refactor logic for getting and unused X11 display

This commit is contained in:
Corey Goldberg 2016-01-02 20:01:05 -05:00
parent c9264d6911
commit 5e838a5965
1 changed files with 11 additions and 18 deletions

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@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ class Xvfb:
def start(self):
self.vdisplay_num = self.search_for_free_display()
self.vdisplay_num = self._get_next_unused_display()
self.xvfb_cmd = ['Xvfb', ':%d' % self.vdisplay_num] + self.xvfb_args
with open(os.devnull, 'w') as fnull:
@ -69,35 +69,28 @@ class Xvfb:
def stop(self):
# fix leaking X displays.
# (killing Xvfb process doesn't clean up the underlying X11 server)
if self.proc is not None:
self.proc = None
def search_for_free_display(self):
ls = [int(x.split('X')[1].split('-')[0]) for x in self._lock_files()]
min_display_num = 1000
if len(ls):
display_num = max(min_display_num, max(ls) + 1)
display_num = min_display_num
display_num += random.randint(0, 1000)
return display_num
def _lock_files(self):
def _get_next_unused_display(self):
tmpdir = tempfile.gettempdir()
pattern = '.X*-lock'
names = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(tmpdir), pattern)
ls = [os.path.join(tmpdir, child) for child in names]
ls = [p for p in ls if os.path.isfile(p)]
return ls
lockfile_names = fnmatch.filter(os.listdir(tmpdir), pattern)
existing_displays = [int(name.split('X')[1].split('-')[0])
for name in lockfile_names]
highest_display = max(existing_displays) if existing_displays else 0
return highest_display + 1
def _redirect_display(self, display_num):
os.environ['DISPLAY'] = ':%s' % display_num
def _xvfb_exists(self):
"""Check that Xvfb exists in PATH and is executable."""
"""Check that Xvfb is in PATH and is executable."""
return any(
os.access(os.path.join(path, 'Xvfb'), os.X_OK)
for path in os.environ['PATH'].split(os.pathsep)