# Copyright (c) 2009, Tim Cuthbertson # All rights reserved. # # Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without # modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions # are met: # # * Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright # notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. # * Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above # copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following # disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided # with the distribution. # * Neither the name of the organisation nor the names of its # contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived # from this software without specific prior written permission. # # THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS # "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT # LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS # FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE # COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, # INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, # BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS # OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED # AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT # LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY # WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE # POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. from __future__ import print_function import os import sys import linecache import re import nose import termstyle PY3 = sys.version_info[0] >= 3 if PY3: to_unicode = str else: def to_unicode(s): try: return unicode(s) except UnicodeDecodeError: s = str(s) try: # try utf-8, the most likely case return unicode(s, 'UTF-8') except UnicodeDecodeError: # Can't decode, just use `repr` return unicode(repr(s)) failure = 'FAILED' error = 'ERROR' success = 'passed' skip = 'skipped' expected_failure = 'expected failure' unexpected_success = 'unexpected success' line_length = 77 class RedNose(nose.plugins.Plugin): env_opt = 'NOSE_REDNOSE' env_opt_color = 'NOSE_REDNOSE_COLOR' def __init__(self, *args): super(RedNose, self).__init__(*args) self.enabled = False def options(self, parser, env=os.environ): rednose_on = bool(env.get(self.env_opt, False)) rednose_color = env.get(self.env_opt_color, 'auto') parser.add_option( "--rednose", action="store_true", default=rednose_on, dest="rednose", help="enable colour output (alternatively, set $%s=1)" % (self.env_opt,) ) parser.add_option( "--no-color", action="store_false", dest="rednose", help="disable colour output" ) parser.add_option( "--force-color", action="store_const", dest='rednose_color', default=rednose_color, const='force', help="force colour output when not using a TTY (alternatively, set $%s=force)" % (self.env_opt_color,) ) parser.add_option( "--immediate", action="store_true", default=False, help="print errors and failures as they happen, as well as at the end" ) parser.add_option( "--full-file-path", action="store_true", default=False, help="print the full file path as opposed to the one relative to your directory (default)" ) def configure(self, options, conf): if options.rednose: self.enabled = True termstyle_init = { 'force': termstyle.enable, 'off': termstyle.disable }.get(options.rednose_color, termstyle.auto) termstyle_init() self.immediate = options.immediate self.verbose = options.verbosity >= 2 self.full_file_path = options.full_file_path def prepareTestResult(self, result): # noqa """Required to prevent others from monkey patching the add methods.""" return result def prepareTestRunner(self, runner): # noqa return ColourTestRunner(stream=runner.stream, descriptions=runner.descriptions, verbosity=runner.verbosity, config=runner.config, immediate=self.immediate, use_relative_path=not self.full_file_path) def setOutputStream(self, stream): # noqa self.stream = stream if os.name == 'nt': import colorama self.stream = colorama.initialise.wrap_stream(stream, convert=True, strip=False, autoreset=False, wrap=True) class ColourTestRunner(nose.core.TextTestRunner): def __init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity, config, immediate, use_relative_path): super(ColourTestRunner, self).__init__(stream=stream, descriptions=descriptions, verbosity=verbosity, config=config) self.immediate = immediate self.use_relative_path = use_relative_path def _makeResult(self): # noqa return ColourTextTestResult(self.stream, self.descriptions, self.verbosity, self.config, immediate=self.immediate, use_relative_path=self.use_relative_path) class ColourTextTestResult(nose.result.TextTestResult): """ A test result class that prints colour formatted text results to the stream. """ def __init__(self, stream, descriptions, verbosity, config, errorClasses=None, immediate=False, use_relative_path=False): # noqa super(ColourTextTestResult, self).__init__(stream=stream, descriptions=descriptions, verbosity=verbosity, config=config, errorClasses=errorClasses) self.has_test_ids = config.options.enable_plugin_id if self.has_test_ids: self.ids = self.get_test_ids(self.config.options.testIdFile) self.total = 0 self.immediate = immediate self.use_relative_path = use_relative_path self.test_failures_and_exceptions = [] self.error = self.success = self.failure = self.skip = self.expected_failure = self.unexpected_success = 0 self.verbose = config.verbosity >= 2 self.short_status_map = { failure: 'F', error: 'E', skip: '-', expected_failure: "X", unexpected_success: "U", success: '.', } def get_test_ids(self, test_id_file): """Returns a mapping of test to id if one exists, else an empty dictionary.""" try: with open(test_id_file, 'rb') as fh: try: from cPickle import load except ImportError: from pickle import load data = load(fh) return {address: _id for _id, address in data["ids"].items()} except IOError: return {} def printSummary(self, start, stop): # noqa """Summarize all tests - the number of failures, errors and successes.""" self._line(termstyle.black) self._out("%s test%s run in %0.3f seconds" % (self.total, self._plural(self.total), stop - start)) if self.total > self.success: self._outln(". ") additionals = [ {"color": termstyle.red, "count": self.failure, "message": "%s FAILED"}, {"color": termstyle.yellow, "count": self.error, "message": "%s error%s" % ("%s", self._plural(self.error))}, {"color": termstyle.blue, "count": self.skip, "message": "%s skipped"}, {"color": termstyle.green, "count": self.expected_failure, "message": "%s expected_failures"}, {"color": termstyle.cyan, "count": self.unexpected_success, "message": "%s unexpected_successes"}, ] additionals_to_print = [ additional["color"](additional["message"] % (additional["count"])) for additional in additionals if additional["count"] > 0 ] self._out(', '.join(additionals_to_print)) self._out(termstyle.green(" (%s test%s passed)" % (self.success, self._plural(self.success)))) self._outln() def _plural(self, num): return '' if num == 1 else 's' def _line(self, color=termstyle.reset, char='-'): """ Print a line of separator characters (default '-') in the given colour (default black). """ self._outln(color(char * line_length)) def _print_test(self, type_, color): self.total += 1 if self.verbose: self._outln(color(type_)) else: short_ = self.short_status_map.get(type_, ".") self._out(color(short_)) if self.total % line_length == 0: self._outln() def _out(self, msg='', newline=False): self.stream.write(msg) if newline: self.stream.write('\n') def _outln(self, msg=''): self._out(msg=msg, newline=True) def _generate_and_add_test_report(self, type_, test, err): report = self._report_test(len(self.test_failures_and_exceptions), type_, test, err) self.test_failures_and_exceptions.append(report) def addFailure(self, test, err): # noqa self.failure += 1 self._print_test(failure, termstyle.red) self._generate_and_add_test_report(failure, test, err) def addError(self, test, err): # noqa self.error += 1 self._print_test(error, termstyle.yellow) self._generate_and_add_test_report(error, test, err) def addSuccess(self, test): # noqa self.success += 1 self._print_test(success, termstyle.green) def addSkip(self, test, err): # noqa self.skip += 1 self._print_test(skip, termstyle.blue) def addExpectedFailure(self, test, err): # noqa self.expected_failure += 1 self._print_test(expected_failure, termstyle.green) def addUnexpectedSuccess(self, test): # noqa self.unexpected_success += 1 self._print_test(unexpected_success, termstyle.cyan) def _report_test(self, report_index_num, type_, test, err): # noqa """report the results of a single (failing or errored) test""" if type_ == failure: color = termstyle.red else: color = termstyle.yellow exc_type, exc_instance, exc_trace = err colored_error_text = [ ''.join(self.format_traceback(exc_trace)), self._format_exception_message(exc_type, exc_instance, color) ] if type_ == failure: self.failures.append((test, colored_error_text)) flavour = "FAIL" else: self.errors.append((test, colored_error_text)) flavour = "ERROR" if self.immediate: self._outln() self.printErrorList(flavour, [(test, colored_error_text)], self.immediate) if self.has_test_ids: test_id = self.ids.get(test.address(), self.total) else: test_id = report_index_num + 1 return (test_id, flavour, test, colored_error_text) def format_traceback(self, tb): ret = [termstyle.default(" Traceback (most recent call last):")] current_trace = tb while current_trace is not None: line = self._format_traceback_line(current_trace) if line is not None: ret.append(line) current_trace = current_trace.tb_next return '\n'.join(ret) def _format_traceback_line(self, tb): """ Formats the file / lineno / function line of a traceback element. Returns None is the line is not relevent to the user i.e. inside the test runner. """ if self._is_relevant_tb_level(tb): return None f = tb.tb_frame filename = f.f_code.co_filename lineno = tb.tb_lineno linecache.checkcache(filename) function_name = f.f_code.co_name line_contents = linecache.getline(filename, lineno, f.f_globals).strip() return " %s line %s in %s\n %s" % ( termstyle.blue(self._relative_path(filename) if self.use_relative_path else filename), termstyle.bold(termstyle.cyan(lineno)), termstyle.cyan(function_name), line_contents ) def _format_exception_message(self, exception_type, exception_instance, message_color): """Returns a colorized formatted exception message.""" orig_message_lines = to_unicode(exception_instance).splitlines() if len(orig_message_lines) == 0: return '' exception_message = orig_message_lines[0] message_lines = [message_color(' ', termstyle.bold(message_color(exception_type.__name__)), ": ") + message_color(exception_message)] for line in orig_message_lines[1:]: match = re.match('^---.* begin captured stdout.*----$', line) if match: message_color = termstyle.magenta message_lines.append('') line = ' ' + line message_lines.append(message_color(line)) return '\n'.join(message_lines) def _relative_path(self, path): """ Returns the relative path of a file to the current working directory. If path is a child of the current working directory, the relative path is returned surrounded. If path is not a child of the working directory, path is returned """ try: here = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(os.getcwd())) fullpath = os.path.abspath(os.path.realpath(path)) except OSError: return path if fullpath.startswith(here): return fullpath[len(here) + 1:] return path def printErrors(self): # noqa if not self.verbose: self._outln() if self.immediate: self._outln() for x in range(0, 4): self._outln() self._outln(termstyle.green("TEST RESULT OUTPUT:")) for (test_id, flavour, test, coloured_output_lines) in (self.test_failures_and_exceptions): self._printError(flavour=flavour, test=test, coloured_output_lines=coloured_output_lines, test_id=test_id) def _printError(self, flavour, test, coloured_output_lines, test_id, is_mid_test=False): # noqa if flavour == "FAIL": color = termstyle.red else: color = termstyle.yellow self._outln(color(self.separator1)) self._outln(color("%s) %s: %s" % (test_id, flavour, self.getDescription(test)))) self._outln(color(self.separator2)) for err_line in coloured_output_lines: self._outln("%s" % err_line) if is_mid_test: self._outln(color(self.separator2))