Kostiantyn Rybnikov d4e5539119 Version 2.7.7
2017-05-25 17:02:22 +03:00

355 lines
9.7 KiB

Python helper for Semantic Versioning (
import collections
import re
__version__ = '2.7.7'
__author__ = 'Kostiantyn Rybnikov'
__author_email__ = ''
_REGEX = re.compile(
""", re.VERBOSE)
_LAST_NUMBER = re.compile(r'(?:[^\d]*(\d+)[^\d]*)+')
if not hasattr(__builtins__, 'cmp'):
def cmp(a, b):
return (a > b) - (a < b)
def parse(version):
"""Parse version to major, minor, patch, pre-release, build parts.
:param version: version string
:return: dictionary with the keys 'build', 'major', 'minor', 'patch',
and 'prerelease'. The prerelease or build keys can be None
if not provided
:rtype: dict
match = _REGEX.match(version)
if match is None:
raise ValueError('%s is not valid SemVer string' % version)
version_parts = match.groupdict()
version_parts['major'] = int(version_parts['major'])
version_parts['minor'] = int(version_parts['minor'])
version_parts['patch'] = int(version_parts['patch'])
return version_parts
class VersionInfo(collections.namedtuple(
'VersionInfo', 'major minor patch prerelease build')):
:param int major: version when you make incompatible API changes.
:param int minor: version when you add functionality in
a backwards-compatible manner.
:param int patch: version when you make backwards-compatible bug fixes.
:param str prerelease: an optional prerelease string
:param str build: an optional build string
>>> import semver
>>> ver = semver.parse('3.4.5-pre.2+build.4')
>>> ver
{'build': 'build.4', 'major': 3, 'minor': 4, 'patch': 5,
'prerelease': 'pre.2'}
__slots__ = ()
def __eq__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (VersionInfo, dict)):
return NotImplemented
return _compare_by_keys(self._asdict(), _to_dict(other)) == 0
def __ne__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (VersionInfo, dict)):
return NotImplemented
return _compare_by_keys(self._asdict(), _to_dict(other)) != 0
def __lt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (VersionInfo, dict)):
return NotImplemented
return _compare_by_keys(self._asdict(), _to_dict(other)) < 0
def __le__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (VersionInfo, dict)):
return NotImplemented
return _compare_by_keys(self._asdict(), _to_dict(other)) <= 0
def __gt__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (VersionInfo, dict)):
return NotImplemented
return _compare_by_keys(self._asdict(), _to_dict(other)) > 0
def __ge__(self, other):
if not isinstance(other, (VersionInfo, dict)):
return NotImplemented
return _compare_by_keys(self._asdict(), _to_dict(other)) >= 0
def _to_dict(obj):
if isinstance(obj, VersionInfo):
return obj._asdict()
return obj
def parse_version_info(version):
"""Parse version string to a VersionInfo instance.
:param version: version string
:return: a :class:`VersionInfo` instance
:rtype: :class:`VersionInfo`
parts = parse(version)
version_info = VersionInfo(
parts['major'], parts['minor'], parts['patch'],
parts['prerelease'], parts['build'])
return version_info
def _nat_cmp(a, b):
def convert(text):
return int(text) if re.match('[0-9]+', text) else text
def split_key(key):
return [convert(c) for c in key.split('.')]
def cmp_prerelease_tag(a, b):
if isinstance(a, int) and isinstance(b, int):
return cmp(a, b)
elif isinstance(a, int):
return -1
elif isinstance(b, int):
return 1
return cmp(a, b)
a, b = a or '', b or ''
a_parts, b_parts = split_key(a), split_key(b)
for sub_a, sub_b in zip(a_parts, b_parts):
cmp_result = cmp_prerelease_tag(sub_a, sub_b)
if cmp_result != 0:
return cmp_result
return cmp(len(a), len(b))
def _compare_by_keys(d1, d2):
for key in ['major', 'minor', 'patch']:
v = cmp(d1.get(key), d2.get(key))
if v:
return v
rc1, rc2 = d1.get('prerelease'), d2.get('prerelease')
rccmp = _nat_cmp(rc1, rc2)
if not rccmp:
return 0
if not rc1:
return 1
elif not rc2:
return -1
return rccmp
def compare(ver1, ver2):
"""Compare two versions
:param ver1: version string 1
:param ver2: version string 2
:return: The return value is negative if ver1 < ver2,
zero if ver1 == ver2 and strictly positive if ver1 > ver2
:rtype: int
v1, v2 = parse(ver1), parse(ver2)
return _compare_by_keys(v1, v2)
def match(version, match_expr):
"""Compare two versions through a comparison
:param str version: a version string
:param str match_expr: operator and version; valid operators are
< smaller than
> greater than
>= greator or equal than
<= smaller or equal than
== equal
!= not equal
:return: True if the expression matches the version, otherwise False
:rtype: bool
prefix = match_expr[:2]
if prefix in ('>=', '<=', '==', '!='):
match_version = match_expr[2:]
elif prefix and prefix[0] in ('>', '<'):
prefix = prefix[0]
match_version = match_expr[1:]
raise ValueError("match_expr parameter should be in format <op><ver>, "
"where <op> is one of "
"['<', '>', '==', '<=', '>=', '!=']. "
"You provided: %r" % match_expr)
possibilities_dict = {
'>': (1,),
'<': (-1,),
'==': (0,),
'!=': (-1, 1),
'>=': (0, 1),
'<=': (-1, 0)
possibilities = possibilities_dict[prefix]
cmp_res = compare(version, match_version)
return cmp_res in possibilities
def max_ver(ver1, ver2):
"""Returns the greater version of two versions
:param ver1: version string 1
:param ver2: version string 2
:return: the greater version of the two
:rtype: :class:`VersionInfo`
cmp_res = compare(ver1, ver2)
if cmp_res == 0 or cmp_res == 1:
return ver1
return ver2
def min_ver(ver1, ver2):
"""Returns the smaller version of two versions
:param ver1: version string 1
:param ver2: version string 2
:return: the smaller version of the two
:rtype: :class:`VersionInfo`
cmp_res = compare(ver1, ver2)
if cmp_res == 0 or cmp_res == -1:
return ver1
return ver2
def format_version(major, minor, patch, prerelease=None, build=None):
"""Format a version according to the Semantic Versioning specification
:param str major: the required major part of a version
:param str minor: the required minor part of a version
:param str patch: the required patch part of a version
:param str prerelease: the optional prerelease part of a version
:param str build: the optional build part of a version
:return: the formatted string
:rtype: str
version = "%d.%d.%d" % (major, minor, patch)
if prerelease is not None:
version = version + "-%s" % prerelease
if build is not None:
version = version + "+%s" % build
return version
def _increment_string(string):
Look for the last sequence of number(s) in a string and increment, from:
match =
if match:
next_ = str(int( + 1)
start, end = match.span(1)
string = string[:max(end - len(next_), start)] + next_ + string[end:]
return string
def bump_major(version):
"""Raise the major part of the version
:param: version string
:return: the raised version string
:rtype: str
verinfo = parse(version)
return format_version(verinfo['major'] + 1, 0, 0)
def bump_minor(version):
"""Raise the minor part of the version
:param: version string
:return: the raised version string
:rtype: str
verinfo = parse(version)
return format_version(verinfo['major'], verinfo['minor'] + 1, 0)
def bump_patch(version):
"""Raise the patch part of the version
:param: version string
:return: the raised version string
:rtype: str
verinfo = parse(version)
return format_version(verinfo['major'], verinfo['minor'],
verinfo['patch'] + 1)
def bump_prerelease(version):
"""Raise the prerelease part of the version
:param: version string
:return: the raised version string
:rtype: str
verinfo = parse(version)
verinfo['prerelease'] = _increment_string(verinfo['prerelease'] or 'rc.0')
return format_version(verinfo['major'], verinfo['minor'], verinfo['patch'],
def bump_build(version):
"""Raise the build part of the version
:param: version string
:return: the raised version string
:rtype: str
verinfo = parse(version)
verinfo['build'] = _increment_string(verinfo['build'] or 'build.0')
return format_version(verinfo['major'], verinfo['minor'], verinfo['patch'],
verinfo['prerelease'], verinfo['build'])