PACKAGE=semantic_version TESTS_DIR=tests DOC_DIR=docs # Use current python binary instead of system default. COVERAGE = python $(shell which coverage) FLAKE8 = flake8 all: default default: clean: find . -type f -name '*.pyc' -delete find . -type f -path '*/__pycache__/*' -delete find . -type d -empty -delete @rm -rf tmp_test/ install-deps: pip install --upgrade pip setuptools pip install --upgrade -r requirements_dev.txt pip freeze testall: tox test: python -W default test # Note: we run the linter in two runs, because our files has specific warnings we want to exclude lint: check-manifest $(FLAKE8) --config .flake8 --exclude $(PACKAGE)/ $(PACKAGE) $(FLAKE8) --config .flake8 --ignore F401 $(PACKAGE)/ coverage: $(COVERAGE) erase $(COVERAGE) run "--include=$(PACKAGE)/*.py,$(TESTS_DIR)/*.py" --branch test $(COVERAGE) report "--include=$(PACKAGE)/*.py,$(TESTS_DIR)/*.py" $(COVERAGE) html "--include=$(PACKAGE)/*.py,$(TESTS_DIR)/*.py" coverage-xml-report: coverage $(COVERAGE) xml "--include=$(PACKAGE)/*.py,$(TESTS_DIR)/*.py" doc: $(MAKE) -C $(DOC_DIR) html .PHONY: all default clean coverage doc install-deps lint test