* Added hacking>=0.9.1,<0.10 according to change https://review.openstack.org/#/c/99096 * Ignored all pep8 errors to work with new version Change-Id: I444feced07970b75636358321199ec69992270a5
72 lines
2.2 KiB
72 lines
2.2 KiB
envlist = py26,py27,pep8
minversion = 1.6
skipsdist = True
usedevelop = True
install_command = pip install -U {opts} {packages}
setenv =
deps =
commands = python setup.py test --slowest --testr-args="{posargs}"
whitelist_externals = bash
setenv =
commands = python setup.py test --slowest --testr-args="{posargs}"
commands = python setup.py testr --coverage --testr-args='{posargs}'
downloadcache = ~/cache/pip
commands =
flake8 {posargs}
# Check that .po and .pot files are valid:
bash -c "find sahara -type f -regex '.*\.pot?' -print0|xargs -0 -n 1 msgfmt --check-format -o /dev/null"
commands = {posargs}
commands =
rm -rf doc/html doc/build
rm -rf doc/source/apidoc doc/source/api
python setup.py build_sphinx
setenv = VIRTUAL_ENV={envdir}
commands = bash tools/lintstack.sh
# E112 expected an indented block
# E122 continuation line missing indentation or outdented
# E128 continuation line under-indented for visual indent
# E226 missing whitespace around arithmetic operator
# E241 multiple spaces after ':'
# E251 unexpected spaces around keyword / parameter equals
# E265 block comment should start with '# '
# E713 test for membership should be 'not in'
# F402 import 'u' from line 23 shadowed by loop variable
# H202 assertRaises Exception too broad
# H305 imports not grouped correctly (re: stdlib, six: third-party)
# H307 like imports should be grouped together (six and oslo.config.cfg from third-party are separated by whitespace)
# H405 multi line docstring summary not separated with an empty line
# H904 Wrap long lines in parentheses instead of a backslash
ignore = E112,E122,E128,E226,E241,E251,E265,E713,F402,H202,H305,H307,H405,H904
show-source = true
builtins = _
local-check-factory = sahara.utils.hacking.checks.factory