# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc. # Copyright (c) 2013 Hortonworks, Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. """Helper methods for executing commands on nodes via SSH. The main access point is method get_remote(instance), it returns InstanceInteropHelper object which does the actual work. See the class for the list of available methods. It is a context manager, so it could be used with 'with' statement like that: with get_remote(instance) as r: r.execute_command(...) Note that the module offloads the ssh calls to a child process. It was implemented that way because we found no way to run paramiko and eventlet together. The private high-level module methods are implementations which are run in a separate process. """ import os import shlex import sys import threading import time import uuid from eventlet.green import subprocess as e_subprocess from eventlet import semaphore from eventlet import timeout as e_timeout from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import excutils import paramiko import requests from requests import adapters import six from sahara import context from sahara import exceptions as ex from sahara.i18n import _ from sahara.i18n import _LE from sahara.utils import crypto from sahara.utils import hashabledict as h from sahara.utils.openstack import base from sahara.utils.openstack import neutron from sahara.utils import procutils from sahara.utils import remote LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) CONF = cfg.CONF _ssh = None _proxy_ssh = None _sessions = {} INFRA = None _global_remote_semaphore = None def _connect(host, username, private_key, proxy_command=None, gateway_host=None, gateway_image_username=None): global _ssh global _proxy_ssh LOG.debug('Creating SSH connection') if type(private_key) in [str, unicode]: private_key = crypto.to_paramiko_private_key(private_key) _ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() _ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) proxy = None if proxy_command: LOG.debug('creating proxy using command: %s', proxy_command) proxy = paramiko.ProxyCommand(proxy_command) if gateway_host: _proxy_ssh = paramiko.SSHClient() _proxy_ssh.set_missing_host_key_policy(paramiko.AutoAddPolicy()) LOG.debug('connecting to proxy gateway at: %s', gateway_host) _proxy_ssh.connect(gateway_host, username=gateway_image_username, pkey=private_key, sock=proxy) proxy = _proxy_ssh.get_transport().open_session() proxy.exec_command("nc {0} 22".format(host)) _ssh.connect(host, username=username, pkey=private_key, sock=proxy) def _cleanup(): global _ssh global _proxy_ssh _ssh.close() if _proxy_ssh: _proxy_ssh.close() def _read_paramimko_stream(recv_func): result = '' buf = recv_func(1024) while buf != '': result += buf buf = recv_func(1024) return result def _escape_quotes(command): command = command.replace('\\', '\\\\') command = command.replace('"', '\\"') return command def _execute_command(cmd, run_as_root=False, get_stderr=False, raise_when_error=True): global _ssh chan = _ssh.get_transport().open_session() if run_as_root: chan.exec_command('sudo bash -c "%s"' % _escape_quotes(cmd)) else: chan.exec_command(cmd) # todo(dmitryme): that could hang if stderr buffer overflows stdout = _read_paramimko_stream(chan.recv) stderr = _read_paramimko_stream(chan.recv_stderr) ret_code = chan.recv_exit_status() if ret_code and raise_when_error: raise ex.RemoteCommandException(cmd=cmd, ret_code=ret_code, stdout=stdout, stderr=stderr) if get_stderr: return ret_code, stdout, stderr else: return ret_code, stdout def _execute_command_interactive(cmd, run_as_root=False): global _ssh chan = _ssh.get_transport().open_session() if run_as_root: chan.exec_command('sudo bash -c "%s"' % _escape_quotes(cmd)) else: chan.exec_command(cmd) _proxy_shell(chan) _ssh.close() def _proxy_shell(chan): def readall(): while True: d = sys.stdin.read(1) if not d or chan.exit_status_ready(): break chan.send(d) reader = threading.Thread(target=readall) reader.start() while True: data = chan.recv(256) if not data or chan.exit_status_ready(): break sys.stdout.write(data) sys.stdout.flush() def _get_http_client(host, port, proxy_command=None, gateway_host=None, gateway_username=None, gateway_private_key=None): global _sessions _http_session = _sessions.get((host, port), None) LOG.debug('cached HTTP session for {0}:{1} is {2}'.format(host, port, _http_session)) if not _http_session: if gateway_host: _http_session = _get_proxy_gateway_http_session( gateway_host, gateway_username, gateway_private_key, host, port, proxy_command) LOG.debug('created ssh proxied HTTP session for {0}:{1}' .format(host, port)) elif proxy_command: # can return a new session here because it actually uses # the same adapter (and same connection pools) for a given # host and port tuple _http_session = _get_proxied_http_session( proxy_command, host, port=port) LOG.debug('created proxied HTTP session for {0}:{1}' .format(host, port)) else: # need to cache the sessions that are not proxied through # HTTPRemoteWrapper so that a new session with a new HTTPAdapter # and associated pools is not recreated for each HTTP invocation _http_session = requests.Session() LOG.debug('created standard HTTP session for {0}:{1}' .format(host, port)) adapter = requests.adapters.HTTPAdapter() for prefix in ['http://', 'https://']: _http_session.mount(prefix + '%s:%s' % (host, port), adapter) LOG.debug('caching session {0} for {1}:{2}' .format(_http_session, host, port)) _sessions[(host, port)] = _http_session return _http_session def _write_fl(sftp, remote_file, data): fl = sftp.file(remote_file, 'w') fl.write(data) fl.close() def _append_fl(sftp, remote_file, data): fl = sftp.file(remote_file, 'a') fl.write(data) fl.close() def _write_file(sftp, remote_file, data, run_as_root): if run_as_root: temp_file = 'temp-file-%s' % six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()) _write_fl(sftp, temp_file, data) _execute_command( 'mv %s %s' % (temp_file, remote_file), run_as_root=True) else: _write_fl(sftp, remote_file, data) def _append_file(sftp, remote_file, data, run_as_root): if run_as_root: temp_file = 'temp-file-%s' % six.text_type(uuid.uuid4()) _write_fl(sftp, temp_file, data) _execute_command( 'cat %s >> %s' % (temp_file, remote_file), run_as_root=True) _execute_command('rm -f %s' % temp_file) else: _append_fl(sftp, remote_file, data) def _write_file_to(remote_file, data, run_as_root=False): global _ssh _write_file(_ssh.open_sftp(), remote_file, data, run_as_root) def _write_files_to(files, run_as_root=False): global _ssh sftp = _ssh.open_sftp() for fl, data in six.iteritems(files): _write_file(sftp, fl, data, run_as_root) def _append_to_file(remote_file, data, run_as_root=False): global _ssh _append_file(_ssh.open_sftp(), remote_file, data, run_as_root) def _append_to_files(files, run_as_root=False): global _ssh sftp = _ssh.open_sftp() for fl, data in six.iteritems(files): _append_file(sftp, fl, data, run_as_root) def _read_file(sftp, remote_file): fl = sftp.file(remote_file, 'r') data = fl.read() fl.close() return data def _read_file_from(remote_file, run_as_root=False): global _ssh fl = remote_file if run_as_root: fl = 'temp-file-%s' % (six.text_type(uuid.uuid4())) _execute_command('cp %s %s' % (remote_file, fl), run_as_root=True) try: return _read_file(_ssh.open_sftp(), fl) except IOError: LOG.error(_LE('Can\'t read file "%s"') % remote_file) raise finally: if run_as_root: _execute_command( 'rm %s' % fl, run_as_root=True, raise_when_error=False) def _replace_remote_string(remote_file, old_str, new_str): old_str = old_str.replace("\'", "\''") new_str = new_str.replace("\'", "\''") cmd = "sudo sed -i 's,%s,%s,g' %s" % (old_str, new_str, remote_file) _execute_command(cmd) def _execute_on_vm_interactive(cmd, matcher): global _ssh buf = '' channel = _ssh.invoke_shell() LOG.debug('channel is {0}'.format(channel)) try: LOG.debug('sending cmd {0}'.format(cmd)) channel.send(cmd + '\n') while not matcher.is_eof(buf): buf += channel.recv(4096) response = matcher.get_response(buf) if response is not None: channel.send(response + '\n') buf = '' finally: LOG.debug('closing channel') channel.close() def _acquire_remote_semaphore(): context.current().remote_semaphore.acquire() _global_remote_semaphore.acquire() def _release_remote_semaphore(): _global_remote_semaphore.release() context.current().remote_semaphore.release() def _get_proxied_http_session(proxy_command, host, port=None): session = requests.Session() adapter = ProxiedHTTPAdapter( _simple_exec_func(shlex.split(proxy_command)), host, port) session.mount('http://{0}:{1}'.format(host, adapter.port), adapter) return session def _get_proxy_gateway_http_session(gateway_host, gateway_username, gateway_private_key, host, port=None, proxy_command=None): session = requests.Session() adapter = ProxiedHTTPAdapter( _proxy_gateway_func(gateway_host, gateway_username, gateway_private_key, host, port, proxy_command), host, port) session.mount('http://{0}:{1}'.format(host, port), adapter) return session def _simple_exec_func(cmd): def func(): return e_subprocess.Popen(cmd, stdin=e_subprocess.PIPE, stdout=e_subprocess.PIPE, stderr=e_subprocess.PIPE) return func def _proxy_gateway_func(gateway_host, gateway_username, gateway_private_key, host, port, proxy_command): def func(): proc = procutils.start_subprocess() try: conn_params = (gateway_host, gateway_username, gateway_private_key, proxy_command, None, None) procutils.run_in_subprocess(proc, _connect, conn_params) cmd = "nc {host} {port}".format(host=host, port=port) procutils.run_in_subprocess( proc, _execute_command_interactive, (cmd,), interactive=True) return proc except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): procutils.shutdown_subprocess(proc, _cleanup) return func class ProxiedHTTPAdapter(adapters.HTTPAdapter): def __init__(self, create_process_func, host, port): super(ProxiedHTTPAdapter, self).__init__() LOG.debug('HTTP adapter created for {0}:{1}'.format(host, port)) self.create_process_func = create_process_func self.port = port self.host = host def get_connection(self, url, proxies=None): pool_conn = ( super(ProxiedHTTPAdapter, self).get_connection(url, proxies)) if hasattr(pool_conn, '_get_conn'): http_conn = pool_conn._get_conn() if http_conn.sock is None: if hasattr(http_conn, 'connect'): sock = self._connect() LOG.debug('HTTP connection {0} getting new ' 'netcat socket {1}'.format(http_conn, sock)) http_conn.sock = sock else: if hasattr(http_conn.sock, 'is_netcat_socket'): LOG.debug('pooled http connection has existing ' 'netcat socket. resetting pipe...') http_conn.sock.reset() pool_conn._put_conn(http_conn) return pool_conn def close(self): LOG.debug('Closing HTTP adapter for {0}:{1}' .format(self.host, self.port)) super(ProxiedHTTPAdapter, self).close() def _connect(self): LOG.debug('Returning netcat socket for {0}:{1}' .format(self.host, self.port)) rootwrap_command = CONF.rootwrap_command if CONF.use_rootwrap else '' return NetcatSocket(self.create_process_func, rootwrap_command) class NetcatSocket(object): def _create_process(self): self.process = self.create_process_func() def __init__(self, create_process_func, rootwrap_command=None): self.create_process_func = create_process_func self.rootwrap_command = rootwrap_command self._create_process() def send(self, content): try: self.process.stdin.write(content) self.process.stdin.flush() except IOError as e: raise ex.SystemError(e) return len(content) def sendall(self, content): return self.send(content) def makefile(self, mode, *arg): if mode.startswith('r'): return self.process.stdout if mode.startswith('w'): return self.process.stdin raise ex.IncorrectStateError(_("Unknown file mode %s") % mode) def recv(self, size): try: return os.read(self.process.stdout.fileno(), size) except IOError as e: raise ex.SystemError(e) def _terminate(self): if self.rootwrap_command: os.system('{0} kill {1}'.format(self.rootwrap_command, self.process.pid)) else: self.process.terminate() def close(self): LOG.debug('Socket close called') self._terminate() def settimeout(self, timeout): pass def fileno(self): return self.process.stdin.fileno() def is_netcat_socket(self): return True def reset(self): self._terminate() self._create_process() class InstanceInteropHelper(remote.Remote): def __init__(self, instance): self.instance = instance def __enter__(self): _acquire_remote_semaphore() try: self.bulk = BulkInstanceInteropHelper(self.instance) return self.bulk except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): _release_remote_semaphore() def __exit__(self, *exc_info): try: self.bulk.close() finally: _release_remote_semaphore() def get_neutron_info(self, instance=None): if not instance: instance = self.instance neutron_info = h.HashableDict() neutron_info['network'] = ( instance.node_group.cluster.neutron_management_network) ctx = context.current() neutron_info['uri'] = base.url_for(ctx.service_catalog, 'network') neutron_info['token'] = ctx.auth_token neutron_info['tenant'] = ctx.tenant_name neutron_info['host'] = instance.management_ip LOG.debug('Returning neutron info: {0}'.format(neutron_info)) return neutron_info def _build_proxy_command(self, command, instance=None, port=None, info=None, rootwrap_command=None): # Accepted keywords in the proxy command template: # {host}, {port}, {tenant_id}, {network_id}, {router_id} keywords = {} if not info: info = self.get_neutron_info(instance) keywords['tenant_id'] = context.current().tenant_id keywords['network_id'] = info['network'] # Query Neutron only if needed if '{router_id}' in command: client = neutron.NeutronClient(info['network'], info['uri'], info['token'], info['tenant']) keywords['router_id'] = client.get_router() keywords['host'] = instance.management_ip keywords['port'] = port try: command = command.format(**keywords) except KeyError as e: LOG.error(_('Invalid keyword in proxy_command: %s'), str(e)) # Do not give more details to the end-user raise ex.SystemError('Misconfiguration') if rootwrap_command: command = '{0} {1}'.format(rootwrap_command, command) return command def _get_conn_params(self): host_ng = self.instance.node_group cluster = host_ng.cluster access_instance = self.instance proxy_gateway_node = cluster.get_proxy_gateway_node() gateway_host = None gateway_image_username = None if proxy_gateway_node and not host_ng.is_proxy_gateway: access_instance = proxy_gateway_node gateway_host = proxy_gateway_node.management_ip ng = proxy_gateway_node.node_group gateway_image_username = ng.image_username proxy_command = None if CONF.proxy_command: # Build a session through a user-defined socket proxy_command = CONF.proxy_command elif CONF.use_namespaces and not CONF.use_floating_ips: # Build a session through a netcat socket in the Neutron namespace proxy_command = ( 'ip netns exec qrouter-{router_id} nc {host} {port}') # proxy_command is currently a template, turn it into a real command # i.e. dereference {host}, {port}, etc. if proxy_command: rootwrap = CONF.rootwrap_command if CONF.use_rootwrap else '' proxy_command = self._build_proxy_command( proxy_command, instance=access_instance, port=22, info=None, rootwrap_command=rootwrap) return (self.instance.management_ip, host_ng.image_username, cluster.management_private_key, proxy_command, gateway_host, gateway_image_username) def _run(self, func, *args, **kwargs): proc = procutils.start_subprocess() try: procutils.run_in_subprocess(proc, _connect, self._get_conn_params()) return procutils.run_in_subprocess(proc, func, args, kwargs) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): procutils.shutdown_subprocess(proc, _cleanup) finally: procutils.shutdown_subprocess(proc, _cleanup) def _run_with_log(self, func, timeout, *args, **kwargs): start_time = time.time() try: with e_timeout.Timeout(timeout, ex.TimeoutException(timeout)): return self._run(func, *args, **kwargs) finally: self._log_command('%s took %.1f seconds to complete' % ( func.__name__, time.time() - start_time)) def _run_s(self, func, timeout, *args, **kwargs): _acquire_remote_semaphore() try: return self._run_with_log(func, timeout, *args, **kwargs) finally: _release_remote_semaphore() def get_http_client(self, port, info=None): self._log_command('Retrieving HTTP session for {0}:{1}'.format( self.instance.management_ip, port)) host_ng = self.instance.node_group cluster = host_ng.cluster access_instance = self.instance access_port = port proxy_gateway_node = cluster.get_proxy_gateway_node() gateway_host = None gateway_username = None gateway_private_key = None if proxy_gateway_node and not host_ng.is_proxy_gateway: access_instance = proxy_gateway_node access_port = 22 gateway_host = proxy_gateway_node.management_ip gateway_username = proxy_gateway_node.node_group.image_username gateway_private_key = cluster.management_private_key proxy_command = None if CONF.proxy_command: # Build a session through a user-defined socket proxy_command = CONF.proxy_command elif info or (CONF.use_namespaces and not CONF.use_floating_ips): # need neutron info if not info: info = self.get_neutron_info(access_instance) # Build a session through a netcat socket in the Neutron namespace proxy_command = ( 'ip netns exec qrouter-{router_id} nc {host} {port}') # proxy_command is currently a template, turn it into a real command # i.e. dereference {host}, {port}, etc. if proxy_command: rootwrap = CONF.rootwrap_command if CONF.use_rootwrap else '' proxy_command = self._build_proxy_command( proxy_command, instance=access_instance, port=access_port, info=info, rootwrap_command=rootwrap) return _get_http_client(self.instance.management_ip, port, proxy_command, gateway_host, gateway_username, gateway_private_key) def close_http_session(self, port): global _sessions host = self.instance.management_ip self._log_command(_("Closing HTTP session for %(host)s:%(port)s") % { 'host': host, 'port': port}) session = _sessions.get((host, port), None) if session is None: raise ex.NotFoundException( _('Session for %(host)s:%(port)s not cached') % { 'host': host, 'port': port}) session.close() del _sessions[(host, port)] def execute_command(self, cmd, run_as_root=False, get_stderr=False, raise_when_error=True, timeout=300): self._log_command('Executing "%s"' % cmd) return self._run_s(_execute_command, timeout, cmd, run_as_root, get_stderr, raise_when_error) def write_file_to(self, remote_file, data, run_as_root=False, timeout=120): self._log_command('Writing file "%s"' % remote_file) self._run_s(_write_file_to, timeout, remote_file, data, run_as_root) def write_files_to(self, files, run_as_root=False, timeout=120): self._log_command('Writing files "%s"' % files.keys()) self._run_s(_write_files_to, timeout, files, run_as_root) def append_to_file(self, r_file, data, run_as_root=False, timeout=120): self._log_command('Appending to file "%s"' % r_file) self._run_s(_append_to_file, timeout, r_file, data, run_as_root) def append_to_files(self, files, run_as_root=False, timeout=120): self._log_command('Appending to files "%s"' % files.keys()) self._run_s(_append_to_files, timeout, files, run_as_root) def read_file_from(self, remote_file, run_as_root=False, timeout=120): self._log_command('Reading file "%s"' % remote_file) return self._run_s(_read_file_from, timeout, remote_file, run_as_root) def replace_remote_string(self, remote_file, old_str, new_str, timeout=120): self._log_command('In file "%s" replacing string "%s" ' 'with "%s"' % (remote_file, old_str, new_str)) self._run_s(_replace_remote_string, timeout, remote_file, old_str, new_str) def execute_on_vm_interactive(self, cmd, matcher, timeout=1800): """Runs given command and responds to prompts. 'cmd' is a command to execute. 'matcher' is an object which provides responses on command's prompts. It should have two methods implemented: * get_response(buf) - returns response on prompt if it is found in 'buf' string, which is a part of command output. If no prompt is found, the method should return None. * is_eof(buf) - returns True if current 'buf' indicates that the command is finished. False should be returned otherwise. """ self._log_command('Executing interactively "%s"' % cmd) self._run_s(_execute_on_vm_interactive, timeout, cmd, matcher) def _log_command(self, str): LOG.debug('[%s] %s' % (self.instance.instance_name, str)) class BulkInstanceInteropHelper(InstanceInteropHelper): def __init__(self, instance): super(BulkInstanceInteropHelper, self).__init__(instance) self.proc = procutils.start_subprocess() try: procutils.run_in_subprocess(self.proc, _connect, self._get_conn_params()) except Exception: with excutils.save_and_reraise_exception(): procutils.shutdown_subprocess(self.proc, _cleanup) def close(self): procutils.shutdown_subprocess(self.proc, _cleanup) def _run(self, func, *args, **kwargs): return procutils.run_in_subprocess(self.proc, func, args, kwargs) def _run_s(self, func, timeout, *args, **kwargs): return self._run_with_log(func, timeout, *args, **kwargs) class SshRemoteDriver(remote.RemoteDriver): def get_type_and_version(self): return "ssh.1.0" def setup_remote(self, engine): global _global_remote_semaphore global INFRA _global_remote_semaphore = semaphore.Semaphore( CONF.global_remote_threshold) INFRA = engine def get_remote(self, instance): return InstanceInteropHelper(instance) def get_userdata_template(self): # SSH does not need any instance customization return ""