Ethan Gafford 36881a9cba [EDP] Add Oozie Shell Job Type
This change adds the Shell job type, currently implemented for the
Oozie engine (per spec).

Oozie shell actions provide a great deal of flexibility and will
empower users to easily customize and extend the features of Sahara
EDP as needed. For example, a shell action could be used to manage
hdfs on the cluster, do pre or post processing for another job
launched from Sahara, or run a data processing job from a
specialized launcher that does extra configuration not otherwise
available from Sahara (ie, setting a special classpath for a Java job).

Change-Id: I0d8b59cf55cf583f0d24c2c8c2e487813d8ec716
Implements: blueprint add-edp-shell-action
2015-03-04 11:06:39 -05:00

193 lines
5.7 KiB

# Copyright (c) 2013 Mirantis Inc.
# Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
# you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
# You may obtain a copy of the License at
# Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
# distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
# implied.
# See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
# limitations under the License.
import re
import xml.dom.minidom as xml
import pkg_resources as pkg
from sahara import version
# hadoop.xml related utils
def load_hadoop_xml_defaults(file_name):
doc = load_xml_document(file_name)
configs = []
prop = doc.getElementsByTagName('property')
for elements in prop:
"name": get_text_from_node(elements, 'name'),
"value": _adjust_field(get_text_from_node(elements, 'value')),
"description": _adjust_field(
get_text_from_node(elements, 'description'))
return configs
def parse_hadoop_xml_with_name_and_value(data):
doc = xml.parseString(data)
configs = []
prop = doc.getElementsByTagName('property')
for elements in prop:
'name': get_text_from_node(elements, 'name'),
'value': get_text_from_node(elements, 'value')
return configs
def _get_node_element(element, name):
element = element.getElementsByTagName(name)
return element[0] if element and element[0].hasChildNodes() else None
def create_hadoop_xml(configs, config_filter=None):
doc = xml.Document()
pi = doc.createProcessingInstruction('xml-stylesheet',
'type="text/xsl" '
doc.insertBefore(pi, doc.firstChild)
# Create the <configuration> base element
configuration = doc.createElement('configuration')
default_configs = []
if config_filter is not None:
default_configs = [cfg['name'] for cfg in config_filter]
for name in sorted(configs):
if name in default_configs or config_filter is None:
add_property_to_configuration(doc, name, configs[name])
# Return newly created XML
return doc.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
def create_elements_xml(configs):
doc = xml.Document()
text = ''
for name in sorted(configs):
element = doc.createElement('property')
add_text_element_to_element(doc, element, 'name', name)
add_text_element_to_element(doc, element, 'value', configs[name])
text += element.toprettyxml(indent=" ")
return text
# basic utils
def load_xml_document(file_name, strip=False):
fname = pkg.resource_filename(
version.version_info.package, file_name)
if strip:
with open(fname, "r") as f:
doc = "".join(line.strip() for line in f)
return xml.parseString(doc)
return xml.parse(fname)
def get_text_from_node(element, name):
element = element.getElementsByTagName(name) if element else None
return element[0].firstChild.nodeValue if (
element and element[0].hasChildNodes()) else ''
def _adjust_field(text):
return re.sub(r"\n *|\t", "", str(text))
def add_property_to_configuration(doc, name, value):
prop = add_child(doc, 'configuration', 'property')
add_text_element_to_element(doc, prop, 'name', name)
add_text_element_to_element(doc, prop, 'value', value)
def add_properties_to_configuration(doc, parent_for_conf, configs):
get_and_create_if_not_exist(doc, parent_for_conf, 'configuration')
for n in sorted(configs):
if n:
add_property_to_configuration(doc, n, configs[n])
def add_child(doc, parent, tag_to_add):
actions = doc.getElementsByTagName(parent)
return actions[0].lastChild
def add_element(doc, parent, element):
actions = doc.getElementsByTagName(parent)
return actions[0].lastChild
def get_and_create_if_not_exist(doc, parent, element):
prop = doc.getElementsByTagName(element)
if len(prop) != 0:
return prop[0]
return add_child(doc, parent, element)
def add_text_element_to_tag(doc, parent_tag, element, value):
prop = add_child(doc, parent_tag, element)
def add_text_element_to_element(doc, parent, element, value):
def add_equal_separated_dict(doc, parent_tag, each_elem_tag, value):
for k in sorted(value):
if k:
add_text_element_to_tag(doc, parent_tag, each_elem_tag,
"%s=%s" % (k, value[k]))
def add_attributes_to_element(doc, tag, attributes):
element = doc.getElementsByTagName(tag)[0]
for name, value in attributes.items():
element.setAttribute(name, value)
def add_tagged_list(doc, parent_tag, each_elem_tag, values):
for v in values:
add_text_element_to_tag(doc, parent_tag, each_elem_tag, v)
def get_property_dict(elem):
res = {}
properties = elem.getElementsByTagName('property')
for prop in properties:
k = get_text_from_node(prop, 'name')
v = get_text_from_node(prop, 'value')
res[k] = v
return res
def get_param_dict(elem):
res = {}
params = elem.getElementsByTagName('param')
for param in params:
k, v = param.firstChild.nodeValue.split('=')
res[k] = v
return res