[COMMON] # Username for OpenStack (string value) #OS_USERNAME = 'admin' # Password for OpenStack (string value) #OS_PASSWORD = 'admin' # Tenant name for OpenStack (string value) #OS_TENANT_NAME = 'admin' # URL for OpenStack (string value) #OS_AUTH_URL = '' #OpenStack auth version for Swift (string value) #SWIFT_AUTH_VERSION = 2 # Host for Sahara API (string value) #SAHARA_HOST = '' # Port for Sahara API (integer value) #SAHARA_PORT = '8386' # Api version for Sahara (string value) #SAHARA_API_VERSION = '1.1' # OpenStack flavor ID for virtual machines. If you leave default value of this # parameter then flavor ID will be created automatically, using nova client. # Created flavor will have the following parameters: name=i-test-flavor-, # ram=1024, vcpus=1, disk=10, ephemeral=10. is ID of 8 characters # (letters and/or digits) which is added to name of flavor for its uniqueness # (string value) #FLAVOR_ID = # Cluster creation timeout (in minutes); minimal value is 1 (integer value) #CLUSTER_CREATION_TIMEOUT = 30 # Timeout for node process deployment on cluster nodes (in minutes); # minimal value is 1 (integer value) #TELNET_TIMEOUT = 5 # Timeout for HDFS initialization (in minutes); minimal value is 1 # (integer value) #HDFS_INITIALIZATION_TIMEOUT = 5 # Timeout for job creation (in minutes); minimal value is 1 (integer value) #JOB_LAUNCH_TIMEOUT = 5 # Timeout for a poll of state of transient cluster (in minutes); # minimal value is 1 (integer value) #TRANSIENT_CLUSTER_TIMEOUT = 3 # Name for cluster (string value) #CLUSTER_NAME = 'test-cluster' # OpenStack key pair ID of your SSH public key. Sahara transfers this key to # cluster nodes for access of users to virtual machines of cluster via SSH. # You can export your id_rsa.pub public key to OpenStack and specify its key # pair ID in configuration file of tests. If you already have key pair in # OpenStack then you just should specify its key pair ID in configuration file # of tests. If you have no key pair in OpenStack or you do not want to export # (create) key pair then you just should specify any key pair ID which you like # (for example, "king-kong") but you have necessarily to leave default value of # PATH_TO_SSH_KEY parameter. In this case key pair will be created # automatically. Also to key pair ID will be added little ID (8 characters # (letters and/or digits)) for its uniqueness. In the end of tests key pair # will be deleted (string value) #USER_KEYPAIR_ID = 'sahara-i-test-key-pair' # Path to id_rsa key which is used with tests for remote command execution. # If you specify wrong path to key then you will have the error "Private key # file is encrypted". Please, make sure you specified right path to key. If # this parameter is not specified, key pair (private and public SSH keys) will # be generated automatically, using nova client (string value) #PATH_TO_SSH_KEY = # Pool name for floating IPs. If Sahara uses Nova management network and auto # assignment of IPs was enabled then you should leave default value of this # parameter. If auto assignment was not enabled then you should specify value # (floating IP pool name) of this parameter. If Sahara uses Neutron management # network then you should always specify value (floating IP pool name) of this # parameter (string value) #FLOATING_IP_POOL = # If Sahara uses Nova management network then you should leave default value # of this flag. If Sahara uses Neutron management network then you should set # this flag to True and specify values of the following parameters: # FLOATING_IP_POOL and INTERNAL_NEUTRON_NETWORK (boolean value) #NEUTRON_ENABLED = False # Name for internal Neutron network (string value) #INTERNAL_NEUTRON_NETWORK = 'private' # If this flag is True, do not delete the cluster after test. # This is a debugging aid for instances when errors are logged # on the cluster nodes but the cause of the failure is not # evident from the integration test logs, ie an Oozie exception. # It is intended for use on local hosts, not the official ci host. #RETAIN_CLUSTER_AFTER_TEST = False [VANILLA] # Name of plugin (string value) #PLUGIN_NAME = 'vanilla' # ID for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # name or tag of image instead of image ID. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_ID = # Name for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or tag of image instead of image name. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_NAME = # Tag for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or image name instead of tag of image. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests (string value) #IMAGE_TAG = # Version of Hadoop (string value) #HADOOP_VERSION = '1.2.1' # Username which is used for access to Hadoop services (string value) #HADOOP_USER = 'hadoop' # Directory where logs of completed jobs are located (string value) #HADOOP_LOG_DIRECTORY = '/mnt/log/hadoop/hadoop/userlogs' # Directory where logs of completed jobs on volume mounted to node are located # (string value) #HADOOP_LOG_DIRECTORY_ON_VOLUME = '/volumes/disk1/log/hadoop/hadoop/userlogs' # (dictionary value) #HADOOP_PROCESSES_WITH_PORTS = jobtracker: 50030, namenode: 50070, tasktracker: 50060, datanode: 50075, secondarynamenode: 50090, oozie: 11000 # (dictionary value) #PROCESS_NAMES = nn: namenode, tt: tasktracker, dn: datanode #SKIP_ALL_TESTS_FOR_PLUGIN = False #SKIP_CINDER_TEST = False #SKIP_CLUSTER_CONFIG_TEST = False #SKIP_EDP_TEST = False #SKIP_MAP_REDUCE_TEST = False #SKIP_SWIFT_TEST = False #SKIP_SCALING_TEST = False [HDP] # Name of plugin (string value) #PLUGIN_NAME = 'hdp' # ID for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # name or tag of image instead of image ID. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_ID = # Name for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or tag of image instead of image name. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_NAME = # Tag for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or image name instead of tag of image. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_TAG = # Username to get cluster node with SSH (string value) #SSH_USERNAME = # A list of processes that will be launched on master node (list value) #MASTER_NODE_PROCESSES = JOBTRACKER, NAMENODE, SECONDARY_NAMENODE, GANGLIA_SERVER, NAGIOS_SERVER, AMBARI_SERVER, OOZIE_SERVER # A list of processes that will be launched on worker nodes (list value) #WORKER_NODE_PROCESSES = TASKTRACKER, DATANODE, HDFS_CLIENT, MAPREDUCE_CLIENT, OOZIE_CLIENT, PIG # Version of Hadoop (string value) #HADOOP_VERSION = '1.3.2' # Username which is used for access to Hadoop services (string value) #HADOOP_USER = 'hdfs' # Directory where logs of completed jobs are located (string value) #HADOOP_LOG_DIRECTORY = '/mnt/hadoop/mapred/userlogs' # Directory where logs of completed jobs on volume mounted to node are located # (string value) #HADOOP_LOG_DIRECTORY_ON_VOLUME = '/volumes/disk1/hadoop/mapred/userlogs' # The number of hosts to add while scaling an existing node group #SCALE_EXISTING_NG_COUNT = 1 # The number of hosts to add while scaling a new node group #SCALE_NEW_NG_COUNT = 1 # (dictionary value) #HADOOP_PROCESSES_WITH_PORTS = JOBTRACKER: 50030, NAMENODE: 50070, TASKTRACKER: 50060, DATANODE: 50075, SECONDARY_NAMENODE: 50090 # (dictionary value) #PROCESS_NAMES = nn: NAMENODE, tt: TASKTRACKER, dn: DATANODE #SKIP_ALL_TESTS_FOR_PLUGIN = False #SKIP_CINDER_TEST = False #SKIP_MAP_REDUCE_TEST = False #SKIP_SWIFT_TEST = False #SKIP_SCALING_TEST = False [HDP2] # Name of plugin (string value) #PLUGIN_NAME = 'hdp2' # ID for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # name or tag of image instead of image ID. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_ID = # Name for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or tag of image instead of image name. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_NAME = # Tag for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or image name instead of tag of image. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_TAG = # Username to get cluster node with SSH (string value) #SSH_USERNAME = # A list of processes that will be launched on master node (list value) #MASTER_NODE_PROCESSES = NAMENODE, SECONDARY_NAMENODE, ZOOKEEPER_SERVER, AMBARI_SERVER, HISTORYSERVER, RESOURCEMANAGER, GANGLIA_SERVER, NAGIOS_SERVER, OOZIE_SERVER # A list of processes that will be launched on worker nodes (list value) #WORKER_NODE_PROCESSES = HDFS_CLIENT, DATANODE, ZOOKEEPER_CLIENT, MAPREDUCE2_CLIENT, YARN_CLIENT, NODEMANAGER, PIG, OOZIE_CLIENT # Version of Hadoop (string value) #HADOOP_VERSION = '2.0.6' # Username which is used for access to Hadoop services (string value) #HADOOP_USER = 'hdfs' # The number of hosts to add while scaling an existing node group #SCALE_EXISTING_NG_COUNT = 1 # The number of hosts to add while scaling a new node group #SCALE_NEW_NG_COUNT = 1 # (dictionary value) #HADOOP_PROCESSES_WITH_PORTS = RESOURCEMANAGER: 8088, NAMENODE: 8020, HISTORYSERVER: 19888, SECONDARY_NAMENODE: 50090 # (dictionary value) #PROCESS_NAMES = nn: NAMENODE, tt: NODEMANAGER, dn: DATANODE #SKIP_ALL_TESTS_FOR_PLUGIN = False #SKIP_EDP_TEST = False #SKIP_SWIFT_TEST = False #SKIP_SCALING_TEST = False [MAPR] # Name of plugin (string value) #PLUGIN_NAME = 'mapr' # ID for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # name or tag of image instead of image ID. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_ID = # Name for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or tag of image instead of image name. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_NAME = # Tag for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or image name instead of tag of image. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_TAG = # Username to get cluster node with SSH (string value) #SSH_USERNAME = # A list of processes that will be launched on master node (list value) #MASTER_NODE_PROCESSES = CLDB, FileServer, ZooKeeper, TaskTracker, JobTracker, Oozie # A list of processes that will be launched on worker nodes (list value) #WORKER_NODE_PROCESSES = FileServer, TaskTracker, Pig # Version of Hadoop (string value) #HADOOP_VERSION = '1.0.3' # Username which is used for access to Hadoop services (string value) #HADOOP_USER = 'mapr' # Directory where logs of completed jobs are located (string value) #HADOOP_LOG_DIRECTORY = '/opt/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-0.20.2/logs/userlogs' # Directory where logs of completed jobs on volume mounted to node are located # (string value) #HADOOP_LOG_DIRECTORY_ON_VOLUME = '/volumes/disk1/mapr/hadoop/hadoop-0.20.2/logs/userlogs' # The number of hosts to add while scaling an existing node group #SCALE_EXISTING_NG_COUNT = 1 # The number of hosts to add while scaling a new node group #SCALE_NEW_NG_COUNT = 1 # (dictionary value) #HADOOP_PROCESSES_WITH_PORTS = JobTracker: 50030, CLDB: 7222, TaskTracker: 50060 # (dictionary value) #PROCESS_NAMES = nn: CLDB, tt: TaskTracker, dn: FileServer #SKIP_ALL_TESTS_FOR_PLUGIN = False #SKIP_CINDER_TEST = False #SKIP_MAP_REDUCE_TEST = False #SKIP_SWIFT_TEST = False #SKIP_SCALING_TEST = False [MAPR4_1] # Name of plugin (string value) #PLUGIN_NAME = 'mapr4_1' # ID for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # name or tag of image instead of image ID. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_ID = # Name for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or tag of image instead of image name. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_NAME = # Tag for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or image name instead of tag of image. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_TAG = # Username to get cluster node with SSH (string value) #SSH_USERNAME = # A list of processes that will be launched on master node (list value) #MASTER_NODE_PROCESSES = CLDB, FileServer, ZooKeeper, TaskTracker, JobTracker, Oozie # A list of processes that will be launched on worker nodes (list value) #WORKER_NODE_PROCESSES = FileServer, TaskTracker, Pig # Version of Hadoop (string value) #HADOOP_VERSION = '2.4.0' # Username which is used for access to Hadoop services (string value) #HADOOP_USER = 'mapr' # The number of hosts to add while scaling an existing node group #SCALE_EXISTING_NG_COUNT = 1 # The number of hosts to add while scaling a new node group #SCALE_NEW_NG_COUNT = 1 # (dictionary value) #HADOOP_PROCESSES_WITH_PORTS = JobTracker: 50030, CLDB: 7222, TaskTracker: 50060 # (dictionary value) #PROCESS_NAMES = nn: CLDB, tt: TaskTracker, dn: FileServer #SKIP_ALL_TESTS_FOR_PLUGIN = False #SKIP_EDP_TEST = False #SKIP_SWIFT_TEST = False #SKIP_SCALING_TEST = False [MAPR4_2] # Name of plugin (string value) #PLUGIN_NAME = 'mapr4_1' # ID for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # name or tag of image instead of image ID. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_ID = # Name for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or tag of image instead of image name. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_NAME = # Tag for image which is used for cluster creation. Also you can specify image # ID or image name instead of tag of image. If you do not specify image related # parameters then image for cluster creation will be chosen by tag # "sahara_i_tests" (string value) #IMAGE_TAG = # Username to get cluster node with SSH (string value) #SSH_USERNAME = # A list of processes that will be launched on master node (list value) #MASTER_NODE_PROCESSES = CLDB, FileServer, ZooKeeper, NodeManager, ResourceManager, HistoryServer, Oozie # A list of processes that will be launched on worker nodes (list value) #WORKER_NODE_PROCESSES = FileServer, NodeManager, Pig # Version of Hadoop (string value) #HADOOP_VERSION = '2.4.0' # Username which is used for access to Hadoop services (string value) #HADOOP_USER = 'mapr' # The number of hosts to add while scaling an existing node group #SCALE_EXISTING_NG_COUNT = 1 # The number of hosts to add while scaling a new node group #SCALE_NEW_NG_COUNT = 1 # (dictionary value) #HADOOP_PROCESSES_WITH_PORTS = ResourceManager: 8032, CLDB: 7222, HistoryServer: 19888 # (dictionary value) #PROCESS_NAMES = nn: CLDB, tt: NodeManager, dn: FileServer #SKIP_ALL_TESTS_FOR_PLUGIN = False #SKIP_EDP_TEST = False #SKIP_SWIFT_TEST = False #SKIP_SCALING_TEST = False