# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc. # # Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); # you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. # You may obtain a copy of the License at # # http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 # # Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software # distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS, # WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or # implied. # See the License for the specific language governing permissions and # limitations under the License. import string from oslo_utils import uuidutils import six from sahara.i18n import _ class SaharaException(Exception): """Base Exception for the project To correctly use this class, inherit from it and define a 'message' and 'code' properties. """ code = "UNKNOWN_EXCEPTION" message = _("An unknown exception occurred") def __str__(self): return self.message def __init__(self, message=None, code=None): self.uuid = uuidutils.generate_uuid() if code: self.code = code if message: self.message = message # Add Error UUID to the message self.message = (_('%(message)s\nError ID: %(id)s') % {'message': self.message, 'id': self.uuid}) super(SaharaException, self).__init__( '%s: %s' % (self.code, self.message)) class NotFoundException(SaharaException): code = "NOT_FOUND" message_template = _("Object '%s' is not found") # It could be a various property of object which was not found def __init__(self, value, message_template=None): self.value = value if message_template: formatted_message = message_template % value else: formatted_message = self.message_template % value super(NotFoundException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class NameAlreadyExistsException(SaharaException): code = "NAME_ALREADY_EXISTS" message = _("Name already exists") class InvalidCredentials(SaharaException): message = _("Invalid credentials") code = "INVALID_CREDENTIALS" class InvalidReferenceException(SaharaException): code = "INVALID_REFERENCE" message = _("Invalid object reference") class RemoteCommandException(SaharaException): code = "REMOTE_COMMAND_FAILED" message_template = _("Error during command execution: \"%s\"") def __init__(self, cmd, ret_code=None, stdout=None, stderr=None): self.cmd = cmd self.ret_code = ret_code self.stdout = stdout self.stderr = stderr formatted_message = self.message_template % cmd def to_printable(s): return "".join(filter(lambda x: x in string.printable, s)) if ret_code: formatted_message = '%s\nReturn code: %s' % ( formatted_message, six.text_type(ret_code)) if stderr: formatted_message = '%s\nSTDERR:\n%s' % ( formatted_message, to_printable(stderr)) if stdout: formatted_message = '%s\nSTDOUT:\n%s' % ( formatted_message, to_printable(stdout)) super(RemoteCommandException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class InvalidDataException(SaharaException): """General exception to use for invalid data A more useful message should be passed to __init__ which tells the user more about why the data is invalid. """ code = "INVALID_DATA" message = _("Data is invalid") class BadJobBinaryInternalException(SaharaException): code = "BAD_JOB_BINARY" message = _("Job binary internal data must be a string of length " "greater than zero") class BadJobBinaryException(SaharaException): code = "BAD_JOB_BINARY" message = _("To work with JobBinary located in internal swift add 'user'" " and 'password' to extra") class DBDuplicateEntry(SaharaException): code = "DB_DUPLICATE_ENTRY" message = _("Database object already exists") class CreationFailed(SaharaException): message = _("Object was not created") code = "CREATION_FAILED" class CancelingFailed(SaharaException): message = _("Operation was not canceled") code = "CANCELING_FAILED" class DeletionFailed(SaharaException): code = "DELETION_FAILED" message = _("Object was not deleted") class MissingFloatingNetworkException(SaharaException): code = "MISSING_FLOATING_NETWORK" message_template = _("Node Group %s is missing 'floating_ip_pool' " "field") def __init__(self, ng_name): formatted_message = self.message_template % ng_name super(MissingFloatingNetworkException, self).__init__( formatted_message) class SwiftClientException(SaharaException): '''General wrapper object for swift client exceptions This exception is intended for wrapping the message from a swiftclient.ClientException in a SaharaException. The ClientException should be caught and an instance of SwiftClientException raised instead. ''' code = "SWIFT_CLIENT_EXCEPTION" message = _("An error has occurred while performing a request to Swift") class DataTooBigException(SaharaException): code = "DATA_TOO_BIG" message_template = _("Size of data (%(size)s) is greater than maximum " "(%(maximum)s)") def __init__(self, size, maximum, message_template=None): if message_template: self.message_template = message_template formatted_message = self.message_template % ( {'size': size, 'maximum': maximum}) super(DataTooBigException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class ThreadException(SaharaException): code = "THREAD_EXCEPTION" message_template = _("An error occurred in thread '%(thread)s': %(e)s" "\n%(stacktrace)s") def __init__(self, thread_description, e, stacktrace): formatted_message = self.message_template % { 'thread': thread_description, 'e': six.text_type(e), 'stacktrace': stacktrace} super(ThreadException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class SubprocessException(SaharaException): code = "SUBPROCESS_EXCEPTION" message = _("Subprocess execution has failed") class NotImplementedException(SaharaException): code = "NOT_IMPLEMENTED" message_template = _("Feature '%s' is not implemented") def __init__(self, feature): formatted_message = self.message_template % feature super(NotImplementedException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class HeatStackException(SaharaException): code = "HEAT_STACK_EXCEPTION" message_template = _("Heat stack failed with status %s") def __init__(self, heat_stack_status=None, message=None): if message: formatted_message = message elif heat_stack_status: formatted_message = self.message_template % heat_stack_status else: formatted_message = _("Heat stack failed") super(HeatStackException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class ConfigurationError(SaharaException): code = "CONFIGURATION_ERROR" message = _("The configuration has failed") class IncorrectStateError(SaharaException): message = _("The object is in an incorrect state") code = "INCORRECT_STATE_ERROR" class FrozenClassError(SaharaException): code = "FROZEN_CLASS_ERROR" message_template = _("Class %s is immutable!") def __init__(self, instance): formatted_message = self.message_template % type(instance).__name__ super(FrozenClassError, self).__init__(formatted_message) class SystemError(SaharaException): code = "SYSTEM_ERROR" message = _("System error has occurred") class EDPError(SaharaException): code = "EDP_ERROR" message = _("Failed to complete EDP operation") class OozieException(SaharaException): code = "OOZIE_EXCEPTION" message = _("Failed to perform Oozie request") class TimeoutException(SaharaException): code = "TIMEOUT" message_template = _("'%(operation)s' timed out after %(timeout)i " "second(s)") def __init__(self, timeout, op_name=None, timeout_name=None): if op_name: op_name = _("Operation with name '%s'") % op_name else: op_name = _("Operation") formatted_message = self.message_template % { 'operation': op_name, 'timeout': timeout} if timeout_name: desc = _("%(message)s and following timeout was violated: " "%(timeout_name)s") formatted_message = desc % { 'message': formatted_message, 'timeout_name': timeout_name} super(TimeoutException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class DeprecatedException(SaharaException): code = "DEPRECATED" message = _("The version you are trying to use is deprecated") class Forbidden(SaharaException): code = "FORBIDDEN" message = _("You are not authorized to complete this action") class ImageNotRegistered(SaharaException): code = "IMAGE_NOT_REGISTERED" message_template = _("Image %s is not registered in Sahara") def __init__(self, image): formatted_message = self.message_template % image super(ImageNotRegistered, self).__init__(formatted_message) class MalformedRequestBody(SaharaException): code = "MALFORMED_REQUEST_BODY" message_template = _("Malformed message body: %(reason)s") def __init__(self, reason): formatted_message = self.message_template % {"reason": reason} super(MalformedRequestBody, self).__init__(formatted_message) class QuotaException(SaharaException): code = "QUOTA_ERROR" message_template = _("Quota exceeded for %(resource)s: " "Requested %(requested)s, " "but available %(available)s") def __init__(self, resource, requested, available): formatted_message = self.message_template % { 'resource': resource, 'requested': requested, 'available': available} super(QuotaException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class UpdateFailedException(SaharaException): code = "UPDATE_FAILED" message_template = _("Object '%s' could not be updated") # Object was unable to be updated def __init__(self, value, message_template=None): if message_template: self.message_template = message_template formatted_message = self.message_template % value super(UpdateFailedException, self).__init__(formatted_message) class MaxRetriesExceeded(SaharaException): code = "MAX_RETRIES_EXCEEDED" message_template = _("Operation %(operation)s wasn't executed correctly " "after %(attempts)d attempts") def __init__(self, attempts, operation): formatted_message = self.message_template % {'operation': operation, 'attempts': attempts} super(MaxRetriesExceeded, self).__init__(formatted_message)