Quickstart guide ================ This guide will help you setup a vanilla Hadoop cluster using :doc:`../restapi/rest_api_v1.0`. 1. Install Sahara ----------------- * If you want to hack the code follow :doc:`development.environment`. * If you just want to install and use Sahara follow :doc:`../userdoc/installation.guide`. 2. Keystone endpoints setup --------------------------- To use CLI tools, such as OpenStack's python clients, we should specify environment variables with addresses and credentials. Let's mind that we have keystone at ```` with tenant ``admin``, credentials ``admin:nova`` and Sahara API at ````. Here is a list of commands to set env: .. sourcecode:: console $ export OS_AUTH_URL= $ export OS_TENANT_NAME=admin $ export OS_USERNAME=admin $ export OS_PASSWORD=nova You can append these lines to the ``.bashrc`` and execute ``source .bashrc``. Now you can get an authentication token from the OpenStack Keystone service. .. sourcecode:: console $ keystone token-get If authentication succeeds, the output will be as follows: .. sourcecode:: console +-----------+----------------------------------+ | Property | Value | +-----------+----------------------------------+ | expires | 2013-07-08T15:21:18Z | | id | dd92e3cdb4e1462690cd444d6b01b746 | | tenant_id | 62bd2046841e4e94a87b4a22aa886c13 | | user_id | 720fb87141a14fd0b204f977f5f02512 | +-----------+----------------------------------+ Save ``tenant_id`` which is obviously your Tenant ID and ``id`` which is your authentication token (X-Auth-Token): .. sourcecode:: console $ export AUTH_TOKEN="dd92e3cdb4e1462690cd444d6b01b746" $ export TENANT_ID="62bd2046841e4e94a87b4a22aa886c13" 3. Upload image to Glance ------------------------- You can download pre-built images with vanilla Apache Hadoop or build the images yourself: * Download and install pre-built image with Ubuntu 13.10 .. sourcecode:: console $ ssh user@hostname $ wget http://sahara-files.mirantis.com/sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10.qcow2 $ glance image-create --name=sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10 \ --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare < ./sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10.qcow2 * OR with Fedora 20 .. sourcecode:: console $ ssh user@hostname $ wget http://sahara-files.mirantis.com/sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-fedora-20.qcow2 $ glance image-create --name=sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-fedora-20 \ --disk-format=qcow2 --container-format=bare < ./sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-fedora-20.qcow2 * OR build the image using :doc:`../userdoc/diskimagebuilder`. Save the image id. You can get the image id from the command ``glance image-list``: .. sourcecode:: console $ glance image-list --name sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10 +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | ID | Name | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ | 3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b | sahara-icehouse-vanilla-1.2.1-ubuntu-13.10 | +--------------------------------------+---------------------------------------------+ $ export IMAGE_ID="3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b" 4. Register image in Image Registry ----------------------------------- * Now we will actually start to interact with Sahara. * Register the image with username ``ubuntu``. .. sourcecode:: console $ sahara image-register --id $IMAGE_ID --username ubuntu * Tag the image: .. sourcecode:: console $ sahara image-add-tag --id $IMAGE_ID --tag vanilla $ sahara image-add-tag --id $IMAGE_ID --tag 1.2.1 * Make sure the image is registered correctly: .. sourcecode:: console $ sahara image-list * Output should look like: .. sourcecode:: console $ sahara image-list +----------------+---------------+----------+----------------+-------------+ | name | id | username | tags | description | +----------------+---------------+----------+----------------+-------------+ | sahara-iceh... | 3f9fc...6919b | ubuntu | vanilla, 1.2.1 | None | +----------------+---------------+----------+----------------+-------------+ 5. Setup NodeGroup templates ---------------------------- Create a file with the name ``ng_master_template_create.json`` and fill it with the following content: .. sourcecode:: json { "name": "test-master-tmpl", "flavor_id": "2", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "node_processes": ["jobtracker", "namenode"], "auto_security_group": true } Create a file with the name ``ng_worker_template_create.json`` and fill it with the following content: .. sourcecode:: json { "name": "test-worker-tmpl", "flavor_id": "2", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "node_processes": ["tasktracker", "datanode"], "auto_security_group": true } Send POST requests to the Sahara API to upload NodeGroup templates. Make sure that the ``SAHARA_URL`` is set: .. sourcecode:: console $ export SAHARA_URL=$TENANT_ID $ http $SAHARA_URL/node-group-templates X-Auth-Token:$AUTH_TOKEN \ < ng_master_template_create.json $ http $SAHARA_URL/node-group-templates X-Auth-Token:$AUTH_TOKEN \ < ng_worker_template_create.json You can list the available NodeGroup templates by sending the following request to the Sahara API: .. sourcecode:: console $ http $SAHARA_URL/node-group-templates X-Auth-Token:$AUTH_TOKEN The output should look like: .. sourcecode:: json { "node_group_templates": [ { "created": "2013-07-07T18:53:55", "flavor_id": "2", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "b38227dc-64fe-42bf-8792-d1456b453ef3", "name": "demo-master", "node_configs": {}, "node_processes": [ "jobtracker", "namenode" ], "plugin_name": "vanilla", "updated": "2013-07-07T18:53:55", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_per_node": 0, "volumes_size": 10, "security_groups": [], "auto_security_group": true }, { "created": "2013-07-07T18:54:00", "flavor_id": "2", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "634827b9-6a18-4837-ae15-5371d6ecf02c", "name": "demo-worker", "node_configs": {}, "node_processes": [ "tasktracker", "datanode" ], "plugin_name": "vanilla", "updated": "2013-07-07T18:54:00", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_per_node": 0, "volumes_size": 10, "security_groups": [], "auto_security_group": true } ] } Save the id for the master and worker NodeGroup templates. For example: * Master NodeGroup template id: ``b38227dc-64fe-42bf-8792-d1456b453ef3`` * Worker NodeGroup template id: ``634827b9-6a18-4837-ae15-5371d6ecf02c`` 6. Setup Cluster Template ------------------------- Create a file named ``cluster_template_create.json`` and fill it with the following content: .. sourcecode:: json { "name": "demo-cluster-template", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "node_groups": [ { "name": "master", "node_group_template_id": "b1ac3f04-c67f-445f-b06c-fb722736ccc6", "count": 1 }, { "name": "workers", "node_group_template_id": "dbc6147e-4020-4695-8b5d-04f2efa978c5", "count": 2 } ] } Send POST request to Sahara API to upload Cluster template: .. sourcecode:: console $ http $SAHARA_URL/cluster-templates X-Auth-Token:$AUTH_TOKEN \ < cluster_template_create.json Save the template id. For example ``ce897df2-1610-4caa-bdb8-408ef90561cf``. 7. Create cluster ----------------- Create a file named ``cluster_create.json`` and fill it with the following content: .. sourcecode:: json { "name": "cluster-1", "plugin_name": "vanilla", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "cluster_template_id" : "ce897df2-1610-4caa-bdb8-408ef90561cf", "user_keypair_id": "stack", "default_image_id": "3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b" } There is a parameter ``user_keypair_id`` with value ``stack``. You can create your own keypair in Horizon UI, or using the command line client: .. sourcecode:: console nova keypair-add stack --pub-key $PATH_TO_PUBLIC_KEY Send POST request to Sahara API to create and start the cluster: .. sourcecode:: console $ http $SAHARA_URL/clusters X-Auth-Token:$AUTH_TOKEN \ < cluster_create.json Once the cluster has started, you'll get similar output: .. sourcecode:: json { "clusters": [ { "anti_affinity": [], "cluster_configs": {}, "cluster_template_id": "ce897df2-1610-4caa-bdb8-408ef90561cf", "created": "2013-07-07T19:01:51", "default_image_id": "3f9fc974-b484-4756-82a4-bff9e116919b", "hadoop_version": "1.2.1", "id": "c5e755a2-b3f9-417b-948b-e99ed7fbf1e3", "info": { "HDFS": { "Web UI": "" }, "MapReduce": { "Web UI": "" } }, "name": "cluster-1", "node_groups": [ { "count": 1, "created": "2013-07-07T19:01:51", "flavor_id": "999", "instances": [ { "created": "2013-07-07T19:01:51", "instance_id": "4f6dc715-9c65-4d74-bddd-5f1820e6ce02", "instance_name": "cluster-1-master-001", "internal_ip": "", "management_ip": "", "updated": "2013-07-07T19:06:07", "volumes": [] } ], "name": "master", "node_configs": {}, "node_group_template_id": "b38227dc-64fe-42bf-8792-d1456b453ef3", "node_processes": [ "jobtracker", "namenode" ], "updated": "2013-07-07T19:01:51", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_per_node": 0, "volumes_size": 10, "security_groups": ["a314895b-d2ee-431d-a26b-7c37b45894c9"], "auto_security_group": true }, { "count": 2, "created": "2013-07-07T19:01:51", "flavor_id": "999", "instances": [ { "created": "2013-07-07T19:01:52", "instance_id": "11089dd0-8832-4473-a835-d3dd36bc3d00", "instance_name": "cluster-1-workers-001", "internal_ip": "", "management_ip": "", "updated": "2013-07-07T19:06:07", "volumes": [] }, { "created": "2013-07-07T19:01:52", "instance_id": "d59ee54f-19e6-401b-8662-04a156ba811f", "instance_name": "cluster-1-workers-002", "internal_ip": "", "management_ip": "", "updated": "2013-07-07T19:06:07", "volumes": [] } ], "name": "workers", "node_configs": {}, "node_group_template_id": "634827b9-6a18-4837-ae15-5371d6ecf02c", "node_processes": [ "tasktracker", "datanode" ], "updated": "2013-07-07T19:01:51", "volume_mount_prefix": "/volumes/disk", "volumes_per_node": 0, "volumes_size": 10, "security_groups": ["b260407f-a566-43bf-a010-7e8b23953dc6"], "auto_security_group": true } ], "plugin_name": "vanilla", "status": "Active", "updated": "2013-07-07T19:06:24", "user_keypair_id": "stack" } ] } 8. Run MapReduce job -------------------- To check that your Hadoop installation works correctly: * Go to NameNode via ssh: .. sourcecode:: console $ ssh ubuntu@ * Switch to hadoop user: .. sourcecode:: console $ sudo su hadoop * Go to the hadoop home directory and run the simplest MapReduce example: .. sourcecode:: console $ cd /usr/share/hadoop $ hadoop jar hadoop-examples-1.2.1.jar pi 10 100 Congratulations! Now you have the Hadoop cluster ready on the OpenStack cloud!