Sahara REST API v1.1 ********************* 1 General API information ========================= This section contains base info about the sahara REST API design. 1.1 Authentication and Authorization ------------------------------------ The sahara API uses the OpenStack Identity service as the default authentication service. When the Identity service is enabled, users who submit requests to the sahara service must provide an authentication token in the ``X-Auth-Token`` request header. A user can obtain the token by authenticating to the Identity service endpoint. For more information about the Identity service, please see the `keystone project developer documentation `_ With each request, a user must specify the OpenStack tenant(now known as project) in the url path, for example: '/v1.1/{tenant_id}/clusters'. Sahara will perform the requested operation in the specified tenant using the provided credentials. Therefore, clusters may be created and managed only within tenants to which the user has access. 1.2 Request / Response Types ---------------------------- The sahara API supports the JSON data serialization format. This means that for requests that contain a body, the ``Content-Type`` header must be set to the MIME type value ``application/json``. Also, clients should accept JSON serialized responses by specifying the ``Accept`` header with the MIME type value ``application/json`` or adding the ``.json`` extension to the resource name. The default response format is ``application/json`` if the client does not specify an ``Accept`` header or append the ``.json`` extension in the URL path. Example: .. sourcecode:: http GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/clusters.json or .. sourcecode:: http GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/clusters Accept: application/json 1.3 Navigation by response -------------------------- Sahara API supports delivering response data by pages. User can pass two parameters in API GET requests which return an array of objects. The parameters are: ``limit`` - maximum number of objects in response data. This parameter must be a positive integer number. ``marker`` - ID of the last element on the list which won't be in response. Example: Get 15 clusters after cluster with id=d62ad147-5c10-418c-a21a-3a6597044f29: .. soursecode:: http GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/clusters?limit=15&marker=d62ad147-5c10-418c-a21a-3a6597044f29 For convenience, response contains markers of previous and following pages which are named 'prev' and 'next' fields. Also there is ``sort_by`` parameter for sorting objects. Sahara API supports ascending and descending sorting. Examples: Sort clusters by name: .. soursecode:: http GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/clusters?sort_by=name Sort clusters by date of creation in descending order: .. soursecode:: http GET /v1.1/{tenant_id}/clusters?sort_by=-created_at 1.4 Faults ---------- The sahara API returns an error response if a failure occurs while processing a request. Sahara uses only standard HTTP error codes. 4xx errors indicate problems in the particular request being sent from the client and 5xx errors indicate server-side problems. The response body will contain richer information about the cause of the error. An error response follows the format illustrated by the following example: .. sourcecode:: http HTTP/1.1 400 BAD REQUEST Content-type: application/json Content-length: 126 { "error_name": "CLUSTER_NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS", "error_message": "Cluster with name 'test-cluster' already exists", "error_code": 400 } The ``error_code`` attribute is an HTTP response code. The ``error_name`` attribute indicates the generic error type without any concrete ids or names, etc. The last attribute, ``error_message``, contains a human readable error description. 2 API ===== - `Sahara REST API Reference (OpenStack API Complete Reference - DataProcessing)`_ .. _`Sahara REST API Reference (OpenStack API Complete Reference - DataProcessing)`: