimeout=CONNECTION_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SEC,
preferredApiVersions=None, keyFile=None, certFile=None,
thumbprint=None, sslContext=None, b64token=None, mechanism='userpass'):
Determine the most preferred API version supported by the specified server,
then connect to the specified server using that API version, login and return
the service instance object.
Throws any exception back to caller. The service instance object is
also saved in the library for easy access.
Clients should modify the service parameter only when connecting to
a VMOMI server other than hostd/vpxd. For both of the latter, the
default value is fine.
@param protocol: What protocol to use for the connection (e.g. https or http).
@type protocol: string
@param host: Which host to connect to.
@type host: string
@param port: Port
@type port: int
@param user: User
@type user: string
@param pwd: Password
@type pwd: string
@param service: Service
@type service: string
@param path: Path
@type path: string
@param connectionPoolTimeout: Timeout in secs for idle connections to close, specify negative numbers for never
closing the connections
@type connectionPoolTimeout: int
@param preferredApiVersions: Acceptable API version(s) (e.g. vim.version.version3)
If a list of versions is specified the versions should
be ordered from most to least preferred. If None is
specified, the list of versions support by pyVmomi will
be used.
@type preferredApiVersions: string or string list
@param keyFile: ssl key file path
@type keyFile: string
@param certFile: ssl cert file path
@type certFile: string
@param thumbprint: host cert thumbprint
@type thumbprint: string
@param sslContext: SSL Context describing the various SSL options. It is only
supported in Python 2.7.9 or higher.
@type sslContext: SSL.Context
if preferredApiVersions is None:
preferredApiVersions = GetServiceVersions('vim25')
sslContext = localSslFixup(host, sslContext)
supportedVersion = __FindSupportedVersion(protocol,
if supportedVersion is None:
raise Exception("%s:%s is not a VIM server" % (host, port))
portNumber = protocol == "http" and -int(port) or int(port)
return Connect(host=host,
def SmartConnectNoSSL(protocol='https', host='localhost', port=443, user='root', pwd='',
service="hostd", path="/sdk", connectionPoolTimeout=CONNECTION_POOL_IDLE_TIMEOUT_SEC,
preferredApiVersions=None, keyFile=None, certFile=None,
thumbprint=None, b64token=None, mechanism='userpass'):
Provides a standard method for connecting to a specified server without SSL
verification. Useful when connecting to servers with self-signed certificates
or when you wish to ignore SSL altogether. Will attempt to create an unverified
SSL context and then connect via the SmartConnect method.
if hasattr(ssl, '_create_unverified_context'):
sslContext = ssl._create_unverified_context()
sslContext = None
return SmartConnect(protocol=protocol,
def OpenUrlWithBasicAuth(url, user='root', pwd=''):
Open the specified URL, using HTTP basic authentication to provide
the specified credentials to the server as part of the request.
Returns the response as a file-like object.
return requests.get(url, auth=HTTPBasicAuth(user, pwd), verify=False)
def OpenPathWithStub(path, stub):
Open the specified path using HTTP, using the host/port/protocol
associated with the specified stub. If the stub has a session cookie,
it is included with the HTTP request. Returns the response as a
file-like object.
from six.moves import http_client
if not hasattr(stub, 'scheme'):
raise vmodl.fault.NotSupported()
elif stub.scheme == http_client.HTTPConnection:
protocol = 'http'
elif stub.scheme == http_client.HTTPSConnection:
protocol = 'https'
raise vmodl.fault.NotSupported()
hostPort = stub.host
url = '%s://%s%s' % (protocol, hostPort, path)
headers = {}
if stub.cookie:
headers["Cookie"] = stub.cookie
return requests.get(url, headers=headers, verify=False)