# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import datetime from oslo_config import cfg from oslo_log import log as logging from oslo_serialization import jsonutils as json from oslo_utils import timeutils import six from sahara import conductor as c from sahara import context from sahara import exceptions as ex from sahara.i18n import _ from sahara.i18n import _LE from sahara.utils.openstack import keystone conductor = c.API CONF = cfg.CONF LOG = logging.getLogger(__name__) def _get_expiry(): '''Get the time at which a trust should expire based on configuration''' return timeutils.utcnow() + datetime.timedelta( hours=CONF.cluster_operation_trust_expiration_hours) def create_trust(trustor, trustee, role_names, impersonation=True, project_id=None, expires=True): '''Create a trust and return it's identifier :param trustor: The user delegating the trust, this is an auth plugin. :param trustee: The user consuming the trust, this is an auth plugin. :param role_names: A list of role names to be assigned. :param impersonation: Should the trustee impersonate trustor, default is True. :param project_id: The project that the trust will be scoped into, default is the trustor's project id. :param expires: The trust will expire if this is set to True. :returns: A valid trust id. :raises CreationFailed: If the trust cannot be created. ''' if project_id is None: project_id = keystone.project_id_from_auth(trustor) try: expires_at = _get_expiry() if expires else None trustor_user_id = keystone.user_id_from_auth(trustor) trustee_user_id = keystone.user_id_from_auth(trustee) client = keystone.client_from_auth(trustor) trust = client.trusts.create(trustor_user=trustor_user_id, trustee_user=trustee_user_id, impersonation=impersonation, role_names=role_names, project=project_id, expires_at=expires_at) LOG.debug('Created trust {trust_id}'.format( trust_id=six.text_type(trust.id))) return trust.id except Exception as e: LOG.error(_LE('Unable to create trust (reason: {reason})').format( reason=e)) raise ex.CreationFailed(_('Failed to create trust')) def create_trust_for_cluster(cluster, expires=True): '''Create a trust for a cluster This delegates a trust from the current user to the Sahara admin user based on the current context roles, and then adds the trust identifier to the cluster object. :param expires: The trust will expire if this is set to True. ''' ctx = context.current() trustor = keystone.auth() trustee = keystone.auth_for_admin( project_name=CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_tenant_name) trust_id = create_trust(trustor=trustor, trustee=trustee, role_names=ctx.roles, expires=expires) conductor.cluster_update(ctx, cluster, {'trust_id': trust_id}) def delete_trust(trustee, trust_id): '''Delete a trust from a trustee :param trustee: The user to delete the trust from, this is an auth plugin. :param trust_id: The identifier of the trust to delete. :raises DeletionFailed: If the trust cannot be deleted. ''' try: client = keystone.client_from_auth(trustee) client.trusts.delete(trust_id) LOG.debug('Deleted trust {trust_id}'.format( trust_id=six.text_type(trust_id))) except Exception as e: LOG.error(_LE('Unable to delete trust (reason: {reason})').format( reason=e)) raise ex.DeletionFailed( _('Failed to delete trust {0}').format(trust_id)) def delete_trust_from_cluster(cluster): '''Delete a trust from a cluster If the cluster has a trust delegated to it, then delete it and set the trust id to None. :param cluster: The cluster to delete the trust from. ''' if cluster.trust_id: keystone_auth = keystone.auth_for_admin(trust_id=cluster.trust_id) delete_trust(keystone_auth, cluster.trust_id) ctx = context.current() conductor.cluster_update(ctx, cluster, {'trust_id': None}) def use_os_admin_auth_token(cluster): '''Set the current context to the admin user's trust scoped token This will configure the current context to the admin user's identity with the cluster's tenant. It will also generate an authentication token based on the admin user and a delegated trust associated with the cluster. :param cluster: The cluster to use for tenant and trust identification. ''' if cluster.trust_id: ctx = context.current() ctx.username = CONF.keystone_authtoken.admin_user ctx.tenant_id = cluster.tenant_id ctx.auth_plugin = keystone.auth_for_admin( trust_id=cluster.trust_id) ctx.auth_token = keystone.token_from_auth(ctx.auth_plugin) ctx.service_catalog = json.dumps( keystone.service_catalog_from_auth(ctx.auth_plugin))