# Copyright (c) 2015 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import functools import telnetlib from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_utils import uuidutils from sahara import conductor from sahara import context from sahara.i18n import _ from sahara.plugins.ambari import client as ambari_client from sahara.plugins.ambari import common as p_common from sahara.plugins.ambari import configs from sahara.plugins import exceptions as p_exc from sahara.plugins import utils as plugin_utils from sahara.utils import poll_utils LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) conductor = conductor.API repo_id_map = { "2.2": { "HDP": "HDP-2.2", "HDP-UTILS": "HDP-UTILS-" }, "2.3": { "HDP": "HDP-2.3", "HDP-UTILS": "HDP-UTILS-" } } os_type_map = { "centos6": "redhat6", "redhat6": "redhat6" } def setup_ambari(cluster): LOG.debug("Set up Ambari management console") ambari = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER) with ambari.remote() as r: sudo = functools.partial(r.execute_command, run_as_root=True) sudo("ambari-server setup -s -j" " `cut -f2 -d \"=\" /etc/profile.d/99-java.sh`", timeout=1800) sudo("service ambari-server start") LOG.debug("Ambari management console installed") def setup_agents(cluster): LOG.debug("Set up Ambari agents") manager_address = plugin_utils.get_instance( cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER).fqdn() with context.ThreadGroup() as tg: for inst in plugin_utils.get_instances(cluster): tg.spawn("hwx-agent-setup-%s" % inst.id, _setup_agent, inst, manager_address) LOG.debug("Ambari agents has been installed") def _setup_agent(instance, ambari_address): with instance.remote() as r: sudo = functools.partial(r.execute_command, run_as_root=True) r.replace_remote_string("/etc/ambari-agent/conf/ambari-agent.ini", "localhost", ambari_address) sudo("service ambari-agent start") # for correct installing packages sudo("yum clean all") def wait_ambari_accessible(cluster): ambari = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER) kwargs = {"host": ambari.management_ip, "port": 8080} poll_utils.poll(_check_port_accessible, kwargs=kwargs, timeout=300) def _check_port_accessible(host, port): try: conn = telnetlib.Telnet(host, port) conn.close() return True except IOError: return False def _prepare_ranger(cluster): ranger = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.RANGER_ADMIN) if not ranger: return ambari = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER) with ambari.remote() as r: r.execute_command("sudo yum install -y mysql-connector-java") r.execute_command( "sudo ambari-server setup --jdbc-db=mysql " "--jdbc-driver=/usr/share/java/mysql-connector-java.jar") init_db_template = """ create user 'root'@'%' identified by '{password}'; set password for 'root'@'localhost' = password('{password}');""" password = uuidutils.generate_uuid() extra = cluster.extra.to_dict() if cluster.extra else {} extra["ranger_db_password"] = password ctx = context.ctx() conductor.cluster_update(ctx, cluster, {"extra": extra}) with ranger.remote() as r: sudo = functools.partial(r.execute_command, run_as_root=True) # TODO(sreshetnyak): add ubuntu support sudo("yum install -y mysql-server") sudo("service mysqld start") r.write_file_to("/tmp/init.sql", init_db_template.format(password=password)) sudo("mysql < /tmp/init.sql") sudo("rm /tmp/init.sql") def update_default_ambari_password(cluster): ambari = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER) new_password = uuidutils.generate_uuid() with ambari_client.AmbariClient(ambari) as client: client.update_user_password("admin", "admin", new_password) extra = cluster.extra.to_dict() if cluster.extra else {} extra["ambari_password"] = new_password ctx = context.ctx() conductor.cluster_update(ctx, cluster, {"extra": extra}) cluster = conductor.cluster_get(ctx, cluster.id) def wait_host_registration(cluster): ambari = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER) hosts = plugin_utils.get_instances(cluster) password = cluster.extra["ambari_password"] with ambari_client.AmbariClient(ambari, password=password) as client: kwargs = {"client": client, "num_hosts": len(hosts)} poll_utils.poll(_check_host_registration, kwargs=kwargs, timeout=600) registered_hosts = client.get_registered_hosts() registered_host_names = [h["Hosts"]["host_name"] for h in registered_hosts] actual_host_names = [h.fqdn() for h in hosts] if sorted(registered_host_names) != sorted(actual_host_names): raise p_exc.HadoopProvisionError( _("Host registration fails in Ambari")) def _check_host_registration(client, num_hosts): hosts = client.get_registered_hosts() return len(hosts) == num_hosts def set_up_hdp_repos(cluster): hdp_repo = configs.get_hdp_repo_url(cluster) hdp_utils_repo = configs.get_hdp_utils_repo_url(cluster) if not hdp_repo and not hdp_utils_repo: return ambari = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER) password = cluster.extra["ambari_password"] pv = cluster.hadoop_version repos = repo_id_map[pv] with ambari_client.AmbariClient(ambari, password=password) as client: os_type = os_type_map[client.get_host_info(ambari.fqdn())["os_type"]] if hdp_repo: client.set_up_mirror(pv, os_type, repos["HDP"], hdp_repo) if hdp_utils_repo: client.set_up_mirror(pv, os_type, repos["HDP-UTILS"], hdp_utils_repo) def create_blueprint(cluster): _prepare_ranger(cluster) cluster = conductor.cluster_get(context.ctx(), cluster.id) host_groups = [] for ng in cluster.node_groups: procs = p_common.get_ambari_proc_list(ng) procs.extend(p_common.get_clients(cluster)) for instance in ng.instances: hg = { "name": instance.instance_name, "configurations": configs.get_instance_params(instance), "components": [] } for proc in procs: hg["components"].append({"name": proc}) host_groups.append(hg) bp = { "Blueprints": { "stack_name": "HDP", "stack_version": cluster.hadoop_version }, "host_groups": host_groups, "configurations": configs.get_cluster_params(cluster) } ambari = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER) password = cluster.extra["ambari_password"] with ambari_client.AmbariClient(ambari, password=password) as client: client.create_blueprint(cluster.name, bp) def start_cluster(cluster): cl_tmpl = { "blueprint": cluster.name, "default_password": uuidutils.generate_uuid(), "host_groups": [] } for ng in cluster.node_groups: for instance in ng.instances: cl_tmpl["host_groups"].append({ "name": instance.instance_name, "hosts": [{"fqdn": instance.fqdn()}] }) ambari = plugin_utils.get_instance(cluster, p_common.AMBARI_SERVER) password = cluster.extra["ambari_password"] with ambari_client.AmbariClient(ambari, password=password) as client: req_id = client.create_cluster(cluster.name, cl_tmpl)["id"] while True: status = client.check_request_status(cluster.name, req_id) LOG.debug("Task %s in %s state. Completed %.1f%%" % ( status["request_context"], status["request_status"], status["progress_percent"])) if status["request_status"] == "COMPLETED": return if status["request_status"] in ["IN_PROGRESS", "PENDING"]: context.sleep(5) else: raise p_exc.HadoopProvisionError( _("Ambari request in %s state") % status["request_status"])