Trevor McKay 7e10f34cad Add manila nfs data sources
This change will allow data sources with urls of the form
"manila://share-id/path", similar to manila urls for job binaries.
The Sahara native url will be logged in the JobExecution, but
the true runtime url (file:///mnt/path) for manila shares will
be used in the cluster.

Partial-implements: blueprint manila-as-a-data-source
Change-Id: I0b43491decbe6cb0ec0b84314cf9b407b9e3fb4a
2015-08-18 17:12:05 -04:00

335 lines
11 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2014 OpenStack Foundation
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import random
import re
import string
import uuid
from oslo_config import cfg
from oslo_utils import uuidutils
import six
from sahara import conductor as c
from sahara import context
from sahara.plugins import base as plugin_base
from sahara.service import shares as shares_service
from sahara.swift import swift_helper as sw
from sahara.utils.openstack import manila as m
from sahara.utils import remote
opts = [
help="Postfix for storing jobs in hdfs. Will be "
"added to '/user/<hdfs user>/' path.")
conductor = c.API
# Prefix used to mark data_source name references in arg lists
DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX = "datasource://"
DATA_SOURCE_SUBST_NAME = "edp.substitute_data_source_for_name"
DATA_SOURCE_SUBST_UUID = "edp.substitute_data_source_for_uuid"
def get_plugin(cluster):
return plugin_base.PLUGINS.get_plugin(cluster.plugin_name)
def create_workflow_dir(where, path, job, use_uuid=None, chmod=""):
if use_uuid is None:
use_uuid = six.text_type(uuid.uuid4())
constructed_dir = _append_slash_if_needed(path)
constructed_dir += '%s/%s' % (, use_uuid)
with remote.get_remote(where) as r:
if chmod:
r.execute_command("mkdir -p -m %s %s" % (chmod, constructed_dir))
r.execute_command("mkdir -p %s" % constructed_dir)
return constructed_dir
def get_data_sources(job_execution, job, data_source_urls, cluster=None):
def _construct(ctx, ds_id):
source = conductor.data_source_get(ctx, ds_id)
if source and not in data_source_urls:
url = _construct_data_source_url(source.url,
runtime_url = _runtime_url(url, cluster)
data_source_urls[] = (url, runtime_url)
return source
ctx = context.ctx()
input_source = _construct(ctx, job_execution.input_id)
output_source = _construct(ctx, job_execution.output_id)
return input_source, output_source
def _append_slash_if_needed(path):
if path[-1] != '/':
path += '/'
return path
def may_contain_data_source_refs(job_configs):
def _check_data_source_ref_option(option):
truth = job_configs and (
job_configs.get('configs', {}).get(option))
# Config values specified in the UI may be
# passed as strings
return truth in (True, 'True')
return (
def _data_source_ref_search(job_configs, func, prune=lambda x: x):
"""Return a list of unique values in job_configs filtered by func().
Loop over the 'args', 'configs' and 'params' elements in
job_configs and return a list of all values for which
func(value) is True.
Optionally provide a 'prune' function that is applied
to values before they are added to the return value.
args = set([prune(arg) for arg in job_configs.get(
'args', []) if func(arg)])
configs = set([prune(val) for val in six.itervalues(
job_configs.get('configs', {})) if func(val)])
params = set([prune(val) for val in six.itervalues(
job_configs.get('params', {})) if func(val)])
return list(args | configs | params)
def find_possible_data_source_refs_by_name(job_configs):
"""Find string values in job_configs starting with 'datasource://'.
Loop over the 'args', 'configs', and 'params' elements of
job_configs to find all values beginning with the prefix
'datasource://'. Return a list of unique values with the prefix
Note that for 'configs' and 'params', which are dictionaries, only
the values are considered and the keys are not relevant.
def startswith(arg):
return isinstance(
six.string_types) and arg.startswith(DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX)
return _data_source_ref_search(job_configs,
prune=lambda x: x[len(DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX):])
def find_possible_data_source_refs_by_uuid(job_configs):
"""Find string values in job_configs which are uuids.
Return a list of unique values in the 'args', 'configs', and 'params'
elements of job_configs which have the form of a uuid.
Note that for 'configs' and 'params', which are dictionaries, only
the values are considered and the keys are not relevant.
return _data_source_ref_search(job_configs, uuidutils.is_uuid_like)
def _add_credentials_for_data_sources(ds_list, configs):
username = password = None
for src in ds_list:
if src.type == "swift" and hasattr(src, "credentials"):
if "user" in src.credentials:
username = src.credentials['user']
if "password" in src.credentials:
password = src.credentials['password']
# Don't overwrite if there is already a value here
if configs.get(sw.HADOOP_SWIFT_USERNAME, None) is None and (
username is not None):
configs[sw.HADOOP_SWIFT_USERNAME] = username
if configs.get(sw.HADOOP_SWIFT_PASSWORD, None) is None and (
password is not None):
configs[sw.HADOOP_SWIFT_PASSWORD] = password
def resolve_data_source_references(job_configs,
"""Resolve possible data_source references in job_configs.
Look for any string values in the 'args', 'configs', and 'params'
elements of job_configs which start with 'datasource://' or have
the form of a uuid.
For values beginning with 'datasource://', strip off the prefix
and search for a DataSource object with a name that matches the
For values having the form of a uuid, search for a DataSource object
with an id that matches the value.
If a DataSource object is found for the value, replace the value
with the URL from the DataSource object. If any DataSource objects
are found which reference swift paths and contain credentials, set
credential configuration values in job_configs (use the first set
of swift credentials found).
If no values are resolved, return an empty list and a reference
to job_configs.
If any values are resolved, return a list of the referenced
data_source objects and a copy of job_configs with all of the
references replaced with URLs.
by_name, by_uuid = may_contain_data_source_refs(job_configs)
if not (by_name or by_uuid):
return [], job_configs
ctx = context.ctx()
ds_seen = {}
new_configs = {}
def _resolve(value):
kwargs = {}
if by_name and isinstance(
six.string_types) and value.startswith(DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX):
value = value[len(DATA_SOURCE_PREFIX):]
kwargs['name'] = value
elif by_uuid and uuidutils.is_uuid_like(value):
kwargs['id'] = value
if kwargs:
# Name and id are both unique constraints so if there
# is more than 1 something is really wrong
ds = conductor.data_source_get_all(ctx, **kwargs)
if len(ds) == 1:
ds = ds[0]
ds_seen[] = ds
if not in data_source_urls:
url = _construct_data_source_url(ds.url, job_exec_id)
runtime_url = _runtime_url(url, cluster)
data_source_urls[] = (url, runtime_url)
return data_source_urls[][1]
return value
# Loop over configs/params/args and look up each value as a data_source.
# If we find it, replace the value. In all cases, we've produced a
# copy which is not a FrozenClass type and can be updated.
new_configs['configs'] = {
k: _resolve(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(
job_configs.get('configs', {}))}
new_configs['params'] = {
k: _resolve(v) for k, v in six.iteritems(
job_configs.get('params', {}))}
new_configs['args'] = [_resolve(a) for a in job_configs.get('args', [])]
# If we didn't resolve anything we might as well return the original
ds_seen = ds_seen.values()
if not ds_seen:
return [], job_configs
# If there are no proxy_configs and the user has not already set configs
# for swift credentials, set those configs based on data_sources we found
if not job_configs.get('proxy_configs'):
_add_credentials_for_data_sources(ds_seen, new_configs['configs'])
# we'll need to copy these, too, so job_configs is complete
new_configs['proxy_configs'] = {
k: v for k, v in six.iteritems(job_configs.get('proxy_configs'))}
return ds_seen, new_configs
def _construct_data_source_url(url, job_exec_id):
"""Resolve placeholders in data_source URL.
Supported placeholders:
* %RANDSTR(len)% - will be replaced with random string of lowercase
letters of length `len`.
* %JOB_EXEC_ID% - will be replaced with the job execution ID.
def _randstr(match):
len = int(
return ''.join(random.choice(string.ascii_lowercase)
for _ in six.moves.range(len))
url = url.replace("%JOB_EXEC_ID%", job_exec_id)
url = re.sub(r"%RANDSTR\((\d+)\)%", _randstr, url)
return url
def _runtime_url(url, cluster):
if url.startswith(m.MANILA_PREFIX) and cluster:
path = shares_service.get_share_path(url, cluster.shares or [])
if path is None:
path = mount_share_at_default_path(url, cluster)
# This gets us the mount point, but we need a file:// scheme to
# indicate a local filesystem path
return "file://{path}".format(path=path)
return url
def to_url_dict(data_source_urls, runtime=False):
idx = 1 if runtime else 0
return {id: urls[idx] for id, urls in six.iteritems(data_source_urls)}
def mount_share_at_default_path(url, cluster):
# Automount this share to the cluster with default path
# url example: 'manila://ManilaShare-uuid/path_to_file'
share_id = six.moves.urllib.parse.urlparse(url).netloc
if cluster.shares:
cluster_shares = [dict(s) for s in cluster.shares]
cluster_shares = []
needed_share = {
'id': share_id,
'path': shares_service.default_mount(share_id),
'access_level': 'rw'
cluster = conductor.cluster_update(
context.ctx(), cluster, {'shares': cluster_shares})
return shares_service.get_share_path(url, cluster.shares)