Apache Spark and HDFS Configurations for Sahara =============================================== This directory contains default XML configuration files and Spark scripts: * core-default.xml, * hdfs-default.xml, * spark-env.sh.template, * topology.sh These files are used by Sahara's plugin for Apache Spark and Cloudera HDFS. XML config files were taken from here: * https://github.com/apache/hadoop-common/blob/release-1.2.1/src/core/core-default.xml * https://github.com/apache/hadoop-common/blob/release-1.2.1/src/hdfs/hdfs-default.xml Cloudera packages use the same configuration files as standard Apache Hadoop. XML configs are used to expose default Hadoop configurations to the users through Sahara's REST API. It allows users to override some config values which will be pushed to the provisioned VMs running Hadoop services as part of appropriate xml config.